ml Jim felt that the highlight oi the tour was the visit to the Hayden Planetarium where the lull splendour oi the sky its planets and constellations re ud had It was really someihln Russ Davey director said tithe excursion was dnslxttsd It an educational tour so that the students might see and appreci ate how other people live From the reports that he has received so isr he feels that this purpose was realized wu reallywondmm It mu oven belle than last year JIm Bafr lfllwas one 51 students tram the two Banlo bolleulalel who enjoyed ï¬ve day bus tour to New York last Meclgl1hae lon wguns ï¬red by the men and the at Club th Colleghle Describes NIX Tofur ï¬gqfls Being Really Wondeï¬ul HI leI mm Ire null 00 llulml our ATUIIIAY ML 00 Im 01 Culnon In In II In Hm Imnun ma wy Kldnu II lhll lvofll 00 no mu no mm lnoo mu Nan um um re null 00 llulml our nun all no mum mu lab or Llh Tamhuon 289 country llaman Tru Tammy Amhmn valrl Illnmu Cnc Mr Iparu Mav Thy Mu my Nlm 838 IATIJIIDAV AlluL Mum luv ya nu In llmlll Loo wuuln no munI hma 04 flawllnl Klnllllhrr cm no nun IIImny con Tum Tlml no nu Lucy mu yumuuu The Iludenli were chuperon ed by Miss Helen Spanll Bert Bonnflra end Mr and Mn Dave Palmteer Due to some Instminute enncellnllnnl our Id guests Mrs Reg Adams Mu Gertrude Archerv Mlss Al fred Strange and Miss Viola strange were Included In the party Iealure of the visit was lha oppnriunlly to attend the annual Easter show at nndlo Cky Mu sic Hall 0n he snme yrogram was Ihe mnvle ByeBye Bir die The party emerged from Ihc show to ï¬nd wnlllng line people standlng four abreast matching for elght blacks They were lined up far the nounhour parlormance The burial John AllAn Kne maw 77 formerly of Highland Avenue Bnnle recently took place at tho Slxth Line Cemetery Innisflh Arrangements were by Jennen Funeral Hume Joyce Lee 38 resident of Innlsfll Township or 19 ycars died Monday In Rnyal Vlclnrla ngmlJmrlve She survived by hnr hus haud Benjamln daughter Ava and hue was Dnvld Ben other cculrcs vlsilcd Included 11 Museum Natural History Mr Kncushnw was born the non of the late George and Mar tha Knocshaw mum He married Mary Ann Camenler CtlurtISurreyl Epglnnq Aln my Ha ourvlved by his wife two sons and two dauxhunl Var mm Len anquu xi awl Ellen Mu Mnylnnd Cor ley ol Barrle Arthur Vict oria 50 and Bill Toronto Ila lenvu 15 grandchildren and one realtrundsun Pallbearm were alx nephews Hamld PikeY Tum Powers and Ed Fred Howard and Ken Nicholson all Tamale Huulllnl Sumnlu LIVPZIIY lhcm IA Hm HMHUH Uphohlrllnl In Our null nu Nol Jull My HM BAY ciï¬‚ï¬ UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK ll 1qu unm II mind THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS RVICI mil Cumu Ta nu no mu nnAnrimn MRS JOYCE LEE TELEVISION PROGRAMS KNEESHAW OBITUARY DRIVENOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS And fan lll III nrllnul lo hm llum CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU CKVR CHANNEL VALLEY TAXI PA 82433 rm the Bowery Chinatown lhe Em plre Stale Bulldlnl IE United Nations md the status Ln erty Jim Barr report um um weathn wal good and me par 10 beautllul View of the skyline flun wm Tn Mnka no In mm Lm TV ILIo Wulhcr No Ivor lfl Ilnvll mm um um mnw IUNDAY AIIIL II 130 Cronromn pm Ina GAHIIH JO Cullan Clllnï¬lr 0le rlbm um pron 1010 and NIWI In ClnlfY Tm Valllnl Yuri Lynn lam Illa II II II Whlle In New York the girls Ilnyed the Martha Wnshlnb Inn Hotel The boys flayed at the wllllam Slnnne House residence nfmlnted with thu YMCA John Prince ol the In New York Arranged Ihu tour on the amqp lginegary mmnn Jlm nï¬dm he Ionï¬h lar wara to xonz on tho trip auln next year Crash with Iha run mad compnniu since May 20 me rode his last traln lnw Bun1e Tuesday anamoon and It was 30 minutes late He re urea nae fear of nrvlca beginning brakemnn wnh tho Grand trunk Railway Between mm and ms he worked vln vnrlou departmenm hols lawman laborer car checker hm resumcd duly brakeman in December 1925 He was classed as mndua Im on Sept 15 1942 ther had been In the railway business or so years He ro llres officially at H19 end of May by has accumulated and Bryan Her mother two lers and two brnlheu are livln in England The body In the Jennelt Funch Home Barfle Rev Pater Tran will conduct the luntral service St Plull Angllcan 91min Inning all on ï¬hfsiay Burial lell In St Pauls Cemaery Robert Love Stevenson 62 son ha late Mr Ind Mrs Robin Stevenson of Glasgow Scotland died at homa In Bun1e Mr Stevenson tame to Clnudl in 1921 Ind llvzd In Cookswwn and Ivy married Vllhflmlna Clem In 19 Iurvlved by his wife and cm brother John of be Angela Calif He was member of 14m Orange Mung 4504 The uncrnl wervlce wu con dumd by Rev Gordon Walker First Bapllsl Church ll Slack lcy Funeral Home Barrie Pnllbcaren were Herman Jcn nell Bunllng Weslcy Will mlzhw Fred Relhhlrdr1lnd an Peters and Haney Urry H1 last man Ilnce 1916 and It had to be 1m Temporary entombmcnl vul In Barrie Unlon Cemetery for future burial ln Ivy Prcihylw Inn Cemetery leave until them Last Train Is Late Immv III II 00 um lnlvnll lpunum II In Journal 17mm 4552 33353 Muma mum Villblnh nu hy Dolnnl anan an uxuum Wm Mlleh 1mm lhw 00 MI haul no Alrkln ralml no nmunnm 10 0er mm Min Alvun Th MIN no Mum mlu mm in mu mumplnu so warm Timu oa nu Iv Wu In In no wuan too Tun1 mu TORONTO BARRIE Lu Ta Ilnvu 7mm Innl um lul rmnbuk sulllun llunlnn cxmug in In mid mm nun1m huml TV Nun Illllnrm Nun mm nu ma mmm lv mu ll STEVENSON Thm clubs lnkmul double show at lens lh values Inr In opening bld annrnlly you respond Sn mlnlmum terms you um hava poor hand wllh no point or rmdcmle one with hard point lhm If we changed lhe Ulrco klan three dcucu you would rcspond two tluhl and Ilmllnrly ynu would also Md lwo club with either one or wo Mnu When ynu hava rnnl values Inch in lhII hnnd wilhll hluhcnrd pnlnls lhe wny lo Ihaw them by jumplnl lhu hldding This loll partner hat you Are responding not lull mnller ol duly but because you have mmldcrnbly more lhln ha hgu mm to cxml Na henrul you In moderately good hand but Ire Alum nl lluu value nudcd la Juully lump naponn It ll Ir holler lo mpoml ln heml llmn almonds hurt ruponn wlll lndum partner to hld mln mm often than mum anvm SAN FRANCISCO AP walldressed man In his early a0 and below small group gathersdln the basement or church and calmly lald ol hav ln leaned hln wldowed mother out of the Illa aavlnas she had alhered nickel at time Still analher uld ho lorced hls wife and child to exist on diet 01 ml beans and rice while he sat across lhe table call the same lhlngs wllh anaugh money in his pocket for lg min coulan touch my law he told the group and they nodded In mule agreement The law In zamblcrl language betflnl cgpltal Prhe lolalllnz 65 will presented by Stayncr and Gun Club or he Puea largest entries in their Gala Fish Contest for Rainbow trout onopcnlng jayt April 27 Vin amnvemuonnl lone he told of tquandcrlng the money in Next middleaxed business mm mm of cheating customer and credlwrl to lnance his un requited love tar roulelle As each speaker Introduced himself he was given warm round 01 applause followed by another hand when ha sat down alter telling his story Hes lolns and larcenyr nle listeners were all lamll hr with flu lhm of lhe strange Emlcuon called com pulsive gambling The contest closes at pm when prize $40 $15 and $10 will be awarded on the basis weight Donm m1 Hugh Fish er Joe Deadman Stnyncr Rod and Gun Club and Carling Brewery LIInilch FORMED BY PAIR Member and nonmembers may mks pm You are South ncllher side ymnerablo The blddlnz has va QKQM U003 902 um 4m vmmn use 47 NM 0985 om um DAILY CROSSWORD gm puns Present Prizes For Big Trout Wu North Eu Bauu 1Q DMD Flu wire uiE 01 hwlnt llve Inn 51 Gamblers Unite To Lick Disease What yogch yguflnoyl Mde ï¬makod nah of hog Fuller lundeOd mum 12 long npoon II 011pr 16 Ink Izhmlw moan II plum bon Nouanl ID Pullom Hood mi 0011qu lumi 1mm Icnln I3 AHMI coqu llJm In no alp Olllobnw Hal joint Hula ynlogikn CONTRACT BRIDGE am ID Nuvm ï¬rm at mlnlilbh luy nm mumm Duck By JAY BECKER No notrump The weak 11min hearts and clubs no bar to jumping tn notrump with this lzpotnt hand Partner In almost sure to havo strength tn both suns It would be wrong In respond tn diamonds with hand so Iuttahla or natrump PM Thi wna meellnz of Gambh era Anonymous an orgmlzaklnn formed In La Angelamum ally on Friday lhu ml Sep umber 1957by two compul alva emblem On the verge of ecwnonuc and man bank xuptcy they Joined force to lick the heunrs disease that hm them licked individually Slnce that Umdla cunnin llon has grown In membership to mara Ihan 500 member some 40 groups spread thmuzh out the United States The members who come from all economic racial and relig lpus backgrounds have one common bondtheir uncomml ablo dulla to bet The compulsion to gamble in Mlllomderstood maladylhat ls perhaps but mmmed up by Dr Edmund Burglar who cllll it psychic masochism Dr Hauler author of Thu Psychology at Gambling my compulslvu gambler hnva come lend perverse plenum In punishment diamond rcxponu Ilnce the pos sibility 01 Kendrick game In hearts la remoln lhln In clevenhlck me In dil mandu partner raises two hearts to three you to on to our wilh the Iullesl nonlidnnu Four hcnrts lllzh polnu an naturally ml the solo determlnlnx actor ln cvnlualln hand Trlcks are whal really mum In brldze not palms and this hand whlch is almost sure to wln All or uvun lrlcks by llscll gum to make on tricks in conjuncllnn wllh Northl double It Is hard in lmnglno our men Note Um lha responsu la our hcnm not lhreo This shows Um the jump bld hand on lrump length rather than MzhAcnnl valuel No Ipndu Obviouxly them In gumo when you luv palnll Inclnl lnkwul dou ble hm when the mo Mu ll nl Ihla polnt unrcrlnln Rather than jump lo lhrco noirump wlh turh My Ipadt new per orw lhrcn mm with lllLh poor mu ll btller la cutbid Ipndcalo om partner In choono tho IpoL lhollnul mum drpcnd on ro lpomo lo lhn mehld auicï¬iEu vol 20 hli pmnoun ll Gmk VIII IS Elma WANT 10 LOSE In other words while they Ihlnk they want to wlnat gam bling actually they gamble In nulsfy their deewealed desire use The Inn compulsive gambier cannot quit any game winner Dr Bergler md Most GA members come to their ï¬rst media in answer to an an In the personal column newspaper which ask Do you hava gambling prob lem GRANTS me Minister at Health for Ontario announced capital cothtrucUon grant to St And ews Hospilal Midland $6 33133 ngm payments Wm made to Oolllngvmd General and Hog ta new Tomorme An lllllllllll linu llan uliuclo The ads telling when K0 or unher Information In nnnced by member contribu tions There are no duespay ing members of GA and 0mm Saldlm Hosplkal $13015199 IN alarm 30 llllpucd III humming Inlmu nulln Gum mom mm plm Ely pa Memrlai Milt LE 293 mï¬ï¬zu nflï¬ï¬mï¬w autumn Pp FARM MINER FRIDAY Ale 26