flea Three members Mrs Crnnuï¬ Mra Hale Kell and Mn Neshllk who have been mem fbers of the WI far 75 years were presented with silver rays by Mrs Kell méellris Intended by abole is member and vlslum The presi denl Mn Ken opened the GILFORD Speciali Mm Jnhn Richards was hostess ta ydhe April Wgrqqla nslgtugg ll THE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL ma NEW OFFICERS Ofï¬cer of Gilford WI or 196154 are pan president Mr Hughes presidenk Mrs Kell first vicepresident Mr Richards second vlcepres dent Mrs Neilly secretary lrcnsurer Mrs Ncsbm diy rick director Mn Hughes allcmale director Mrs Saw Public relaunns otflccr Mrs Sawyer pianist Mrs Hughes nudims Mrs Hugh and Mrs Constable Standing committees agrl tullure and Canadlnn lndmlrlas Mu Griflilhs cililcnshln and education Mn Hughes 1115 iimnch dlrcclars are Mrs Hughes Mrs Todd and Mrs Bell PHELPSTON Speclal Sil ver Maple Womens Inslllnle held Ila annual meeting at Mrs Stewart Jamiesnns Fiilcen members and two visilnra nn lwercd the r011 by paying lees After all reports were given lhr meeting was given aver In Mrs Lea or the eledion or ï¬cers as lollnws hnnurury praldent Mrs Johnslun president Mrs Don McGralh ï¬rst vicepresident Mrs Ed McGrady second vicepresidrnl Mrs McGralh secretary trusurcr Mrs Stewart Jamie son district direclnr Mrs Swan branch dircclor Mrs Ed McGrady Convcntr are ngrlculmre and Canadian Induslrics Mrs The culier Ojibwa baud in Buiialo has been working xlnce Friday in brcnk up some oi the ice It was Joined hxcsdny by he culior Raw from Toledo Ohla Thu lccrhrcnkcr Mncidc naw which passed Detroit Thursday was expected soon Coast Guard Cutler smashed lnlo thick Ice jams In Lnku Eric Thursday £n an attempt to open Bulfnlo la Gm Lake ship pink Buffalo is the only lakes port Ilill Imubled by Ice my and min Irclghlcr vhlch lcll nullnlo Wednesday Buffalo Still Has Problem With Ice Mrs Don McGrath Heads WI Unit At Phelpston 25Year Members Get Silver Trays BUFFALO AP Two US Thls was the annugl meet 5lxcAIIJU Anyoneanon Male of WalkerISpcclal Old NIIAM WALKEI ION LIMITEDIInuuu llDIlllllllll nu until1 nu no Ynurc Sptclalhl ln gum me when uu lmme the luxury vhlly popular prlu Walhrl Spnlal hl ioml hm gum Innlu and tummy have nwlr ll Canada lugul wlllng lmlmlar Inlml whhlny Ntxl Ilnw malt It palm lo lmy Walkrr Spccld 0M When it comes to whisky Im Mrs Weaver conducted the elecllnn of ofï¬cers Mrs Sawyer cunvcncr the nam lnaflng committee tend the slate of ofï¬cers Mrs Neilly ave lhe auditor report Re parts were glven by Ill the can veners lnrlcal research and current events Mrs Nellly llama economic and health Mrs Can Ilum resolutions Mrs Weaver card convener Mrs Chnla curator Needsmulr thtory Mrs Kali dlerIct directors report was read by Mra Hughes later from the EMU 56cm narytreasurer was read an nounclng the mating In Guaiph June 20 L30 pm when the Associated Country Women at ISmWflrld Prpsidcn vgill sg held In Bradlurd May 21 new member of the WI Mrs Blake Cnnstable was pre sented with an Insmute pln by her mower Mrs anel KelL sucial llme was Enjoyed al lerulhe mecling Slx rug were on display which were hooked by snmeol the members whn took the rug CDLIISE The next meeting will be Mrs Douglas Hughes in May Rush cflizemhip and education Mrs Turner communily ac liviucs Mrs OHalloran hls tnrlcal research Mrs Rowan home economlcs and health Mrs Johnston lower and sick fund Mrs McGrndy Ind Mrs Bush press rcponer Mrs RIchardson nudilars Mrs Intrner and Mrs Stephens Mrs Juhn OHallornn presid ed over me business part The millincry Nurse held Mrs Jamicsons home was consider ed succcss The lucky draw wrn won by Mrs Ecv McGralh ed over me bushes part The millincry Nurse held Mrs Jamicsons home was consider ed succcss The lucky draw WM won by Mrs Ecv McGralh Some plans were made hr the next mccllng at Mrs Jnhn IlonL Mix Swan and Mn McGrady assisted the husky wilh relmshmcnls momlnl sllll had not cleared lhe Ice Thursday although cs comd by both cutters the coast guard xnld The Ice is mnswd Irum lhe noth lo lhc south share Luke Eriennd stretches nbuul three miles wide snmu points Average about our eel In lhlckness the cans gumd sald ACWW U5 grain ships have been hauled in he harbor by the Ice Canadian grnln shlps and few US on carriers have made round rips Io Lakuhrnd pom on Lake Superior WAS COPY nnv Ray Bloch musical dlrnclur the Ed Sullivan shnw unrkcd In hl can alllcc boy or New York newspaper Branch directors Mm Van de Veldcn Mrs Falter son and Mrs Wllllam Bakes district dlrector Mrs Car ruthers alternate Mrs Everett Lougheed sunshine committee Mr Arthur Gllfgp Mr Archie SUNNIDALE CORNERS Spec Ial Mrs Van de Veldenwas hnuse hostess or Una annual meeting nl Sunnldale Corner Womens Insulula held recant hepafls of the yarn mlviliex wen given by the secretary lreasurer and convenen Mu Fred Ford pmlcjent he Stayner WI conducted the election or oflicers The 196364 nlflcera are president Mrs Amok Cnrrulhers ï¬rst vlce president Mrs Thoma Patton second victpresldent Mrs R04 hart Munro secretary4rcasur er Mrs Earle Rule mlslanl Mrs Robert Bales Cullmm Mrs Hutchinso nudilors Mrs Arthur Glllcn and Mrs Van de Velden pub lIclly Mrs Ruben Batu milieu are agriculture and Canadian induslries Mrs llalr erl Munro and Mrs Ed Spich er citilenship and education Mrs Robert Bales and Mrs Jnhn Thompson home econom ics and health Mrs William Bales and Mrs Mu McGauicy hisiurical research and current events Mrs William Patterson and Mrs William McEachern public relations Mrs Archie Cuiham and Mrs Arthur Giiicn NAME CONVENERS Plans were completed or he cuchrc to be held ln the hall Ihe evening May Seven prizes weradnnatcd Everyone is welcome Election Plahs For Future Highlight VIIAnnual Meeting Smart move Smart move H3 called llill lha Move slnca 1890 the last sale dependable way to move Easlern Canadas lmest maver provides doorlvduur your most agile possessions pack hatersunpack altu service anywhem In the world Hill expert packers protect Hlll movu you heal can you Ian mIerm IMO2 In nun uwnun Ill MONTREAL CF when Malcolm Stanley took over as principal Guy Drummond Protestant School In suburban Outremonl three year ago lw was shacked by the nbsurdly compllcalcd report card or nudenu Parent came lo me and asked me lo explain It to them had to be very carelul not to tell them didnt understand himself This year the students have new smellï¬ed uni revised by nineman cormth ol the Praiemnl School Board 01 Greater Montreal headed by M5 sungey Farmerlyschooh tried In make report cards exhaustive analyses of Mudenu total In dam and social progress he uald Relrcshmenu were served by Mrs Wllllnm Patterson Mu Mac McGauley and the hostess We have come In the view 1qu the repofl card has very limited function up one card used In an auralLawn school It mens urui three feet when opened Thats the worst example or what mean he said No report card can tell the whole The old cards orced the teacher in make 50 judgmenu on each childs academic and social deveinpmcnl four lime ywr in class of 35 this ioialicd 7000 entries year The new cards requlra 3220 entries Principal Makes Reports Simpler Call PA sasoa AMI sum v0 In no MW STROUD Speclll Door prim winner wen namedat the luhlnn show sponsored hm recently by he Innlsfll Gunter Order the Emma Stu winner me In flmnz were Mn Coleen Emms But He and Mn Btlle Wilton Befl Ewnrt nloie alter ma second showing were Miss Dan1 Wallacexstmud Ind Mu Ken Fergunn Leftoy Alter Ihe show the worthy matron hlrs Ken mm pre sented the commenlltor Mn Jessie Wood Ind the organm Mn Muriel Webmn wlth flowers on behll of the 025 chlpler gm of Bluu Mom In mtggry went to hlh uyh int Mn Elmer Pun Win DoorjPrizes At Stroud Show Supreme Welding Supplies will replace the former Distributor Elston Welding Supply Company and will continue to operate from the existing Plant and Sales ofï¬ce facilities Telephone numbers will remain unchanged To all users of Industrial Gases Welding and Cutting Equipment and Supplies BARRIE P0 Box 579 Burton Ava spujh gripairrle Hwy Null This new local company will provide completé line of depend able LINDE products including PA 618712 LINN lllIwX PRESTOLITE DXWLLI IIPILIAIEC nml UNION CARIIIIIH ml Ivmh mull UNION CARBIDE CANADA lIMITED nuns anus DIVISION PURQX Welding PRESTOIIIE OXWELD Cutting Machines Supplies and Accossorlca HELIARCIncrt gm mnnun electric welding equipment and ncocssoricn NDE Electrodes Arc Welding Machines and Accessories UNDE Oxygen AcetyleneNitrogen Hydrogen Argon Helium and Compressed Air SUPREME WELDING SUPPLIES LIMITED as the LINDE Distributor in this area GUTHRIE Special Rail callJor he April meeting of Guiinia Womens lmiiuia was program suggestion for next year Many helpful hints were liven The meellnl Wu held at Mm Robert Bells The mono Coming Mother heglnnlng wnrklnz togeth er L1 mgress was well com menle on by Mm McAflh ur whn resolutlnn convenur She also had apaem to read Touching Shoulders with You mumps ELECTED Mrs Fred Jnmlmn canducl ed the election silicon and report was read mm the nnmlnaqn committee Guthrie WI Elects Ofï¬cers Mrs Bird 15 President The slate was accepted and Effective immediately it is pleasure to announce the appointment of Welding and Cutting Apparatus Smnll Tnnk Acolylono and Appliances NORTH BAY 1332 Dupencler Rd 4727920 as lullnws Past president Mrs Camcron presldcnt Mrs Bird Hrs vIepxesdtnlY Mr Mel Jamleson second vlm presldenkY Mn Caldwell secretarylrenaurer Mrs James Peamll aulslanl Mn Cllll Base Dlslrlc director Mrs Campbell Bltemme Mrs Cameron Convaners agriculture and Canadian Industrial Mrs Gar don Caldwell historical re search Mrs Willlnm Campbell home econoqu and Mann Mrs Charles Sanderson clu zenshlp and educallan Mr galrlsx public relauons Mrs Fnod Cammlllee Mrs Nor man Campbell Mn An IIII 102 Industrial Rd 8844783 RICHMOND HILL neuea Mu Plllrey nomln allng commlllze Mn Jam lesun lrs Morrl McArlhur AH leaaen Mrs Jack Mason Mlss Betty Caldwell chper cummltlee Mrs Ewen Caldwell and Mrs Cameron audi lura Mrs Gearle Caldwell and Mrs Love hall board represenlnllva Mrs Mason Election wu to Guelph on Jun nmnzemenla are by cummlllen Thu dlsmct nnnunl will he on May 16 Delegates are Mrs Jamlemn Mn Auxmun Bars and Mrs Camp This was lhe annual meeting when each convener nave her report The branch leaders are Id at lend the dessert came lR SXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA lflll made to go 197 Sullablï¬ bélnz made Him