fllv 1359 LEI KIRKLAND LAKE CWA mnmurs jury Mummy Mum IrlurmII rnlifl nccidrw ll Imlll III lhr mill Hmnllnz April IKCMI Knlpnrnl Kru mlh rurku my Tlu uly rulul Klu mrparnln Jflmllhrc Hire uruhvr nc cidrnlully dmhnruml but Imnhlr ln disuntr uhnl 1mm la do lillnl Vllrl mllrxo rmripnl mhl IIuu um mn Ontario he said mm 1nd unplnymrnl or immune n1 300000 ynunfl nwn und mm In the lulmr nmrku dumlg lhn nnxl he yours church nml clumly luhnu WI llw pxmprc II xrmlunlu quml llmxlnulrnl Mn lnld Hwy lnull luring mmnvullnn rrmuunlu trlv nullny nlnhl nl Thnlmrrl Unllnl hlmh lodny world Is form nl wnr and requires the effort cv cry mun um wmnn In Cnnnda Onlnrlo IImnomlcs Mlnism Ruben Mucuulny said Wednes day ninhl Addinssiug dimlvr ul Ille optniqu ul the Nurlhrrn Onlnriu Trude and Nnnutucmring Op purlunlllns Show Mr Mncnulny iuld Cu dinns splnycd artu murnuo In lime or II wnr nml mulu lndnylls wur WITH SIIERATO BnInrc 101mm lllc Conlincnlnl Inn he was nssncinlcd with the Sherman Howl chain for years Before Barrio he was munnxcr uf llw Sherman Fax hcnd Molar Ilokl Ill Ninnnra Fnlls prior lhm usslslnnl manager the Sherman Con The three mnln department hands at he Conllncnlnl Inn have many years of experience hehlnd them to adequately and clljclenllx serve the public He has longlhy scrvlre re turd behind him He Is prcsl dent of lhu Ontario Hotel Sales and Nnnugumcnl Assoclullun nnd member or the N11 llonnl Ilnlul Sales and Manage ment Assoclnllnn Church Worried mos as manager he Inn ls rospunslhle or the mom opnrnllon of all depart ments lhc Inn He holds r011 ulnr sum mmllnns and depart mcnk head moollnus Iron out klnks In service nny oxlstl and generally give lnslrurllons Death Accidental CAPSULE NEWS ONE OF THE amnion dining rooms lacaicd in tho Inn Depcnftment Heads Have Wide Experience TON ICIVA Imulxlnl NORTH BAY CPITrude In TRIBUTE to the Continental Inn IT WAS OUR PLEASURE TO DO THE WIRING OF Macaulay Says Trade Responsibility Of All Which in Turn is Cerlainly Tribute to Barrie HOWEY ELECTRIC Dont Take Shocking Chant Cull Mr JIIJHCL Donald Mor nnd nunshnd he dcpnrlnllon or drr ugniml Andrew anlu Crca Tumnlu who was nrrcslnd onrllcr lhla man In Snskmcha um an immiurnllun dcpnrlmen orders nnd has slnro been held In Dun Jnll pcndlnl hls nppcnl PM lurk qcnrAnld Ion nl Mr nnd Mun Muck ucrl dunlnlly Mal and klllul hlmscll rdnrnluy nluhl wim re vulvtr In the den hl Inlncrl mnnsion In Hill cummunily lhrtc mllu nurlh or Hnmlllon lmpntlor Harry Snyrnu nl lhl rrlmlnnl Immuxnlinn brunch he wuvlncllfl pollen nnld ho Im was InyInI In Hm Llen nhmlly nllrr mum uhcn lhv ncddnnl occumd nld mun ncqulllcd eurllur on nnrcmlcs thnrge was read Vcdnnsdny mm an lmmlxrn Han dcpnrlmcnl nmor whlch wnuld haw dcpolled hlm In his nnllw Scotland bidcrnhle concern over lh drop In the numhcr cl cnndldnlc enA rolling In lhtolaglcnl collcgcs NIZW ROCHELLE NV AN rnmxnnn munnlsm whlch my nlcrlmuly hcrnme vinlltnl or Up to the lime he came Io Barrie he worked al Ihc Shor nlon Continuum In llamillon working hls way to head chcl chef J1 my cd his apprenticeship the Cu odnnlan Hotel In Edinburgh Scmlnnd In 1922 From there he mnvcd lo the Cuslle Hotel In London England and mm as second cth DurInK World War II he served 1n the army and was ncllve on front llnes burgh and wm head chat at lho Roynl Hotel here unul he cm lgfglcd lqquudn In 1952 nuugm lnHumlllon and was also in chmgo at sales and prgmouqn or thin Ihotql Prior lo this servlce he work ed for ha Sheraton Ltd In Mammal and was supervisor or the load and beverage con ml ncrou Canada Mr avers also screens n11 nppllcnnl or employment at the Inn and then urns lhem over Io department hand In on nblc thcmla in their own hlrln Boy Shot No Deportation Mystery Deaths hm twn VATI1HIOVN Onl CF TORONTO CPA15ynah bulldlng m1 nnd He he opened mum people Mher dlnlnz room can Exnmlncr mm Pnnuznll Allnnllc nlllcslhn Unllcd Slates Hrlluln Franco nnd NorwayJalnnd In lho IN vow Wrdnudny nlnm or rtsnlullon nunlnsl Porlunnl nm mmure Wlll nponwrcd by Chan nnd Mnrncco UNITED NATIONS AP The UN Sccurlly Cnuncll has unnnlmously upheld charge by Senegal lhnl plnnu mm For luxuvsa Gulncn bombed lho Snncnulm vlllnze or Dounlnk unjprll lha Hrs lime In mcdlcnl history Is blamed for lho death lwo pnllcnls In New Rochellq Hosp lnl Olllclnls culled It ï¬lm New mysgcrY pnllcnls died lhe hos plal after undcmnlnu upon tnnx or brnkcn lhlzh bones not normally dangerous Injury and Ihe hnspllnla overalan mom wcru or clnsLd Vednuduy TORONTO cmThu mnynr nl luhurhnn New Turunln uutrd Wednesday ha ha wu lcr lupply In Mtlrnpnlllnn Tor nnlu ho lluorldnlrxl wlllmul pupllc nnpoungcmrnl Mayor Dunnld Hmncll ulm II nho rhnirmnn lho Molrnpoll Inn works rnmmilm lnld mmmlllte mull hn would Him In work drpnnmcnl In hypnu lnrmal nnnuunrrmrnt mhrn Iluurldnllnn Hul enlm ho wnlrr ulpmy make il polnl to spank n1 evnry table and ask the pat mns If they enjoyed their man tho service and 0V lhu nmos phcre we presenl she added Afler le Assn lllghwny AWhlle dld vnrlcly nl Ihlngs lh lnmlly moved to Barrlc and Mrs Ferguson work cd or Lakevlew Dnlfy rs era 59 as huslcss has slnfl of 16 lo supervise and In charge of the mike shop three dining rooms and look alter urrangemmll book lngg anq hp bnnqupt hulls Hostess Mrs Elsie Ferguson is originally irnm Kingston where she started to work in drug store years and She did private entering inr some time until she and her inmin mnvad to somewhere an the Ainsku Highway tier husbnnd Lloyd in the Army and has been stationed in Camp Burden ior mains ctgupie yamL 1r mélicr worked or some lme at tho llrillsh Amerlcnn qupl Inï¬ngslun Senegal Upheld Keep Secret The Rmaumnl Tho Dlnlng Room Tho Loungo Prime Mnlslcr Pearson and Dunnu Mlnhlcr Hullycr hnvo mld Cnnndn must pull ll wclxhl In In damnle nlllnncos In 1961 the Conservnllve nd mlnlslrnuan acquired the Amer Icun Voodoo jet Interceptor and paid or 66 of them by taking over ï¬nancial rcspansihlllly or Hi radar slnllons In Canada mm the US No then dunes hnva crnckcd up No pro vlslo gang or spurtx Gm Jnhn Gerhnrl ME NORAD snys We are present crossing the lhmhold or Ihe pcrlnd when lhe Mercan llncnlnl ballisllc minllo will be mme me major lhrcnl In our mu flhls Incldcnlnlly mm or less what farmer rlme mlnlx tcr chlnnbnkm n51 during ho rlccllon cumpnlxnl There no suggestion here that Canada try to bulld new lnlerccplnr But ll the US goes ahead wilh such program Canada pnrlncr In NORAD would he caught up In lhe prob lem ol mslshnflng and deploy menl planes Agouxnsn voonoo NORAD Is not nnly presslng or ncw lnlcrccplur lo coun ler he mnnncd number threat hm ulsn warn matter the hlghesl priority an active defence against Iha lnlcrconll ncnlnl hnlllslln mlsslle and sub mmlanunchcd misslle sny lhey Keel that though the nuclear ques tlnn is apparently scaled Can nda still will have In spend vast sums an nlr defence to rcmnln partner In NORAD The pres NORAD ugrcemcnl mus lo Mr lwhlarshnl Hen drlck chief RCAF alr de lance command snyn Enemy manned bomber cnn Ire nlr lusurlncc missile 1mm outsids our surveillance and Intercep Ilon range and Ma prob lam which Inquire lmmcdinle ucllon He made the statement re conlly at San Franciscn at Narlh American Air Defence Command hrleling hr 1200 northern Cnllrornla civic lead era The lulcmcnl underlie ma wusun NORAD join Cun ndnUS command pressing or new manned Interceptur OTTAWA CPIThere are in dicullnns Ihn Liberal govern men may be commuted wilh some or the some air defence pmhlcm whlch beset he Pro gressive Conservnllves and some Ipw ones well Liberals May Have To Solve New Air Issues We offer our Sincere Congratulations to the proprietors of the Continental Inn onthe occasion of the OPEN Honor the SARJEANT Co lid 335 The SARJEANT Co ltd Fred thay prisoner ram Southern Michigan Prison brought here to icsliiy rains man being lrled on an armed hoidup charze kopi the court icrriiicd ior several minutes and cut lhe reporter Constance Carlee on the arm As he was about In lake the witness stand he zmhbed Miss Coflce held lhe doublecdxed blade aznlnsl her throat and crouched behind her Put It down Fred said chk Severanca on the our All rlghk Ivé hnd ma Farshny as he nu ma blade III In the floor Dear Ann mdm mum discuss this problem with my one em because Im nshumed to admit the sltunuonKuIsu GRAND RAPIDS Mlch AP convicted holdup man held rnzorhiada to the throat of woman court reporter hlesday in boid bid or irecdom but lost his nerve in the face of our police pistols Superior Court Judge Claude Vandcrvlou was our fuel mm the lwo us 1th struggled briefly hush ell over 50 court spectators and other as our ofllccn nlmcd gun It may We have twweurold boy and ourmonlhnld dauxhur My wife adore the boy and keeps hlm Immmllnta She la always cuddling him or pinyin with him Sho brag about hlm lu Hands and relullvu and NI plain to see she worship the little any My wile ignore our Hill Kiri mmpieieiy The chlld ls oilul lying in soiled clothing when came home She tries all ha time sometimes wonder 11 she in been led The child has rash on her legs which the doclor ms is from neglect My wile keeps iorgeliinx lu uei lhe medicine ho prescribed finally want out and an it lyseil lm allall my wlla dlsllke Ihls child and nal calan for her properly It possible or molhcr Io lee ml way Please glva me some help am deeply t0¢ell9fléJL Dear Your wiie nliiA ludn toward in little girl Indeed unnatural it is sick Her resentment against the child in transference oi hosiii lly and anger which is mated elsewhere Your wife needs pmlesslonal help onto and hope you ANN LANDERS Convict Cuts Girl Reporter Look For The Réason Behind The Hostility Muy 5m Continental Inn LAKE 27 SHANTV BAY ROAD Congratulations To The SIMCOE mu um aha ma Very young children mus have love and Illecllon hey can be per manenlly Icaer ll hay Are not ulven rnollonnl sumrl Den Ann Landï¬ll 0m and look and ad older My Uncle Wnlly but look and acts younger He has IDId me he loves me and Im sure love him He nut blood relative but nn uncle by max rlnge Uncle Wally marrled my dads sister 10 years ago Thl was second manInge or hnlh My aunt plenum person but the In lazy and sloppy They light mos of lhe um because she wont cook or keep houst know Uncle Wally and could be happy Iogclher and he will marry me ll say lhe word Boys my own age are bore Please lell me our love renl Thank youFPAllY Dur Pally Your love In real all right Real nolhlng You are llddllnz around wlllI married mun lwlce yuur age two gme loser and an uncle at at Where are your parents my way Slop min In moron once or youll be In morn lmuhle than you need DRIVING HABITS Deu Ann Lnndenx know yuu wlll never print Ulla be cause 11 my see what 31 you arqgn Why did you publish Ill hosa lellm abqu old golfers mak Inz Ippcnr as 11 they Ir the dunzemus driversa lhreal to llle and limb Anynnu wha has an ounce muse known he teennae punks are the xullly ones Th1 why Insurance rules we sky high or driven under 25 IIEADXNG recent survay showed that seven out ul ten boys betwcen 16 and 25 yam of us hnvu been Involved In major accl denl Only two out of on old caller hld been In wrecks Id rlak my neckmy day with Wynnmld gaffer below 11 lid with 17yearold punk who has to rev up piece 1qu just to gel lhu thrill speeding Too had his letter will 10 Into your wnslcbnskel Instead In um newspaper where be longsFMlLLlDN MILE MF FEE WITH NO WRECK very survey have seen Va the drivers under 75 year at age are far more dangerous lhan the senior cll Izan Deu Nu Wreck You drlvu lot better lhan you read dud made it clear the old gaflcr lellera were expressluns rum readers and did not rallch my point View GLASS FOR TROUBLE Bmlo PA 66646 nONOR HOPE lOLLOWEH dMlllllON Bob Hope III bean awarded Wendell Coreyl moUmr tho Nallunnl Asanclallon wanted him be Conxrcga Broadcasters Dlslinguhhed Ser Monal mlnlstcr Ilka lolher vice Award the llm enurlalner and he wanted to bu lawn so honored but become an actor TEE HARRTE EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL 25 Congratulallnm to WOOD STREET 00 DISCO RD SIrucIural Sml and Jclm by Canada Iron Foundries Limited STRUCTURAL DIVISION Robt Garner Every Success for Your Grand Opening and Best Wishes Congratulations to the Continental Inn CONTINENTAL INN LiMITED Continental Inn PA 8246 Good Luck RD REXDALELONT PHONE TORONTO 6772700 SIMCOE QUIKBRIK SUPPLIERS OF THE READY MIXED CONCRETE GRAND OPENING Excavating Plulering by CHURCHILL TO THE on their Phone lofroy 60M BARRIE