RIIUA RUNNINH KIMMHNKKK Hull In II llA HIM Hull lluyto yummy Innrum Mr hark um llw mml 11 cm mu rflvulll Ily rnllmr Ill Imlnn um um lep mum Pllvpluy er ll Hun Um dlsmnl Illll tlnd hramhla pnlrh They wan lurlunulc Na xunnl lay in wnil nml In In low minutes 11er dropped unruly down lhn nnrraw hnln Imrl crnwl ed alarm on lmnd nml knees until he lunncl had hclxhlencd consldcmbly Hurylhlnn wn quinl wrap or Hm xqucnk Im occnslnnnl crlckrl lhul hnd mind In Way Into Iho lunncl The lwn beam Hum lewrd nnly hlnnk Wfllll nhcml lhcm hul be ter lnln no 111mm Hwy ndvnnml Iilcnlly nml Iluwly 0m rmlle hehlnd lhrm cnllml he ultln lo lelth all lhelr lluhls nml prm nunlnnl Um fldrn Hm err momrnl Hwy lmnnl mlhlnu mm um chock with lhrir Inshllghll Wow llny rlnhlrnrd mme Irur ryan away my mum and Im on Nélllink rlso dislmlml lhtm Ind Um rrllnr wnu rnslly enlar nl onrn man They paused l0 last eleven oclock came Brenda messed he covers on her bed nnd swam her pajamas under them If anyone looked in Um door would appear that she was sleeping soundly Then nho opened her window crack for her mum She Inn he drlvcwny nnd kcpl In the almdnw the Inca Sho IIIW lhnl Gull wns wailing or her be band In lhe mud and rnn forward allenlly to Joln her chum brought flashlight loo can wmspcrpd Tugclhcr thEy mp Ilnwly gownullye cm nkmcpl awards Ercnda gr mch wcnkly She was nervous about the plan and hoped lhal her declining good musicalwmody wouldnt nmuso the nusplclons of hu pnrenla Fortunately they did not mm worried about It and soon lelt in the car Are you sure that girl is n11 rIghl Mike her flycamld Nigger aner lncrcdqluusl3j MIDNIGHT EXPLORING Never had the hours Inked Ins more slowly Brendas Inm ly planned to go movie In lawn but she excust horse snylm that she was ï¬rm and wanted lo go lo bod early short form Tb question 13 Btillsh short mm 14 Dolly 15 Owing 17 Violent wind storm 13 Nsled 19 To perform onstage 20 Advertisement 21 Sick 23 Santas laugh 24 To use In broom 26 Cupboards ACROSS Filling gun with bullets English county in inpcclnr General Mk Mulhrr lnr luer rum mm ul wr hmuu plnnlu ll nhonlxl he while or my lluhl mlur wllh mm IIHII nn ll lYmI 1an uu ylrm III InnIy rrlnry lnflmll If ner In handy are It Imn Im in llnu train and mhl Ink In IL 1mm lee Hr mth dur Nuw IMI 4Illulu wlml hnypnnrvl Hu mum nr My lrnvn umlunlly Im mm blue 201d Saxon short form Exclamation To nnnoy North cast Main mad Hizhm par of RESULTS OF NATURE STUDY IM ynu unwmlmr the prulnwul uuuucnlnl on Apnl W11 CHILDS CROSSWORD PUZZLE THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 196 THE CHILDRENS CORNER THE MYSTERIOUS MESSAGE DOWN CHAPTER FIVE 16 By CJM KEEP IIERHXN NUHWNTH England llTlVA 81km naval rnlnlnu lull Im drruuhm lylnh llw Nnr Mk mm mm merm IRHIIIII nlnmd umllmmoul ulnu Hall Tvntnlanr Ian They begun hunlan rapidly using lhvir huh lights cm Iully to discover any crack or spaces In tho block when door muld be allunlw 1mm rm dn finally Alnlul In In amt nnul vulcc Wu Ikml want In lm Inund mlulnu buck home Am him lrcllnx ml lho method nptnlnu Hml door lxnt unlnn In In unmmul la nlzhl We um uphro hrre nznln mnellmr inn nutldwl hrr Iwnd ll nuuml NI like unml mlvlu In her So lhny mrncrd leclr lllpl pnrlul nl luv mml Mul rrlurml In InIr hrmml IIIhmIl lwlnu III cowml Nul In lrle Why ml nlml Irimm mill hunk mw ICnrh hm anun Sludy yml rim Wu In your mm 1er ml yunr mymu nml Imclu lwlnuu ml lrr qlrnwlnl nl ymlr llnwor 11ml Mlle 1w ruwlmrul lwhrw llvo plmm llw your our Innll Mul ll Iiuwrlmrnl No Iruncllun nl Ihl IUIIL lve found il Gui nnld sull ly mm mlnulu Brcndn crossed uvur mu follnwwl wr mlnllng Iinurr Ihu Irpml Um nnrrow crack nmuml It armed he nulllno of wide lnll door Bul how du wn open Gull qucrlcd 1n porplcxlln For mm was no Imndlc lm knob naming lhal my mum dlscnw would yprn lho dour pm Inn But thats Impossible Bren da Gail slum flauy forget ting to keep her voice low Then she dropped lo whisper Thu objed was too large carry along the Iunncl or up lha lad dcr unless It was taken npaxt No somchnw dont lhlnk he mun did that Hrcnda mus ed There would be too much risk of being seen And ank they are trying hard la keep concealed lhcn when ll Brenda answered mailerol Inclly There must be semi room here Look Gull We did not nollco th bolero bul lhcso walls um mndc cement blocks Perhaps theres door hlddnn somcwhqn In them She responded and heir unl lod llghl Hooded ku corner of lhe cellar But lhey stopped ln dismay no object was rm longer there Nolhlng lay round nl nll llslen but no sounds came from nbovm The men had been mm In their promise and had not rclurncd Shth your flash light over hog Gail 21 Jima islhnd zz Sheltered place 74 Slang short form 25 Gym class short form Answer next week ll Dried squash 13 Cluster up carrots 15 Opposite 16 Baby tnlk uu cul 1hr ulrm nun1 ynu wlll my Hm lulm rnnnh lmldr Irc wmlllrl he unlrr mm 11 mull plum up in line Mm nnd lluwtrl Thcy nrl Illa llny rlrvnlnu Vhyylllll Ivl hnppcn LAST WEI cUsTQMERSMAVE RECEIVED FAMOUS NAME Lu ouruli mm mm Am mm PM 3101 GMND UQVID DETERIEIT TOOTKPASTE Du hm Ian 1mm Noam Mm mom Mom kn uxmlt Any uMoN onus Swill 5pm Ivan mum NIEF SAUCE 41 11a IOVll BAT FOOD DATES GRAPES Crop lullnlu Vvlulyl Cllw hm Lvldaull Cclflumlol MID Dllul All VIII lunmll CORN on the COB JAVEX L101 BLEACHrm Canada Na Grade IdahoTypalrRrumfliflmbank Varlalyl BAKING POTATOES Gavion th From Florida No 6mm smï¬i Tnndovl SPECIAL ED SMITH BATSUPv11Â¥ iiï¬ï¬ï¬imï¬kiéiicm MIXES SPECIAL SPECIAL RED lABEL SPECIAL ALL VARIETIES GREEN GIANT MclflllENS HOT B06 BEIJSH v2 SPECIAL FINEST ORANGE PEKOELOBLAWS TEA BAGS5m SOLE FILLETS SPECIAL FANCY CREAM STYLE MEHTY LAMB LEGS Wm 51 SHOPSYS BOLOGNA SPKCIALI Chblu SWEET CELEB COTTAGE BELLS SPECIAL LOBLAWS PURE PORK COUNTRYSTYLE SAUSAGE SPECIAL SEE COUPON FOR EXTRA STAMPS SPECIAL IMPORTED LAMB Roast Chops Stow LAMB in the BHSKET 21 SPECIAL VAC PAC SPECIAL SHORT SHANK WONDERS of the ANIMAL KINGDOM Hayo ygu Ilarleriryouf ANMALKNGPOM cgllodion yell EFREE 39933aeebaeeneoaeaeaeooag om mun mm mm Numb 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