Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Apr 1963, p. 2

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Nlrl Iv lhmy um HUI mum lmmi mmmdu he Lu VI IIDII CflVI Ilfltll Almhm Inlay hr Nmhell Notuum Nu um mummy mm Inn Annal lMulmnll up Lu mm fl mum 71on norl II an mm bumm Im II com no MI on lon IO wr COM Alluml llul Mumlnhlm mum an iv Allul HI um ML fllnl NI Ill 11 HumII LA ml In In dnlmpm can INVOC LAM The llnrmnny 11¢ch nra one of he hrco Cnnndmn chaplm of Harmony Inc The Orlllla chnpler Include nhnul mm born from Bnrrle Orilfln Wood villa and Mldlnnd N0 BANNERS Na other US gurus were nl 11m mud lnhlc They were Mrl erkry Hnnnn Glen Ellyn ll lnlunmlonnl proptrtlu chair mun and Mnrllyn Novnk null mod IIL Inlcrnullonnl lrousur rr 11w lnlcrnnuonnl board mm Inu huimz held In Toronto Thun dny Frlttny and Salurdny brought Khan to Cnnadn Al lhll Imr lellurl from Tnmnla wrra Jan Slnckwrll lormrr mrm brr 0m 0rln rel Adcllnu nnd Mlccn Arnold onu time lhu Orlllin Ith tar belonged In he Swncl Adel inu ha original girk barber shop slnuinl organimuan But hey hmke nwny about llvn mrn ngo and joined Harmony nc Thll was because um Swm Adeline will not ndmll negro munhm nml Harmony Inn uu no burrlcrs In membmhlp lhrough nnUannlily color or trml firm of their Ruth Coils Providence ILL sacro nry of Harmony Inc Alter the dishes warn cleared away and the program IInKshM xho unth orcd lhcm all together for son sosslon ol lmrbmhop favor it In the hour um lollowcd tho girl learned lwo new songs as well MrAI omLLIA sumnow 1mg does it take to learn new song Only mlnulcs lhe Harm Bella prnvcd last nlxht hzy were hnvlnz thclr nnnunl bunan mud Installation at cm ccfs at lhu erllln Hoch It Doesnt Take Long To Learn New Song Emma BELLES bunher shop singing mun 1n the Han mmw Belles sun I116 chap ters annual meeting last night OFFICERS INSTALLED by tho Harmony Hello for 1m 64 are shown here along wllh hose who pafllclpntcd in tha installation ceremony Back row mm let me Mrs Lioyd TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn Dunlup FL flnnll 17 nu 511 1m mnulnul llll Hum rauna mm mm mm 2mm Mn mm mm Ml 4m Anav Alum nudn Mmmm urxmu Mum Mlmull NIIM Ilnmv on we my Mln Imp num It rm lnlmd ML lulu Nlrhl lll Ullllllll Inumuv rm ltlay cm MINING Luk Humn Georulnn llny Hnllhurlon omlrm Luko Onln rlo IlKIDnI Inndon Clrnr and cold Innluht wlm ml Mnlnly lunny Ind warm Thundny Lake SL Iuir Luke Brio Nlunrl wulcrn Lnko Onlnrlo lemonl Wlndsnr mmlllnn To ronto Clear and cold tonight with IroAL Mnlnly Iunny and wnrmcr lhuwday Vlndl Hum lonlzhl Ind muudny Bynopnln Tho wellher canlln um unsemnnhxy coal am On lnrlo Temperatures will he lha 40 um nflernnun In all llons nnd undcr clear Iklcl wlll dro hcluw lrmlng Ionluhl rdn high rmuro movu Into the prnv nce Thundny mnlnly lunny and warmer Mm her cxpcclcd Aldenl Miss Marian Bough Bur rle um vlcchprcsldcnl nnd par liamentarian Mn Jim Mfllud Orlllln mend vlceprcsldml Mrs Peltr Smamlych Barrie recording Imetnry Mn Pcler Dcvantor Orllun trcuurm Mrs Fred Isam Orlflln corres pondan xemlnry Ind Mn Ernest Mark Orlllla hlllarlnn Officers were Installed by Mn Lloyd Lillimc Woodvllle and welcomed by outgoing pmld cm Mn Flory Dlnlr Dnrrlo Asslsllnz In the Installation cm many were Mrs Phyllll Dlvlcs Harrie keeper Run name and Mn Dorlnn Goullng Drillla mnduclrcss at he Orlllin Hotel From Mn Phyllis Dnvlu len or Miss Max1m Cough lend Mn Norman Shelswell harl Qunrtell lrom narrle and Lllllcoe Woodvlllc Installing miner Mu Ernest Mark Orlnln Mitorlan Mrs Pater Devtnlur Orlllla treasurer Mrs Peter Smnndych Barrie recordan leer at ry Mrs Qfllcergr Installed in nu In WEATHER ronncixfi Mum tarp nun rm II Lll 7mm Tum Im Tun mu mm MM Wlllll HEW mun in Mam Mann Pup IMI MIIM 0H IIllrny mnuy elmlull or Ila4n mm mh Ill Emmi wm Mr grllllla gre Ii total Irma mum II Mul Unmnflllloml 0cm Public or Imnln chunk Co mum pa Callulnl lmmuu Nu Kdlullonll rumu rml In um Ncl Mlllllllpll rumm Mnullanll runsqu lumlc or chnl Trmvemum Law anlxhl llllh omonuw Wlndlor Thumal London Klkhrncr Wlnlhnm llumlllun St Calhurlnu Tornnla 31 30 25 15 25 111 30 Trtnion fillinlno Munlrlpl Purpam mnml Publlc Puh IuMIc Library DnM Charm Munlclpllllyl InI flrnml rpm In llnmndluonnl nun mum Frm nu Only Alxamu Timuuml WhIH River Cathrlnu rczlom Hull 51 Mum Norlh Bay Sud huryx Clcnrinl MI ovmlni clear Ind cold lonllhl Mainly mnny and wmnor nmndny Vlndl Hm onlth and mum ny Vlndl beramlnl lluhl tonight Ing1hurldgy ln lbs Woodwlnda mm Wood vllll wen Mn Stanliy Kelley Mu Donald MuEnchern Mn Wlllllm Pelhlck and Lloyd Lllllmo Mu Gefll congratulated lhl Harmony Belles on being lha er chapter to have 100 per ccnk renewu 1u Home Salchmo Flue Har mony Dulles dlrmnr lhnnked tha US zuuu or Ipendlnk Um avenlnn with the Inca group and Mrm Go In pullcular lnr likan churn of the purlod Woodvlua Ian Woodvma Ian durinl th pm urnm Mu 11 Dnvlu an or Mlu Muhn Cough Mn Normu Shelawall hlrl Dona and Mn Wlunm Drum mend hm performad wILH tho Damn Belle tone and Mn WlllInm Drum mend has Harrer Belles members come mm Barrie Orillln Wooder and Mid land Examiner Photon Flo Blur Barrio onluolnl enl Mn Dorian Gou lng Orlllln conduclress and Home Sawhmo Page dir ector Front row mm km Mm Fred 1mm 0rlllh cor CITY BUDGET TAX RATE COAIIAHIQQfiflYEAH Iul hrm nu Nonllu Ml III 000 111 um H000 H1 4731 7MB HM l4 llfl 115111 IMM MOM 7M LIOI Sudhury 11m Cnnldlnn Mcnlll Hullh Anncllunn Blrrle Ilmnrh In nl wrung nl plml dllcunlun wlll lenluro Dr Sanka plychlalrlu at ha Onlnrln Ilapill Pennant Mm Plulln Inclnl warkor Ind 11 Jnchon Dlmlar of he Chlldrcnl Ald Society or Elmcau Coumy Klpulhllnl Slmcon County Councll passed bylaw Monday rcllnquhhlnx counly Jurlsdlcllan nver Iha lec llon highway belwun Cook lawn and Highway 400 lha ex lcmion lllxhwny a9 lormcrly port County Road No TM Include the par he rand both lendinl and wllhln ho vlllnlo CouncIII mud cam mlllu mud on Cookllawn rn quill Tho hylnw rallllu adlon ak tn curly In April when the One larlo Deplnmom Highway look chum highway nlm Lllllnlu Ilgnlnl cannul fie Llfimy llnlirlonlzhl nl dahl oclock The mm We Um Mentally wll In HIon When lnvlled lho Bnrrla am clallnn m1 Into pcoplal hamel In advln lnmlllex on the care ol pruchoolon and flu elderly Mr Lows Inld People hll have mndnnl of upcrltnc Mm een Rankin chalrmnn of the Home Care Committee the Burl Alsoclnllon will bu member of pantl on Adult Tnlnln Control The Barrie Al loctatlan mo of tho more pro mtnent workshop tn Ontario InId Mr Lowe The Trulan Centre hul mu In or home care And mill program can night week dlnclnl lemmlnz and lleluh riding are popular Two delegates from Barrie Mu Flnlnyaon and Mn Iiiuorby will attend urn tenth lil nuai meeting and canierenca oi the Ontario Association tar Re tarded Children at Kinnion iram Thursday to Saturday mommm Mental Health Meeting Tonight Peopln today dnnt renfln In then In urea deal of pot enllal 111 lb retarded pamn uyl Jamel Lowe President the Barrie And District Mannin tlon or Reuned Children Then are some jobs that they nan do much better lhan per lan whn lmt handicapped he nld County Relinquishes Rights To Highway Near Cookstown rcxpandlna mercury Mn Phyllll Davina Ban1e he or of the fllmu Min Mar Cough Ban1e flu viceprev Identv Ind parliamentarian and Mn Alberta Hendenon Orllflu president Retarded Persons Do Have Potential It 71 non HIM M7 an 100 1107 Ilooo 40000 IN HN 4721 LU HIM moo ul LIN IN l7l1 HID Nu Icllan ml lnlun on llnlv on Caunl rmlullun on rnblu rbnlmL ll mnluuan uh lhl prnvlnciul Ind lnlml omn menu min ll mlmmn lnr lhc uwnm nl damn III mull In llll lhrm lnocululed unlml ublu II III vncclnl ml lulu plld hy the lwn luvrrnmnnll Sunnldnlt Tn mu Lloyd ml Ixrkuflurl rnmmluu on In Slmcoa County Cnuncl lnvu tho hml down In lhn wud control hudlrl ll recummrndtd lhnl lhI we had lmllvlul1lvnu II zmlu orlh Hlmcon Ind moo In South Hlmroe Such mavc would make our llu morn nwnro Ike dlrecllanl In hm bench Iron lhuh quul Ilnlld Tm mud commll repm nlktd clcrk Frcd llun or to nullly lhu DHO hut lho chnhn 1n Illnlnl wu Iyprowd by cnunly Another Item In IO caunlry rand cammlllea report Inh mflltd by chalrmln Lawrence Davina complltd with In Innlr lll anmhlp rcqum Innllfll reeva Joleph Cochrnnu Ind My new William Cnmpbcll that Concmlan II of Innhlll Tuwmhlp nlm cullcd the Thorn lan road In llgncd Ill lhe lnnln IDcychu road onlllzhvmx 400 bmunhl complalnll tram vlllngo mldcnll lo Cooktown Countll nl both Ill March and April ynccl Purpose bchlnd lhll mnvo con cern worn by the Duo and Coohlawn to lmprova drain lion Ihl mule 1n the Cook town Im During the Iprlnfl runoff water dnlnlnu from Ilccp hlll em ho vlllnn flooded llnd In the went and at palm when waternhad mm 015 Themhqgren algq lumen In Ilnk ummcn belween Iho D110 Ind Cookulown The Kingston Conlerence ex pected to discuss an ollar mm the Dam Isaociallon to hold tho twelfth Innual meellnl hero in 1965 again CONFERENCE 11 annual co ounce Km Inn Seven which Include the moclallnnl Burris Owen Sound and Muskuka wlll Ink pllcc In Midland May ll ll ex pected that mu lo delelam wln ultgnd from pajama area Hr Lowe re ads All Barth mldenu that the widely acclah med mom Chlld fl WIHIM will be playing In Banh May Md Smkh uked Have you any Idea In dollnn and mu how much can ha Innlbw ted lo tha industrial commlu loqu Frail Can my that whatever hiuaiaryhlt has been increased many times Mumen Ied massmenl and good wiiii Aidi Roberta Ii it butlness ol um Industrial Com mission iuni to create good wiili Mr Pratt N0 certainly not Aid Roberta Could you Iva us figure for the past our re urdina bruinmes and bu need by the Barrie Anacln llan is to educate the public In the last llvo year we hava madu gm stride In brlnzlnz belore the public the knowledu um mnntal and yhyllcnl retardnllnn II IXcknesn Ilka any other uld Mr Low general meellnz the am clalIon will be held th evening at eight oclock the Klnz Guam School study ln slaw Mellon Brlllsh movie will In Ihown demlhu workman ln Gm Brllaln which npproxlmm lhgge Inpnloredln llnnll Asks Budget Be Divided Industrm Commluion resented report to Council an nluht and Home Putt cammluloner mwered coun cl 31 and Insight lnlo In yrobleml and know what should bl dom EDUCATE PUBLIC Is Its Operation Just Good Will mu In mm mar INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION ZIP ZING VIAU MOTORS I1 lown III mama USED CARS 33 film learningln Slow notion aboutI the $2111 mm program wns shown at the meetlnl the Buwlannd Dish1c Aunclallon Eh Retunind Children last clnllon Mr Gomuy Ipoke on range at work pmvldod by the Ontario Amoclntlons rang lnz from home care to adult Iervlccs which solflees are continually cxpnndlng In Ear rla aald assoclntlon prmldcnt Jlm Lowe 1m Kempenfelt Klwanl Club It sponsoran fllm Ohlld Walllnz be shown May ml at local theatre Proceeds from tho lllm wlll go to tha assoclallonl building und In Banlo Tickets can be obulned mm member at we Klwanla Club Mr mu Four huslnumn luvs been located In Ends and my job qr 18 men The film featured the rain Inl pmgram pmunLly under way In England and depicted vnrkm vhnses or employment humelcemd yorkghops Galechibiaker lorda mm In was Peter Gomery Held rpmy 1139 Ontario Aw Addresses Assoc For The Retarded APPLESWM wéhv3m9c MIXMAN IALMON Lll N0 MAUI JUMIO llll Fresh Fruits and chcfablgg rAgriving Daily nunmn nnnwn mu mum ONTARIO GROWN VHO CONTROLLIB ATMDIPMIHI IYDIIAGI FANCY GRAD CANTALOUPE 39 PRIME RIB ROAST MINCED BEEF COOKED HAM SIDE BACON Alter the deputan left and 4P Ilmflu My Mom Punlmad fmn federally Inspected Packing Iloum TOMATO JUICE CHIAN OF TOMATO KETCHUP Nil TOMATO SAW HEINZ SOUP Ml NEW SPAGHETTI GREEN BEANS PORK ROASTS SHANKLESS SHOULDER HONDA WWO IIMNQLI 1322 Frlu nth IAVI WI APPLE PIE MM PARK Alter some mambm woke favorably about he cammlninn Ald Hobart 55ch Jun cant let that enthused alter the qua Hon asked tonight only lup Ened In job garng And AL Mr Roberta laid Im nerv lng notlce mw with the pol mm situation uncertain and an election coming up next year will buy this yearbut next year Ald TL Jnlflflo You probably have In your mlnd lhe dollm and cent and only In emgloyecs Ald Sm think tho Industrial bmmlsslno does of cod or the city thlnk bolero we get too critical we aha got 301110 he llggrqx Meier Cooke ndh trial development ll very high oil the list 01 ravenuu of our 1591 and showed mull Ir0Y council went Into committee of the whole there was consider Ibia discussion about the indul lriai Commission You cant bane an operation like that on dollar and cents wm that kind an operation he might make base M1 and new his Imam hew Business In extremely com peuuve today Thls my when the inflow who wank any thlnz no dart business can that trend dmnl main 930thst has geld lo Ale mm mm mm Inpubllph um Vn In Mind 0n Candll Flam Ind Fund Du An 51 Emu Av III UNI MO in THI dunmud WHOM hull Gm AaP PEACHES 43¢ 3zaz1oo lEAN MEATY BUTT In Pr Mn 17 IAVI nunn wu Mu CNOICI QUALIW Mvz 9C 4ma49c Non Prioc NM 370BAVI Roi PH an ZIoBAVI yum49¢ Ill And wait rior them to com lo himi II hnld 11 lune we lake positivu action and give ihe Industrial Commission our hearty lupport think we should he carciul in our criticism the industrial Commission lest we do irrepar able damage Aid Roberta It was not my intention to disrupt the indus trial Commission hut itwa raid that he did work on tha winter Carnival It wax my understanding this was put on by the Chamber at Commerce He is here do one thlnz Eromota Industry and bring in miners Soma mcmbcn ruggestcd that ha might bu making cantacta through the Wintu Carnival that would brlnl in mum busi Frka HHAVI at Me 314sz PERMANENTS $199 PJMEWEE Joan arrlck mam mm flflexhl PHONEva mu Alk Far The BUDGET SALON an hllplo Avnhfil OPEN EVENING =67 43 601910 5c mph99¢

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