The latest episode in the rou bled llle of Wall Alston and his embattled Lo Angelo Dodgers might be entitled How to Suc ceed In Baseball Without Really Hitting By MIKE BATHET Alloclnlcd Press Spud Dodgers with collec live bnulnx average or 13 de caled Milwaukee Braves Tuesday night wilh truly he roic blow by Frank Hnwanl home run wilh two out in Hue ninth inning that brought the Dodger output lmse hits or he evenlng lo grand lulul or lwn Dodger prido in he lhundmus assault was dampened by the prcmmure retirement at Sandy Knulax in he Scrcnlh inning when he firelmlhng Id lmndcr complained of pulled muscle in his shoulder But rtporl mm he club housa indxcalcd the inluxy suf fered by Koumx wh wus sidc Ilncd mosl of km sowa circulmory ailmvut In his In cor Ln not x5 St Louis and Sun Francisco mrnnwhilc moved mm lie Inr um place The Curdnmls pounded I7 hils and cnlshul Houston Coll 150 lulu lllniu Drnglio pilchvd and lhu Glnnls Mppwl muin nnu Red behind Juan Ma nchnll sixhille CUES SHOW FA Pillaburnh Iruppcrl In third Chicano Cub scond nix rum TORONTO CPI IAlvhrr Hall School noyenrohl unlin Germany wm slgnwl Tue dny hy Turnllhl Mung hulls vi the lnlcrnztllnnul flnllhnll meue SENATORS OUTFIELDE Minnie Minuso goes iniu his slide as he steak home in sixth inning of ycslcrduys game wiih the L0 Angclcs Angels in Washington Angels St Km num lrnm irrmuuy law nlullrlll Ill Hm of Wuuln Uulmin School Mm mine In Town lrnm irrxmuxy 972 Ix pm lnw nlmlrlll the Unlwuily Vulnn Uulmin in Imldnn Ho Mlvmlvd mum running wup with llm LNLI mul ur rlml horn lumdny mm lAnls Hwy mm or 1er home opener lmlny nxnmsl Jnckmnvlllo Sum laxhm Imiml 1m huwlmll rum llnlml 5mm Mom In WINNHICU 111 I1H NT oml hall llu lflmmlr flun CnnAdA llnlly lvruinj Imluy nml mun drlvm mu unklnll nrn having It will lm Innuhvr llmn III II ha Troubled Dodger Team Succeed Without Hits Thm run lxnmml nul ml llw Vnnwuwr inlnnry Ivy mum llllï¬l In mukn llw CnlLnr Hr Iun IIHUN and only our JMHI hmk lune laml drvvvlml rnuw Tnmlny In llu mudrl Ill MIIIIVIIAIII anlnnnl IM Ihrn Hu nulwr MI lurvuir nl VPhlnl Duh mwr nml oh AM IN lnlo medunlcnl dllnmluu ll German Pitcher Signed By Leafs Tll Hill In luvhml lhrl MUN ml llnhh Ilnv nu llwlll lmn lo 3mm mm lmln dunlvlhll ulnnrr II llu hub 1er Ilmllnv nl Dun Nil 01le McQulvk ul IIIvvaIHl nu lulnl lrnm Ilvalrulnlnl rlghl lm Mm lwmlmz and In In MI mmh run hm Iunnlny uillmul lmur tlnl mmlly pulvqu mm mm Mm am buying at Mil wpnlhnr In nmmln llw mm ryle um Some Hope Rally Will Be Tougher Vrllcl in the fourth Inningmam than Hwy had scored in any previuus nameand rallml lo 72 iv lury war the Pirates New ank st and Philadelphia llullms um um schedulrd Howards homer nfl reliever Claude Raymund of SL Jl 1m miscd his mvruue Hr slhr1Hnhu lemme in hut um and has ul hm of llm Dmlgrrs iour humus Ihis sm uu his nHur providing Knuldx mm 270 victory over lquMun 11m Frulny calcher Ed Sadawski moves make the tag 15 um pire Lou Di Mmo watches the action Senators catcher Bob Schmidt who was bat steps away from the plum Hnn lcrrnnmkl umklng In mm at Knulux muml up mlh Tumluys nulury Shaw or Iinrh hlltvr in he ciuhlll In Hawll Im unturned run in he MIUIM Innlnu Inn Munsc Sktmruu was by NM Mc Mullm nlnulcd and UKIHII Nmkc hmlud NMu Oliverl gmundrr Hrnulin umninu hh wmml Millmut km by lmlluu his mum mIllllvr lamm lulu mmcd mn nvvrmze lo ml Hun 0112 He luu wcn Imlchml Ir only In mu In lnumux ThI lnlln nllnrk um lfd nl Al mmlhrn lulu nqu in Hm thd hmlmz nnd ll dnulflu by Huh MI in llw MHnlll VIIITIL 0Y1 SHINE Vhllv nnd KIII thlr IN llu nrdinnl Huck numml lmvr llm Znhlvo and him we rrmm hilr lullvdlll llllro lumbullrd In mm Inur umle pull MM lhry hm Inukrn meI Fl MKONI Thu lruurnl Tnmnhul ank urrnn 11ml Hun IIImy llvn my mum rnlry If mu Inln II Nmlul mm vulh um Inlmn swim Inul MmImmn mu All lhlnpsry mm or Tummn lnr n2 lhq luulldlhvu Vuhu Noll Mr mulrr nnvl nm Irllru Wm rr uhva um mum Ia ll HM Dawn mul lny HIM ol Mllwnnkm in Tnlunlnlrunxr 0m llwry ll hrhl Hnl vlnru ullh II Ilnflh rwlnlly palm ku tnnm Hm ruumflnlmn llv lur KNOW wllh lfllbr mlnll Ill llmllh WWI UNI rnll wrn liml will he mlfllh lluwrllï¬ilmn Fulroll lnmm Wilmn Falcon and llnflvyunh It llmlnllll Mull In Ihn Mk um rmuml mm dihm rnmnm er lrvxuuun nl Tumult Hlnrlrflmivr lhhmY Inld Vu Imu llmmih mlh our war ml min in hall damn WALTER ALSTON and scored lhrne runs while Boyer dravn four runs with twu singles nu inï¬eld out and bascslaadcd walk There were lireworks San Francisco where MartyKcnugh hit disputed nul nut ol the park in Ihc ninth inning with man on base belore going down swinging or lhc ï¬nal one The 1ch clnlmcd Kcough blow was homer They last the nr cumcnl and Mariana won his mom viclnry against one do feat Willie Mays and Orlando Cc pcda each drove ln om run and scored unu ns lhc Giants lunged Jae Nuxlml mm the 1055 Jesse Gnndcr homered for Cinmnnall in the cRrJIth Jim Schnllcrs lhrne run homer was Ihe key hit or lhc Cubs in the ourlh inning upris Ing that heat the Pirates Lou Hmck hit an inside he park homer in the sixih Larry Jack son wrn Ihc dislnncc lnr Chb can allowing eight hits and owned his record at 12 SCISSORED SPORT The Sender and Angels phy ed sccsaw game with lhc Angels winning in lhu 10th inning 54 on solo homer by shortstop Jim Fragosl AP Vircpholo HEARS WITII MANAGE ITIUCIL CPI Heavy wcium Huh Cltxmlx and his mnungrr Al Ilnckmml or New nrk Aplil up Tursdny In munth over mmmy HmIr can lml and promutiunal commit mun Their nuryrnr coulmLl ntlu nlly runs to May In hul Mild lluuhman mum mkrd hlm runlmcl lcmux Iwnrrll nixmrnnnd knucknul Mummy nluhl nvrr Tully Ihmhm Inn4 nl Hm rmhnli Imll Same Sporln CIXI tru hm Thul HUM mum mnuunrr in name unly um ynu can gurss Mhnl lllllkd HIM IIulrfnlu In Hmhm Fwa hnll Rummin ummumml Tllrmlny llu slunlllu Km llymlnln llwir up chnlcc In lhr umn Imlbull vlnyrrl rmluulinn mm nnudlnn unl Irxmr1 lirhlKlriI qunrlrr Imrk nlllr Frank Tmrnllnn Ml Uuhrnilv VrIllm Unllulu lo Jul llmrnhnV Ilyylulu NH Illl Inlvrmlllulnhe nlanr ï¬r lrlulu Imlllmrk Iml lull II If Mnuflrn Fnl OHL WHHJIHX HUMNIZH WINNIIHG HlYJHII Howl le lmvrivhvu Amwlnllnn nl mmlin un hrru lurnlnl ll um lrpourtl THEIlln Hm lnumllnu mer Mmuluy uluhl qu Inmmvr lerollwr rlrdnl vmldrnl mm lmk Hrlltwll of mg much To mum suburb rudrrn vunun Ilrnl INIthr Hull llvn mm 01 ll nwxInlhm n1 urll pm mull hr 1an an nMInnnI 1an Mn 1m Irvrluylnl nrw nnlllmnl Illullmllllflli lrlwlxlun uhum null lmlltmal mumullw THATR SIGN WHIMLH HAMILTON CPD Hnnullml lur Hm nnluu II 1lmll erlll unll MM NI ml Illnlllnul MIMI In llnulo DANGERFIELD MOTORS 42 MM lrroux to slay III wflhoul Im mncrrnnd its TEE BARR Wit1 WE DAY APRIL Amclflid 15135 5pm ercer From theduy they slxned him In Bulllmare Orioles were convinced pitcher Mlll tades Storms Papauedgio had everything lost few things along lh way like islfu ni vnwcla and consonants plus his appen dlx The letters went when he shnrtened Ms name Min Pap pas The appendix was removed Inst seasun The operation spoiled the 1962 American an campaign and delnycd the young right hnndcrs anticipated leap Into thï¬ Zthgame wipnors ctrclc New at is hé sccxhsrxcady lomnko the qupp Pappa won his second game of he young season Tuesday night with fivehit 10 shutout over Minnesota Twins nlso was his second complete game and dropped his earned run uv argue to 157 Pappas who pitched only ll Innings in the minors and has been Baltimore starter since he use of 19 has won 10 15 15 13 and 12 games in the last five seasons He furlhered his drive or hlg year his sensnn by striking out six ho ï¬rst In Minnesota bnllcrsi Only one Minnesota runner advanced to third and he cut there on an TOT we cry protected Dam moms one hull game league lend Kansas City Athletics look 30 declslun aver Detroit Ti gers 105ch of live at their Ins six and Lo Angeles Angels edged Washington Senators 54 In 10 innings as Red Sox New York Yankees game was post ponad because of cold wealher FANS EM EARLY Oxides Péppés Serge Maké Iump ch Sligmnn look the loss and became the sixth consecu Iive leflhandcr 1o luse the Orioles Ith season It 0150 was flu second straight game In in which the Twins were unable to score 11 run The Baltimore run was driven across in the second Inning by Jerry Adair with sacrifice fly following single by Brooks Ro binson and Jon Guinean Kansas Citys Ed Rnknw prime reasnn for he line start he Alhletlcs lhrew anather masmplcce Ihc Tigers He struck out six the first nine rrcn he laced allowing only ï¬ve hils Norm Cashs hnmcr was the only damaging bluw Phil Regan the Detroit starter was the victim sloppy support All three oi the Ath cllcs runs were unearned The ï¬rst run stared on an on tor and Ed Charlcs singled home the winning run in the fourth ALL EU UNEARNED Angel shorlslop Jim Frugosl clashed three hits including game winning home run with lwn out in he lolh ngainsl the Senators Don Rudolph Vnsh inglan slnflur mired the lirs 15 men but the Angel not to him in the slxlh and suvcnlh Frcgns hit the winning homer on Jim Coalus former Yankee rIquhandcr uppcuring lor Iho first limb in Sennlur unifnrm no Dclmsky muted or the Im gels but lid rm survive lhu sixlh He has yet In win this STOCKHOIM AP IVL lnxl my spark um am nwnn that he llmc la mm the rim Is cnmlmz up Inucmur Jullnns son said mrsdny in an Inlcr vhw with Mlonhlndrl Im lIlIl wry Inn Am mhnnunl MUII hm rmlly lousy mu Im Iml nrmun nny llmn nm 11 wnrnimz llm rmvm may he Um um ll Hllle lm wrlIlmlv uu lum In he hungry lu km Hm wank Inna mu mum mlymu hy Allnanch No Longer Hungry Ingo May Retire EQUIPMENT Wholesale Prices mun TinFIN 001 hm wvmlml Mumw mmlyl mm mm um 0mm ll nunlnu PA MN 13 11M ngcmn GARNERS WHOLESALE SPORTS Inur in km dr lull Law 591 FOR WELL DRESSED SPRNGKNIGHTS This tailoredlomeasure suit sale is an oulslanding money saving event at Brass and Glenn This sale is much looked forward to by hundreds of men in Barrie and dlslricl who want lo save many dollars on quality suitings TAILOREDV T0 MEASURE hfdlandiï¬g EASH IF YOU HAVEiIT CREDIT IF YOU WANT IT Dul Wlhh Burlol Luau Mens Boyt upd Slydqnu Wm Store SAlE NOW ON CONTINUES FOR llMITED TIME ONLY COMPARABLE VALUES T0 9500 This outstanding value 15 your invitation to step up to mens fine tailoring an invitation to step into new world of exquisite fashion at an ex tremely small cost to yourself These long wearing materials are made of 100 wool worsted which has been expertly woven by master craftsmen in England You may choose from the very latest solid colors muted checks nail heads fine chalk stripes neat hair lines Glenn checks houndstooth stripes and others Looking for smart tailoring member of our courteous staff will arrange to style the suit of your choice to fit your individual taste and offer advice on tailoring to it your per sonality Come in and choose yours now while selection is greatest 2for $100 PRICED AT ONLY