ProtoCol Is Ignored Loggers In Theatre Princess fAlex Weds 2000 Guests Attending 99 Many 7m whim mm anmll NU umnklul In Du ALlel Iml puuhulu Inn Wilts Inmler lluhmln lrnlxlnlhm uhlcll hm Innml 1nd nllI wnn nun ll mullnu 1an rlny III III mw mud mul Inntlclmln In vllnuplvlwlnm le tnuvnl muiun mud in lhu next aw Ilnyn Thm ll an In II lenl mm rulllrrl thh hr rlmlruhu Cnmrlvmllr uurnmrnl II Ml llnu up Iuhllc hrnrlmu III hold Ill Iummvr nHrr HUI KAIUMMMNU IIII MTV manhlmru Hm In In me ulnar Inl In lrnlhrr hnlr ml pm Imp lulrfuuo on rnul lnhlr 11w IWII lulu Inu 5m lmml MII Inlrmluml In Hm Icah Inlmu Tummy by Ircmlrr Ilo hurls Ml up Hue hum bonu of medical cure lnsnrnnce has Unto kny nspocls ll would he nlunlnry ll would make mcrnxc avnllnblu In crrymu MMle mt IH pr nlo lnwmnrc Inlpunhs who would NI Um wllll Hm only cninpulmry Icnmru nu pro Ifflm The flntnrlu IIill dill hum Susknlchnunna In night Irnm drw Thr Smknlthmum pm nrnm lnhmhlml Insl nummcr Ilm unlmml but unlike 0m lnrlns it tnmpulmry llllll II nprrnlwl luy murman medlml mlu llmmmrc mm mluhm NOIVII MIMIIINIH TORONTO lCl0nlnrln has Inkcn the tint sun slap Io wnrds wcnllrd medlcnre LONDON ANPrlncm Al exandra was mnrrlcd today II he medieval splendor Wesb minlhlcr Abbey lo mun shel known olncu her lccnvnï¬c dnya Scotsman Angus nruce Ogilvy No cmwn or mm an urch duko pould have plausnd Lon donrrs more than lhn linrdwnrk In 34ycnrold nllslncruHc Scol lIsh hullnlsnmlm and son of he EM Airlic In many wn iI wns fairy tale wedding any man worl dimz seems ln hohul Alcx n5 bundonm know her Is rm lnixy Ialo print ONSTAGE TRIAL PRINCESS Alexandra ï¬nancier Angus Ogilvy leave Kant and her hrldcmom West Door of Westminslcr Ont Approaches Medicare Plan EVE highly nmaus Queen Ih Yur No 96 ulrllucr wmurl Imrl nllmnry lenw him lrkriy mul lnMrI In lmlnl mi llnkl In mull mlIn mlll For Examiner Want Ads TeIe phon PA mm The lulephana number to call or the Huskies or Edlzorlnl Dept PA 66331 Our Telephones 1hr tvlnl holnl hulql In It lenml 11mm In III Novlhcrn nutmm rmmnumly ghoul 1m mlu nullhuul ol Tlmmlnl ll lec prnmlsinz fuller Alnirmcnl hy Hrnllh Minlslcr Mnuhuw Dymourl on sccqnd rrnding Mr llahnru omphm um um ho Onlnrlu plnn wlll cnsure llInl medlrnlyncnlm Insurance ume be nvnilnhlo la nll Um muplo this prnvlnco rrnnrdlrss mm or phynlcnl colullllon Il pmldos or Male con lrncl mwlirnl cnrn Innnrlnco lm duldcd upnn try the mmmlurr xuhkcl In govern mrnl npprmnIuhkh must he prnvlllrd hy My comnnny or Imum nthrim nuLh lmurunm The Kmlrnmrn ulll the mnxlmum premium Mulch nu lnxmrr um rhnruo lnr Mlle ln nummn luml IrkilllrMann nr nnmuhlnnï¬ tho prrmlcr mid rwry rnllcu lulu pruvlnr Mil IIU In buy nr nnl In buy nu or Illa may nu Ill mmllcul nrrvltrl Imurnnce rav rnlku lmm 14 rank nl MI nr hrr dinku mul ln Um damn HIM nmy null or hnr lnde uul uqulmmrntuï¬ llm nununi umc fume Tur nllvy whrn Inflle urnl nn hlnl nn harm ul nnlnulul an mnth multlnn run Io lruerflrlM wwle ulvlk dur Ins nMdI lhue mllm WI HUIr1 and nlna nunu Injured my luck lumurs he 1mm musldcrallnn In nurse In lho lcxlslnlure vamlcr will nu tlrfrmlnnl vmlmd In Illvll umkln Amtmr In In lmul nuw nlrm hmunh mnll lh mummy Alcxundrn 2n in lrallinx mngnnlin lace embraldcrud wtlh acorns and oak lcnm swept up he hlmcnrpnled aisle nl Iho nhbcy on Ihn arm at her hrnlhrr lhc Duke Km whn How ram Hon Rank in Hm commlllrc will mm he buck In the Ionislnlurn wllh uxuuvslnl revislona Ellznbclh hpnmcd Irom her sent gold and black throne like seal In the abbey Everylhlng wen hcaulflully The uddm nrnlmhly wan Ihc Inn of Brillsh princes Inr decndc The only unmar ried primcs Xcll Anne who her away 112 Earth Ex amitwr hlll any wlll dun lho OTTAWA CWA mrprlnl Hrlhdny pnrly lor Prlmo Min IAlrr IMunn Tuesday ru luml lwn cnku mm mm nll he nld loam and Illa nlhrr mm nnllnnnl lAhml hrmlqunrlf Many um ll um lrltnvll or Irlulhu Nu IC uml 1h lllnl pm pm And MUIHIIIIHI II am Rum nlluwnnl Hand In rhnllnu Innw ma dclrmlnnu lel Inlo Hm than lo with muvlc Tom Trlnl Duvlnlrllu nllnimm Muir lune In Mr Tlmmlul npcnlnfly ml wdtr 0m Maidn lie Ichu rch Ihe brides long run lnnulcd ullzhlly and he cnuple halted hrlclly lrlnms Anno qulckly hood Hm lrnin II lhn uuly IHHIIIIIII In Ilunm unnhh holdlnl Iurh rlnwvl Tho princm was calm rn dlnnl nnd smllinK displnylng he hnbllual dcmcnnnr that has endeared hat to Briton In all walks me ller brldcnmnm nppmcd rqunlly xnlnxrd and smlllnn nnd mnlly sollclloua as ha squeezed hls hrldcl mnd He were he Imdiliunul morning coal and swiped lmuscrs Each an man nae vow In Alrnnn clear wnrds Thu ceremony Included Alcxnndrnl promls lo ghcy mr hugband Al lho brldnl rnuplo mmhrd Hu nhhey till my plpm mm lhu Sum Guards blnrcd forth and lrcmcnduul cheer nrnl up mm the lhousnnd out lldc VATIII MOVIE Anne was lha chlcl brldcy mnld Alnxandrh blew klss lo mmcnne she started up In Abbey aisle an he arm of hr bmlhor Shusmled frequently mud from lime to lime Kcnlly held hnck her snldlurbrolhcr whu Mined bent on man her xolhcnllgr nhcnd of llmc mpg onmr nusnANn PEARSON READY FOR WARM MILK Ho unld In IIppxrclMtd Io Mum but hp Ihmmhl um mull npnmmlnln hmhdny curd hr rmlml came mm III ullo ll Inhl Ilm hm llmhuhl nl lllrawlng him MR hlrthduy lmlh with In lmnd bulkKn um All Illu lnmminzu hul lhu In Al yuurnnn mllk nml Ilrnhnm rrnckm would he mom upnmnrlnln Ahbef in London nllur lhnlr wudd nu Indny IKllulnr mu vjrclni Ilwn ImumI nhjvcflnn In now lllmllllllnn nl Minu ll Appear lhnl Nu In mm In relurm torn lhouuh lhry nlmunr Ilmple were In loo muth or numbcrl kluh lnhlu mnlhtmUrlnnl who lnr ha llul llmo hurl In ulcu lnln lhe lnx mm In lxrlh Mn ultrnl nml ymlnclll Imm IMII An llunh WIII ln hem mm 7n yum and my wlln gull ghluh Inn Ilck vieml auzhton Skyenr nld leeral MP for Montml Mount floynl since my Ind lrsl uppaslllan MP In ac chnlrmnn the Commons pub llc account committee will ho numlnalcdas Speaker lho Commons for lhu 260 Panh mgnl May lï¬ 11w Canndlnn Lnlmr Column nld nmsdny II will be toer la consldcr retaliatory mlon unlmk Unllcd Slnlu nhlpl un 1m buycolls Candlnn lhlpl In MI lnkcpom Ira tipped OTTAWA CPITho revmun drnnrlmrnl ndmlu In cnnlullnl lhnmnndl of In tounlryl In 000000 lnxpnyern liumlnr Why do 1m lhlnk qualmrd lnr lha diplo null mm chic justlcn 01 Canada Mr Jusllcc Robert Tuschnrcnn flsyunmld senior Judge the Supreme Court 01 Cnnndn The new chlul Susflce nppolnlnd lo Canadas hlxhes coan yum ago succeed Chlcl Iusllco Pnlrlck Kerwin whn ï¬ledjcb He made plnln In nnglonal CDC radlu and television brnad cast Neadn night that the par amount chnlcnga will he lak ng action lo hcul lhl main nd lcnllon wlthln our coun ry MIAWA CWThe threat boycott Amtrlcnn lhlp In no anrenca Scnwny lnom In Ihu International hnllle ol lrndo uninnn or labor Iuprcm ncy onjho GrcalrLaku Thu warnlnl was mud In In lelcxrnm lo Prlma Mlnlxler Imrinn asklnl hlm lo Inm vtnn lmmndlllely wllh Im dm Kennedy ln hall lhu hnrnu OTIAWA CPIPrime Minisa lnr Pentsun launching his new administration on nola oi de Ierminallnn in mm iulura chal lenges has pledged Canadian limu lo exciin the daring cs ihn strong and to give new promise to he Iimid Bcfnrcï¬nlni on lhe nl Mn Pcnrgqn announced basallban he pnrtnershl 61 Englishf Iand FrenchCam lam Dont Fret Over Tax Troubles One In Five Figure It Wrong SAO PAULO Brnll CP MTnm mnmrurVIn cnuver pullfll min upnl lady wlnnlu the men Ihm mm Inrlnxlmrd dlvlnl lo Clflldl ill Hm lnld medal at Ihc Pn CLC MayTake Steps Against US Unless Ship Boycotts Stop New ChiefJuflide Is NamedBy Pearson VANCOUVERITE wms DIVING Amulan men Bmlo Onhrlo Clnldl Wodnndny April 14 1963 HERES ONE 353341111011 Budget IsBClrrieSHigheSt All lhll Im pul mm HIM In Ihe lam olrrlmm mth ILWJM wnrlh ol Mm runth null and mInrllc IvaMAI pmmm 0w Io HIM In mun Al lhu me namulgy Im1w the mznul mr mu mnnl The nnmnl rurrmlu nor In human IX mm In nboul 12 per rrnl Thll yonr ll wan 10 per lnl ml Inml Ill II hllh ML ll hu 11mm KM lumlllu llnn Iyurm tn lhe Mlnl whrrc In Irlumll aoln Inlo nu mulls Im flmrmlully umul lull Mar Um InnL WM About no real unpu rlllm ulnmln lhm hu been In lmullnl ollldlll lll our hull he rm nuq dmmmmï¬ pmrle Dont blmu upqm 11m nnl wu Innnml by how IMHIL my low Ihrml In llm rrlnuvrly ll chull lnlk null mum ll up uunplrlrly So llul nuxor humlmll In ha 000 In hurkeh who wm ymulmr Io enter lhelr rnlrulnllnnl on lha lnrm lllrll Thu Tl nharl lmm mod hy wanerum hm nule rnlrr ring In an nunchnl Iuhln ll Inld lhnl ll lnxlhll lnrnmo wm mm ur lru prlnlul lnx ll blu muld In uml hypnnlnu lho nluhlly complicated churn of wmklnl In erctnlngn In tnlculnll Hm dlv drd In under Hm new nyslrm er mum no In urry lho lnllIIYHI In ll wmnm lhnnxis our hallun Mrzharson said My It was the CLCI openlmz val lty In Ihe rtnewrd nlnnmln lm lwecn lhe SIU and lhu commu nunporlrd Cnnndlln Marlllmn Unlon Thu SlU lrylnn In ber lho ledgllnu CMU by plckcunx and boymmna lhlpl lhn Up per Lam ShlnplnuCompuny Turnnlo which an mnnncd by CMU crown am clnrmlncd la do evcryflflnx lhal government can do In cnsur lhal lhIs park ncrshl will bcwmo richer and he Alruly cqun No purpose wn more impur lnnl or mum urgent than that the problem dvld1nz the two parlncrn mm be undcrslood and lhey must bu mcrcome He spoke the dny Mlcr assum Ink nfllce and he look urlleulnr nolc the Llherals uck or Cnmmnn annrlly They hum senls lo the 91 Irnmesslvo Conservatives 5001 Credik member nnd I7 New Dem Ior three my lunar men Cnnndlnnnhipx by the Scnlnrul Inlcrnnllnnul Union Indl and II nXllu Finding at lnlcml Inquiry lnln ho dlspnln are still being wrfllcn nbnERr TASIIERBAU The prime mlnlxlor whn cclc bmled his birthday wllh lull dny nctlvily and two hlrlhdny cnkcs bought by his sin dealt nnrller In lhc dny wilh he sublet of rclhllons hm haw Frtnch and English Can In both his broadcast and in talking to rcpnrlcra earlier Mr Pearson menllanod his yinnned light to London ncxi week to confer with Prime Minisicr Mncmliinn and his subscqucnk visit with President Kennedy liir Pearson mid he want In discuss with hir Macmillan ways in which Cumin and Bril aln can work together lo im prove ihu trading relalionsnmi the polillcni relations ni he no cnunlrics ni lhc wnrid info was grcal icnl Cnnnda could help in achieve Mr Penman also may spend day wllh Canadian toms Europa whllu ovum TORONTO CF anonln lawyer Grimu Robinson said hxcsday nlum he rcnsun for lurminxn provincial armmizm Inn summer mum is qumllon no tnxnliun wilhnul rrprcscnlnllop It shocklng Ihnl Ihls princl ph can sllll be lhu bnsls he collngm ï¬ght he lnld nhoul 50 cullnum associations at he mrcllnx he Frdcmllon nl Oqlnrlo Cnllnnrrs Associannns Formnuan Connor um clnlluus hns grown out al lrmpl In rcccnl yam hy col lnnm In mk voice In he nflnm the mmmunlliu um lawnshlp where they own num mcr hnmrL He snld he hnd no complalnl ml was resolved nut to slim ll lo Influence the government In any wny lhnl wlll weaken lls acllon Inr you The xnvcrnmcnl would not he necking In evade any Issues avuld nny voles in Pnrllnmenl It would not be seeking any spo dnl dcnls It would brunch no trust harlcr no principle 0N ENGLISIIFRENCH Ho Announced that cnmmlulun on lsm will be set up Inns possible delay Counmimum plmi lnsl all on norm locnl countlls mm mm hood Mr Wm mm mm dshlm ll Ir lululnn lnx In covdtlvu Groups Fdrméd By Cotlagers QTWMEHWWIIZWIIXMVH CAR RALLY REACHES BARRIE TOMORROW that rnynl City Cmmcll last night brought down budget of 5323479994 higwstjnl cflys Msgory The hudgnt call or ma an in Ibo lax ram on larm residenunl and nonrcsidcnllm properly The increases over 1962 are farm 108 rcsldenlial 1086 and nonlcsldcnllal 2726 The home Excwlirn and Luislauu Admlnislmlhe lhnr General Government Flrchrolccllnn Pon Prolccllon an cnlmrcmrnl Protective Impculon Strut Linhlinz Corrccllunx Olhrr Prolcclion Public Vnrk Sanlumon and Wash ï¬rmovnl lloallh Public VuHmo dutnllnn necrmllon Mrrlm Communin Mnim Debt Chnran Tuxm Wrillrn Oll Ctnunly Lory Miscrllnnmu lIxanrlimm Pmrinium or Hmnu Helm Reunue Deï¬cit hom Prior cans Mayor L05 Cooke said think we have in kctp ourselves within the limits we can con tral And think we am not breaking mun We cant keey Juggling up and down about things over which we have no mnirol such ns government grants and Education When say anything on be hall of the committee or mun cil it Is with Hm understanding lhn Its apart from mosc lhin nvnr which we have nu control he nddnd Aid Rubens observed Aboul sayinunc have can lmlovcnlhc high sdmnl we should have some vconlrol over them Km Monlful Thur cu was held In the Irl drum rm mm IMI Illllld In Vnnwum Bulur Ir Fug Increased cost in education at the collegiate level and de cmscd revenue mm grants we masons for the boost In In mus council was old NEED CUSHION Ald Newton lhlnk we ghmlld huilï¬ II slight bit acushlan Hlpenqllure EarmProperty Thxes Are Boosted Slightly ovcnlhc high sdmnl we Sménd Mum Ilem Lx while have some vconlrol over works csï¬mdcd in lhe budzm 8614032 BREAKDOWN or BIiDCET Increase hiqtmrms the owner with an average assessment 15 $325 310 No Mon Than Par Copy22 Fag Clear and mld tonlglfl 17ml Sunny and warmer lhuraday Inwxonlzht 25 High tomorrow 53 For mmmary see page two Local Weather The council ls unrelade body and the high school board islgn qppplnled body bellow leadership would come tram an elected body suggest hat perhaps he mnyor he next mayorl convontlon might bring up Mayor qukc Almost man have found Mia mayors In ulhcr cillcs eel pretly slmngly about thlx DONT GET PAID Ald Roberts Im 01 ry to see rhe in the mill rile and whlle there an reason and suggested we have no control over It suggest that we exert every eflon lo hav some control Aid Morrow don lhlnk we would say loo much far ax the school board In concerned They donl zel paid and we do Ilan ll were on the school board and gel loo much criuclsm Id say You are gelling pald you go ahead nod do il Mayor Cooke Thorn has been excellent cam work In bringing about thts budget W0 would at dastn to noln cmase whatsoever And we have sought to gtve the tn ny cr the best math survtcunl hilawcfl muible Vmcgestvllem on lhe gel 13 educmhn estmuad $1373003 mu villy endirrlday Wlnphnlnl 297710510 3111991 5101 31991111 10mm 61 19201100 WM 55 MLMLW 15177190 15341550 720011 112540 15721 51 816 059179 56751 551307 $7123 12015100 £0014 64886 1520100 1538 0732 $8446 171671 vAclull I961 Exllmllelm 1514000 7893000 6808057 MINA 15150100 92310 0240000 2053035 200M 000000 9010031 15100000 430000 906000 11010631 2204000 X1222 4317711 100000 1031150 Hm 97 6059950 1071 Llmflpfl