to II nv rlmn Ml no but nu mum mum lubmlpun III mm mm mil nu 1mm Mom In 1f Anm In dm mm emun hm nrlum Wynn mud In ma Canadas 14th Prime Minister Lester Bowles Pearson took over the reins of government at Ottawa yesterday and his new cabinet ministers were sworn in by GovernorGeneral Georges Vanler Most Canadians of whatever political affiliation or nonalignment were pleas ed with the list of 25 mlnlstersselected by Mr Pearson There were few sur prises in the group They are well bal anced by age and geography As in the Diefenbaker administration there is one woman in the cabinet Miss Judy La Marsh Niagara Falls lawyer is Minister of Health While not doe tor of medicine she canbe ex acted to give sound administration to ih depart ment Barrie Examiner April 10 102i CNR passenger train TorontoWinnipeg ilier wrecked near Bradiord station Saturday morning It had been reroutod to Al iandale lino owin to woshouts on Bela subi Jr Broo ol Depot Harbour one or youngest engineers on the road at age 26 105i iifo when locomotive over turned Fireman Frank Green was thrown clear and escaped with minor in juries None of the 125 passengers was injured although shaken due to new steel coaches Town Council de cided to call for lenders on remodelling old town hall for municipal auditorium and otiiees Board oiEducalion de cided to proceed with plans to enlar auditorium at Barrie Co iegiate and our classrooms William ii Wright forwarded cheque to Royal Victoria llos pilnijor furnishing new nurses homo in addition to the Prime Minister the cabinet has the experience of our form er ministers under Hon Louis St Laur ent up to 1957 Hort Paul Martin Ex ternal Affairs Hon Paul Hellyer De fence Hon Pickersgill State See rotary Hon Lionel Chevrier Justice Mr Chevrier was listed second in order of precedence in the Privy Council and would be acting prime minister in the absence of Mr Pearson Of particular note in the new Can adian cabinet are two members from Toronto Hon Welter Gordon and Hon Mitchell Sharp None better could be found for the respective positions oi Finance Minister and Trade Minister Mrs Gordon is recognized economist and iinancial expert who headed the Gordon Royal Commission Mr Sharp is is former deputy minister oi trade and commerce who hnd leit the civil service to take senior executive position with leadin privnte com any The abil itics of cse men will of great value to the government in its particular prob lems the days that lie ahead 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Board of Trade failed to come to any agreement over halfholiday situa tion Hail the merchants were closing at Wednesday noon half were staying open Coiiier Street United Church Sunday School anniversary services were conducted by the minister Rev John slone Black with sermons by Rev John Coulter oi Dantoth United Toronto Qunrlot of pupils composed of Frank 3min Stewart Bryson ilnroid iryson and Douglas Smith sang Consider and Hear Me Villinm Lambert rendered noln ecini entertainment iiion day and Tues ny night had presentation THE SILENT MP 51 Thomas TimesJournal Vo seldom hm hm referred lo ex Cpl nu Rm Kelly allhnugh he mnny Hum In the news but on rotorcnco lo the lnrllnmomnry Gulrle Wu ï¬nd that his full name Ummml Inlrlck Kcllr Illa occu mllon In lumbar In the ï¬n do as pro csalonnl hockey playnr lml wnn electchlo Parliament Inn Juno or lhu connllluency of York West Aulnmna luIl onu IM In III IHM and llfluluy llallfllll IM Ilium IALI rhmkn Mun IIAIOII1 IL lellllfll IIAILu mum IllIII llan ll hm by lubvrlplhl mu CoOperation Would Serve ii 41 nun Mb ur11euxgm°Fï¬ 3¢ Wm uu The Barrie Examiner Walla Publisher flarrip OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfleld Street Ban1e bnlarlo DOWN MEMORY LANE shar BrianSlalght General Manager TUE5DAY APRIL ll mu Maylm ulhcr members of lnrllnmont could get bigger and better mnjurlllnl hy simply rcmnlnlng Allen and doing null Ing for 0000 yoar nut lhoy wouldnt nland much of chance he lacked the gran Advantage Mr Monun lllrlck Knlly lm gnluml lhruuuh becoming arm of flu nw munl nvurllnl If profoukmnl huckoy Inna whose number no Ioglun In Cnnndn A11 Parties Canada Best other mlnlstcrs well known for exper ience and ltalent are Mr Benldlckson Mlnes John Garlanduf North Bay Na tlonnl Revenue Roblchaud 01 New answlck Fisheries Charles Bud Drury of Montreal Defence Produc tion Harry Hays Ma or of Calgary Agrlculture George cllralth Trans ort Maurlce Lamontagne of Montreal riva Councll Presldent and Senator 055 Mncdonald Weeks top scorers at Barrio Bowl ing Academy were Tony Saso Kathleen Kennedy and Alice Bogardis Judge Donald Ross held first local court on be ing appointed senior judge of Simeon County Congratulations were extends ed by Hal ii Creswieke on behalf of the Bar Wiles injured in accident in car repair shops at Allandaie CNR John Snso Sons resented flower to each patron on open ng of new ice cream parlor George Seymour medical stu dent at Toronto Varsity spent Easter weekend at home Revr John Brown exNew York City policeman began evangelistic cnmpa gn in Central United Church am not going to ask the Christians to stand he said for have known some to stand who ought to be in jail and front many good eopie to remain seated Make no mis ake the devil is here tonight anti he will be here every night linnd mnaler of ivy Citizens Band William Lennox presented with tokens of es teem on leaving to take up residence In Thornton Engn emenl announced ol itllss Florence iiir ukea ilNe of Parry Sound to iiir Archie Fraser oi Allan dale The Liberals have 130 seats which is three short of majority government but it is very unlikely that they would be defeated on any legislation which is clearly aimed at improvln the economy oi the nation Not any the three op posing parties will dare forrsome time to be accused of obstructionism The surest way to political suicide on the federal scene or the next couple of years would be to precipitate an elec tion The general ublic is just plain fed up with elec ons right now not to mention the expense to the public treasury The economic welfare of Canada com es first and foremost right now Mem bers of each of the four parties will serve their party best in serving Canada best by etaoperative effort to increase Canadas growing role in international affairs and solving those domestic prob icms such as unemployment which must cause the most concern of two iairiu Fantasies Aunt Dru siilas Garden had Mildred Waiis Fran ccs MacLeiian Esther How Ruth Craig Ward Smith Victor Knox and Douglas Simpson in lead roles Columbine loads were riaycd in costume by Hugh Wniince liiam Knox Frances Hurl burtiingnrct How and Harrietflaljl The prcvloul Cnnscrvnllvc member for that conslllnoncy 11ml mnjnrlly In 1051 1111110 but 110d won lhe seal from he 17 cnmlldnle lnnl Juno wllh mn jorlly or 3055 That wns nolhlng com pared wllh llm mnjorltg he go 1ns Mon daymom lhnn 1000 And yet Mr Kelly never ullcml one word In the Hme ommonx durln the nine monlhn ho was Ilmre Ho Ild no cnnlmlgn for roclccllon Ho Wm 00 mnu nccu nod prncllslnu hls prnlmlun in lhu ano Lent innlenu and In nlllcr hnckvy nmmn In ulvn nllmllon lo n1 Hnnnl nllnlrn In lnrllnlnnnl ho was just LIphur lllll volts when In haul lhn ommrlunlly ho more vllhnnl lnlvr rupllng Irnfcssinnnl ncllvlllu Nevnrlhclm he got majorlly of mm than 10000 It is quite likely in fact that the new government will not have to depend on the two fringe parties at all but will get anx necessary support from the Progres sive Conservatives led by Rt Hon John Dietenbaker There is far less dit ierence of opinion between Liberal and Conservative pollcy and opinion than there is between either of them with the Social Creditors or the Sociailst NDPs Urulrnnnl Unwmnr 1HK Wllllu nllmlml wllh III wlla mmrly Mlllhrwn II who II mlmher nuoclnlkllh qul Ipuhr mu Muc Qumin Imarulln COMO llva member at llw lul Inrlln mm for QHRM llil um lmmu mumlnr nl mm In VInnlpox By mmcx Nlcnouou OTTAWAWhere do our wr vlcemen comffmm and whnl are thelr politics Fmrn bras but to buck priv Ale WI an at some lnlercsl In nldellghu on them by Rudy Ini the services vote in the Medium ihe RCAF or CARC ll knan In FrtnchCnnadn 50 755 In an armyzand 21414 in ma Royal Canadian Navy These urvlcemen and Ibo wlves nl those who am mnrv fled were enllllcd la vale at he lervlce polls lrom Aprll In April Veteran ln hospllals opernlcd by the department of veterans nllnln muld leo vote In those poll The ml us ol mum voted on clccllan dny Aprll unlas we chose to lake Idvanlnge of Illa advnnn polls week or no enrllcr But the lam urvlcu rlcc ornle Includlnl member the Ihrco armcd nervchI plum ho wlm manled men plux lhoso hospitalized vclcmm was unmmcd at 111210 vary low 60 per can of those volcd oompnrcd la mm Hum 73 per can ha chlllnn clcclnrnln which marked ballot pnmrl 0n Annual mlnl umln Mnrfllma lrovlncu lu uwlnllnn Vlnnlpol Mon at 100 pawns who nllrnd my In line erfil la Mnrlllmu IMIHHI you can llnd on ma Xrllrlel Thamunly ulrumnnl lur momlmshlp In the pll rnnl Ming ullhor lgy hr1 or mnrrlnu to one lho our Allnnllc pmvlnm 1110 ml llnn wu OHM In um mul all lhon Inlmuplod nnly II lam durlu Um Hemml Vuvhl War It luu mund lmll nun nlflu year whm nulvl ntxumln lunro II llr Inn lorlMlon lhll ymu WIFIHH dlmwr MHI ca mu mm lml In no Irlnru Mann and mum 11w Allnnllc pluv InclI Ink um mil Hill In uqomlnl pnvï¬mln 11w lam count shnwa ml of mm Cunadlun under Imus umL 5391 My ln No and gum mini chlscd wlvu nra nvniluhle We can learn that lho air brlxndo In Europa has 15103 depend Nil overseas but lhls llxuro Incluch chlldren We also know In lhe army hn around 9500 dependent nvmcnl also ln clgdlrlu phlldrcq lolnl of 90359 IcrvIca volu was can 01 lhcso per cm wcnl lo Uhcrnl rundldulu 10 per ccnl In Cunscrvullm Ive per cent to Soclnl Cmmm and um par cunl la NDI cnndl WINNIPEO cmmm nnlly nherlnl damnHan clam lent um your In MI inlewny clly 1M Wm HOW MANY WIVFS Maritimes ShinDig Being Held In Gateway City To The West OTTAWA REPORT in at Illal men Liberals Favored In Service Vote Do You Think You Can Get Him Back On His Feet In Time For His Birthday Party MARITIME FORCES Nearly onrulird ol the nor vice vote was npplicd to iiitucncics in Ontario 3075 service voim cialmed nnt province Is their home Nut cnmn Nova Scotln with 15601 about hall the Ontario total Then lama rum Quebec 10821 1mm BC 7106 mm Alberta 5701 mm New Brunxwick 4980 mm Manitoba 629 mm Saskatchewan LEGO irom New undlund and ram iEJ Mmth mmhtr Anhur Dy mt Qlf NM New Inm wlchu Ktnl Runny II broil be Mr Jnnlm Dm ncvllor lb Unl Amn Inwlholï¬rvllp mi in Wlnnlwl plllrllc Me In lnllru mp noqu frnn 7m ixnn ï¬mimnéfl Ni nu Mrmlml mm Newlwmllnml Includa Dr llnrmk Illlln lhy Mandi Mimi pulnlrmlm lhc wmmm public Irlml mum m1 luv II Crlwlwd mm St Jnlmn végnxlly Mjlnjgllnixm dam 1n the civilian vole Lhasa parentage were 41 er the Liberals 33 or the Conserva tives 12 or ï¬le Sacred and II for the NDE Thu pallem repeal the ex perience recent elections who the mice vote has been proportionally more In am Ihe Liberal party nun the general average Canadllm Where do our Iervlccmm come from In proportion lo popuInlIon lhc cronCunad gun show Inn 05 per cent of tho popu Inxlon or In every one Cann dlnnx In the armcd Iotces Onlarlo Susknlchuwnn Mbcrla and IIInnllobu uch exuclly mulch lhh mllnnnl Average wllh 05 per can of Ihelr pccllvo populnlkml In In ur vIcol Nava 5mm lud he plrnde wllh 11 per can 01 Ill popull llon unllormna dauhl moslly in Illa nnvy llllle Prince Ed wnni Island Icloae ICC and with 15 per cent In unl nrm New Brunswick hn L0 per ml and EC ha 01 per cnnl Only lwo province lll below the union averr Newfoundland has 04 per am ll populallon umnn mud Quebec 01 per cgntu fhé 10m alrnnflh bl Clnldll Armnd armnow 17¢on ll an pucellmc Heard high III we hm lull Around nnlnbly Imnc lllblado Myenrold law yrr and nuldoar Iponl enlhuslo nlllvo bl ï¬lm In Nova Guyxlmrwuh County Mr llmlndo In human nry pmldml the umlnllon aml nctlvo In Ill walk Amer loundlnx member ll Donn Flnlnywn bom In Mullomlnh NH mu numb nlrd wllh lhc Unlvmlly ol Mnullnlu ha lulu hflllll dun mwlluu nl 1M Unlvmfly Drill1 Colmnhlm In nrludu lormrr Mnnllnh wunly er My Keith lomwfly Munlnuue Ii IIMI MIL Iv Tim llrnrklry lollll mlfl Char InlMuwn llm nuoclullonl Hut nmunA pruldonl HELP AVAILABLE FOR RETARDED CHILDREN Dear Sir Stauered throughout rural Ontario there are scores of am lllea with married child who parents not no helplln organiz day or planning his ut uncut nu home care committee of the Ont ario Association or Retarded Children is holding lhrwdny workshop at the Ontario Agricul lural College Guelph on June and This is open to mothers and ur lather oi menially tarded chlldton 11 cos mall and the program thorough ly practical with leadership from medical experts nurses and tenth who are iamlllnr wlth lhl problem The enrolment Ilmlted lo 50 parents and so put llchealth nurses Slnce lhe lamllle leek Ira unknown lo us we would appre clnle hnvlnz lhl leller nppcnr ln your newspaper We hope lhnl any rurnl pnrenls who see lhlu lcller and who are not presently ln an area served by local communlly nssaclallon at ludcd chlldrnn wlll wrlla la us promplly Complete lnlormnllon rcggrdlnx Ihe school wlll be lent l6 mom MrMIIo 1M Jud Id lha mnn hehlnd mm who maqu Cchan upon In Mu Imkln or mu runml Im In mvr Tmlo Mlnlslor hwy Hm land on um Mr 55 rein Jhe LETTERS TO EDITOR Mrs Lant Onlorla Association or Retarded Chlldmn LOOKING FOR JOB ï¬Ian were the anl treatmznt W11 hn By JOSEPH MOWER MD Déu Dr Molnar am 71 years old and hive milk lez At ï¬rst ll was swollen from nnkle to lglp llesg and eleva lhévcandlllon lhalevi II um Iwallen lrom ankle tn knee legn month rentMM Milk leg which can occur my time mm Medium to advInCcd age WM known with In plain language thll means um vein of III 15 and ob cuslonnll more than one has become amed caunlni Iwel 1m the vain dam The Iwelllnz reduces cl Inï¬nn Reduced circulation makes the lumundlng Issues mu ho because fluids whd reach them are not as quick cnr 119$ ayiny 1th Elm Ina What causes milk 1231 An In hry Wham not the new mulallon mm 5011 of In flammation In vein or con Mn lrrilallan somewhere along the route of the veln Var cm vain often tan victim to this trouble and that an the very sound reason or car rectlnz gheyn Rest is Important So In ele vation oi the leg because this help In low ul blood thraush the lnflemed constricted vein Pushing blood back toward the heart mm the toe ls because of the force or unity much more difï¬cult than iorcing Ii buck mm any nlhrr part the body The ieet are lowest Thats why we rarely see fruit arm but often milk on Massage rubbing and exer cise that slugs of the all menl can add to he Irritation DAGENHAM RamIn these days when unemployment ls presuan problem In Brllnln ll wéuld seem qulle Illoglul or munlclpnl council to object In an Industrial expanslan pro at Milan wouldvxlve emplnymcnt to 2700 people wllhln ll bound nrles Yet that cxnclly what llle Essex County Councll has done wllh rcspecl plan or expanslon by the Ford Mnlor Cnr Campnnyl The company has plans to hulld an Inglnccrlnu ro scarch estnhllshmenl In lhn nel ghhorhmd Baslldon Essex where ll already has two plnnls But when Iha unnpnny npplled for plnnnlng pumluinn for ml research cenlre whlch 11 cos MI million lhe munclll plnn nlnz commlllee lurned down the plum and refused permlnlon The county cnuncll nppmvcd the com mllkccs ncllon but In mlnlslcr houslnz and local devtlop TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Hm qull lhl uhlntl helplnl mu lha upon ml mmo Hon umch In Hm wlth lho omnmvnl than In Mr Jnrl II lwklnl lnr wmkrnlumnnh hl mun mmrled la lul la 10 Wlnpholo Objects To Big REPORT FROM UK METNTYRE ODD No Dramatic Way To Cure Milk Leg Expansion Plan Ind mks um altuauon worn just an wouldnt expect to cure an acted linger mn nglnl It nr exercising The Inflammallon mun um lub lide mm In not Imhllzunl Ir mm mmlm mm mm at tom lndlflmfl the proper 11mg elnua bundam help but you have to wait until they give IupKon lo vein um In ngalnlnz enllhy vigor You cant just ueeza lhstlum gown ma would do lhnt poinlmwauli he to bind the heallnn pm ms Mor lpecmc reatmenls no wmellmu good but they do pend on the exact Illuallnn Antibiotics but the ma izr problem ll germcaused lamgnallm An mamma hr Ihmn In on mlnl aluhulvnn many mo mud Ilnnnu eunlo lhmfll mam the nu nilll Um min In and lllhmul 410nm II cry man phenyiFutmrE can be helpful and so can some of the newer enzyme prepara tion whlch can ha taken by mouth In wdnya can he Iwelllnl which ll Hm extended to lha hlp now down to the knee This Indicates that the aim but boran treatment rest and elevation In doinl some good There nor quick dra matic my to correct mlik II but pallence good Judgmcnk and time can wark wnndm Den Dr Mffnu Please dfs cuss the effects of coffee duo caffefnlzed col fee artificial sweeteners and an am water to web effect on the Caiiein whether in coitus or nther drinks is diuretic or kidney stimulator Therefore ex cessiva caiiee can cause ire quency of urination Decaiiein ized entice and carbonatad bev erases have no more specific action than the same amount of water Artificial sweetener No eiiect men has stepped Into the plc Inn and has ordered public Inquiry Into Fordl Ippllullon IN GREEN BELT The Essex County Councill objection II mud on he excuso lhul Iho Ford plan tonnlcll with Ihe counlyn developmml plan The an or he prnpmdbufld lugs 15 an am 270 acres In Ihe Melrcpolllan Green Ball and ml II nnalher came objec nn Fwd repose to do mas heir mg neerinn research work In he now cslnbllshmcnl which would empln 2700 men Mask of these wnurd be In me pram Ilmml and uccullvo They ould he accommndnlcd In Ipcglqlly dullncduhpum The local authorllles at Basil dun however are not allowan lhc lead the Essex County Cnunclll Dnslldon Urbnn Coun cil II In am of lhe projeck no long as more an sonslnctory norm madsl Baslldon New Town Corporation also Iupporu tho project In belle lhnl bene llll would accruo lo llaslldon was thmrore no urprllllll lhnl Slr Keilh meh minhlcr Hauslnl and Local Coven mom Inld lhnl lhu Imkcl win one of Iuch Importance Ihnl It requirrd mlnlury duelIon Ind order public Inquiry Mggm 10 GERMANY The prmpcrlly lam pm of III munly ol Elm hn hem bulll nn lhn Ford tnhnnL And mnmrnl nmln lo nllrcl new In duhr ll wuuld hm much vi lulu lmvlnl Ill mw plnnl In lhn munly Ford UhIII hummer hnwlul llml nl HI pulullc Inqulry on May mm nwn mm will muml Mull null lud numl Hm cnunly cmmrlln lluglul dull Inn rhodel ume which would mm In 9wn yam Ind Acrvlm Nalunlly lhn Ferd Company In angry over lhc objccuan In Ill plum In bring IMI new lamc0 unemplnymnnl to £1ch Coun ly mm mm Inld qullo plnlnl thnl II It umrml hnvo he Illa want near mulldan Ihm lhu mural establishment 50 hull In wm Gumnny There 11 In nvnllnblu or hulde their pmenl mum at Cnloune 0n the vlhrr hand ll null nnIurl Uml Fords would wan In locnln Ml new march ulv nhlllhmcnl Mnr HI mnln plant at Duenlmm In hlockrd hy Hm lhnnllfllltd nllllurlc muuly munrllhum llurn ll muld hnlly lm hlnmcd or uulnu lo Colnane when It would In ul mmrd Lend nl mu Labor appeal lrm In ha Elm Caunly Cnuncll dumb Hm lhrcnl la Kn In Germany III In arm Mnckmnll bul ho ppum flu Illl wnnled by Fulï¬l ijr llnIann BIBLE THOUGHT