d1 Yulmnhudu um mm mm nvl no nvn Imcu MIMI llllll Nwflv lumu Mill bl Fluid mm nm mu Avrlurln mm mu up IL vmmu an mum nan IXCIIANGI mun mm rlnwn 10 mm dawn om mum to 1nd Muu mum rmml Mmlul hm ï¬lm mu an IIrn Alhulul Ahluhl Alum sml Alumlnlum Alberll fr mm Inn NA 1an nmmn on mm run 199 III cm Md Rubens nxrud and uh Barrio Is very low ebb tar as hockey goes mlnk we should ive thrm olnlllan Thty played lhrce names without having nnl scared against lhcm Evcn Md may whn used In hu known Dnr lhe door Herscy new nchlcv City council lns nlghl vulcd to give the player trophies for Ihclr uuslnndng pcrInrmance It tournament In St cannu Ines Each player on Ihe Barrie pccwce hockny team will re min lmphy The ï¬rst thing la know what present in our air space 10500000 square mlles over North America He said the Ottawa Section canlrollcd almost 750000 square mllu air Ipace Oncu we know Iomnlhinl present we must ldcnmy it friendly or classlly according ly 11 n1 classified enemy lhcn FOUR FUNCTIONS He described the our Import In lunmnns of North American defence detection Idcnï¬ï¬‚cnl Ion lnlnrceplion and dulmclion No Canadian can aflord to ba unconczmcd lhe dcience ol the Nonh American confluent said Group Cnptnln Hock ney Commander Ollnwu Sect Llon NORAD He was speaklng yesterday at the Kcmpculelt Kl wanla Club dinner Gmup Captain Hockney pro senled comprehensive descrlp lion of NORAD and uplalned Its primary purpose for exist ence NORAD is ully inre grated and elticicnlly aptrating unit Nonh American delence If real new arises feel can acquit ourselves ulteclivcly Peewees To Get Fine Trophies Inndll mu Conn SERVICE CLUB TOLD GROUP CAPTAIN Hockney Xe speaker at the Kempenlell Bay Kiwanis Club CantBe Unconcerned Of Americas Defence nnm luv lhlh nu ltvnhlln lhnl lm In an TODAYS STOCK PRICES omnllrd Flynn nunlon Eu fllrrlu an In JIQ no llfl Inmunl luma Mmllmu Kmh Mum Mlnu Nulnn mm um om INDUSTRIAL DIV mm Ynund Dam Mum Dam hm hm an Iuw mm rum Hun mucky Ham on mm my Mln Imp Tubm Im nu In AmuL lnllnd Na In Nnm Imu lmnr Innum min Club mun MINan Am Newlan mid Thu mullerposu room as under stand in tanrm be used for spam recreation and vcry thing cIsc think lhcy should be uscd by he ciilcm Enr rlc not just In the day llma underfland It should be med by all be ciumm ho municipality They would pay the cost Ihe Janilor We have In or many llcd up In Ihrm Ind Hill he lime when they came la council Ask In fur money or us lo slralzhl on it out The report slnlcd We met with Messrs Stephenson Young and MacLarcn of the Barrie Public School hand and their sceretarytreasurcn Lungslalfe and discussed the multbpurpose mm to be con slructcd on ma nnw sixroam school to be bum between Vincent SI and Duckwonh SI The muliipurpnse mom for schunis came up inr discussion at ciiy council in nighi ioi lowing rccnmmundalinn in th finance commluu report Falling this Group Captain Hockney Indicated lho lutermcd we rungs missiles would be brought into play and Al mu lie stressed lhe Importance of realizing that NORAD was mer ely defensive operational unit compared to nervous system Wiih over 200000 flights day in North America single inel dent in he complex structure will cause reaction at Colorado Springs Colorado In explain ing lhe NORAD concept oi aero space defence he said We must obtain the earliest warn ing possible which will give our retaliatory forces tima to re not and ii an attack immlll ent lo engage the enemy as im poasibleirm target areas we lnlcrccpl and we tnka great can to assess this Information an 1th wo qesnfoyfl Suggests MultiPurpose Room Be Added To SixRoom Schdol meeting yesterdayhas an In larmal chat with Barth Mayor Cooke and club president II ll llh vi im In l1 lanuul loco Nunndl NM on NO Munr Lnrp mm rm rum run llp rm Innr7 am Nu my Mum nlnl su rum mlVIOM mm Hull Mul III Iln an mm hum mum wnm hnh llum nuth ThurHall Imvn Im Mnm mmle Flu um mum ml mm mqu 173 Hl as Iv nu ma in n1 lltqnul lo the nunrd Park Mnnunnrnl runrdlnn Innlml Ilml land llll am will In and lrllcr um bu drawn up mm In nnln Innrd Park Mnnucmrnl nuullnl quest luy Lclnhlnn or All nuldmr rlnk um wlnlcr um rmlved and led rd rrqunl by Klrk lo hulld car part lo the Clly Duvelnpmcnl Commlum rrquul by My chull Cnnuln Krmprnlrll Hay ml lrlrl la hold an Apple In on Apr WM rerclvm And fled That the City of Barrio flay palm and carrying straps be re mm in the custody of Kam pcnlcll Tmmptl Band pravldcd the city manager 13 km In formed as la lhclr button and avnllnblluy or other organle onu use on 74hour mace Thnl the lollawlna orznnlzn Hon bu ndvlscd that we nra no In polilion make them grant lhla year Thu Cnnndlnn Cnunch Chrlsllnnl and Jews Inc Iha Clmndllm anlonnl In Alllula or flu mlnd Ibo John Howard Soclcly Onlarlo Ind me lluronh Speed Skullnl Club That we ran Onlarlo Munlclpal Board to lncrcase It lrnlnive approval for lho con struction lhe new sixmom schonl bclwccn St Vincent and Duckworlh smell rum 5115000 to $135000 In permit ha Inclw an muIlIpurpcse room in mg glans Thu Jumt Bruce Juan Dunn and Mum Malmberl be ndesnd Um lha properly In Vuprn Township being pan In 11 conccslaon II no or ml at ha prcscgt llme Council voted In udan tho rcporl which lncludcd the lol 10 rccnmmendnunns Md Hersey would like Hhcr Md Newton or Md Rnbcrls Io nay ll they know of anyone who has asde or the use hose romx Ind been re luscd Md Roberts am quitgllnag Eleni He added lha RCAF Edgar was no longer pm lbs Ollawa Seclnr and that the base was modiï¬ed year 310 la SAGE Semiautomatic ground envlramncnl conlrol high speed computer able 1n evaluale nir bnllle lnfnrmnlinn in up seconds whlch will he controll cd from North Ely He explalned In Ouawa Sec tor was part ha Nnrthem Division NORAD and that NORAD was 5le Into division on Inc continent enemy nears Ihe lnmpo would increase lle labelled mi deltnco in dcplll ILLUSTRATES TALK Thruuzhoul his spccch 100 slides were used In illustrate some of the highllxhls U1 de livery STOllAR DUNLOP EMT Chmlei Tierney Examiner Photo ALL NEW DESIGN OM STOllAR cousmucnou BEDROOMS SPLIT LEVEL Full PRICE ONLY 300000 Down Paymmb $1200 0m NHA Marmot For Furllm lnlonmflon Comm Clan 0° Ethoall Pol Ion July In COUNCIL BRIEFS leller 1mm lurk Lynn rm unllng lulu land on lhn north Ildo Quern mm erred In lhl CM Devean mrnl nmmnm mnlntcnlnu rm on In nulllolny nun helnu himk nl hy 1am ml wu cmd In lhl public unrkl commlfle Cannrll zrnnltd mm by the nayl Cunndlnn Alr Cadru In hold rhuth pnudc on April letter rum he ï¬lly of Owen Sound with mulullon rrnnnl In uprndlluru nhmllun pummel wns referred lo on Finance CommllltL Synoplln vul cloud ahm exlcndl lulu the mldwnmn Unlled Slnlcl wllh we now llld llghl rain or drink pmlu ln wllh wry cool Inmpm nluru Thll laments an un nnrucllvo wmlhcr plclura or mulhcrn Ind ccnlral Onlnrlo duran lha IIth 14 hum lortuu Temptuluru Low anlghl lllzh Wtd SI Cnlhlrinc Toronta 50 32 150 Wlndsar 32 an Thoma 32 no London 30 4a Kllchcnrr 30 In Wlnnhnm 30 45 Hamilton so no Barrie Clly Councll last nlxh gave locond rcndlna lojwo hy lawsuOne amharized borrowing $15000 at ha purchasing Ind developing land purchnscd mm In Canadian Nullonnl Railway Company or munlcl pal purposes nnd he other In nulhorlxe he have of debun lum for $13912 lo pay ho can or construclln alnrm sewers on Bay meet Vesprn slrccl no art alrecl Victoria xlreet and Anne meet Newt SInce the 1930s the city Barr has been made up at two groups 01 people and one of these groups was lhe railroadcrs would mcommend that some memento be made even If it is only plaque In the aldewalk or marker of some descriptlnn rc prcsentlng the rallmadtng his tory thls c191 Ald Marseilus Filly year no we bid 50 Itaina go ing out In three or our houn Than 01 the railroad man Mike nu of thin mum Mak Al laid The ï¬nance committee nppreclale your pnllcnu And we alsu would like to compliment Mr Gin on Ihls Wu used Mr Glgg as our contact We alsn thunk lhe mayor wallun our mem Mr Hersey replied You will find lhal it $150000 When wa worked it out at In much square not this hnw it worked out mm suggest that now that 11s worked out wa lake Item to hm the Ita Honr pemullshed Md Rubens think that plan have already been Approved by Ihln council and wa xhou1d 2n null right Mambtrl at city council last night suggested monument to Barrlel rallrnndlng history when council learned ha Can adian National Railway had ac cepted the citys oller to pur chase the property when the IIBUDn now Hands 5me uld gin erslaod the price was Give Readings To Two Bylaws THE DARK EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL 21 Simma County Council yester day continued the appointment James Reid 29 Tomi as county recreaiian directar Tins bylaw was passed at special oneday siuinu of council called to attend to business that would noirhe igii Igniii the June session Mr Reid HI the past left vacant Ins Jnnuary by the res Wants Erectk Monument To Railroad coumumoN LIMIYED PA mu PA County Conï¬rms NewAppointment WEATHER Mr ionmu mud um lo pollus le mornlnz perm or puma wlm Anle mmo Irllclu mm In Jnlllflcn tar lull Wednudny whlln ho erndrd Iptdnl muncll mull nlmnrd moxl Um Hum bclwun lhcn and Halnrdny nllcvu mmrllmu dn Ilrnnn llllylgn Omar lhnn ml cwxe appcInlmcm local permnnnn buIIdInx In spoclor as conslrucllon Iter Inspector would be ImnracIIcul In Mr IIIanIrI vlcw He wouldnt have Ilma ln do who Iob propuly OPPOSITION wldcsprcad counly opposlllon In tho nxllng Iommcdlrom the no mo ha counly Ind munIprnIlIhn wIll havu to pay lho mike 90 or carrylnl oul III proï¬nclnl Ich OppoxIIIon Incrcnud when county wIIcIlor CIIITIB polnlcd out Ihnl Inrm building comIrucIlon Irv Ended or nngculIurnl pun was extmpt from Impw Ion Rouxth IpoakInu ho mld lhe nrl mvm bulldInu conslrucllon and roodwork Thl poslllnn hm mlhlng do wilh trench and excavat ing Inspector vhlch each mun lcipnmy appoan Inch ycnr he continued 1m L1 because ranches an generally opened and closed wllhln hon Thch am loud rcsldnnl no county nilltlal must mu on ho task Department of Labor engin eer James McNAIr Construc itm ulely branch Ipokn to council duran the morning ses sion He explained the urn provislona And ImpHcaLnns Mb rward he ansvmod queonm Whlln counlles obllzed hlm lhzlr mm Inspectors lncal munlclpallllu which wllhdrnw mm lh county on thin projzd must hlre their awn Inspectors Mr llanlr pointed out Slnce locnl lnspcclora are suhjcclnd to pressures on the home rant county lnSptdm could do lha Job more lrnpmlnlly Stolen Articles Are Returned By provincial law the county must him commotion witty inspector in eniorce pmvisions of he Consinmion Safely Act which cm into force Aug 1062 inspectors duties in ciuda urn enimcemeni oi My promde and practicu oi thin ac while construction Ls underway sites throughout the county Bciore coming to Barrie Mr Reid was rtcreaiinn assistant or Ihe parks and recrnniion da pariment oi Nnrlh York Town ship He has Iinished hll iirn year in service training or mun icipai recreation direciarA and has enrolled in the wand year oi the coursci Mri fluid has been assistant physical training instructor with the Canadian Army and assis tant physical iraining insirucior and assistant boya secretary at lhe London YinYWCA Aiier spmdiul most of Mom days meeting discussing the appointment oi count con struction saicly Inspector Sim coe Conniy Council 5m ha sub Jcci asido for cornmiuee siudy until ha June Icsslan which start June 17 Mr Amant Intmduced the new director to council Im mnlnl my second week hm Mr Reid told council So far lva been studying the file and getting organized hope to have more to report to you in June The new recreation director named wurk hero April at salary ui $5500 per unnum To assist him nil time leo relary is In bu hirzd llld pm time help needad lgnnllon of Miss boulso Culley Elevmappllcallon or the post wera received recreation com mittee chairman Bernard St Aman said In his report lellvl ll Drum II In HODIJIN Set Aside jDiscusSion On Safety Inspector Pmona Commmlol Indumlol INSURANCE IIIOUNEMIVE mMNIMflflN SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY ham Conlull In run In IN pally nllavl nln Itlullnduruol mm mL plum Moll Immmnl of Illmull yumaIhnruulhlhulhhlmpmw mun mllnmn mull0le ol mnny mnnlhl an Inlan II nflvml ln olnla mull lml IFViuNY mm HIM Imvmllrml Aanlll IMnll Mommenu lurk nunan TM Iu nemmpllhnl till an hulln cublulu lilmnym which tulr ly lulu MI In all In Imulnu mulh nu Hum nun11ml lmllrh IIIHM In Inunvl unlrluo mun lulnllntv um llw IMHy nk hemnr mum Ilnlully Ilnlltvnllena Inrlltlmmhun In mmnu mud up han nl Inluwl lnfllmml Hum lulu MM dunn mn II ulvH ww Admi hauldlhm While mullan Mr MCNMIII unan Thln mantr hu bun balm your muncll Ilnu May m1 mu you In hnn tht mnlrr rmlrrd rmlckly mum cl observed lull leverl adm mumlu Mill balhlnl at lho Iden ol pnylnl 1n enlln mu dam nmllnu prnhlcm In mmmlllee eounrll men mar an hour dlmmlnl ll Izaln In lha nllemoon DIPHACTICAL Vhtn Orlllln llma ll lu bcl Pen oblcmd About lhu county and local munlclvnllllu lmvlnu lo pay 100 pcr cent ol the mat Mr lllanlr old lm It wan Impranrnl Imolnt provlnclnl lmpeclon The wunty orznnlwllon provldo Illa bcsl link belwecn omnmrnl on ma local nml pmvlnclnl level hl Mld Im vlnclnl lnxprdm would be on at out of ouch Mm local tour 5M pmbllm Anaflwr dirflcully county ln lpcchm ould hnvo hm would be keeping abreast of collage conslmdlon in tho Lakl Slm can and Georgian Day m1 every Lpring An Inspector could never get around In all he xilcs Wasngl Beach up rcscnmllve lnshlcd ln the can when local mun klpullllcs withdraw lram lht county lnspecllon Ithcdule tho remnlnlng munlclpalluu particl pnllng mm boar lhu full 91 he mlcly lnspecllan Iyxlcm Mr Manlr pplplegl ou Local munlrlpnlillcl whlch decide to withdraw must give mumy councll hm monlm nollcc Warden Albert Dalianv key wan told Councillor Dalian Jermey Medome Townshlp reeve mi wonder ml such nac usity an ha pmvlnm sayl Ihlnk me man who can ha lune shouid pay he blll so necesmry why danc lhzy pay 1119 cam Dupllcnllnn between he dul lcs of lhe conslmcllon may lnspedar and workmenl mm ICIISIMDH board lmpeclou wu clud by Innis mm Jan Cochrnnc Council asked Mr Currie there is any way around this cdlci No deadlina is speci licd within the sci date when cmmlles must comply with the onitr he pointed oui Ala no penalty is no faith 1n the ad apply Io cwniien Mm refine oncomply yiih it Mr mm esflmaled It would ms the county $10000 Io 5000 year to me up county In spccflon and ofï¬ce Ital bl en mzh to enfotce ha dlecl While cdnncll objected up polnllng an lnzpcclar them up 2ch to he no Iliumatlve since provlndal law make Jud an appointment mmdatary Announce New Healing Substance Sllrmka Piles where the end mducl L1 or human use or he Station Ed Kalllo lclt Cm present ed with mlnlaturn rubber Urn by Moore vlcepml dent of Mansï¬eld Rubber Canada mm at dlb trim the clinic last night RECEIVES MINIATURE TIRE Lawrence bovine Coldwaler Reeve drew up the maï¬a commendlnu study all the suu involved by the county Icy Nation mmmmee The com mittee In to not view mm all munlclpalilles and Mm Ks ï¬ndings at an Jun Iequn urtalnly dont uhdersund all lho lmpllcallona of his Ill uallon Mr Devine nld doubt If any at us here do Un III we have all me not It our llngmlps It would be unwlsa take the plunge As long as here is nhancn of Influencan the provlnce to help pay or ï¬lls lhlnk we would take our Anng Dealer and empioym or the Canadian Tire Corpora tion In ha Enrrlafleorulnn Bay area me It Kennyl Ranch Housea The Ira Wu constructed in minute on 66 Dunlop Slrm Em Rand no Slrul MAALOX LIQUID lZox L75 val LS7 ANACIN TABLETS IOOI 129 vol LISTERINE Antlupllc 9B valuc 87¢ NOXZEMA Skln Cnaml46 vol for 97¢ SOLO Bobby NM 20 valua for CREST Writing Pad li539° LIMMITS only 31 man KLEENEX 200 for KOTEX mg 12 42c or ENO FRUIT SALT lcivga xlxo SILVIKRIN Shampoo I429 value Savings this Week at LILH BROMO SELTZER 98 value FLASH BULBS lan THESE SPECIAL PRICES END APRIL 27 BRECK Shampoo l2ox L75 value 149 MACLEANS Toolh pom econ Iln 75c HOLLYWOOD Wave Set with comb 26c MILK OF MAGNESIA DA Brand for 88¢ 16 Ounm 00 VIIUI ALLANDALE DRUGS LTD CALDWELL DRUGS LID HABPERS PHARMACY ROSS DRUG STORI Genml MM nr Ml Electric LII ulul TMI full ll um um lcuer lmm the Houslnl Branch Department Econo mlcl nnd Development murd Ina conlcrence on housing wal referred to tho Cfly Develupmcnl Committee unc granted request from lbs Burris Horticulturll Secler thnt lhox eriad 1mm April 22 to May In proclaim ed Clunnup Paintup and Plan Mm week Councll lllpulated that lhu price pdvertlalnz bl assumed by the mclely request from Ihe Bards Chamber at Commercu lard lng the proposed pnlverslly WII referred to the City Develop ment commlltee Ciiy Council in nigh reich red lemr mm Burio auildm Associatian ngardinl inspzclinn new buildings to the Public Works Committee The association naked for two inspccliqns Ipeclnl machine that 15 In really on 1qu urns Canada Examiner Pholo CleanUp Week Is Underway IDA Brand MINERAL OIL SIJS Valu 40 Ounm 99c ron 139 PA 407 PA 901 PA ma 44H 93c 31c 83c 99c 98c 87c