Fm mullMun bu exp med Apply mo Grlll Iclephonl PI mm or my lurlher Inform um mm 5111 Vnud Mun ho ramble mythId mm my week No mu unrk st dy um Tamhon PA 59641 Aim MIMI Vnmarl dun nnlmer ma we npmlor nqnlnd in dry clunlnl pllnl Mun be perltnmi Hudly vmk 11 phanl azm noon TOR Amt MenuII hm lwml In wmldl nldul hm ï¬rmIan In my whkh may have been ulna Ink lam III In mu In Ilmfl Amm In LAM 40 la 4L mama tn look unzr chlmrm LIV Telephom mw Clmp Burden or lunhu lm amnion ML um required or pth nunm wlllon In um um Re My mllnn nu uptrlcnu 11 nmuu In uax 7s Bum Exun In wmnzss Fgll urtmmcm hounktrplr mum by namy cauplc lo 1m in Cancun 1mm Goad remun muon Apply wuh mmncu John Llln In sum 560 Imuslikr nqulnd by eld rrly munn Mun he expen mud To mm um hmub lupin Ind prepanllun or mux vrne th ulmnm la flux 11 mm bummer WASHINGTON WI Pull drnl Kemmly 1m INII lllma Mlnmrr Puma mmn of mnunlulnllnnl hul In mm ma mum lb mn nm VIII Ht Alulmled Me An MI MN howv ll fault umm In what wnrm m1 MIMI In In wllh Illa mm hlendlhp brlvmn IM to leadarl HELP WANTED dun In my hornl Whlll mnmor warn Mm may mung It mm El Vlnunl Ind mm Tahphoni PA M511 mm mm will an Indoor ob luth pulnunl mum ni Lm ouldnur lob llll In luvls lem mowing ate 11 lbla rltcx Fm um PA 3717 CARPENTER Work 01 Ill kindly Rnovlllom Illnrlflanl kllchtn ulpballdl llllnl pllnflnl ream lllwn menu manna No Job Ilulonlbll nle Clll my tIm PA um Win 21 nr over Telephcnu Slmud Ill WOMAN Wanted or houu lun Inl Mm be Ihle vuh wnlu Ind ulnm Tnlmhone PA um at my mum lnnlmlllon WOMAN nr lencrll hnun wnrk And lo hrlp with Human leo In Puma mum Madly week on weekly Wmo flux 71 Illrfla Ex Imlner oTICEOF SALE UNDER THE MECHANICS LXIIN ACT TAKE NOTICE that BERT DIXON of liillsdnle Ontario Indchml lo Ha City Mom 1111 Marks Squnre Dnrrle ln Iho Counly nl Simcae In he mm or $250 or rcpnlrn and mum made upon me llulck Srrinl Numhcr 537060 Mm Sludvlmkcr Snrlul Number 8555811 Mu In lhnl Ihe Id My Clly Mom Ltd hm maincd unpaid or more than mnnlhs pursuant to Secllbn 4a he MNhaniu Hen Ad HS mm Chapter 233 sale of he snld whch will be held hy n1th numlnn ml Wednesday the 2m day April mu flu hour 10 at Day City Molar ld 45 Bradlord SL EMPLOYMENT WANTED SIEHEMIW Sunnflllvhu Il perlrnccd Jock employment In lllrlll DUIC Tiltphonl PA NIL IIIIBAND tummy wlndoouT In ma nor1 mm YOUNG mu conz ludth mm Iludy employmenl or my Ind mm Tllrpanm Dudch rnmm Hm RELIABLE You le Whhu to blhy All durInl eve XIII Ellen mu dulrafl Tnlephona PA MN TEACHER za unho lummzr employment wm Mulder Icully my type 01 work I1 thI FA MEN mu poox ller an mm ron Generll Aucllnnrer DATICD nl Harm he 20th day at April Hm MIDLAND ONTARIO TENDERS FOR SUNIRAqu Trude will be rccrhrd by llm mulArslzurd mull ll orllxk Mon mlnwlny Aprll 10M or all sulHrmIc prlm rmulml In lhn mmlmdmu of flu Frd rml lhllldlnfl Midland mmlo or the Dnrvnrlmrnl While 01 luwn Arrhllccln HnIlrr Mul Alllwn must nr My Irmlrr mu nec eumfly HUME lEGAL NOTICES Harm l2 TENDERS JFK Congratulates New PM Pearson DODD CONSTRUCTION co LTD CONNIE Slluï¬lll Iornnln PHONE CHERRY 0311 IMMEDIATE ripening or matum woman to scrvim excellent territory in Ves xlra and 0m Thwnshlps Start earning extra incnmu right may No experience nudedwe train you in show AVON Cosmetics For personal interview write to Mrs Walker 33 Thom son St Barrie or phona PA 56351 JERRY FEMALEHELP AVON nUGllIlN Clllzen Winklnr 75 miles southwest of winnlpcg have had change of heart and ap proved 00000 byan provid lnz or mnslmcllon of water system Only last June they related the aqmo Idea me In llre In the last two years nlna businesses valued at more than $1000000 hnve burned Luck of adequate water was Involved to to degree Vln each Ire Saturday May 180 pm sharp 810 househoMqunllura and antique or the executor of the mm ha late GILMOE REIVE In the Village al Churchill Tarml Cash SPROULE Ancl Largo extensive auction Ania of comle inventory stock wrecking and demoiillonvyardr consisting oi thoumm of feet of iumbcr timbers flooring electric fixtures oii burners furnaces radiuiorA building tonirnoiors malerlal of Bi kinds steel beams plumbing supplies portabie garages other buildings approximaieiy 100 30 thousand ol other at iici wrecking tools oiiice furniture em property belong Inl to he ESTATE OF THE LATE OSCAR RUTLEDGEY at the yard at 62 NORTH QUEEN ST ETOBICOKE TWPY be tween Kipilng Ave and Na Z7 Highwayi Sale at 1230 noon Terms cash No reserve Ken Ind Clarke Prenilce Auction eers Markham Ont phone 294316 or 6403586 WINKLIIRY Mun CF Running water will soon com to thIn town 3000 II make obsolete the wells In every bnckynrd and In the base mcms very busIncss eslah IIsIImcnl In lawn Wlnkler which already has sewn dlspnsnl system will 21 ll munlclpal water supply from two large well west ol town 13 No Mare Wells In Winkler Dlllvond to Your Doe You Havanc Rudy Om PHONE PA 95983 WATCH THE BARRIE EXAMINER TOMORROW APRIL 24 For 0m Salt 770cm SALE SATUBDgXY MAY 43h AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALES TRANS CANADA SALE VALUES In EATONS 8PAGE CIRCULAR Dollvond to Your Door PRISONERS MOVED WINNIPEG CF Toronto businessmen Hugh Paton and Hubert Cox ieit nearby Stony Mountain penitentiary for Kingston Penitentiary Monday in transfer at their own re quest They began lourvyear term this year tor deinudinl Brandon Packer Limited $480000 It was understood the men wnntcd to be closer to Tor onto so their Antilles could visit them MOTHER JAILED TORONTO CPDMu Bu Men Flam 36 Iuberculu mother three was aenlenced Monday Io hm month In re tonnnlory for defrauding lha provinclal wellare department 0119500 during Wear po PM WILL SPEAK OTTAWA CBPrim Mlnls lcr Pearson wlll nddrcu the na tlnn tonluht over tho CDC televi alun and rudln networks 015 CBC announced Monday He will speak on mile at 730 pm EST and on leievlalon 10 pm EST Ha expected to speak or about 10 mlnutes ESKIMD GETS LIFE FROEISHER BAY NWT CPLMlngerluk 4yvarold Eskimo was sentenced to nu lmprlwnmcnl afler pleading anflly In lcrrllarlal court to charm ol nonupllnl WANTR TAX RISE TORONTO CHCont Philip Given preacnladn record budget to city council Monday calllng for tax lumau slightly more than 010 on homo assessed at $5000 He Bald total or $210170747 is ra quired by the city thll year szo075339 for Metropolitan Tab onto $53105001 or the board oducallonnnd 9339321 or the citys upemlng estimate FIRE HITS PEN BARN KINGSTON CmTho main barn oi in arm at the Kinzv Ion penitentiary erupted in flames Monday in In that burned out the Interior oi the limestone building Thorn were no iniuriu but he Holstein and ilcreiard cattle were rescued by nine prisoners Cause the ire was not known WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF LOSES 10 MOVERS OTTAWA CHPrim Min ister Pnnrsan had to give way in the mover Monday when in arrived to take possession oi the prima ministers eastblack office on Parliament Hill Mr Pearson poked his hepd in this door saw ihat movurl stiil were sorting nut cartons oi ni ilce equipment in the prime minixlers private attire and murder ln lha Feb ejuckknlle nlaylnl ulxyearnld Sala monle COMPETITION KEENER MONTREAL CPLT Mc Luan president of Canada Steamship Lines Ltd told the annual meeting Monday com petition on the Great Lakes wlll bekcener than it has ever been before thls summeh We hope In cope with It through our dlversltlcallon ucllvltlcs and the modern equlpment which we have on both land and water he uld DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD 145 BRADFORD STREET PA 61885 ACADIAN This sixpassenger car isnt too big But obviously as it carries six it isnt too small either This sixpassenger car shoUld cost more than it does But it doesnt Hr mo In Inlrh Du Timmy Amhlue Nu Ind GETS LIFE MONTREAL CPlGuy Sla hlll 21 was wntenced Monday to Illa imprlsonmenl or ran gllnl 46yearold woman The lurm was lmpmed alter Sublll pleaded guilty to reduced charm of nonupllal murder Mrl Femande Goumre do urlbed as Mend ol Slnbllls was lound dead in her house last Oct 11 strangled with towel CANT AFFORD LONDON Palowing de mand or mhnur work week in Brllaln receiveda setback Monday zovcrnment m1 rnlaslon ruled lhnt the nnHun ls unable to afford MOST LONGLIVED MNDON AHSir Winston Churchill became the mos longlived British prime mln tater Monday The previous record was held by Wllllnm Gladstone mthunlury Haley man who died In 1899 an as as years and 141 days Slr Winston today Is 88 yearn and 143 days old He Is on vacation at Monte Carlo moved mm In momma were Oaryl 0mg Ind 0n Mm mm on flu lIC NIIIMI AM Thu Dirk lnlrll Thuln an LFTflTV huk lull llnllnu or and chnnnvl TORONTO CF Oularlo Premier John ohms sent telegram Mundav lo Prlme Mlnlster Les1er Pearson iivlng an nuuranca of wholehearted coweratlon with your govern monL Mn iinburix said he would bu verygiad to confer with you whenever you feel that can be of assistance and pledzcd his cooperailon with the new ed erai government in the devti oprnen and implementation oi policies which aredcsigned to move um pounlry iqrwnrq In statement released nul skle the legislnlnruer Rm ham said Damlnlompmvhlcial relations are altogethcr no formal and intermittent fur ef fectlva results and urged that they be mnre constant and hrqught Into lino wIth the 11m Progressive Conservative prtmler wired his sincere con mtulntlons and hes wahe to ho new Liberal prlmu mlnls er Roberts Gives Support To PM This sixpassenger car is source of pride for the whole family But its also beaut of second car This sixpassenger car is built by General Motors But of course Who else could build so much for the price See and Drive it at your AGADIANPONTIACBUIGK DEALERS NOW VTORONTO CF Easton secretary of the Na tlanal Community Antenna Tel evlaton Assoclatlpn of Canada said Monday hearing callrd by the Board of Broadcast Gov ernars Into wired televlslnn syav ems will be very in mm an Impartial hearing Ho said It is hi hape thatin lha development ui new national pailcies an opportunity wiii be afforded ior adequate consulta tion with the pwvince on all matters In which their interests are affected TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um ll HARM EXAMNEEKTUESDAY APRIL 23 196 ll wlll almost be kangaroo caml Mr Easllm said In cnm menllnz on BEG announcer mcnl Frldgy llrwlll hold MarinE lilawSJune on Calls 1386 Hearing Kangaroo Court the relallonshlp between devel npmenl of wired television syn lems and hmndcasl tllavlslon and broadcasting policy Mr Eqsmn laid rooftopan tennns are costly and hazard ous Homes subscribing to wire lelevlslnn system Inns in lha same slnuons mm central antenna as lhosc In the area with individual antennas The averaga annual charge to subscribe 348 33401 Joan arrch Nah Qfuflsts SHAMPOO AND SET $119 PHONE PA H661 ASK FOR THE BUDGET EALON Mlpln A7257 OPEN EVENING SEEM MHIC