VIAU MOIORS llMIIED 11 com mu Imam TORONTO CmThu report of Ontarios roan commission on crime has resulted In nu other plcce provincial legis Iallon Attorney General Fred Cass Introduced bill In lhe legisla lura Monday that give the On tarlo Police Commlsslun he job Cass Introduces Bill To Create Central System Of Crime Records GEORGE MclLRAlTII Trampan Mlnlxter Nlflnnll Revenue JACK GARLAND The Ramblermerican Slx Is the lowest priced Canadianbuilt canwilh Iealuves you wont find even on higher priced cars Thats where its real value lies Because these features keep your operating costs dowry to an absolule mlnlmum Theres DeepDip tuslprooling tor example This process makes the Romblerlmetlcan the worlds most completely rustprooled car Then there ate the three guarantees The Ceiamic Annouted mnttler and tailpipe are guaranteed lot as long as you own the car And the batter and coolant are unconditionally guaianleed tor two years 0124000 miles drive miles and years at the loWesfCbksf Anolher maon calum ls slmplythcwaythn car the lowest priced Canadianbuilt car American Six NEW CABINET MINISTERS nf mainmlulng central sys tem 01 crime stallsucs The records would he avail able In both pruvlncinl and mu nlclpnl police forces and allow rccommcndnllon by ML Jus llce Villrcd Ranch nllcr his Icnglhy onemun Inquiry lnlo og gnnlzed crlme runach Aullmm MOWII mum hump Ill lmllul um JACK NICHOLSON Fomlry Mlnlmr ROBICIIAUD leheflu Mlnlller start with The blll Includes scrlnsyol changes In the Ontario Pullce Act Thaamondmunu nxo glve he police éummlsslon the Job at cndlng advisers on regular vlsll to munlclpnl police forces throughout 0mm It empowers municipal comb cm lo budgn lnr lncrunscd pu llce payroll when ncgolintlcns are still going on or collec Ilvu agreement at lh llmu Iho budget hclng aludlcd Balh omiosfllun parllns lrlcd Io amend xuvcrnmcnl 101an is bum wnh Rambler pioneered SingleUnit con slwclionlhe calls stronger lasts longerJheros out policy too of designing every component In waythat will give maximum usefulness to the user Thats the main mason why the 963 anblerwaschosenwlnnerollhocoveled Motor Trend MagazlnoCar oi IhoYear awatd So when we stress our low pllce were giving you full vaiue or your doiiais Roll on the miles and yours wilh Ramblermeï¬een Six When yeu aim to run ouioi numbers on the odometer yeui siiil have happy memmles oi the low price you paid See your Dealer Ioday and run up few lest miles on Rambler American Six lmlugqlon Mlnlxler GUY FABREAU SollcilorGennrnl STAYNER HOLLANDI mum Elmer Sopha Sudbury snld uxéluslun deputy chlall lrom ï¬remena bnrzalnlnz units was nn unsound principle for many 1e cammunltlcs where deputy was normally worklng lrcmnn work week to 40 have deputy chlel the bargaining un nlllcs less lhun lallon meeting Monday wllh Maulscum Invltalhm losraphm lo take pk the cabinet chnmhu Before the but mad the cammlttca at the whole Homo unnltnred the Invcrnment ma jority haatn vat dwm the op position the times Lthurnln and Ntw Democrat aupported EHOXII to reduce th work week to 40 hour and to have deputy chlets included In the bargaining unit In commu Norma pholompl lnkn an new cabinnt in the chamber where minislcra xuthcr behind closed door to discuss policy The pholographcra who in cluded about lopiill and movie camera man were inside about nix minutes The minister row formally around lha labia tho chamber on tho recand floor oi Parliament Hllll Eut Block OTTAWA CF ler Penmn Ila meeting Monday Hon which Included reduction in he maxmum work weeklor Ontarios firemen lo from 55 hours The hm aka exclude deputy Ilro chm ram hi ï¬remena baraalnlnu unlt Befqre thg pill Emmi Iho Pearson Invites Picture Snapping alIy only one omclnl nphcr In permitted to nmclul pholnlrnph of cabin In the chamber ministers xuthcr behind lo tnkp plcflhfï¬ 40 hour and In chlels included In unit In commu lhun 100000 popu Ilarlcd Prlme Mlnll led his ï¬rst wllh prec to php l0 THE BAN EXAMINER TUESDAY AVRIL 23 ms TORONTO CHA hill era lilng on Ontario Council lot lilo Arts was lnlraduced in the mvinclal lcglxlnlura Monday Premier Roharll Mr Robnrll said at its reading oi the bill that Lieuten antGovernor Keillor Mnckay will bucomo um um chairman oi Iim council upon his retire ment May The Am council promised in he throng npnech opening the current session last November huhoen provldcd wllh pra vlnclul mm $300000 or the 1961M llacal year Bill To Set Up An Arts Council NOW YOU CAN ï¬gWITH BUSINESS INTEBPHONE Bells new unique integrated INTERCOMTELEPHONE Does lack Inf communicatidn hold your husiness Build Inslunloncous volcotovolco conlact wllh onyono In your plant or omcout ho touch button Whatovor tho nature of your businesssales serv lco manulacturlngwhalovar tho 510 of your businesslargo or amullyou can bonnm tram the npood Integration floxlblllly and technical purloc Ion of Bolln nowflualnosalnlovphunu Hum aiosomo tho culuroa only Dualnosu lnlorphono cun olrorx lnugmlnm Telephone llnon and lnlorcom chan nel are combined In one Instrumentyet bolh can bo used at tho sumo Imol The most exciting breakthrough In voice communication over offered to Canadian business Only from Bull Busmm Inlarphono anly In Canada only Iram lol The bill would set up car poraiian known 19 Province 01 Ontario Council or thu Aria with chairman vicechnlr man and 10 ulhcr membersnil in be appointed by the Ontario cabineL MlEi lha 11m council is olnind our new member wii appoinlnd each year and iuur will retire Mn Rohnris saidv Undchhe hlll Iho council may pmvldo asslstnnco to he nrls donned Including then rc literature pnlnling music sculpture amhltcciure graph In am nnd any other almllnr crEnflvc or lnlerprellve activ llxl dug prgynlar Igld The premier raid the council may mopernie with and assist alher organization which have ableci similar in its own it could provide grants scholar ships or loam io Ontarlu real dcnis or Ari riudic or research or to persans outlidc the prov lnca or studies in Ontario gncd lo the council In to promale the study enjoyment and producllon 01 works In the general leld the creallva arts my caovpnm Authority is also given In make awards to Ontario rash dents whn have done outstand lnn work lnlhe nmJ Olher aedlvns the bill pro vide that the council may ac qulm money nemrlues or other property by am at bequest in addition to lunch granted by the lcqlslnguru An Investment cnmmmee IN SHORT Doll Dualm luluphone the unique Inlercomlclophonu syslcrn llml docs mom lol you and your busn05 lhan any lclcplmno and sepa Iala Inrmom syslam could ever do bcloml To gel the lull sicy lust call Dell No obloluconcuAllhouqh Business Intorphonu In tho most modorn equipment availablo today any future Improvements are yours wlthout extra charges slnco the system In rantedI not bouohtl TnlIovodlo ynumudu All unlla Business Interphono aro compathIo wllh one another will bo Installed to mur exact needs todayor your chanoIno need any tlmq In tho tulurol Mandamo opamlon Hlfl microphones and speakers lot you work whllo you talksave time effort misunderslundlngsl comma the council chain man reproseniallvn tin council and third person to be mined by the cabinet would advise he council on in vesimenl ui Ila fundsi The MII nlsn requlma the council lo submit an annual ra or lhrough the cducnllon min lslur to lhe cabinet and legisla urc Anticipating uppnsilion quel llans regarding he diiierencq between the Ontario Council or the Arts and tho Canada Coun cil Mr Raharls said he pro vincial council will be limited Canndn ll ncllvlues range beyond the creative am Into Iho soclnl sciences in pro viding scholarship to Canadian ruidenls WOVEN BYWIFE Ar Llnklcuera favorite lull Is one lallornd from tweed clolh handwoven by hl wile 111