Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1963, p. 7

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im My mu be qulrl rromd ml rnlnurd hilh IN anxlIc nhllllr M116 In scmrmber bummlic mum mm ml rumnnw will bu unulrr lino lnllurntrn In lulu May mill JuIY Illa Au ml rnrl Navrm Mr and 1mm rr The Annual Inllurnm um lllo Iml all Tmnl nnd Inclul Inm nll wlll IN In In mulll Iml light In lnln June curly AIIEHI wly qulrmlurr nml nll ul Dr ccmhrr lml uln Ivy nml lunld donmllr lrldlon In mld May um Except or hrlnl period In mIdAuzuxl lnle Navcmbcr And rurly Drcembrr no oulxlnmllnl momy xnlm urn Indlcnlrd brnr lhll In mlnd when muklnl tlnnnrlnl plnnsCreaHvo OIL nn Hm txwpllon In lhe nnkl hm lho lorrunlnz In tnncunad sIma lhry all Hum nhnuld hau nn mm In ycnrwnh Ipcclnl uuphn Ill nn Jum uhlch or lhrnn would he Imly ouuhnmlnz numm In cull novrrnmu your pct Iunn III II hglpzvncmlly Inth mnnd good hoax In mid Dcccmhcr huvuwrr should ymf all lvn aged gum In 10 marrow Wm Mrlhdny your horoscope lndlcnlcs um Iny hullncu dcclsluns you mnka during 1h next year could hay lnhrulchlnu cuecu an ht nslnc In mnklnu them espcclnlly now since you wonl nny ml mun until mid Oclobcr nnd you may nctunlly have In Inca same prohleml lion htso lines In mldMny Inn mld Scplrmhcr An cxccllenl day on many counts Business and llnnnclnl mallm shuuld prosper beyond your Iondcsl hopes and for lhasu In arllsllc nnd mama fields plnnttnry lnllucnm would be highly stlmnlnllng In lplrnlinn should be punk and mm dens ihuuld mnk out very well FQHTHE BIRTHDAY Aflcr picking up lhe klds at noon Mrs Morris made lunch vncuumnd the floors nnd clcnncd me windows Then came lhe evening meal for tho family more dishes and final lrlp lo Ih cellar Her alal walking dislanéo 751 mllcl Durinl llm manlan xhe cleaned her fathers upslalr tulle dld the bedrooms bath room and three loads Munl dry la the basemnnl She also ducked next door to water he nellhhars plants Her day Ruled 730 mm when she made hrealdasl or husband Rae and the chlldrtn all under school age She did Ihu dishes made the bed and dmvo he chlldmn lo nursery lchool Wearing pedometer llllle nudge that measures the miles aha allowed her normal rou ne MrL Jean Mom pafllcipated In an experiment lo pmvlde an answer THE STARS SAY VANCOUVER CPDHaw far does an ve housewlh travel while doing her chores clcnnlng dusting Washan and chasing after the children WORKJVEAIIY WOMAN Another reader writes 7Irn so weary when got home from work that you could 9le me up with spoon Bc cause Ihls Im lclllng myself go disgracefully hardly ever Ive lallun out love with Ille because Im always 1er and dlsguslcd wilh mysell certainly need to brush up We become so preoccupied with the business at earning living and keeping hnuse inr Inmiiy that Ive Just about or gattcn charm and attractiveness ex sL She Calculates Hours 0n Run or 1015 01 us unrnnunalely in one whole lot easier Io Jom hc latter group And 14 days letters ram uur render regretfully lell that story For Examine nné réader writes By ROBERTA roascu What kind woman are you charming allracllve mem her Ihnl cnvlahle group who trke good care al Uremselvca and kcnp lhemselve up fur lhcxr Jobs home Illa employ ers husbands coworkers and mules Or dlsgusledwllh Yourself member of Hull less enlhualusllc uroup who lel lhem solves m7 because theyre llred and harrasscd lrom trylng to cage wllh lb dally grlnd TWOPART PLAN By ESTRELLIIA WorkWear Homemaker Wants To Get Out Of Rut As sinner or the first part shoot yourself full at heailhy new interest in improving and maintaining your health Blgin with check up by our doctor Next inillaia with plan Skreamiinc your Eating habits in emphasize good healthy pruieclivu diet Add to this all file necessary To help lhesc readers make change begin inking cnre oi Ihlmxnivea and uiiimaiely no themselves as more attractive charming Jaynusiy In iovn withiii penple heres lhe in part 03 iwwpnrl TakeGuad Care or Yoursell Fur MLiin plan it will huip you irnm your twenties ill the end oi your days The ucnnd part will allow In tomorrows column have me lo bother with my hair nnd clothe any more But Im fed up with myself and my llfo and wan to make Changel 3mm am Wm MANV uousmob um come PERCQIATOR Nonmnfi nus Hiram Slick flhfinsssmu fsiifiiiluacnanm u260 flifibfifiif flak my 99 WWII0N rn2v14d Ln POWDER 70 COTTON BALLS ADI NM lliMY in 995 VAmnqu 119 TMETBIES mom1 snvmu BONUS Buff NOT lc SALEBUT EXCEPTIONAI vuncc cHEAMfiEfiuonnnr cm NOT L331 200 ADRIENNE SPRAY HAIR NET LANGLOIS LAVENDER MINIHOLATED 214 7T suAvmefihEAM Adrhnnn WMII Lanna Kn Curl Nut 11 Luau aumium in H1 lief rl 94 55 21 Ewgdgféifri PIE mum BATH $ALIS LID CARBOAT CUSHIONS 150 f3 79 53 W04 ll Iqu um um lam In Cuml Uu IOLVITNYUNI way luauKurtis Gradually as you build these health hahlts lntu your llle youll lnd you eel so much better that youll want to make the ellort to become or your Job home llle employer hus band coworkers family and oursellan allracllve charm ng woman who belong ln tha enviable Group Finally live up thinking that you have io rush around as last whirling lop The world will revolve when you dont ynu know so slop for Ivemin uig iensiqp breaks Walk your Job 11 you pos ilhly can If you cant walk snmewhera glue every day sleep your body requlres at night Besides this use he minum Youve been readlng and Ihlnk ng about physical Illness exer else to law them every guy whenever you can fit them 101 2r21i 2119M PAIL 70 67 101 99 cm naiuw mu IN GOLF BALLS 75 MO llh Ind Nu mom mun 1mm MAJ I1 but MUM0m mam mum mum mums COD IVER Oll Eli 152 190 VITAMIN mmxwmumum 37 Rug 20 50 In 219 230 gamma vmmn TABLETS NYLONS VII5mm rm QUALle 49 230 244593 27J7L63 REXRLLEOLVMUEW 2va5u 2in522ti 2119321 oan mum qu cmm vllumlmNMMM Inning Io mm You cum Lu 15 It Halillllllmlriyer 0illpapsules 2mm 217190 97 lm afoul or Cnm zany Camp la be held at Doe Lake from Aug 24 to SepL and number Guides are raylng small sum each week me Camp Fund to help lem Five Palmi Lenders attended Music Training in Barrie and will teach new Camp Fire Sonia imp them Dlanne Ca enlcr Gcrlrude P011 and Deb Sc Bennett were enrolled In January and we now Have some now rccmlls mm the thin and in Brawnlu Packs Mrs Blah ha been running mum In first aid number Guide have been working hard on their est work borh In and sccnnd class Congratulations Enr bara Thompson and Camle Ln Plerra on completing their nec nnd class tests Dlnnne Warnuck has warkeq especlally hard and alned three badges Needle womnn Cock and Hostess Shar on Law her Cooks Badge ind Helen Fox her Hnsles Badge mm cme pogaPANY IDOM ma l0 mym Anubl Add hum Imam sum VImZhu 2Mw 11an mumawait Mawmun 250 in F° By nznv MELVILLB 380 2i£i29 Sm IOOI ms mm Ivvn vmurumu um hm mm Hulk DUIbk la mm an MANDV Vol HOME OI TMVIL mum CAMERA OUTFIT GARDEN HOSE 1U87 wVr1h cum vm ALARM CLOCKS 495 199 WM In STYlIS SHE 290 In 796 The mlly Chapel Ladies Gulld Annual Spran Ten will he held on May lrnm 230 in pm in Ihe Snell Building There will be bake lable and an assorknent or good for gala Mrsr Palmer and daugh ters June and Mary of Chnrlerll Qua motored home wilh Cpl Clarence Adams of Somme Blvd vlslk her daughter Mrs Adam Ind Iamlly nvcr tho Eas ter weekend Cpl Adams he in posted to Rockcflfle Ont MLNUAE PRING TEA Vlalllng on or her daughter and sum In law He and Mrs Burns and family of Man Loop were Mrs For guson nnd daughter Heather Cobnurg OnL and her rlend Mr Russel Dunn of Pelcrbnrv ough Ont Jacklc Bums return ed In Cnbourg with hlsmmd mother yvsr Eqslcr lloligays vaunnle selves spread the cast mar the next few months WDMANS AUXILIARY Guidcs snld Hot Cross Bun The Womans Auxlllnry held Zn Sulfur Holidaysland 9111 lhch meeting hasy week nvc een an or cm as tellers were read am Yuk rhichwlu be delivered on May Ying the groups gm chug in Hong Kong AY VISITORS la him In Idol Ind by 2w51 CllllDllNl MINT mwon 1mm 5n 55 ISOIlu MD 111 2v31 mu lrlllhl Dhlnlull Ind Chum l0 VOLUMI Lu hm 7mm Cold 21536 all liarMm mom BRUSHES taunt TI Tulu Pug EROMW svni Mivéi SOLUTION Hill HIGHESIA HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 76 76 KLINXO Mwlh WM Cnll Ind MumImu Am 99 10 fllln REG 15¢ AHTACYD MID MILD LAXAIIVI poms 0951333 MILBWLéz SUNGLASSES annulus uammm mums smug haTzE SUNRIES 530 19 50 AygpfipthWAfihz£40 FIRST All BUYS civcum Suppositoriesfifrtriimzw ADHESIVE TAPE MPMW ZIHG OIHTMEHLKJE MINERAL OIL Walt Suppositories 311349 60 Klenzo Aniiseplie 3ch 99 fiw WATIIPIW yd In IV ydu 40 cumm Mormonan uo WITEHHAZEI fimlflif gn Kidngy Bladdgkrm 76 saccHhfliNfinLHs 1196 277131 lo yd ID ydL ha Buy One and Get One For 36 oumop sf IAIT 60 Dnnllu Iy Maryann you hm uGIT oflly nl saunas I1 mu cuunlm mtwa um hum1 erlhxflnnwllhhumal Mom mu on you local ac am 5mm LUMBAGO ovnn 31m ONEBENT 3mm mmnnm onus swam each Cinmpan was decided the club would nol hold bazaar In December as In previous yoras buthave Spring Tea and Sale ear lyln 1964 theu lrnhlde barberlue aprons hdlLs upruns clothespin bags clllldréns clothing and dull clothes Bullysitter service available WDMANS AUXILIARY Th Auxlljnry held 99 Looanlu may summ nor by 15c THERMOMETEHS GAllZE mom rgmcm mm 24 mi mm In mu ASAHEX TABLETS 33715921 46 aims 216 36 hwy cl 55 2716 To 07 21 mu cmr DIUViIW 34 36 72 70 T2256 90 GE the heeflngdhe ladies of Ihe Prolastnn Chapel Gulld RCAF discussed plans or the Rummale Sale to he held an lhe evening at May 15 Also under dlxcussian was lhc budget or the year goal of $1000 was ml to be used or Church work and various chari ties Alter the business meetlrix lhe ladleg watched demonstrauan 60 Mrs LI led and Misfch Murray mndlbon served by Incllunch cvmmluee ended an enjoyable owning rnptpsum 3mm 51 IVE MMHE EXAMINEm MONDAY mm 22 41 Far elderw and convnles tn patients Excellent amines or private or mlprivate Hat and cold walar In room Realm ed Num in attendance STAYNER nunsmo HOME smYNER om MARSHALL Reg PHONE 124 MII 431 In mu DE TM 055 m=251 iiiANN 10qu rows Imnlm TOOTH PASIE SHIPPING LISTS i517 Mi 31 ifififfifisia 1v Tyiéivrilar Pads he 4o unonr EWiibifi tow an an mm yuuosl WRITIHITW WWW DEM NEEDS WRifITm Piiiis EHVEifiFES Dom Amy53 um WHWIFGFATE rimming on All MAIL OWDER PUFFS 3733 001 WWW 233 momma nuts 61 Time gamers 3W =5 WIFUTDES DELRIY MSTHIOTES L39 momPflWhm ELKAYS Aerqsol Moth Preofer Everyday Needs qty STATIONERY RngLiZmal 11 Wu km Gun7 ML Fm at RIG ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL AM FRESHENER us mm Ind mm 15 In In 90 lug 20 SHOW CANADIAN ART LONDON rcmxrhe mu bl enniai exhibition oi Canadian art opens at the Common wealth insiiiute here in June The exhibition is tn acquaint Britons with the best art pro duch by Canadians in the last two years lelreshmenls were served by Mm Hyncs and her com mlllee can uing given by Cpl Russell Au you Phlrmlcy mm lrmrxpuom mm dnllvamd chll Ind numun Iul CUSDENS w21r cmlm um 70 70 70 26 26 26 26 16 36 16 30 Vs

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