unluan mmm vflmlgn In um Mm IM Al it has been apparent to those respon sible for some time now that there is seriousshortage of nurses in Ontario For most hospitals in the province this métter has become acute The general public is onlybeginnlng to realize this and it is brought out from time to time by news items Such an item is the re port that new Toronto hospital sched uled to open in Julyis about tosend committee over to England to try and induce 135 nurses to some to Canada No doubt one of the big reasons for the shortage of nurses is that the hospi tal schools are failing to attract young girls to the profession as they once did because they feel that the training takes too long and the pay is low The num ber of girls graduating from Ontario high schools ls increasing each year but the percentage of these graduates enter ing hospitals to train as nurses has shown decided drop reeently Thér ï¬resent threeyéar trainng course which applies to most hospitals seems to Shock is natures mysterious killer The Ontario Safety League reports medi cal opinion that many lives are lost un necessarily atter traffic accidents be cause first aid for shock is not given Shock is an insidious widespread and grossly underestimated cause of death it often lies undetected behind mask oi more spectacular injuries such as bleeding or severe burns Its power is relatively unknown to the average man Even doctors still cant fully explain or cure shock Shock is rarely mention ed on death certificates yet it kills out right more persons than do burns or gunshot wounds according to the maga zine Family Safety Shock in essence is the bodys reac tion to major physical or emotional insulL Shock cannot develop by Itself like disease but must he lriggergd by sudden happenlng um mmm Dill 1mm um Imumy mlmm mum unmn um nnumv nun Mom Mn urnlunn Mn mm ruqu ume In an mu muon ummm IA urnmqu am by rum cm In All In mu In mol no ym qu maul or mn ululflul IN III Ind lunlln III lhuv1m unicorn Ra AW udll Iumu Death from shock can occur several minutes several hours or several days after an injury Once shock reaches ad vanced stages it is difficult often im possible to combat But immediate first aid can halt its progress or prevent its onset Barrie Examiner April 14 53 By coincidence two wellknown CNR men retired on same day Conductor ll Ii Bert Curtis after 43 years and Engin eer John Robert Rogers after 47 years Conductor Curtis made his final run in charge at Orilila switcher ireight En gineer Rogers for his final run from North Bay on the afternoon passenger train to Toronto drove streamlined mountaintype heavy steam locomotive No 6402 with Charles Eider as tire man Suitable ceremonies at Aliandalo alation arranged for both veteran rail roarlers by Supt Edey and Assistant VI Gleason Family cee brallnns followed lilayor James llart presided tor contentious meeting of town council which finally voted 75 in favor opening negotiations with Central Morl gnge and Housing Corporation Alder man ilohert liibhy led the yeas while Alderman Gcnrgu Baldwin 72 critically in jured in all from moi of new CAP Ground Observer Curps building on Dunlap St East llcv James Fergu son clccimi chairman board of IlilELlUll linan Viciorin llnspilal Dircclors nurcui to Include township rcprtaonlnilvcs mm 0m innislii Essa Vusprn and F103 on board Harrie Conlcnnlni Commillcu insucd appeal for citizens lo dig up old 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Shortage Of Nurses Becomes Acuté In Ontario Ho spitals Shock Is Mystery Killer Oakvnlc Journal Record The science wrllm llku rotor The Barrie Examiner CONSIDER THE PIONEER Walls Publisher on In tummy mime In all an wk mp IM Pl 113mm mama Puliflsheg by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Ban1e Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE iher Brian Slilght General Manager MONDAY APRIL Pm he the decidln fesslon biggest drawback to these girls to enter nursing as their pm Perhars new type of training school would ange the situation demon stration school in Windsor for nursing training is turning out graduates in diploma course in two years rather than the customary three in hospital schools But not all hospital authorities agree to the speedup They feel that it takes three years to train good bedside nurse The training today is usually two years of academic courses and one ieér 6f ï¬ractlcal work wards Perhaps there ls another reason how ever for the shortage of nurses Many of them all victims to that old love bug soon after they graduate As superintendent of an Ontario hospltal says Nurses are young athacllve healthy pretty superintelligenl and they literally marry in droves Combating shock is really very sim ple for you reverse what you see in the victim He seems cold so you cover him enough to keep him comfortably warm but not sweating His face is ale so you lift his feet if this does not nterfere with an Injury to send blood flowing to his head He is faint or diz zy so you give him whiff of ammonia or drink of stimulant such as coffee but never alcohol which ls depressanl lie is losing body fluids so you ive him crude transfuslons by letting lm sip water or other liquids time clothes for Old Home Week Dress ed In costumes of 1853 to advertise Bar ries 100th birthday at Maple Leaf Gar dens for the Flych vs St Michaels 0n tario final hockey match were Mr and Mrs Grant Mayor Mr and Mrs Charlie Newton and Mrs Ben Fiook Major General ll SMackiin Adjutant Generai Canadian Army flew to Korea on the weekend to inspect Canadian un ils Defence Minister Brooke Claxton on opening new Owen Sound Armoury cautioned against relaxing vigilance against the Communists despite recent seeming llussinn peace talk Engage ment announced of Miss Barbara Joanne Christie daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Chr stie of Barrie to Ronald George Stewart of Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team son at Mr and Mrs Stewart of Calgary Alberta Marriage to take place in St Andrews Churcr May Clifford Brown and Ernest llurtnn opened new real cslate and gcn crai Insurance office lilnsked armed bandits hijacked Sirathdee Transport while unloading at Victoria St dc at and got away with cigarettes and cc tricni equipment valued at 314000 Truck later found abandoned near Schomberg was identifiedhy manager haries Agnew lirivcr Stan Brown and night foreman Lloyd Neliea were gaggcd and tied up by handlls iolico started Intensive investigation In treating an injury person should first restore breathing if necessary slop bleeding and third treat for shock ac cording to Dr Donald Dukelow Every injured person should be mediater treated for shock although he shows none 01 the symptoms of pal lor rapid heart beat shallow breathing and dazed coniused attitude he writ Unless an injured arson ls ln im minent danger from urning building or such you should not move him firm hand grlp or comlonlng words are also excellent therapy for shock lhs generation the lllhby not Inch nlylc nf cndulnu hardship and cmldlcd nomclhlng nwlul Al lcul one oxpurl dlmrces Albrrl nldcrnuu of tho Unlcd Slnlcs Ile mlrch In Vnahlunlnn nu wonders WIIOIIIBI that Ilunccr who brnvcd so much would he £1110 to slnml up under the pressure of mIdlmh century Illa TIII planner had In Huh Indian rnldn Iml he carved In emplro out the remnant wllderncu llul In nuvur had to drlvc on the mud lane In un dlvldul cxprennway ll nuh hour or nlt through moon and napkln club lpocch by name expert of he lectura circull or light hll way to the wunlm in downtown nlu day or ï¬gure oul how tome or than new Ilucmcal aldgcll work What an my hl had id hospital in this day and age of ema tions engendered by the nuclear qucsllon as to whelher Cnnndn should adopt these types oi wca pans ch Perhaps Maybe and deï¬nitely Nu here is book by noted American nuclcm physicist who among nthers is having serious qualms us to Americas position Th doubts are therema unending pile up oi aiomlc weapons ior the min Inry lhe nonnomic side lhe pol llicul side and the piiltully in adequntc appreciation oi the humnnlsilc implications Dr Lapp has appeared on Canadian TV program and one cannot ior moment doubt his linearity All this with the re cent ulternnccs oi an American general spenking in Ottawa urg inu Canadian acceptance at nu cicar weapons and the state ment of ihe American Secretary tor Dcicncc iiir McNamara that In Eamarc missiics are there in draw Communist tire away ram lha chlct American cities and than you have all the ingredients of an expiasive issuc REM SENSE Kill Ind Ovlrlllll by Dr flor This in the lyne oi book that lhe general public nucds in Hue very mil xcnso limi liwy dont knuw ihe terrible weaponry ex islcnl and tho long range Wlsnn In cllccls lhnl wlil nllllcl nll manklnd or cncrnllons ihey are Asian druncd misled misinformed and iith lhnt wny by an Inn oi lecrccy imposed mainly by no millinry Only the odd niece oi lnlormnilon is gluin mi and lhcn somcilmcl Acciden ally ironically iiw men that do know lnrmcr military men oi Alliure hnve Ipolicn out but ilwy in dame appear in him been Illcncui iiximidtnl Eisenhower And thcrni Dunxiuu iinLArlhur have wnmcd oi lhc rnmpnnl mll llnrlsm and lhc nmmmcnl in dustry likan over in Uniird Sinlu econumy Ind luxniimil ni uicnlllu hive qull tlriclly on morn urnundl any macnrrh Inn iml any connccllon wliil nuclclr rc in the word at Gcncrnl hlIcArllnIr 610an Mr hnl bacon innlmuiein in dcslmy bolh nidu N9 lonucr win you Ilnml nnly In low Nn lnurztr 11m pom urn llm chnnco winner In dudll runluuu nnly lhu Karma 01 double Aulcme AI Dr Lam tnrrcclly polnll out mo prenl omlc mullnry nlralrzy wan bum nl on lime Ipnca lml llm lne dam to mlnneuvrc hul nnl now In lhll nuclur In wnrllrr llmo hu hem nduud lo mlnulu md II In Hum aomd own Mllon in mnmlucd no palm of mum III II mdy lot um READY 10 HIKE mm lhc Ilmerlunl mm prcpnml lo Ilrllu lnlllllly wlllu lhm lhnu Inml mllllnn lnnl nl uvlallvo lo llwl llul ngnln Inn md ll Ilnwly WM momml mllllon om Cnuplo Ill wllh wlul lhl mum would hurl all an Elihu ll would lmlwl ho lhu Ind 01 clvlllnllnn we knnw ll lIn norms would nu Imrunllolltd ln whul thl loll nl rlllu mlll lam ul tlllmu ml llllml In llm Inlllll Mulollnnl would Iulfl burn nl vmlnl lnlmlly ll up In on Imnrlml mllrn hum llm drop and sun In no In on um would rd one lo hl ml nm IMI Ilme wm ml up mm ml vllluln Ind llu mu llml my public ll mllnly ml lod Iboul ll lhl lullKlan And wnr an xrniulv Arum Eut In lmernullaml mwrn ll you 1m you are lllnl Il ynu AT THE LIBRARY Scientist Has Qualms About Nuclear Position AW SHUT UP polsonlnz mm long tango lustan or manlh und years Those lhalsurvlve may sue cumb to radlatlon elkcu gemL ï¬nally and ï¬lters which are un mentionahlc Dur load and IM smk would disappear along wh the blrds and the only real winner would be he Inschs apparan lmrnuna the do mu that would destroy all other arm or life The chaplers of Ihls phase cl nuclear warm are almost too much In stomach but It ls nevertheless true The Milllary cuphcmislicnlly count deaths not diroclly attributable to lhe initlul min as bonus dealhs ten of million not as yet dead but who will die mm nuclear ellccls Dr Lapp agrm lhnt he only my iiml things can be kept in check now is by lha balance Inrrnr strategy but what really worries him In the unending plie nn ni nuclear mm in America She has many many limes ll capablliiy at he Russians and the mum at delivery but me nrmnmeni indualry goes on and an and cui back or ailman at disarmament can cause mas lay oil and unemployment Thl diflicull book to re vlew It cnzcndcrs so much emo tion and mm as lo the suxpld lly at mankind and he knuw India that the next holocaust may be slnrled by an nucldcnl or mlslnkc or allure of some plecu cleclmnlc cqulp mcnl Evldence lo 1th Ms not been lncklng In Hm previous ycurn Dr anI by no menus lhu My one of lhu nuclrar phyilo Isl dislurbcd by trends Them Ire hundreds who have been most vacllcruushnndlnx lo Who In Insert full page adver Iucmmtn ln Innuenllnl pnprra pointing out he dangers but up parchy In no ml may cry ml or cnlmnou and mlrulnl The balkr dud than lied Iypu mcnlnlllyAhé black or whno Ipcclnlhlslno American way or am usl dont know nhnl they Ill mqu Ahoul when Ihry ndvacnlc wur Amerlm And her Allch In cummlllld In nuclur WlanD they musk hul we nol hum lo mulch Hm Calnmunlnt hunkn In puwer lee nml lnr mnvenlllm Jam xreMer urr No pl Hal cxlm In hhmry lur Um Amtrlun dillmmn Thu rlno nt Ihn millh Hm IreHm rxnnmlan wmld Irma undpr IM llrflmlnlcn mu nvin Ilvcly IImplolho rllc of nunn llfic knowlcdn WM nlnw nml Ilrmly ml lhe enwmrnu nnllom tnnlrmplnlml In hall rrnlurlu nr mm Now In ml at Hull knowlrdlv In llnl My Inn yrnrl Ind new nulllml wmlnz lnm hclnu nluuul nmly Selina wnrkx rml or Iluullnl In Chlnm It dou lnr me Drmocnrlu lr nluhlumnm unllclh ml Ianl hul Iln mu In wulrlIm mas May Almlzhiy 2nd nun our Mllnn Iha sum to upurn um llld How nllrr lhnl mmmm nun whlrh MUM um All nulwnl MAV MAKE COMKHMJK IBNIKW llfl The hMNh mlnlnlry my nlnlroducu Mm lny unl llvln d¢llll of ur rmlllnm Um um hill to nlml Tm alm In In ll don lnu lmmrdlnl dlnik HM vmnu mnlirnl hmnry Mm Ily unlt Ir IMHIIIMI nllrr lhc 50mm World Wu BIBLE THOUGHT Lam point out and the noiogical rate Is on with the humanistic nnd poiiticai side tar inr behind an astute observ er at the United Nations pointed out the trouble today is that the Communist world under sinnds unity but not liberty whnrcns he Democracies llndnr stand liberty but not unily Even iunl victnry may he won by the that oi thy lwu sides that rn achieve the nihesis oi both hi my and unit Our world needs more artic culnle scicnlisls tbs calling of Male scicnflsls of the calibre Dr Lam and on much public lly cannot be ulvun books of hl alum The pcnccful use nlomlc energy are enormous and lhc paunllnlilles nlrendy In be Ing Ln us harm than the pro posvd not llnc hemMn Khru shchev and Kennedy malcrinl Izcs and um In he misA nndmtnndinn the mid wnr cnn hp reduced and 50 re mnve the car nuclear war thnl hangs over mankind The oldest known paprr money was Issued In China In the Nth ccnlury prlnlcd on mulberry bark pnpcr An RCMP photournplwr looks or lance allowing llu ranyInornln hmnlr lug or garage al ho rear NCMI hrmlqunrlm In nulmrhnn Wenlmount Quuhor lununnloly llmro were nn 1mm bul lmuplo cuulzl have been malmcd or kll ed by mm ml I110 nnmllmu hulh In Quchoc and the rm In counlry have boon mulled by 1M ly 1c 01 violence The hlnl hnl lmn ntlribulml the Front do um llon quebecnln an urganlmlnn dedlu ml lo lhu palmHon Quohnc from Cl Ida Sopamlm hlvo mm to be WERE OLDEFI BILLS NOT WAY TO SOLVE QUEBECS PROBLEMS By JOSEPH MOLNER NJ but Dr Molnar Mylhree yeawld son was sick con Ilanlly had high ever and respiratory Infections will he was given lemma zlnbnlin 1n legions zeitlnz law What causes the Emma Klahnlln lave In be re ducedIMRS The treatments have been skogped but he has cold now an IAamAnfrald his resistance Our blobd has or mums cer tain particles which light d1 case terms Thalllow vacci nullon wnrkl The vaccine Is modiï¬ed sometimes killzd germ which howtver has the ghlflly ln inglligtghe zrqvgth In the Hand of the particles which can combat um particu lartype TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH These protective particles 01 Antibodies concentrate 1n par Hon the blood serum the llquld pprt the blood which we gall gum glam This much we knew Some of Ihe lurther explanallons of the whole process remain unknown but are being studied inten vs Therefore ll when person has been exposed to some disv case we inject gamma globulin either from perrnn already known to have acquired immun ity In that disease or mm group people at lens some of whom have such Immunity we give the rcclplznt the tem porary beneï¬t of this ablliry ta cnmhat germs or lnlecllonsa Obvmusly many us have acquired immunlly In various diseases This lmmunlgy lodged in the blood In the magma globul pulio In helng done with mm lea and Infectious hepalltls It helps temporarily The In Jecled gamma globulin does not remaln lndeilnilely S1 ANTHONY Nfld CF This small hospilal centre on the northern up or Ncwhund 1sz undergoing quflet revol ulon Far lhe first Ume lhc lnwn usually described as the capital of northern Newfoundland ls connedcd In the rest of he prov ince by rand nnd 11hour radio elcnhone service ex pooled be In npcmllnn 1m Ihls year Long distance senice In lhe communlly at 2000 now 13 Iricted la la hour hv Only year no It had no IEephnne scrvlcc at an 51 many the centre at the Inlcmnllanul Gmnlcll As sadallan which serves nnrlhurn Ncwloundland medical Cllll Perched In he mow bell It nlnemonm winters are usually In to 15 dcgm colder Hun the cast man But tempera lyrc In In 35 demos In the the cast man But tempera luru In In 35 demos In the short aummen Up lnsl lnll 5L Anlhony Telephone Service Road Routes Bring Changes To Nfld Town Always Hungry Even Mtér Meal hurd but no In lho lnrm terror Quebec has flounm many of harm Icrioln In lhey must ho mulled Inmln In to Achieve her run groalnrsx llul he lmublu at our prudumlnnnlly lmlchIpcnklng province can on be manned by mmlhlnklng man nm wo men who put unndn llnl invmxr mvnl businm and Industry nll hnvu lholr pm lo lay In the drama As to the anl do Abontlon ll does not pmont Quebec 1hlnklng Only mall porcvnlnge lho pcmlu ha pm vlncc think In 1mm upmusm dont know why ynlir own iiui uoy Is deficient in this re pecii Whether he lacks suiiiclent gamma globulin ormcrciy has not developed sufficient antibody particles within the gamma globulin becomes too technicai agrohlem He evud lemborary nup purt tn his defense against colds and such lnleclluns It may be that wllh such help he has slnce been table establish his own deiense which wlll ha mgge mpglasting Ills defenses wlll be bull only as he ls exposed lo ha varlau germs whlch ulst and develop anllbodlc ln llghl em cannot always tell why some people candcvclop these defenses faster than olhers But only fairly short number at years ago we wouldnt have known that gamma globulln ln Jeelian would help comp ate answer ml ye possible But you and your son are pmtillng by nne phase our constantly Increasing health knowledge mar Dr Molnar What wrong when person hungry all the Ilme when linlsh din ner lee as though hadn mumS The Iikeilest cause is that you mnt eating the right things and your system is trying to tell you so Do you get ylenly oi protein Fresh and cooked veg etables including green lealy ones Fmit and lruit juices Protein has great satiety value it satisï¬es hunger The veget nhles and lruit provide hulk You may have hypermotility or excessively rnpid emptying ol the stomach Try cailng more slowly Hypermntliity can bl lessened by sedative ti ru taken helm meals Another cause is low blood sugar which can be corrected by diet was cut nlf from the rest of Ihr pravlnce except by sea and air Man was flown in mm Gander winner and came by consul boals In summer Coasb er brought In supplln In the autumn the winter month Then v2 road came Opened by Prcmler Joey Smallwmd Insl full lhc SI Birhc cunncnls th IL prov wgndaysgem II has brought mrw CVS says orsz nchill he nnIeH ssuclullons nsï¬slanl swaninundan DOG TEAMS PMS he an he lays whcn pamnu rum to 51 Anilxcny nn dog nuns mm is lezlflun Gun am the days of msvnal Once do learn more lhc only man of lmvcl In the nnrth Now rush vegetables and other perishable foods ur rlve by truck mm as away as Jnlm Nn Mw mull nrmu regularly by aha