Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1963, p. 2

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rnne rffllflm mum kllh we not my Irgnixhljml lendgy Snow upmni on lollunlh Novlhrrn Gmrglun my zvmn Tlmnlnml Imflhrm whlle ler vulnnl Nnrlh lily Mdbury Mull file Mnrlm Ilnln Ind pnullrly ml Innw Inlo lrr nlllvl lumuh hwulny mum tnwlnn In Innwnumrl Turutuy ullrmmn funllnulnu ml Notthwoal vlmll Mm In mm lhll allrrmn vylmlv Emlrrn Lulu Onlmlo III Immm rozlnm fluln am new Ilnnnl lhundmlnrnu lulu Ir nluhl lllmunh Tllmlny rmlln um mal Nurflurly MM nnr 15 hmumlnl Hmrly la nllhl Fanuni luunl Ivy llw Tur onln wmhrr ulflru 410 num Imu Conlflnhbm ran lnm com CI my cum ran ldn Havnnlln can lJuIk mum nleunlnldn mu Albulul mum Allnml 5m Mumlulum in To Ann Mlu sml Bin Mom mmlun ILA on lowu Amnu nvn Mun AIth Imu 1mm IIII mnmum 1mm MI Im rum Mmnll nmwnn N7 Ion mun lndmllhll up In nun up In uumm drum manna Imcl lchIANnI mnu Munmm up 17 mm mum up II nlll jusr your reporter forgnl to take notes This is an oversight an the part of in reviewer par ticuiarly If he Is not well known but thats how well executed the show was There were momenu when bush fell aver the spectators when the skaters look part in mldramatic sequences such as the cannnn act This act re quired youngster to be shut out of cannon the act that the youngster was dressed In onlhall unilorm did not detract frth th9cronds cgriasitx At odd Intervals these extras on the Ice did two jobsfilled up the ice area during solo number by any performer and distracted attention Admittedly like circus the clam are neces sary but perhaps bit more discretion might have been used lnjcndip themnut grant ac renn operormare djflerenk when yau see one chlld perform you dont see them 311 Every chlld seem la have his or her own peculiar wag gdding ln Presentation HUSH FALLS it was production or the kiddies straight out dream land And the parents in the audience seemed lnfilnrgoi their chmnulngicni sqpcriority over the pednrminl ynunxsters loot ing as ii they wished they were performing instead their nif spnnz it doubmllY hawavcr we manning at the scenes ever reached the childrenloaldng on but they were hugeyed any way at the antics provided by the dawns and sailors BUGEYED The ice carnival pmenied Saturday night at the Anderson Arena In Camp Harden was unique type of rkaling extra vaganza The entire twohum raductian revolved arnund tie girls dream being circus wilh scencs including the ynung lady herscii pres enlalion oi the Camp Borden Figure Skating Club The lirgms war Vdnmrneaflhe Enthrall Spectators im Ins Ilam WEATHER Cnmplled hy Flynn ll mnlop Blnla TODAYS STOCK PRICES QUICK IM Ha wi nu Iii INDUIIIIIAI BIL Dam Tour4 num mum Dam hr GL LII hm Paw Imdu nu um um Ham on Hue llln lmv Tamra lm ml In AerrpL Inx Nll In Nlrkll lnm Uuuuu Inluprnv PIV Jorley Club Llhlll lav Illnd MI Poi 1m Illy nu Innmu nu my mum Llhrldm no Duhull um lln Mum IAntnuvl Ida IllNlNfl Faunl rvmprnluvrl law lndny llluh Tundny llnmlllnn All 5L Cnumlnel Torunln lulcrhnrough mini Nnrlh Buy Tutmlny uflernmn Conllnuln tool Arthur Davey Mayor Port Elain and lumltun merchanl and Gordon Pyalt Thornbury hardware dealer wnru chosen viceprcxldenlg Charles Urlllln mrrlc and Willlnm Cramlon Mldland um re elcdnd direclorub lame Russell Quick of Trout Creek In insurance agent and exlumbermnn has been elect ed president the Georgina Bay Dcveopmn Ame He luch or an QC Tullcnhnm Mr Quick has served as director Irom MuskokaParry Sound mu the GBDA Ior spvenl years Thu money spent on the my lumu purmased by the par ents wont be last Coma this Halloween therell be more zcbras lions tigers elephants and horses fin Camp Harden than there have ever been The shnw was wholesome en lerlnlnmcnl pleasant and re laxing altar la panlcipalc in mm the xpcctnlor point View But then an even funnier thing happened without bang At Illa opposite end of the Ice the yaungslcr presumably shot for th in Iha interim lay prostrate an the Ice and then the remain dcr at the number continued It was as that black smoke Incidenl hadnt occurred Just as Battle Skalnxrcluba shnw went of monthly did on final the audience vlewpolnt no cues seemed to be mlssed and lie chlldren were dazzling in Iheir goals they Inevimbly and will be or llme lrnmamorlal seemed to be more interested in watching the and iences reaction than they were In skating Frequent glances were thrown by many only to be shoved lnta place by the an ollgwing behind The musical selocllnns play ed by tape over public ad dress system enhanced the per formance twmendously cannon primed the Iudlence on Llwedxe of lhelr seats Ive never heard or anyone being shot out of cannon beforefifl said MY and knnw they cant do lt film Whats going to fingpe MUSIC TAPE the lights went out fun ny thing happened something which no one iuiiy seemed to undentand including the tors black slush smoke biliowcd iorlh irom an oil drum and suddenly skaters started bowing in pseudo praise and adoration What this had in do with the cnnnan act no nneJeemed In know GBDA Elects New President Mum mes ma mm or All mo Humoaoum BOWENS The arena was pack I05 lll I1 Ii 1555 II llullu AI nflMlleIK 24HOUR SERVICE Moon Loxp min Pore lnlnu Im lllll rm Inner Quu Nu 0n Tonnam Ill Tnnl mu mu Tun Inn Tuna Unlan mm th lmllh Mo Alum mum sun ml Inn on Wlllmy Wumr Nil 0m Ted Baaudobl on nu ri um ini Im um Ys Mens cluhs have to per fect themselves In spite of their many necempllshmcnls was the challenge given by Nell Tay lor outgolng dislrlcl governm lur Georgian Bay Dislrlcl yes terday at he Ys Mens confer encel ML Taylor lssucd the lullnw inu poinlers whch he suggested the clubs cauld allow Ensure Mlchml Donnell has hem appointed circulntlun Immu gcr The Ilarrle Hxnmlncr Pminusly he had served us nsslslunl circulnllan manugrr of he Orlllln Packol mu Tlmrs llls dulch an The 11 ominnr mmmcncud loday Examlncr Photo who took pm In an amp Borden Figure Sknllng Clubs Ice Carnival Saturday night Keep Improving Ys Men Told ONE OF THE 100 persons APPOINTED During Bramcrhood Vcck ha naryle club mlcrlaincd over sm cndeu lrulmng nl Camp Hardcn This was an inlannul meeting at brlcl lnlks qurslian nnd mwm nnd wns enjvyLd by all mid Mr Cnlhm Ken Calmrs oulguina presi dch of he barrio club said Excellent programs have been held lhrnughnut lhc ywr chnnlmn members parllcipaled in lnlcrcluh vim lo OriHia 50 ware present the clubs hllh anniversary ceIzhraliuns and one rlnk participated in tho Mldlnad bonsnlelr The presidents of our cluln represented Barrie Oril Midland and Owen Sound each gave brie rcpurt on their yo acuvifics Mr Taylor added that nu club can reach It lull pomqu when It has men who enjoy their ll 01 load lunI clowship and then skip Mr Taylor lhcn prcscnlcd Jim Phllput past president of the Orillin club who was cluel cd dLsrict gqvcmor for 1961 membership growch nnd ycl chiphnsize quality He set gain 250 members or the dis lr cl Cnmmcnln on the normal plague of early lcavm and spasmodic Illcndcrs he urged Ys Mens clubs to face this problem and make members Fully aware that such behavior is not acceptable In Ysdom He said he was pleascd by the really busy men with heavy mpnnsihilillu who can it in nllendance the lull mccling and also make worthwhile con tribution to Ysdnm Miss Gnu Flppyls warm Murch 0n number The Club presented we hour show called Day at lha Circus Examiner Photo Mr vhnpln mm FOUR YI ME Club From the loft Ray hchelvln mro rrnrcscnltd ul lhc Gtor pllbl president or Owen pinn Ilny Dislrlrt conlmnce Sound William well pmsl held In Barrio yesterday dan at the Jlldland club hon nnrllcipalcd In our hockey lmve been lnvolvld In hasknl plugmm organimd by Jon lmll dlrcclcd by Lona ox boys have been ln uur llu an the ml llxsc luolball mourn tnnlmllcd by program $2000 and 2960 llnym nml ximllar number mun lmura Markham were represented Club banners flown Weie Pene lnng Goldwater Orilfia Hunts ville Midland Barrie Call ingwqod Aurora and Newmar kcl President for the district was Murray Hodgkin past presi dent the Aurora chapter Pre sent District president or DI lrict 11 Is Jim Rigley of Calling wood 1111 mnnm mxmynwan monmv mun an He is memlicr the Sgclely of Canadian PainterEmbers and Engravers and has 11150 served as president of that societyr Mr Hnmyansky is also member of the American Color Print So cigly Nine Junior Chamber of Com merce units rum District II at tendcdlhe Junlor Chamber of Commerce Spring Contercnce lhe Commodore Hotel In Pene ta hene over Ihe weekend new dLstrlct ellccuve July 1961 was formed and will in cude the Newmnrkcl mum and Markham clubs lhe Barrie 1m Clubs annual mgeung will be held lomomw aHhe Library Hall at 730 Guest speaker or the gvenlng will be Nicholas Homyanskyy whu hasdcmonslmled tq th clulznn previous occasions Mrs Frank Craig hullctln editor oxglue club said he Is an on slaqding craflsman In his field so we leélhls skillsare worth rcpeallng Alter that address III will demonstrate simultaneous color hqqdqunling taught elchlng at he 0n arlu College of Art for Is years is now mired but is teaching mlvale lessons Mr Ilnrnyansky of Hungar lan birth and came to Canada In 1929 He studied in Budapest Munich Amsterdam Agtwm and Pans He was first known us portrait arm and Ills first canvass after coming to Canada The Iceman mad rpn page news FOUR YI MEN Club mro rrnrcscnlcd the Gear pinn Hay Dislrirt confvmnce held In Barrio yesterday Barziejfirtcluh Mgets Tuesday Iaycees Attend District Meet New Look at the World Outionk was the predominant theme or the Ys Mens Georg ian my district conference held in Barrio Community Huuse ycs terday Fiftyfour Ys Men ailcndcd from Owen Sound Orinia Mld land and Barrie in take part in the days activlflcs and to hear the lwo sues speakers on Dewar from Palorburough and Dr Wybulml assistant metropolitan secretary at the YMCAVJn Toronto James field of North York right L1 greeted by Bernard St Amam at todays meeting Ys Men Told To Tch New Lbok At World TANK RENTAL ONLY 15 BAYFIELD SIREET FLAT RATE ELECTRIC WATER HEATER BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ALL THE HOT WATER YOU NEED WITH GUARANTEED He snld Int nxlnmxl malcly 33000 1m hron raised by nur clubs mqu durlnl ho ymr Col Dewar spake on his lrlp around the world in 1960 on be hafl of World Servicev an In ternational lundion of Ys Mens clubs He emphnsimd the MA sponsibilily Ys Men have to hnlp underprivileged countries by spreading the knowledge lo necessily for world service In the Ys Mens clubs In our area of the world He said money being spent to help projeds In 37 coun tries and Ken Calhcrs p15 prcsid ml of Illa Barrie club Ex aminor Photo of County Council Todays meeung was called in approve the appointment at Mr Reid Col Dewar was the guest llvig Ballor Elnclllully Consl Bradley ls rcporlgd to have Injumd one hand while hrcukIngup scume the FM Point at am Saturday Constable Barry nradley Bum Cily Pnlicn Department was orcod to lake all work In day because he did his lab in he early hour Saturday morning Dr Wyhoum guest speaker for the international dinner held later in the evening praised the theme of the conference and said It takes bigger mind to live in smaller world Ila said that the has had head siart in world outlook The llrst world alliance of thu was about 110 year ago he saldl Dr Vybourn spoke hrleily on the growing lntemauonalism spreading throughout the world and usked Are we prepared to recognize our prejudices and work lownrd their elimina tion speaker at the presideniliun cheun Throughout his talk he presented series of slide de picting various living oondilinru in Chlna Bangkok India and Greecel ospoke on the Phases work in those countries Hurts on Hand Stopping Scuffle as director of the buunlya Recreation Service Emu lner Photo Joan arrick XML SHAMPOO AND SET arm EVENINGS PHONE IA 81561 ASK FOR THE BUDGET SALON $119 PA 64825 For Month

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