Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1963, p. 13

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on um um mum Nm numn mu or ule mu bu In me lg Pm wlnm mmmem Teltpbenl Mr HuiIll MIW Mln Illfll Ill chum You Clnvm um cm In Ellen humu monuu uln Ind your lnlnl and termva H1 Minn fimglndlnl nefllnl Illn OI And my Ivllllblt on ennun Immedmc unlc nn nule mint nunn Ivy GumIn sum Mnunl Typ 5211 or me 31511 Dad 1cm ulan pmenlm For my mm mlnm unn Apply Pm Hum 11va mm In Ion Mun 2000 mum hill My 35 var hlll APPLY Down RR Coohwon Tulephmu 705434507 my 511 tov1m pm PA nan cecu Frlnlcum PA mu WEADICK MILLING COI CUSTOM GRINDING AND MIXING IOn tho mm with our mobile med mlll Cor at our stationary mm SLrnud 0W5 carry complete Iinu of prepared 9ch wncmlrms cm ALSO IN TEREST FlEE eFEED CON TRACIS PHONE STROUD 52 Pl unit In rllY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PAH2m POULTRY MANUII 40 Ian Tilephann Shula Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland Dmd Brawn Bully Farm Equlpmunl 176 BURTON WE PA 81371 CASH TRADE TERMS mamas MARKET DEAD STOCK Elihu prices bald or dead or crippled came no bones Smaulanlmals remaved 1m For fast servlcn PHONE BARBIE PA 612 Collech or uh NICKS DEAD STOCK MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Farm dairy and barn equipment Barrie Holly Hwy 27 PA 410338 Nllfl Erma mo Emma hour duI dun ml RR Fuxmud Ontario Llama No 171061 Nick Monlazue Prop CHARLES CHURCH FEED SEED GRAIN FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN W0 will my THE H16 PRICES IN TOWN tor you out 176 Bradford 575a PA 84271 It Now leu at WESTERN DEALER ORV HARDY MOTORS LTD Standard Automatic DRIVING STRUCTIONS 105 Rose Sire PA 61277 FOR YotUR DONT YOUR CAR AWAY SELLT EVERYTHING 1m blltk Iulom um $895 PA ll Is HERE mun luo dour bllcl Ind mu Mm cuntmunl lnlulor omill mmmlulon coudfllum down um monm 4pm PA flour lnur door dun can Ind Whlfl wllh elm tmun Interior momuuo mm mlnlcn rullom ndlo dun lull um owmr Law In min 135 107 down IIll hon PA £70 5L PAW 1m MONAncII lnur door may blltk with cnnlrllflnl hllmmY momll mnmlulon nu um um Clnnnl mm mm ma mm down mepnm PA Ill Inn or Prflemd mm mun my arm nnrdlm 91 mum nm nu can All co cumr 1m METEOR Slluon Wllon and um load mecnunlul rowmun and rldio It Mun Ml ll Apply uncl LullI Ah Cum Pm PA Mm m2 nLnsMonlLB or me door hmlop pom bnku Ind new In ndln Ind mny mm Sn Mull IIIL Tfilephnnt PA per moner Teuphom PA WONENAC iwo door 1m 0m owner sum my with cumulunl antflnr flex in qnwn ny nu PHMDUIII or nla mud am cylinder 50 All 55 Ford lunch wunn mndud cylin der Talopnam PA um at ur lnlr d0 III DLKIWADIN nod condlA llnn hum molar Ruxonnhle For further lnlarmlllon IIlthmI PA PM In MI a3mni3$$£ wm up um Teltphonc PA mu In BIIL 1m PLYMOUTH Inur dnnr Iuhun hln hlul Ind Whlh Wllh mllch in humor 125 down Ind 33 per month Telephonc PA E7351 Goon DEAL mow AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA 85971 xq Ln Commun IAllllll 10R HINT load em on Ihldl lprlnl tuck Ill lupplltd 10 per held pu lumn Alla J0 In My lolln lo ml well lcncnd VH7 load 11mm mund mo For lfllL Ikphfln Ivy 11M or apply DIvI Lalour RR Utopll MOTOR CARS FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE Mart and mm poultrymen chooxln DEKALB PULLETE Started rendy to lay and day old ducks Order now or early order discount For Iervlce or help on your poultry problem call Cull Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTR FARM LTD STROUD PHONE 77 FARMERS MARKET PASTURE T0 RENT DEKALB PULLETS POULTRY CHICKS YOU GET GOOD DEAL CAR pm nboul III In mum to Box gun mum Must have chauffeur llcenca and be rclable erLc zlvlnz all nmlculnrl lo Box 70 Barrie Examlncr MIDDLE Auls mum Inna mm loci Ilur hIIlldln or ucld nlll Vllll B0 II lnlu um um LIHYI Trldfllnn ch qu In In vlclnuy nl Klnl Edvard school noth em Cum barllnd sum mepnon FA 20 lelld 100an Fur Ian mm In color Doll ln Dundomld Sh Iru Chlldl peL lindnr plem un PA um LOST FOUNDV LLOYD IVLVGATK Ulopll Dnuno Wlll llnl Ipnmlhlt lor my dehll conlnum In my mm from mu due Aprll In wllhnut my wmun Ill nmm l0 HELP WANTED mm my Apply Km Icmunhm Gumbel11nd sum mm mm lddreu or human FA mu mum LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered Schaal Thorough training In all brun che of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY ST PA 83963 COMMUTINB 31110 In RHINO wm any Lem mm mm mm In Tomnln mo Gym Tum phonl PA um um mm you vke N531 Mum nnvm Inn ltlr Fem duly PA mu mu PM Emu PAHBNEEM Wlnlid on dilly rlln lo Clmp Ilardun Tiliphulll PA 050 lnr mnhnr lnlomulflll IBM 101 Coldwlvu by mum hllrdxllur ll you own ham no In Blmlu PA or PA Monll cm hum In nod cc Ion IaIonamc Smlll Mr Cnmnuar mm mm PA mos VDLIHWAGKN plnbuv GM to dlflon mulnr llm ovuhlulld phnnl FA I091 or my up In mamnon PERSONE lllh Hal AUTOMOTIVE MdTon cm Fdn sALE CONSTRUCTION WORKER WANTED WOMENS COLUMN TRUCKS TRAILERS MALE FEMALE cnIvhbur door ml dawn Machlulu 11mm PA um MALE HELP nun my uuulnlu our employ know mummenm Aw In run mmnm nun lnm ML INVITES YOU TO INQUIRE ABOUT THEIR PHONE PA 81554 BEAVER LUMBER PIIEFAB PRECUT I3UILT T0 SPECIFICATIONS 121 BRADFORD ST YOU ARI SIIECHIIIII Eflll mumqu ynur wnrllul yuu you run bun mun mm bmu mu mm mm you hlvu do It beta qlllll lutctllhll on Ch nulll hind you my ml ummd em oulh ench month nd um ym In do Lh mum yuu would mu In um Hub you In Indy 1n mo mu an I0 um you quallly In mmnou Ind hlmwotklnl mum1 who mu maple nu ma educlllon mmm ma bum m1 In Ilttrvlnvl le inland Comm Mn Ktlly Dawn and Pralenlonll but on mumI nu Bum Wou ARI mrwlhcul you hm you muan you In null uch In do mu am In In Into THIS SPACE AVAILABLE CALL PA 82414 ARI YOU DIISATMHID with Your Dunn MEHDIHDI Your mum lncoma lo you commrm Ill youlhulu ol urur In Lu Underwflflnfl 1h Nnnhlm Lu Anunm Canplny DI Cl adl PIMHIII In ll ovmln 111 mm in all nu nun who am nullity mum and noun To mum gluu wflln Mr my LU 1mm Mnnurr Call sum Bum om Au mun maamuL Mmmn wnmn by hm balmy Reply In your own hund wrlunl mun exvulkncl 11 In muml mu annullon Ind ny nmer mumu Imamnun mlemked In elem out mennu nun who wuuu In work llox num mum CLASSYFIRED ADS WILL BRING RESULTS mmn hilly upulcncld um luul um um pm luaul min Study emplo men Tap wm uuu lrlnu neflll may Po Box mo human or In perm llruzhrld mum nruehrldn YOUNG MAN Ium pmdut hullnzu III on of Barn Xudlnl thlln IlorIL Fullllmn emvlnymen nanenu includu hunk pin cellnnl nworlunfly tor nuvum menl Apply Box 16 mm Ex Imlnlr FARM llP nun12a mm or dllry ll Mull hva nxperlenn with cum Ind mthlnem Seplr ll hnuw Tllwhaui Dobnn or urine lnlarmlllnn n3 gun12a mm rd miller Ind lnclur manner For work all modern dlllv llrm wllhln ellM ml mm wl Blnll lxlmlner Ixnflqnm WANTED INTERMEDIATE DRAFTSMAN or mod wark and malntalnlnz records Should havu years drnflln to RawIelzh ealervlor Barrie and part of Slmcoe Counly Over 1500 Inmllies where Raw leluh Produda have been sold or many years Real oppor tunity for permanohl pmflt abln work Stan promptly Write fiawlelzha D91 D42 4905 Rimelleu Mammal Mlnulaclurlnx planlm mllu north Toronto produan standard llnn pmdnm re Qulm IMACHINE SHOP FOREMAN Should be llrsl elm mnnhlnlsz experienced In metholl production rlandardr and schedulan llo mmle operalm ol Verl Borlnl Mills Eng Lathes Radial DrllLl em Remunarnllon Iccardlng la Ibll lly An 3550 erto Box 65 BARRIE EXAMINER 10 HELP WANTED SNACK BAIL MANSFIELD nuifiin CANADA LIMITED BARRIE ONTARIO MALEHELP NOW OPEN HURONIA DRIVE THEAIRE Open Days Week ALWAYS BIG FEATURES muan SHOW SIAflm AT DUSK ADMISSION 75c Children 12 Yrs FREE $6031 uPlnllNcln honehpur qulnu hy elderly coup lo Ile In Cnnnnm homo Good mum mHan Man wllh nlmnm In 322 Law H1 Strut PA DUIIKKKPZII or Ilunul Dunn mm um um Laundry unl out In employtd Clull wm Box Em unlnuhn umlll ma prul npmm dry clllnnl pllnl puIeMea rxvemy phanl PA 17 ucuflll nuuurlnl Walk ll 11 or our Tlllphnnl Slmud RU Lu Womgn um womN ran rPrzfmnée be shown Io applicants wllh typing and chaulleurs licence This challenging poslllon with con islderable opportunlwr Jar ad vanccljnem Pluise Vinclude your yhone number APPLY IN WRITING TO Advertising Manager BARRIE EXAMINER To xervlce and sell newspaper mum ndveruslng Th1 tercsLlng position entail per sonal comm with local bus umbxa m1 mull All um mu nu llll old dlllnl employmenl mm mm mun Jun 11 ll dllvurl menu TIIephonI PA E1510 anytime Vial lanced armId my and lunch APPU HI nun1d 5t son SL Barrie PA 36655 RELIABLE MAN wm dn Inunor um um pllnllnl clwenllh un nuldnnr 1th In mm lwn mawinl Rum rm mm PA 111 man It on WILL LOOK It on of 40 ch dull In my hum whlln molhlr wnrkl Mm hlhy lllllnl 111th St Vlnflnl Ind Bllll PA 58317 IMMEDIATE chnlng for malum woman to scrvlca excellent territory In Ves pra and 0m annshlps Star earnlng extra Income right away No expcrlcnca neededwe Iraln you In show AVON Cosmcllcs For personal lnlcrvlew write lo Mrs Walker 38 nmm 11min Wllhu lummer emvlnymenl W11 cnmldu Hr any my mu work MIMI PA HIM ETAPLOYMENT WANTED in Mamat ANDIWXF vqlllenholl no Xihnon nnu upn unvul delc Pm loam lllrll Ind mu nun uau Good nu lulllnlnd Telephnnl MIN 15 uvcnlnn Io HELPWANIED GARAGES MALEHELP FEMALE HELP mu Ilfhjflyen 49 FUTURE FOR YOU IN SELLING AVON II or max1y tn lu prtplnllon at nm hnuukuplnl om Clunlu warn Clnll In anvnlnwn mm mmxm $259 FROM flrul flnhhlr rtqulnd lnr Mull be wlek Til or Phone PA MIDI By IL sollcllon STRAUGHAN Clerk at the City or Harrie BOYS SEAGRAM Gt ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario For Wanr Thls néllcal the 15 day any person who claims that bk land will be prejudlclally arfected by the said Bylaw and who Ipplle be henrd shall be heard by the Council ithtr In penan orby sellclgor orn nn hal the Council 05 ihe Corporation of he Clly oi Barrie will alter Ihe publication this Mike at leasi once week im our in successive week In Ihe Barrie Examineri consider and deemed expedient pass Bylaw in close and 520 up lllnt perioi Paynlx street be ing he easterly 46 lying be Viween the south llmll at Dun lop Street and the rlghleiwny at the Canadian Nullonnl Rail way in Barrie PA8 2414 IN THE MATTER OF Closan or of Sheet Auctloneer DATED at Barrie Lhe day at Aprll 1963 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE MECHANICS LIEN ACT TAKE NOTICE that BERT DIXON ol Hlllsdale Onlnrlo ll lndebted to Bay City Motor mm Market Squam Enrrle In the County of Slmcoe In the sum ol $250 or repaln and storm made upon 1954 Buick Serlal Number 6mm MW 1953 Studebaker Serlal Number 8955017 Ind In that he said Bay Clly Mala Ltd has mnlned unpald for more Ihan months pursuanl la Secllon 43 of the Mechanica Lien ACL RS0 1960 Chapter 23 5516 of he aald vchlclu will be held by public autumn on Wednesday ho zuh day 01 April 1963 ll Ihe hour of 10 am at Buy Cily Motors Ltd 45 Bradlord 52 Barrie rgD Fli1fiiEn1KE NO ll lEGAl NOTICES Jammy Vgoucmm Service Dial ms Eubmhcd of Aer FREE BRAKE TESTING ALL WORK GUARANTEED CALL US NDAY lnlroduchu the New mmmu PA 84165 7B BAYFIELD IT BRAKE OVERHAUL FOR SUMMER DRIVING uvrlv JILIIIVW Senlzd Tender pmptrly marked as to mutant wlll be rcoelvad by he underflan ln enmlopc suppllcd up la pm Aprll 29 1963 or he wmplclo openan of Grove St Iron 51 Vlncent Street to Lay Slml ln he my Banlo 0mm comprlslnz Ibo lollawing wmks 1350 lineal leek more or less Band openln 1620 lineal lect mom or less of Dralna dkdl mo llnenl feel mom or km of 16 San lary new 2722 lineal rm more or less of Concrflo wrbln 2670 llneal led more or less 01 Comm sldewa Plans Specllicnlions and Tender envel my be obulned lmm the City Clerks ollloc Colllcr Sim llama Ontarlol dcposll cl $2500 ol which $1500 relundable mum of Plans and Speclllcahmu In good candlllon la rnqulred Lowest or my Tender not necesarlly ICCLplAd STRAUGHAN Oily Clctk JORY MOTORS 12 IENDEIE 50 Who Doesnt Read Small Ads YOU DO mmu in the Court House Clly ol Barrie on Wednesday he 15 day May 110 1963 at Ihu hour 100 oclockln he nit ernonn DATED at the City EIHIE In the County of Simcae lhis 9th day January AD 1963 ROSS HUGHES Sheri County of 51mm UNDER AND BY VIRTUE 05 an Execution issued out oi The County Court or the County oi Simone and to me direcud against the land and tenement oi JOHN BUTTS and BET TY BUiiS Deiendnntn at the suit oi St Louis Parish Wat erloo Credit Union Limited have nixed and taken in ex ecution all the right tilie in terest and equity oi redemption or John Butt and Betty Butts in Ind to the following lands and tenements ALL AND SlNGULAR In certain arcei or trnct ol land not premisu rliuate lying and being in the Town ship oi Sunnidaie in the County of Simone known all Lot No 27 Accord ing to pian registered in the Registry Oiiice for the Registry Division at the C4mmty oi Simcoe as No 25 ALL OF WHICH said right liiie interest and equity oi reA demotion oi the mid JOHN BUTIS and BEflY BUHS in and to Inc said land and ten emcnta shall aim for snla by public lion It mymoiilcg it EIE ROAD OPENING IHE BARBIE EWIR MONDAY APRIL lEGAl NOTICES SHERIFFS SALE QEMN DS PHONE PA It The Car Page Most Anything TENDERS FOR SUBTRADES dem will bq received by ill underslzned will 12 oclock noon Wednesday April 24 196 for all auirirada price mqulred in the construcflon oi lha Fod oral Building Midland Ontariol or Ihe Department at Public Works OilavII Auhiieds Salier and Allison Lowest or any lender not no cssarlly acccpiod 7WHIDODD CONSTRUCTION co LTD 33 CONNIE STREET Toronto 15 PHONE CHERRY 03313 suired Inula ulcerations and Id lllom Lakeka Dnlry Bu fle Ontario Architects Salm and Allison Lowest or any lender not no madly accepted MIDLANPL ONTARIO TENDERS FOR SUBTRADES Tender will be received by tho underslxned unul l2 oclock noon fleshy April 23 1963 for all mun prim ro sgilred In yadtgraum and Id 12 TENDERS as Conife St Toronto 15 EQNE CHERRY 93313 DODD CONSTRUCTION co LTD Want Ads BABE ONTm PHONE DA 31m SELL

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