nun Arm mm no Illmlnu mu unqu IImlm um Twinor mo our mum MnNnu APRIL mumm MONDAY Arlul Mr and Mrs James Pilkcy Illd lnmlly ol Chelmslord have been visltlng Mn Sarah Pilkey Ind mily Vlsllora on Monday with Mr and Mrs Archle unless and family Included the owners uncle and aunt Mn and Mrs le1umul flnmv Pm Elllmnln PRICE llCKll AND DELIVEIIY lhnm IA Mm Mill Upholllulnl In Our null MII ant Jull Ildl Inn grass in at the home of Jerry Jnndn caused mme ex cllemenlv Monday afternoon but was extinguished belore the ire tmck arrived lmm Elm vala Fortunately no damage was done came clnse la the garage Mr and Mrs Douglas Ménin Midland were dinnm guests on Monday of Mr and Mrs Jack Cammm GRASS FIRE Mn John De Gamer and Emily spam Sunday evm In at Allister mm the lat ter bmthcrlnlaw and slsmr Mr and Mn Vanda lug and lungily Mrs Clarence Atkinson an boys were supper guesu on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Mel Sage and Calhcrine Sunnidnh Corners Mr and MEI Hurnld 5mm visited in Barrie with William Ralnloni an es and landly spam Easter Sunday Georgetown wlth Mr and Ogilviq angAfamlly Mrfan ï¬rs Jun Major Toronto we Easter vlslkon WI the Virggys Heir Slnrlmzs 01 Toronto visiled on lhe weekend wIlh rcgqllves hero Mr ind Mrs Jack Cameron vlslled Sunday with Mr and Mg OrvIIlgVSaner 9f Midland Missal Judy and Connie Sin ciair oi Coiiingwnad have been Iwiidayiug ai the home 01 their zrnudparcnis Mr and Mrs Slevo wan Mr and Mn Alex Finlay and iamin wem supper guests of he inticra sister Miss iieien Pigkeriug ol Caiiiquood ll your arm In nol mind by pl pbun nmas Hiséy Brampton spent lhu Easler weekend at me home his bmmerInlw and sister Mr and Mrs Fred VPSV Mr and Mrs Lloyd Maw and boys oi Thornton were visitors on Good Friday at tho homo oi heir aunt Mrs pimnce Ab kinson and boys Mr and Mrs Waiter Hnii tended the isih wedding anni versary oi the Initers grand parems in Midland Saturw evening BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MQDERN WORK And Copy mm In nvllvml to You mm THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE nnmfdnn IT lllduwly Lu In lwu mu mu ram mu Num Tull Thu Truui rrv Nu mu nu nulnn DRIVENOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS AROUND SIMcoEcouNï¬ wulhu Gum Bio My Eon Armrl Juth ny Thomn Show Dunne In Vlcw qxcwrv rgm By MRS WANLESS TELEVISION PROGRAMS CFTO CHANNEL NEW FLOS CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVRACHANNELS PA 82433 In IIIum Ilaul VIM um nun nmun flan MUN m1 Arum mudy mm Kidd Ind All lnolml Iv rm ml Ith ma luvm And II un mu lam 1100 1le Ina no la 00 gm 43 ion Larry and Murray Maw spent few days with Ihclr mud parcms Mr and Mrs Dnbson Ccnre Vesprnr number of the ladle at ended the 600 anniversary of he New Flos Womens Inslllule held Edenvnle Hall on Tues dag Winners Ihe wnokly curhm party were high ladlu Mrs Dmm Kenwcll hlgh mens Mr and Mrs Lougth Sunnldnlc Camus visited Ir and Mrs Ben Maw and glrls on Sunday Brnnda and Carol returned home with Ihcrn for me holiday Mr rand Mrs Dagger vlslv ted Mr and Mrs CH Gm hnm and family of Ornngcvllle onSunda 751mm Mm Dobson Centre Vespra visited with Mn and Mrs Russell Maw on Sundny JimEnie Gillen holidnylnz with Mr and Mrs Mel Bales olaync Vlsimxs th Mr and Mn Don McDonald and family on Easter Sunday wcrerMr and Mrs George McDonald Enr rie Mr and Mrs Earl McDan aId ul Tammo Mr and Mm Dennis McDanakl Brampton Mr and Mm Allister McDan ald and Mrs Mary McDonald of Slayner Mr and Mrs Jack New and family Blind River visited Mr and Mrs New re ccnpy Rlrriidd Mrs Hob Dunni and girls or Barrie vlslted with Mr 13nd Mrs Doug McNahb on Sun Mr and Mrs Harry Glflen attended the funeral of Mn Carmen McKehey in Orange vine last week Mrs Gordon Giffen and Greg flew to Chicago on Thursdaylo spend Easier will llzr sister and family Mr and Mn Art Dolby Mr and Mrs May spent the weekend with Mr and Mp Glen Maw of Welland By MR8 MAW Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Degeer were Mr and Mrs Clarence Hon 01 Weber down and Mrrand Mrs George Hall of Thornton Masm Ke vin Graham has alsn been vlslt lug his grandparents Mr and Mrs Cr Degecr Mlcthary E198 of qum la and Mrs Wattles ol Collingwood lluu Buhn our nnmIno Man Muulm Im Om unm TORONTO Nonndly nmn Kiddo All it Canllld Chlmul mm um alumm ror Lou Moll AI gu humor um sum to or luau TM lalnun 1m xmun Ilaul Wmnu spam Inmanel Tlll Mary mu Soul Nlmmm BARRJE Mm Chlllenn TM Mnnmhy Cnunlry luncllnn CBC XV Ntwl mum Spam le nmmm EDENVBLE rcudcr nah lumlllnr with any band hm our new urn played on llle llnl lrlck Severn hands cl lluls lypu hnre been rompnml and oflcr hm lhls curlaslly publlshod orlzlnnlly by lho lulu and um Rab Danny Sawmill Jiclnrer nl Iann Innch And Wm lends lha Ice Opening lendace heart once run hand In lhl column In whlch lhc distinguish Ing calurc wns hnl Nonh Ensl Soth and West enrh pland rm Mo on lhe Inst lrlckl These plnyl by lhe wny all made sense mud though lho hand was not ntherwise un usual It was unrlhy rncmlnn bccuusc lot the peculiar cudlnm min wlnur blowlnrn Mum Bambo mu DAILY CBOSSWORD mm 41 Thqu Occumnu MLyr1ul II To ulm vomnouln Mlloq mun wTn rlg for in impfayu 21 Conldurl ll Own 39 Num tool 11 llldlltorl dd 01 mm ll mm lam mullr It To null lmly Wdl xylo ham 11 Don 0y ll Cllrtlhnu mul Among Lmunmar wow aquam win of and Mn Teasdale Aurora spam lhe weekend with Mr and Mrs Reld Mr and Mr Collin Stewart and Carol spent the weekend Wm rclullvcs in BrnnUmd and Niagara Elms There were seven tables at euchre Monday evonlng at he Anglican parish hall Prizes went ladies Mrs Campbell Mrs Galhrallh lllrs Binnlc Frallck Boyd Gnlbrnllh The lone hand travelling prlze went to Galbraith The next cuchrc wlll heApgan Barry Susan and Donald Pew cock of Barrie spend cw days holiday with their grandparenls Mr and Mtg 11 Ecncuck Th mam Wm North Em Bouu 1v Pul Put We are sorry to hear that Charlie Day Is in Sunnyhrook hospilal We hope he will soon ch holler EILCIIRE WINNERS AKQHM 3106432 Trch Elbe judge me Wednes dny evening at Mldhurst Town hlp Hall with three new mem ers Mi and Mrs Peacock spenLSunday wllh Mn and Mrs Peacock Banla Mr and Mrs Palmer lpenl the weekend with relaflon In Sughury Huge and ian Brown spent Monday with Iheir arandlalher Dick Brawn Mason and Dnils and Mrs Manteith and Winnie Mont silk and Emwn were Sunday supper guests with Mr and Mrs Brown of Bartle Mr and Mrs Rodway and daughters Toronln spent the weekend with Charlie andery By MRS MONIEITII Weekend mum at lhe ham Mr and Mrs DAngiu were Mrs Falrlax ol Tollenhnm Mn and Mrs Coleman and Larry and Mlsx Bun of Benton West dcalcr EnsMVLst Mrs William Ward had the mlsrmuna to all luesday and break her leg In two places the tlme of wrltlna shc Is pallent in the Royal Vlaorln Hospllal Ban1 Carran vlimwney dour prlze DÂ¥ MIDHURST STN 895053 AKam SOUTH AKQJIDIHI CONTRACT BRIDGE KQHOHI J91 vulnerable NORTH 101mm 1Comply lunlllo pllnl mum linur in Iound lartdnln la DI mm Iky Old Non 1D Car work um Cullum medium nan By JAY BECKER 115mm IMvnM loudI Aunt 3i leflc Dry win llmnlui 10 Pool az ilmum puny umnln rmr mil l0 Mm Humv There no mnrnl conned rd with lulu slnca he in an Is purely Imaginary and not likely to buy deal In ml life but ll ever you an deal on cl Incu our hands plum play your part and play In ace on In opening lrlckl South of course discard lhn ace of diamonds nnd the opan Inn lrlck lhus conslstl um are mm horn lest he are hum rum West the co made ram North the 1m ol clubs 1mm East and lb are diamonds 1mm South Declnrcr than rushes tho KQ Ho diamonds dlscurdlnx luur club losers and lhun lul lill hll mlulon It does not mnllcr what Ens plnys on Ihu lrlrk slncv ho cun nol slop the mnlracl so be mums he discnrd the ace clubs Dcclnrcrs bcsl play on the opening lead lherelom Is In rut lhe nu nl hearts with are of spades This does him no good though hemusu when he enlcrs dummy win rump to discard all his club an lhe diamonds he find he can discard only lhrce of them 01L he npxtr dlamund Bail rum and 50th 111151 AlhenAga down one hearts Observe whalhnp puns 11 South hump In hls hand instead In dummy Ens discards diamond and Saulh rum and cashes the ace of diamonds LOVE CHAMPAGNE LONDON CHBritons are the biggest champagne drink ers outside France Last year Ihey Imported more than 5000 000 bottlesdouble lhe amount imporlcd by the Unlled Slates D15 éhd rs Boyd are an motor trip In Manitoba and olhnr Veslern provinces Tonmm 1er pl Mr and Mrs Murray Bonner and daughters Ottawa spent the weekend with Mr Bonnera mo lher Mrs Bonner AA and Mrs Jack stud and Miss Ethel Mchn molarcd to Ottawa to spent Easter with re lauves Congratulallom Io Mr and Mrs Allen Curran on the birth daughter at ColILngwood General Hospital April Mr and Mrs John Dewar spent the weekend as guests of Mn and Mrs sum Nixon Mr and Mrs Harmon Leader Orangeville called on friends In the vfllagg pd week Sgt and Mn an Kirkpatrick and lany Montreal are vIsit lng Mr and Mrs Russell Day Mr and Mm Harvey Pet grew David Fachnlo completed his course at Ihe Ontario Trade School in Toronla last week and now emplnyed at Bmckwdl Mnton Stayner Mr and Mrs Corknn and family Barrie spent Easler Sunday with Mr and Mrs Don ald Dalian Donald Dalian spent ille week end In Ottawa with his mother Mrs Regina Dalian xlsier Squib drnn Lender Elitnbeih Dalian and brnihcr Squadron Leader Tqrcnge Dalian ilvle Mlu Barbara MacDonald Tor onlo spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Robert Mingbonnld Mrs Mac De Yuunz Camp Gagelown were guests wllhlhnlr son and dauxhlerv lnlnw Mr and Mn Glenn 03F By 12 11mm Mr and Mn walr spcnl the weekend In Detroit with Mr and Mugbglherl Ellls CREEMORE lull 11mm Chmu noodle 87 uuoml flemnlnt naun In II Ollelfl mm mm Film imijfléi ililliyifliilil YIAN msmVIImAW mom mu KRum Monmul lHl HARM EXAMINER MONDAY APR 12 ms you but THAT soon mws GOOD UEYCHA 64 COMPLEYED war we JIaGAW Puan THAT Mi NW NE aloucuv PM GO LONG ydmmumh