The Premier Ontario the Hnnarable Juhn nabans QC and mnmbnr or his cablnct wnra hast In bullet luncheon on Saturday noon and this was especially or he nulollnwn newsmcn and members he MLns Press Club This was celebrations he sides those conncdcd with he ball Friday evening Some cum mcrclal iirms provided room and he ncccssary malcriais to welcome guests at me balli One which we alicndcd was by an American airline We had the good Inriune became nc quainlcd with tulinw byAlincr or Toronto paper win does cniumn our days week Anyone who dues daily grind ai this knows wha lakes in ind things wriie and keep nnes saniy GOVERNMENT RECEPTION One spcclalor nu Iar mm us hmughl slills with pair of shuns nailed to he bullnms and leaned against buildmg or an ugobsuucled View of the par OTHER PARTIES oll department of loA ronlo showed lheir might at this evan From the corner where we stood one could count over 100 olllccrs lined on both sides wearing their while crash hel melsl There were many other ol higher rank who walked nnd lro and many men on motorcycles As the parade passed the police lollowsd he hind in solid lormnliun and it resembled small army We arrived In the 1113 meer polls in lime in sec lhe parade of victorious hockey players mm the Uninn Station In lhe City Hall Bay and King slrcels we were among hun dreds who lined both sides the street under shnwer oi ticker tape and olhcr papers which came floating down from the tall buildings The hockey homes rode in open cars led by their caplain carrying the lam nus Stanley Cup All players were well cheeml but Frank Mahavnlich seemed to be the hem of he small lry POLICE SHOW SALLYS SMLIES We took in the his bail and other parties which are the an nual rewanis of those at the from and in pubiicity work the ByLine Ball in Toronto This aliair which has been anon nuaI gcivtogclher or those who are members oi the Mens Press Club and lhelr tieids was held in Toronto Friday night HOCKEY PARADE 83163 10 INNISFILNOTES HID100M HMSUNI mnmummmmm MWMinrwwnl Ilmnummml IHIIIHNIIJNIHH In Indianu wad Ma In manion 171m IIIIvy INNI pmn MIMIan ll um yml IvaIr fllIflIM Md mly Ir Ml mavenen ullcd lhm locum dun Whoever umm Int all the nu Pressmen Gather Ht ByLine Ball TEE BARRIEEXAMINER MDNDAY APRIL By RGS Her uncle Rev John Vcrkuy Jon Roman Catholic priest at seminary in Cuyk The Nem erlunds IranHod hem early in March In search or the girl He says will hwlhcrsbulh priests one at hisseminary and he ulhcr In Fort Wayne Ind hnve predicted without consul Ineke Verkuylcn 17 dlsap pearcd Irom her home in Lan casler 17 miles has or here mare than lhme monlhs ago She was rcpnrtod at Nanh Buy mnnlh lnler CORNWMJI CPtFive ltm drcd volunteer combed the St Lawrence and Ottawa Valley Sunday in vain search for missing Dutch girl after twin brothcrs living on separate continents predicted by extra sensory perception that her body would he discovered near here by Tuesday Potlcc did not take part in the search tie wards Inner lnnk place on Saturday evening when the lap writers nhnto graphers and cartoonists Irnm We Will gei backloIellinz you abnut Innis and the spec ial meeing cuuncil on Friday evening in tomorrows cnIumn During Saiurday aiicrnonn the Exhibition Board was imsi lo outoivlowners and their mad cgckiuii gariy acruss awards one oi the annual parties which make the years Irlala and troubles seem lo lade away What an array node was placed belore the guest at Ihla luncheon The reception line was headed by he premier and his lady and included several others of his cabinet including the Honorable Brian Cathcart Minister nl Travel and Public ity when we announced that we hailed lrom Barrie each was anxious to greet us with dou hle handshake and Mr and Mrs Catheart came to occupy chair at the table we had sel ectedi When we told him we had carried along supply oi the colorful booklaL put out by his department on our Irip this winter and had placed many directly lnio the hand prob able visitors to Ontario who had premised to lnnk us up this sum mer he said that wife did this also and it had brought resultsl lie is to send as pictures taken last winter while enjoying the ice carnival mg pomp nosrs 500 Search For Missing Girl Two Priests Predict Whereabouts Baulo Branch TorontoDomlnlon Bank Bldg NBBtown LACarsgn CHCohan Canada received ihcnr Ill be able to fall relaxed knowing my Imï¬erial Income Replacement Policy will come to my aid We Pnnslnn Health and Accident Plans on an ndlvldual and Group b1515 Father Vcrkuylan appealed over local radlo slalion and 500 pcaph urned out to seardn or the girl Sunday IIAS HIGGEST SHELTER The worlds biggcsl homh ahellcr is bencth Stockholm cwn lrarn sand rack ll crvos as garage but cnuld hold 17 000 persons He said they had bolh pm vided In separate lulleu and wilhum prior knowledge accu rate dcscripllans the girl her home and her history The girls parents Mr and Mrs Mnrlnux Vcrkuylen lhlnk Inuke ran all to gel mnrrlcd neighboring larm worker whom Ihe glrl had dated disap pcarcd the same day alinn lha her body will be qund within 100 mile of hero an old shack near river Neiu Lnurinrs govern ment the longest lived was the Ihird cabinet Mr Klng headcd 13 years and one month 1113 13 years and one month There were lhree other Con servative minlsirlcs which iaslerl less Ihan lwa yenrsMr Melghena lirst government un der Ihe National Liberal and Conservative Party Union label in 192921 Sir Abboit in 189132 and Sir Mackenzie Email from December 1894 In April 1396 The shortest lived mlnls lrlgs were hnse headed by Con servatives Anhur Melghen or three munth In 1915 and Sir Charles Tuppn or three month in 1896 5031i WERE SHORT The record to al ministry held by Uhernl Sir Willrld Lanricr though it is lapped by comhlning the two terms in ol iice ol Conservalive Sir John Macdonaid mailing 13 years and three administra tions headed by Liberal Mackenzie King 21 years and ring months Sir lllrld was In olflce can llnuausly or 15 years and three month from July 1896 la Oc why 1911 Including be n1 govern menL sinceConledemllon Mr Dielenhakers five years and months In olflce rank seventh among the la separate admln lslrations Canada has hadunder prlme mmlsters mucu baker Conservative ministry muvlng an of olflce ranks third among Conservative gov emmenls or lengthof stay In ofï¬ce Diefénbaket Has Held Post Nearly Yrs IMPERIALILIFE Nixon said the time has cnmc for comman dccisinn lo do whatever is necessary 10 force the removal of he Soviet beach head in Cuba TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 824 WASHINGTON MP For mer vice president Richard iii Nixnn has called or un lenshlng the Cuban exiles and it necessary United Stains in vasion oi Cuba to iorce the withdrawal oi Soviet troops The United States cannot or too long time sit on this powder keg and shy to the Cu ban exiles in eiicei we are go ing to quaraniine you rather Casiro Nixon declared Sun day at luncheon meeting at the American Society oi News pirper Editors TORONTO CFlJou Macar olln 1a Guelph Sunday night won the grand trophy and Mp lo Germany In September top ping 17D entranis In the cast em Canada nccordion chum plgnshlgnmmpclilions pc championship at Baden Baden Last years world chumpan was iona Reed 22 of Sudbury Wants Invésion CAPSULE NEWS 48 Ann Trophy Claimed BY GueIph Boy RICHARD NIXON covers you U0 Mo WATCH IT GROW Skelly anfih Manager Wilson William Victor ONeill 65 night watchman aI an army re cruiting ofï¬ce in Monlreni was killed in bnmb blast Palica blamed the explosion on the Front de Liberation Quebecol selfstyled torrmisi group aimed at freeing Quebec from confederation by sabotage The Helga Smith lishd 1n Lloyds registry of shipping as Swedish but was flying the Greek flag spokesman at ha US Naval base at Argenlla MM sald the cutter picked up Ihe men mm liiehaals In Mlool waves ST JOHNS Nlld CmThu 26mnn crew of he Lowtun freighter Helga Smllh was res cued Sunday nlght by the Uulled Stnlcs Cons Gumd cutter Campbell nltcr thelshlp sprang leak and begun slnklng 40 mllcs east nl Cape Hugo Bombing Victim WILLIAM VIHOR ONEILL Crew Rescued VIsI Our Newly Modcmlzcd Sludlo Ind Cnmern Slur Euler your name in nur lucky draw be held APRIL 01 Bnlluls AVIIIIM II he Ilore Photography by Favero 29 DUNLOI ST PA 356 Ward PA 82496 These changes In the 0mm pain for Nuclear Disarmnmcnz lprlng tom suhtlu alluraï¬nn leadership and policies The oncemfl centra of muddled pa ciflsu united only in lheir hm red at lhu bomb bclng hard ened by young universlty Illa lecluah with tough nemMnrx program action the same time Ihe Com miltcu 100 the CM splinter group believing clvll disubg dlence In reluctantly concluding that the melhnds of Mahatma Gandhi wont always work In the me an organllcd and bomber In Brllaln seem to have decided that disturblnz the civil peace may not be tho best way In prevent nuclear war Ihe antinuclear movement undergoes period critical sell analysis angry placards and pavement sltdowns are glv In way In more elevated form males pamphlets news paper article and public lec cures Protest Pamphlets Take Plate Sidewalk BanBomb Sitdowns LQNDON cg Ban uia Wald Wldo Tuvol hrvlu l0 Dunlap Em Bmlo OppoIIh Haul 1mm I71 ll 02 DUNLOP ST Its only half holltlny lo we Europewithout IEEiHR Londun the Continuum capital at nhuwa nights shops and pugcuntry va thank to HOAC you cnn cnjoy London on your trip to Buruno nnd my not penny more In him with HOACa 5101mm nnvllrgu you am my In London as lung you wlsh below you fly on by one of the dozens dully lluhla from bondun to All of Europe And wlfll BOAC Kan flying mm to your olidnyl Enjoy nuperh cnbln urvlcn and cum npcclnl llrlllnh wurlcay nu MC whlnkn you acre Um Allnnllc London lhn plum whom all the fun begins Chova Rulin Ilnvcu 707 Jet nr glnnt jnl rop flrltunnlnrom Mnnlren ur annnlm Sm yaur Tmch Agent cmum mm Ilmulm mm for an extra holiday at no extra fare so let yourself go FlyBQAQ to Europe via London BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE oK10HNsouacolIMirw For lnlormulon nnd Rmrvillon For Your Romvulonl Call Now vemcm swelled were In splrcd ln diltcrcnl way by Illa lolly slnccrlly nl philosopher Bertrand Russell the drnmnllc urgency nl playwrlghls John Osborne and Immld Weskcr llm lllclavlng Charm actress 190558 Redgrave Tho slldawus and quickly developed into rliunl peculiarly English in slyle it was like watching game ul human checkers lnycd wlih cricket lrnund ru es and only occasionally marred by dlsplny oilmd lasie arrvlolence xcnurnlly onllghlencfl police larce Lyman mum It Is our yam since Ihe cnmmlllce ï¬rst sallled arm lo snarl the city streets and slra Epic lads of Eyglgnd wllh ed mnssu iicmnnstrnllnrm passlvu resistance The tactics wens based on collective respon Ilhllny one was arrested 100 would be The climax cafrun wllh lhe Eerlln Wall ulna In the autumn Mu lml MA um lm ml In Ihn umx in rmllI Lnlcr Mls Rodgmvu also re slgnnd snylng all could see no polnl In lnunchlng demonstra tlon nller demnnslrnllnn and suggesting the ml to should dissolve luell the bombers and onlooker pucked Trnlalgnr Square 5000 Bobble ought lo mnlnlnlnmn lrnl lhc Puhllc Order Act was invakcd and Russell Ruben Bulk and WeakerJnndEd In Jail RUSSELL nESlGNS year later wth the Cuban showdown only few conluszd toenngm pickeled lhu Amerl can embassy two prominent to mnle disormcrs Hod lgnomlni ously to Ireland and Russells home In craggy north Wale hn came our ccnlrol Marlin alllce or constant stream at clamam to Momw and Wash lngton Russell who had resigned from Ihu Committee oi mo blamed America and claimad same ol the credll or saving in world But or many unl inlcrnilsts the harsh clarity 01 ll KennedyKhrushchev clash was revelation idealistic lilw slon nhaul lha Soviet Union good intentions were swept away An gsllmaleq 120901 PA M515 PA 644 74 141$