Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Apr 1963, p. 3

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CULHNGWOOH CPI Cul llnlwnml Flllyynulu Ilmum hf Janmllnn Smuhulhllng nml 17n Inemnl Ltd has Icm mum nnlynm Imllrl hm mm erulu metal man Ships Ordered From Collingwood kasloun Traclor Club lmdr tr Kcllh Robinson prmitlrnl Dnvnd Wurllcss scmlury Vny Johnson DI vmum annlh ud Conunny llama In ndlwly mum In an rxpnndun pm mm The MN wtk Um mx amulunw unirxl nml mummy wnvk nlxmhl slim won Hugh Gllmm The boar the sale was sold by Pinkncy and Sam Cnoksville In On mlo Nospiml Farm Wand smck The average mw price Wm $136 with lhc hum about $110 ORGANIZE On Tuesday he lolluwm 4H Club were nrnnnlznd In the Cooksluwn Mlil showing duh lender pmidcnl and sure my John Gnllnuxhcr Mlislullv sold me hlgh priccd hrcd saw to Quaker Lundy Farms Aur ora far 5160 he rcccnl zone sale in Barrie Parker Poa cocks saw brought 5155 mm MrLAGownnIock of Orillia All annouaccmcnl has been remind that lhe Juninr Farm cr Establishment Loans are nncc again available to junior armors hclwccn the acts of 21 and 35 More particulars an his program are available irom your agricultural rrprcscnlalivc YORKSHIRE SALE Manny or the Cancer Fund drive in Barrie ii coming in quite slowly Mrs Joan Bird unit secretary said today Mrs Bird ndarlcdv hope that we make it as the money is badly nccdcd and is for very worth while muse Rory ODonal puhiiclly chairman or file Cancu Fund drive suld We appreciate that there are so many calls on he purses nnd here is Reveal Formation Many 4H Clubs Cancer Fund Returns Not Too Good Yet Entranced by the pass Hes becoming jet pilots me three Air Cadets are symbolic of other youths across Canada who join the EXPANSION PROGRAM AT DE VILBISS 11w Illlwr Ii Milmu llerl LII llth lmdm In Fl lnlml Inn lliurlvllhln nlvlgnnllun lhill lzrr mm mum UM mnuatl ll Mlnmll rullnl lml Ilmlml My all WHY CI HI Raull MIMI VI ur ll fl luul lnur diucl llelzh lzrr HIM rnlrnln WIN llw mmpnnn MM INIP In hlclrmc It In AH dqwlmmh ll MI nrrcsnmy or lo hum ml Illmml Hum 11 wm mum Ml mmuy unvmlim Alrly mm mums Im lell umml um mm mm rd Dairy Cluh was nruaniud on Tlmmlny the Hand Ilmd hall John Vnn Dyk the lrmlcr wilh prusidrnl chy and sccrdury Doug LB or Iwlnn Jr met 12 mu Mrhay Lynne Hall Smun FM 15 nmun pom Club Russ Vlnlnsidc Darten McKny Mar xnflvl lllcxny anlon Dairy Club mu nu lhul nrry Trczmqr Verona Inn llcclan Sr nm Club Bill Allen Hughes Dnucn Conhlown Dairy Club French Bill Lainsun French Cookslown Grain Club Sthaly Ronald Cunk Ken Cnokslown swine Club Chanlcr Ralph Cook Douglas Campbell On Wednesday the allowing Ewan HI clubs were orgunllnd showing club leader president and sccremry melon Swine Cluh Hrclllvt Chxulrs Lisk Murrow Cookslown Dec Club Dan nld Ilurvvzy Ralph Corrignn Harald Chipehasc The hnallh and cducmion of many of our young people de pends on he success of the cancer reward program and this cerlninly cannot be carriad on Wilhoul funds But If people stop to hink rhcy wnuldprobably agree hat certain priority should be gi to his program great overlap of appeals which is unavoidable JETS CAPTIVATE PFEIFFER FAMILY Mr Cadets or Mute careers Brian have been in cm squad in avlafion From the left Geno Rick and Brlan Profil lcr of Camp BordenL are He said Apnfi from the 0b Gordon Shirley KEEP IT NATURAL HIRMINGMAM II quA You wlllmul lmu um Inlnlu Ilnm INMHII uml ullm wlld nnlmm II Io ho WleI kl Cmnnn II wk In Iln mu 1h Iiy hunk will luv hmnl with minimum amount win and mm Two ofliuer he Black Watch lflaynl Hialllnnd Ilrxli mm or Canada have leccivrd senior nppolmmnu his nmnlh Iqulmmt Colonel IL Tm CI 42 Chmhnm Nuw nmnswlck will became Chicl Imlnxclnr Um Iluynl Cumul Inn 511ml Inlsmlry mllp Bordon He has been Com manding Ollicer 01 the 1x Huh rcl Inclmlmz muhihv dul nnr muuvmml In nlnnll DONG lhil II um mm pantinn pmurmn mu cmmmny wwny Any mm Mpamlmu ill have In lw nlung Ilm rnlrvn rrl II mul Krnnrdy Two Officers Of Black Watch Receive Senior Appointments vlous reasons of wanting to see the campaign reach its object ive hope In Gordan Lnrkins sake that Ihey make because he has really worked hard and put lot of cIlort into it Gordon Larkin 15 am local Minna chairman Barrilss objective or the campaign 13 512960 and to date $412140 ms been burned in Mr Larkin said 11 udim cult to make the poinl year members of the Barrie 102 Air Cadcl Squadron Rick and run or two years and this is Genes first year All Ihrcc boys are considering joining 141801 TEED Snrcmlim IlCo Tend as In lmflnlfon L$ MnJor Scllnr CD of Calgary Mm will he pmmulld In Um rank llrulonanlmlnncl Mn Jor Scllnr Iran1 senior ml tlon at me Camp Hurdrn In mum his new mm mnnd Iinn The Hack Watrh All quclmyn Nn my unlmw llu pm onlvadnu Htl Hiulmnrr Mal HQMIAPSWEES There is one hope however that the drive no going as badly as it seems and this lhe hope that some the cam vassers have been lime slow in turning In the receipts Cam vasscrs are asked to Iurn in receipt as soon as possible after year that the need great that them is an urgency in this appeal to raise the mo ney to defeat cancer Juan arrlck Alain Mm acliw servlce when they gra duate from cadeh ranks This week is Air Cach Week across Canada Examiner Photo MAJOR SELLMV IERMANENTS $599 arm nvnmmil Mlplp Anue rmmnIA um Ali IM Th muumr IMMN Orillln Liam Club elected George Marshall president im 196364 by neclnrnatinn Vice prcstdcnt chosen were Gordon Smith Dan Spenrin and Erin at Mark Lion Tamer is Jack Todd Robert Elliott was alloy on Tull Twistnrr ALLISTON FOREMAN Howard Mnorn has taken over his new duties as lomman or in ann at Alliston lie is thu iormcr head at Moore Paving and will be moving to Aillslon from Darrin when he mum housing nuammodnttnn CHANGE OF NAME Orlilla Chamber of Commerce has nppilcd to clmnge the al ticiul name to Orlllin and D15 ma Chamber oi Commerce it planned to oxlcnd the cov trngo nrcn tnla Morrison Town gillp District at Muskoku The monthly directorY meeting at the Orillln ilolcl decided to un dcrtnke prnkct tor mnkinu cmployccr and proprietors at local businesses bctier nqunint ed with the towns hiuorlcnl and lccnlc niirnctlom In ordcr to pass this lniarmntlon on to on qulrinz tourlm Fflll LIQUOR LICENCES Royal Canadian Legion tirnn chm nt Coldwnlcr Amt Ortllin nmi nko the Touchlrhlnz Gull nnd Country Club hnvu applied to tho qulmr Llccncc lionrd ul Onlnrlo tor inuan nnd dlninz lounge ilrcncu 11m hcnrinu wllt be hold in Harrie Mny nlonl with number uihcr appllcnllom in to dintritt TRADE MIMIONS Eleven mnnulndnml mm Georxlnn tiny llrxton have Imen KIWANIS SPEAKER LbCommander Dr Max Bol echnwsky luinlng officer of Rama Power Squadron wlll be the speaker at the Kiwanis Club dinner In Cummunily House on Monday at 615 pm Ernie nnnham pas presidenf of the Barrie club indicated Jack Phiipot immediate pus president the Orillia club would be the next District Gov ernor am confident hell accept he pml said Mr Run ham The man at meellnz at Bar rle Dislrlct Calleglnle Board wlll he held in he stall room at North Collegiale lllnnday at 730 pm Almost 70 in Men are ex pected to participate in the ac tivities Eight new members will be welcomed into the club by an induction service which will be held during the cantor ence immediate past president oi the YMCA reported expect several prominent Men of ma Ontario region to be prey eni One of lhe men is newlyelected international dir eglllor Hugh When Bcilcr John Nulbeem publicity or the host Barrle club sald key note speakers wlll be Dr Wyboum member of the pro eislnnal staff at the Central To ronto and Colonel Dewart of Pcterburouzh Dr Wyboum has worked as an Alaskan miner ln hls vur led career through to various stint at university study and work In Asla until he took his present paslllon several year ago Co Dewar has also been pmmment in international YMCA alfai Barrle 0rllllu Mldlund and Owen Sound Ys Mens clubs wlll hold thelr liflh GaolKlan Bay annual cadyenllon in Bar rie tomorrow gt the Community House sald Neil Taylor Dis trict Governorl mum EXAMINER mummy mm 20 nana WEDNESDAY APRIL 24 RA PUBLIC lIBRARY The Canadian Mental Health Association Ys Men anvene In City Inlarmatlvo Poml Will Madumn Dr Raymond Alqdllh Ianclhla Mn au1nm WE THE MENTALLY Ill LOCAL AND GENERAL MEETING PUBLIC NOTICE Wlll Prannt Film Mn Jgpglpn Dr Baum mgmmm at Panehngyflmpllul minimum Mail of Hm member Itll Hull mnnlxunmllon In unly way In mm In ernrlnrrcmlng mm at law mlurmuml Tho ulnb llshmcnl munly nrco would give all muulclpxdillm mun prnlrcllnn mm Mm me Ihv palm oHIcrr hollrr ruIy nml wurklmz calldfllunl MI mm TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS IHONE FA INH Dismulon 20 1mm hers prvscnl ccnlmtd nrnund brie prom11ml Anrll In lonwy General Frul Cum on ccmlng channel and nmrnd mm In llm prurnl police cl and also Um proposed amalga mnllon or mmll munirlpnl pol Icu form ELMVALE sum Endorse ment at he proposal la emb Hsh counly pallet me far Simtoc Caunly cllme re ccnl malan he Simcoe Coun ly lulirc Association SbcléiWorler TADLED REQUEST Charles Griffin asked lhn Genrxlnn Bay Dcvciupmcnl As socinilon in table request for support in he establishment of regional universlly in Barrie This was agreed by the dim lors al rcccnl meeting in lllid land lllr Grililn stated that some discussiuns were going on wllh llw Unlvcrslly ui Western Ontario in in he passibilily of related unlitgo being sited in the Barrio nrca nnd those should be inlly cxpl ed bclnrc any urlhcr GHDAnclfim lake sent on foreign trade missions Ihis year Nine of hose went overseas to he United Kingdnm and Eumpc and lwo la the Un ltcd Slalu mm are under consideralinn Keefe gen eral manager Gmrginn Bay Devalopment Associallon told he recent diroclars meeting Aa nual all conlcrcnce oi GBDA will be held at Dunwana Inn Honey Harbour Sept 1611 Endorse Plan To Establish County Police Force Here Department arrived In lime to save the building as the fire had spread to the plywood panelling behind the bvx No estimate of dam age was available Lightning hit an electric paA nel at Pictsons Service Sla fion opposite he Simcoc Plaza shortly before five oclock yes laxday Herman and set the control box on fire Lightning Hits Electric Panel Area students were amnng Ontario while speaking can lest finalist who were guests of Ontario Hydro at Niagara Falls last week The tour was held the day after the finals in Tornnla Listening to or PM STUDENTS SEE GENERATING STATION In nlu mnxkdlfiiifid Eu 1an n51 In 0011 mama am He county pullw lorcc would ulsn Mum cillunx of prolco lxun by tu lmIncd pollen ims lhrounh the main Ihn rcccnllyomnnl Onlario pol lrv collvgu Aylmcr IL was nund Mm MANmm mm Iclrd Tnnmln mum In Dunlnm MnnuurmunI ngfwghly milml In hullm um Ilrmdlnnnlnu purrhnlng vaullllnl nml blllluflnm MARKETING MANAGER Unlvumy imdualn with mum In nlu mmkpfln Ind qrmrnl Elcullenl mm In 14 nun uniform mclhod of law cnforw mcnl IlIIcr molians dcnllng wilh wmlnunicnliuns council will at Reports mm the allowing slnnding commas will be re ccivcd cily development public works finance and fire and raflic request by Kirk for permission to build carport request by Boy Scout Can ada Knmpnnlell Bay District in hold an apple day request by Leighton or an out doar rink next winter request from Barrie Board of Park Man ngemcnt rggarding Innislil Sim land lill area request mm Harris Bonrd 01 Park MnnA agemcn regarding malntnnancn recs on rlmlmlwrry qucsl by Royal Canadian Air Cadcis to hold parade Cily of Owen Sound moluilnn re garding cxpcndilurns lnr edu cational purpasmf lullcr lmm Jack Lynn mgnrding sale of land on UIE noth side of Queen 51 Al lllncLarcn and Cami pnny auditors report and in unical sialcmcnk for year and cd Dccr 1962 After receiving dcpulalions council will hear the lollawing communications Barrie cily council will hold regular meeting in council chambers in city hall on Mon day beginning at pm APPLICANTS AVAILABLE MECHANICAL DHMTSMAN llnnln Drnll ikclthu nnll muku xlwlnilrvl Irnwllm vl morhnnlcnl dcvlcr $330 In two le nmnlh lltpflldlllfl on cxxwrlrnm and nhlllly FEMALE DlliTlTMN Imlml entrnl hnxpilnl tully mmlum quer now prncllrnl tllollllnn N0 rcvlfllrnlo nr Irma nu wry luxl mual ho lhurmmhly uprrlmml uml nhlc In nkr rlmrur mo mnnlh mlnlmum 40 hr Md vuvkw vacation wlth pa limplnyrr pays hull on ESL nlnrlu llonullnllxnliun nn pmnmn plnn IIIYSIOTIIIIIMILVT In or purl llmv HINIII by Gcnrrnl llmpnnl Exrcllanl wnlhlnu mnlllllann 51ml lrlnzo lwnrllll Mud Iw rllglbln Inr LnnmIInn lllyllulhrrnly AWKInIhm Araummodnllon In mama ll dulml mam pvr mnnlh nnd thu banIll ACCOUNTANT GENERAL Inn ulnhllshul MW mm umy Imulns nn ncumxnlnnl prrfcrnhly ll LA or llx wrlrncrvl In ncmunllmx curxmmllnn lnx Ilulics Inrrlgn llchmlfitfflm Icr lnunlh In nlmL eralor John Chalmefl In the Sir Adam Back No gener ating slaliun are from Ian Dnbnmh Fallis Norlh Bay Brian Wrixan Levack Diane Iluxlnblo Shanty Bny Anne Moo Mansfield Mary Lynne Talk Of Building At Monday Meet Of City Council EXECUTIVE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE THROUGH NES BARRIE gut0 gemm Illu mp nun nicerwan NI Ion my me Imrla magnet thrhc him om In Pufthqlhmn mummmmm mm omzn umnum AVAIMIILI ll Collier SO Sullo 302 PA 583 bylaw lu amend name bylaw will have lhree readings bylaw to authorize the mn srluollnn combined pollen building lire hall and magis Irnles court an estimated cosl $236000 will got two readingsz Last item on the agenda motions and inquiries and In deferred business abch report of Hm fire and traffic cnmmiuee Duke Port Carling and Man teen Law Chuley The co ms finals were cosponsorc by the Ontario School mm lens and Ratepayers AssuciaI lion and Ontario Hydro UP 10 Ihn new Um brella Nanm Pohq 10 your ham And plop uly perm cov cup uh um wala Cd BENTLEY AND COMPANY 0173

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