Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Apr 1963, p. 13

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GARAGES A16 ADDITIONS flu Iloeu and lwllm mllnhlt flull Mrmlwr mumll lkm mi and Hrvil Mmrh ll No 11mm Uuimlu Icic phouo 11 mm mm in vuli mm IZAI mu mm qulm nhmlllvl Ind ymu mm nul mum wm Uu Impmuul mu ml 1le mm In ul mu mum llunlnl hmuu 0mm flld Inwl 01 ul rlln mu ummmm nu mum lhuuH Mm mm er mu In lhmml nummn IA nm In nur mm at nm no mm Il I601 11 nnriry In your Milan may 1Mnl null lumlm In nnlm numm xmvm mm Ion Hmml Main mm to me 1r la purehrcd two Manns old uwanauxul pol Very unan able Telephonu PA um MINIATURK Pmnhcr nun pup pm or Price ruwnlbln ca mwum vmrmn Telemann mumrm 52m MlllllllilNANHIYH FMS FOR SALE nnNmzNML THEE Ind cam plel mm plannnn Once The hm lhlhwl 21 on mile mum mm Tm phnnu am or mm AI rmmmu Tllrln lnr lull In rmmru filmy nm llrmlv In Imlnl wnm Tllwhunq mun lawII run 4w TllMmnhr lmlll MMIKIII mldlllmh MINA HINDI l7 TMUIHIIII Um unv looyum nl mm In lum ml now pwm mum mummy mm mm or wuull uvlrnrlt HIan rum nutrvlnn In bmhtnr mm mm Maul IllerJnl alln Im Tammn CATALPA macs man urnmen uL Tnmpllnl now In the man $100 um Telcphcnc rm um ZENITH MUD INO CHANG any1 am wuk oxmcad Ontario Llccnsu No 40m Nlck Monluzuc Pmp lflULlnV MLnu do In nm amr Teleylmnn snoud mm mun Tuaénm eEEfizfiimf when vnly 325 NM cqulmvnd arm ma mlon dlspnul link ru rt Km Wmler Inlephunl PA M182 ARTICLES WANTED DEAD STOCK Highest price nnld or dead or crippled catUo Ana harm Small nnlmals removed rte For fast 5mm PHONE BARRIE PA 61182 nlmNn mANn unud In nut or Ian period Any 51 md nuko mmldma mm mun mum hle Ttltphon um nflrr FARMERS MARRE MW lnr rm by any or week Telnpnon IA um Human PA 3237 CASH TRADE TERMS NICKS DEAD STOCK lulu com PM llm Err mm mm omens Gillan am GLADIOLI HUM ll mg mg yml are planning on building garage or adding an addition or renovating your home sea Bill Ball at BEAVERS CON TRACT VISION when QUALITY and DEPENDABHr ITC are must 117 Bradford St BEAVER LUMBER llPDUT CREW Runlboui calm plulo will bollhoufl Hm eqnh mm puxm wnlur mm cm to Blyfleld dock am commu In every dcllll Vary wide bum If nr Georgian Ely Chlylllr Irina mnlnr lhmlfl Farsi PA INsl i1 Aznu siFeet aim CMIIN cnmnn 10 not mum and Weymculh hull mny exlrlL Cu in sun nt Wenmmx Mulm Burk or lollphant PA 681 cKNol bullu 1n not un tag but mmn not Evinrudc mnmr humor 12 mop hm MOTOR honmwcr Elxln Oul baud Malor good condulan For runner Intonmtlun lelnphone PA HI myume cEnAn snur am or Illa comvllle wllh Evlnnldl re mole mums Wlndxhleld th1 an up Tehpnonc PA Nun FEED SEEDjGRAN Plum uncut Tap hlkolu mm 139 Per 10 1m qum Suvenm 93 per mlun put niacovemmcnt surplus Dunlap wen 1m ammo numt In but Johnan mnlnr meme nean momma Ivlcflnmmr mm mum menu la on ban ullkr heny duly mm which ms wul lnde or 41 mum or Clll smua lARllClESIORSALE ARTICLEsIioR RENT TREES AND SHRUBS HOME IMPROVEMENT FLOWERS PLANTS LIVESTOCK wife morofi DOGS PETS Collecll or nsk 0r PA 86541 qualll Elllon 11m sumL stun nnmmu Irlam nun mm mu mm uumnmu um um punmu mm m4 mun we mum lh hmmn IInIIu nl mm mm Alla rmml ml Yum nutn ma mm in ML MHMII runu mm mum mu th humm1 ru mIm mu lav4m um um Im an Mm Mm Ar 11 IN Ilmn wwnnl at MI Na llnlll 0mm um In lpmmllll In my mum Mr mm um Amll in MI Illhnul my mum II null dlly lull Ith rhuvw PA lam Inn nu pm nlru Huimou an Ivy mum ynul ham at MIT nu anlrl Ill DOMU INVE IGAIIONS GOVEHNMIJH LILLNSIZD nnNnIzm lrhnh ImNHIMnu Dnmrlllc Inn Urnernl Vlclnrln hmmlu lIInlm MHLYM nunm rm by null MANHMII mm hm IM rord VA lnthuhnl Ihm ur hunl plnllllllv Huiu luv Mm Tomrm lmmn 1mm unmnu an Ilrnn PERSONALS mn lulurlnlllon m1 mm my mm And wan nllh tdnlnlllnl mmm lulnmmc Inmmlnlon cumm mm mm waded duh Ind mm not unn mll am nlw condlllnn mm mnnlh Tlhphunl PA on Im cllzvnom or row lllr wul uy um Mull In luml mnnlnm Tllrvhnnl um or my lunnr Interm culwllo tour door dun In turn And wmu wnh tan mum lnlulnr lummllln tun mlulon cullam mla dun mm nu 0m numr Lew low prlr nv um W7 daun Tlo pnnn Mun CARS WANTED TO BUY my MONMICH lmu door hudlw hllrk wun ronuunn humor lulomlllc Inmmlmnn nu nw Ilm Clnnm luld lmm mw Mm down Tamman Mm 1362 CHEVY our dear In Al rundlllan 1mm bq mld by Sundly noon wamlemd UsA Tele ham PA Hm In any miner lormlllon NE Em mmMNcn III uv In at pmmm drmrx lruun my driver rlllmlul an or cucumnnm nu men in llrnllly Can Ll Colllu PA mu filmzen on Wuon and um mad nunnun candlflon znod mm body Illr Muxl nu ma Avrle Knuth Lim Lake Cum rut PA um m2 ammunle lnr In door hmflnp power bnku ma nun lnl ndlo Ind mlny ulru mm mm Mun nL Trlaphum PA mu 1m FnoNnNAc Iwo dour de luxe 0n owner suver wllh nnlruunl lnltflm an Item Hm us down and par munm Telephann PA NIH 1m PLYMOUTH or 12 mnd cylindlr 159 Mm nu rum Human wuon ulnam eynm der Tileplumu PA Mm mu lb Mu VOLKSWAGEN nod candl llnn rchum mnmr nummhl For lurUlnr warmnon mephum PA mm In Nu PLYMflUfll Inur dour lubuh hm blue md wnue wm mum in Interior down mu 31 month Telephonl PA MN 1551 DODGE sutlon wnn our hum nzw um down ma many Telepnom Hm chhon PA Mm 1m oLnsMonle Cnnvlrllhll Mr MW lop Iully powered Win up lndt Tulepaom PA Mall uk or DHL mm by Gummy nle Lule lor USA on sun dy Telephone PA um lassicuzv Bela Aulnmlllc Eudora mm mm mm nu Idly nllhl Telephonl Hill we on milk TRAILERS Buy now at nnw with lowcost IkeInsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN nm BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA B5971 AUTO ACCESSORIES IIEXFBRI Fm llollleln 11mm human 500 Ind 100 Palm 110 mu he lpvmxlmutly SW pnunm All heIlen nullified Apply Cnrdon Wundruw com 01 am Conceulon an Old Blnll mud Tthom 0m 1311 AUTOMOTIVE 1mm anllllnBD Jena mll on or ullY one elk lwo Iplllll lnz Apply Ivenlnn or weekend Om Shlnly 3W thl 9L5th hrldll lemon 0N MOTOR CARS FOR SALE on than nomun um um Spflnun All mm mu illltd Aoply All Wuvcr RR Thnmmn at Oklahoma Ivy 14M FARMERS MARKET WANT TO BE HAPPIER DRIVER CHEVROLET lwo dour 95 825 down Mlchlnfiuuy per TllEDhOfll PA IAWJI you GET GOOD DEAL my uniE mien IVESTOCK mum In um rm Illnud In lu Mn ym udv In In um um ma Wm mm mam mumun Hm II panIo lum NutHAM mum pm um mm nun lnnhrl mm rum and rum mm Nlllnnll hwlnymuvl um 1mm Inn Ann Iumuhnlll mu run In mummy um um um Iunr mm mtrhlnla or hIV mm mm mm my um mm Ind mmm 1qu Hull IIIIIINII II Dllml IIIIMI lull lull MII In pMHIMI III III Culll mm 1m wm ran at nu mm Al HII IIIAIIIH lllh hm 11mm mcuunun um ynur mun mum Mu Nu filliervfl ulIIbHIVY Ln umlnumm mum Anulmrl mm Ill All In mum In lum Jim at nun who umlll IIulv In Ill hlll Aluvrh Mlhllu II rum 1mm lllull on All mun mumlmllll mum my mulll mun mu My um mm lnllnnullnn Mn In mm In II ml min hlm Mlllnl slum Ila munlnu uxmuN wwmuw In your own mlrrl my ovNa MAN Io lnm pmdm huunm ln nm nmlnn udn mm mm runum nuploymenm Denim Includ hullh vlm nlllnl nrpuflunfly lnr luvnu menL Auply no 1mm Imlmr mNum rum pulmrm mm luul um um pllll hymn mm Alndy rmplufmrvfl 1o wuu llnul nlnu mnnu llly Inn 1m nnunmm puma In Imunnl nu Innmm CLASSVFIHFJ ADS WILL HUNG RESULTS nnMu mamn lack In nwnen norm And Imlll mm lumumu Illhm lnhdh pond nu epmle haul mo mnnlhly wm nu on Inm Izumm on know lbnul mu munmrm Apr1y In mum in qu unculm llox lllrrll Enm Aer on TnUCKI ullh mm In hum In nnI nm um um Good yumm unlnlm Ttlephunu balmy 151 Innlnll um um errhd mul or any nun experienc wxm um mu Inm sunr um Tnlfiuhnno Damon Inr mumr lnlelmlllun 1y unwind urnounncn Inyruul ed mum um mm aplrltnn hr walk on mndem dllry Arm wnmn mm mu mm wm nux mm hummer INTERMEDIATE DRAFISMAN or mold work and muhflnlnlng records Should have yonrs dran ex TRAVE required for Bar rie district This is an estab lished territory or reputable wholosnlo hardware iirm Reply stating cxpeflencc elc Manufacturing plant 90 mlles north of Tarantu producing standard llnu product re quires MACHINE SHOP FOREMANH Should he first elm mnchlnlst experienced in method production standard and schedullng To supervise opermurx of Vcrl Boring Mills Eng Lathes Radlnl Drills ulc Remuneration according to abll llyl Am 35450 the Box 65 BARRIE EXAMINER gap mmma Police Constable Appllcailans will be received by the Clilel Consiphle Cily oi Barrio inr ihe pusillnn ol police mnslahlei Minimum rcquiremcnk Brilish subject ii lns 160 lbs age 21 lo 35 Grade 10 Personnel with criminal card need poi apply All ap plicnnis Io apply Io iha Chief Constable in person an or beiorn Z7lh April 1963 TSCllIRllAliT Chlel Constabla quzrliflcd tcachcrZrungrnd ed 1315c school SS N0 NOTTAWASAGA Reply slallng qualfllcatloms ll experienced Elva name ol last inspector also salary expmad Am STEELE Creemore Ont mmni AG Couple lnndymln Io luck It hulldlnl for mama nm eru Box mm mm uny mmnun Wllth lult In Illa Vlclnlly Kll Edwnd School noth em nl Cum berllml Strut TIIFhon PA mu Rwnm mom HIP Inn In com Len In nundomu sum wm cmmn ML Hndzr Ill PA HIM MANSFIELD nuiafién CANADA LIMITED BARRIE ONTARIO mlmnm An you munMr no mm our num um mam Box mm Eumlnu Au npnu wuf b0 confidanulL lOST 8FOUND PERSONALS IO HELP WANTED T0 BOX 80 BARBIE EXAMINER TEACHERS WANTED CITY OF BARRIE MALE FEMALE rum mm mm um mm Muh nn mu mu nul 1m 1m ulhu Iv mu hlu ml ml mvmlh ym an mm sum ul mu mun um mm ml mu HARDWARE SALESMAN WANTED MALE HELP WANTED mni GUM HE flllll Only My pm at omuyl Iml In IIviInln nml olunlrul mmml rvnllnuuul mud um Hum MI lOlh lily of Aprll AD IBM CUNIHZII AND HIGH nux flank mum Multan or he Mmlnhlnlot wllh Vlll mum All mnmu hnvlnl dalm annlml the Im In OIM KATHLI YOUNG 1MB ol Ih Townh al lnnlllll In Cuunly nl 5mm Mnr IINI annn decentI who dlnl um nr nhoul lhq um Nnmnlwr IN II he ill 01 llnulr un vr ulml lo Illa mm mm WI Ibo unm llllllvI llvHerl for lhl Allllllh Mulnr Mlh WIII nnnuod hy Hm JUHI dny nl Aprll My IMI nllrr Mflrh duo lho lu In dllhlllulrd womn Cut My ion waum mlny mm on my ulllnl mululy my mum on noun Iudo um mmuuc mum on mu on uhl rm In Ind nml wllllfll 10 mn um llf WIIII Illldln II cm mum um um up no mu pa rum wunm WAN hu Ml nr lVln nr dlnlnl vuom upvlvnn In or pumm mplcymml vmln um um Apply In mn In nunxun mu Chow um II will In In Kinny lam II lEGAI NOTICES IXIZIIIZNEIII mm nulrm ny Xdlvly numo lo In Conllnlnl hnm um mum mun mm mmnm to 1mm um mm mm IA nan llaUlLKlK rmn Dulvll pnvnn um um hauuhnplu Lnndry um um Clnlllnl Him In Implond Clo In dnmmmn Wylll llul BL nmh lumlmv nAcluNn Cuupln uln 1mm rimm vmr In Ilam Inclual nu any phanl PA VIN nzLMnLl Wu Ind up ary In plml Mun ptrlm Fludly mu yhonl lA Inn drvu flnllhlr uunl Wall ll of our Tlhphom Mmud ml IMTIII fl Ilamy or one Inlemad 1n lumlnl required or local mum mcm Vrlla Elvin brie mum of age expcrlence romance and Inlary expected BOX HARRIS EXAMINER Younz Indy axperlmcod on Burrough Semimlglc muchlnn Please Include your phone number APPLY IN WRITING To Advertising Preference will ha shown Io appllcnnu with typlna Ind chaulfeur licence Thu challenging willon with con aldcrable opportunity or Id vnncemem To urvlce Ind sell no spaper clmlncd advertising Fhll ln lercsunx position entails per sonal contact with loci bus ncis firm of mg CARDIN Work nl Ill llnfl nnovllinnl llluluonl kllthl cupboudn mm mxmfng unn roanu menu N0 ImIIL nanmm um cm uny um PA um UNWERllfl Sludtnl mill Ivllllhle mly In llpllmber nomuc Ind wlmnl Gnuu driv 21 NM lhllfl or wurk wm Bu BmII Exlmlmr load lunch Apply Ill Bull IL man lcnoél an 11 am mammal mm mm Jun nu drlvl llnncl TlXephonn PA 01510 mum WILL LOOK Her an or In thl dun In my ham Whlh mum wnrll Allo baby 1mm rdth SL Vlnclnl And lhh llllphflnl PA 511 16 mo er nmui 7713 mm Ilwn mnwlnl Rumh mes mu um um mm mum mum employmcnt Wm column In lully my inn work IIO phonl PA HM REUABLD MAN will an Indoor fob Inch n1 llIJIIMN AN In And nar lnI Tilphon PA 60901 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS PA 6823 EMPLOYMENT WANTED National Ayto League of Canaan requlrea REPRE SENTATIVE to take over existing connectlons In Ear rle GUARANTEED SALARY with altracuva FRXNGE BENEFITS Applicants must be BONDABLE Wrnejox 58 Barrie Examiner BAHRIEEXAMINfii 10 HELP WANTED INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED KIDD ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK FEMALE HELP FUTURE FOR YOU IN SELLING REPRESENTKTITE 135 Cumberland St ANY TIME tonfl wnL He CollIor WM Bank Marla mm or In mm mummy REALM THNm propnly milked to mulan In nvelnm IWPIM wl he rmlrM underlined up unlll pm momth April In ma or mpg Ind dalhrry ol flu alluv mm THNDLll N0 MMflndyvmlx mum 1200 tuhlc ylnll TENDER N0 01 ALu li NHL 30000 on mNan N0 nosPlum me elm IMO tom TENDER Wham6 IMM rhl 1000 THNUKII N0 mooml mal moo on 11mm No uWianullmld plan mom ullm TENDER N0 MlDDJLOppIhM MW lollm TENDER N0 willoddinl tun variety mo lq yam TENDER NouuM loll moo mhle mdl Qulmlll Ahawn uflmmd quantum Mly lporlllulhm nd mm nlopu my ogalngd mm an my Goth Ol cnrllriéd equal or lha mm of nl ha loin nmaunt Nd mual Accompany our law dur Thu lawnl or any Under no nmmrHy maplrd HECKETI FM Caululflnl Palmer Wm 51 llmle Onl FRIDAY lor lhe monslnndlon 1500 linen MI ownJqu mnd be lwml Concculom And Lot 11 Approxlmnlely 17000 cu ydl Emh Excavation wlll be required Plum Smedncntlans deer lorml nnd my nddIUonnl Infor xnnllan may be outlined mm either he Towmhlp and Sun orlnumksnh Mr lrullx TuvrmMp Em Munlclpnl nulldlna HR No Anzul Ont or flu undmlznod umn drposll 11000 loruch Sealed tendon clmly murk ed to comer Ind Addresud lo we Townhip Clerk Mr Bell wlll be melved unlll 1100 53 on Tender or Mon Melt Selled lenders clearly marked lo content wlll be waived by the undenllnod clerk until oclock noon my 1963 or supply ol Vnlon lmck Spec lcmlons In lender arms my be obulnad from ha under flgncd All hidden must no Townsth lender lomu Tnda In 1957 Chevrolet Mon lnxrk Low or my lender n01 nec unrlly Acczpted McLEAN Road Euph 15 Fort Lana Burl EARL RICHARDSON Clerk 11 Owen 5L nlrrlo TOWNSHIP OF ESSX TENDERS FOR ROAD CpNSTRUCTION TENDERS FOR SUBTRADES Tender will be revolved by the Kindaaimed until 12 oclock noon Tuesday April 13 106 or all Submde prices quirod in the alterations and Id dluom to Lakoview Dllm Em tie Ontario Architects Salter Ind Allison Lowest or any tends ml nec esnrily lcceptedi Auctioneer DATED It Barrie thc 20th day or April ma as Connra St Toronto 15 PHONE CHERRY 93313 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PADml months ecllon of the Mechanics Lien Ad 150 1960 Chamr 233 sale of the said vehlcle wlll be held by public nudlon on Wednesday um 24th day April 1m at the hour no mm at Bay City Motors Ltd 45 Bradford 81 Battle JERRY QOUGHLIN 12 IENDEks asssan In cm the mid Buy my Motors Ltd has nljpequnpnld for mot than NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE MECHANICS JEN ACT TAKE NOTICE Hm BERT DIXON Hlllsdale Ontario 15 kldebted to Bay City Motors Ltd Market Squm Barrie In the Cwmy of Simon In the sum of $750 or repairs and Ioraze mlde upon 1954 Enlck Serial Number camam Also Studebqker Serial Number DODD CONSTRUCTION co LTD VESPRA TOWNSHIP TENDER lEGAL NOTICES 7023 ECONfiIHUCTION MATERIALS BABE ONTARIO Accountant MALI fillP PA 66551 mull lm Ind ll HHXUGH Llly CIIIL hm Jnchon Immrrcd of lnnln Ilnmr Allen mm In In llnll lunlnl Ind vnmn JM Mnunn tlnulrd on Tor ontos Cnl Hmwnlnl In II NIH 11m mm now am In In place In ma mrlhcrn dIvInlnn wllh 11 mm AllnnIA drublwd IN by TomnIo Ilmrm dny nInlul lend In In mum wllh hm wlm And on loss Tomnlu hrId threerun luul nflcr le Inning nnd thud hy Hva nnrr Armin hm In In lopul he glnhlh In clhcr ncllnn Syrucuu Chlcll downcd Arknusu Trav ellm 1M Indllothcllcr Red Wing blunkud Jacksonville Sum Io lndlnnnpolll Indium and Columbus qu Mm rnlncd um Mn Urhmand Vlrulu Inn and DunIn Ilium Lewhl plnch ulngla In hi ellhlh Inning marked Iverun uprisan by Mlanu then llufled home run In lhe nlnlh to RM Iha Cracker an IMO uphill wln Tornnlo anla Lulu figured they had lhlll mond Inlemm llnnnl lawn wln Frldly mm unlll Johnny hwll lapped up In the plnle lween Klpllnz Ave and No 27 Highway Sale 1130 noon Temu cash No rcslrve Ken Ind Cllrku Prenllu Malon ml Mnrkham Ont phone 2941 or 6404680 Larle exitnsiva luciion Iain oi compicto inventory siock oi wrgckinz and demolition yard consisting oi thousands oi lee oi lumber ilmhers flooring electric ilxiuru oil burners lurnlcu radiators buiidin mnlraciors mnlcriai oi nil kinds steel beams piumbinz supplies pombh zarazel other building appmximliziy 100 thousand of other uciu wrecking tools oiiicc lurniiure dc property Minn inx lo the ESTATE OF THE LATE OSCAR iiUILEDGE II the yard at 52 NORTH QUEEN ST mnicoxa be Crackers Beat Leafs 1110 lioY IONSON ma GEORGETOWN mus mdlug horse of III type Ind ponies Refllslcred ham tell um than made and ponlu Sale lndoon Lulu uddII horse sale In East BOAT FOR SALE Scaicd bids wiii be received by the undersigned iar csbin cruiser with beam 140 KP Insulin marine engine and siecpinz accommodation or two up to 12 oclock noon East ern Standard Time Friday May 17 1963 For tender arms and envei opes speciiications stun merits to examine the host stared In the Departments imihause at Severn Fails Ind further particuim piease con tact the Department of Lands and Forests Goldwater or the undersignedi The highest or my tender not necessarily Acceptedt LEMAN District Forester Department oi Lands and Forests MAPLE Ont 13 AUCTION SALES TENDERS FOR SUBTRADES Tenders wlll be recelved by lhq underlined unlll oclncl noon Wednesday April ms or all sublrndo prices required In the construcUanfi lha Fad cral BulldlngMldland Onlarlo for In Departmtnl Public Works Ottawa Amhltecls Seller and Alllson Lowest or my cadet nol ne¢ sully mcplcd CONSIGNMENT AUCTION smunpgy APRIL 21 l2 TENDER QNTARIO DODD CONSTRUCTION co LTD 33 CONNIE STREET Toronto 15 PHONE CHERRY 98818 AUCTIbN SALE mummy MAY 4111 L00 ONIMIIO Ch Im II lullmmllr Ihlmplnn mom mud IM Mlltm Mm Ion Ind UL col Iu umu rldl by mlulnl any In mm uklnl azuu ug mm Imm um Mn nu Ind Manila mm IN Loni And um my mm mu 1ng Ilrokn HOUSTON Tu MUBah In NM lullnd ltll hlmlzr who lnulhl Mum hnw In Amy loll hlld nuulmku In lodly om chk Nlrllnul Ind ywnf Knrmll Zulu nller as hale lhc mooo Honum 00 fltlrrvv Fund Grun Tolll Expenditure Surplu to flu Yur Toll erndlluu lmvhlan lorAIqwnncu llmrm Mlnrllmloul Ihwkulono allu VIIIn Iharo cl mmuu M1010 ravlnlon lnr Dcknrd Hmnul 19m Townlhlp Grnnll 51000 Loads Nicklaus By One Stroke lubllc Work Randi lllnhwayl and smell Snnllnllnn and Walla llcmovnl Soclnl Wellm Rolll Aulllmco Eduullon Includan dcbl chum Hacmllun and Communlly Strvlcu Dchl Churn buntmm Dtbl Churn Lou Own mm ol Ich 705 mm Tum wrlllm nll Cnpllll lprrndflur cl lluvrnuu Jolnl or szclal lllpanmlum County lulu lallco VIIIu lulu 01563 lo 2170 Proleclinn In Pmom Ind Proptrly Prnlncllva Impccllon leutock llllod Gm Ton annuc Surplus 1mm Prior ye Total Ruvcnua mum Uuu Gcnml Gnvemmcnl Exuullvo Illd Lullmlvn Admlnlxlunvc Olher Llwlcel Ind Permlu Interest IIx Pcnullleh Other Revenue nonu Concession Ind Franrhlm Rocrullan and Cnmmunlly Sen1m MIICCHAMDHI Vublu fly cnnlrol Held emmenl Sundry Cuban Total Revenue Irnm on LongKenn Deb Chum Recovenbla Conlrlbuuons Grunt Ind Subsldlu Onlarlo Government Chlldrenl Protection ggrpcl 11911 Deferred Revenue Rucrvea Surplus Balance at January 1962 Less Included in current yearl lncarnc Surplus or tha year ended Dec 31 1962 Balanco ll Dmmber 81 1961 Accounts payable Due to School Due to Olhrr Local 3011 and CommIssIons Polka Village at Hawkestnne Hydro Elem1c iner Commission Duolo other fufids Résehe Purchm 01 property Olhg unbluuex Accounts Recelvable Sundry Dun rum Province Onlnrlo Du from other Munlclpallllu Tues Receivable 75599 Len Allowance or uncollucllble lam 315251 Properly Acqulrtd or Taxes Less Allownan or loss on resala other Amt Cash In bank Invlnzs 11973 5790 Cuh nn cm In chenlure Assumed investment In Capital Asset Debenture Deb Inued Ind Unmanned Schools Publlc and Contlnunflon Duehtootfier Muylclpallqgs for Due from olher MunchpnIerl for Debunture Assumed April 2nd 196 We hnve examined Vlhr Clplle and Loan Fund BHnnca Sheet and the Revenue Fund Balance Sheet of the Townth Ore December 31 may the remed mlemem ol revenue and expendllure end nurplm In the year ended on that date Our ex amination Included men review 01 the accounllndg procedures and dmlled exnmlnuon of the mounting mo Ind ether mpggruul equenpe pm in nu apinion The fluanclli transactions which have mme under mu notic hnve been wllhln ha powers of um municipality The audit has bean conducted In accord with the imlruc lions the Depaan IIA unmm my mum uumupu nnmn an The iinanciai mlcmenu present inlriy the iinanclni pnxilion tbs municipality December 1962 and um result at it npeulions or iii year ended on In due Green Maine and Cu Chartered Accnumnnfl 97 Number 2213 Germ BARBIE EXAMINER lAiURDAY AM IO llw REV Members at Council and Tax era The Municipal Commanon of the Towndmml 0m 0m Ontario mo IIIINI lududhu 14 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 Slnlcmenl of Revenue and Expendllura for tho yan Decembcr 31 REVENUE In ovengml memu ml In an munlc lam Uncondlllonal For Cnplll Gnnu other Munlclpnmlu Hawkeslana Polka Villa Revenue Fund finance Sheet al nEcember 1m ASSETS hand Bank IQWNSHIP 01 0110 EXPENDITURE LIABILITIES mama now All guy mm mm not Cr Im Mini boll locked In In MI LII um Don lor bum not true lenIm mm In part Taronlol Mam Knudmn Illa mu nmnm bul dld mu Mlltr Friday mmlnl In wllh 71 In lull mull In rule Al JohnIon ol Mnnlvul 117913 Al thdInl ol Throulo who hid 71 In nu openlnn round tul um dawn ea Frldu or In low Tommy Alma he Ilnbrmmd Iudur followed 111 And In man soul Amul Iry Illyor In In uvm my jam II In 19mm 1160 3751 1464 1600 71111 101159 1159400 25081 12500 22 15701 33m HMO 111059 M91 101 105417 L740 174614 51 355158 16560 mod mmu IOJUIM IMJIDM 108 55710 258 537551 lumu 1135 344m mm mini mum MIN 1920 7150 11171 IMMI 1005123 umsdi 9333 192961 END 10141502 ended 8012592 101 11725601 D5135 256330 845193 215808 to 115920 43912951 135009 158300 913 mum 9mm 41911651 115910 7244703 3295 9010 10668 17211 71399 101000 5198

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