Harry Downer Tbmnln spent the weekend with Esther and Watson Downer Vlulors wilh Mrs Halal Brol lay at Enslnr were Mrrand Mrs Emu Brolley Bruce and Janice or Scarboruugh Mr and Mrs Boyd Arnold Donald and Sharon London Mr and Mn Clarence Holt Valcrdnwn spent last week end with Roy and Vice Halt John Anderson Jacqueline Sally and Susan spent the week end wilh friend in Toronlm Visitors wllh Mr and Mm Cecil Vhileslde during the week end were Mr and Mrs Roger Reive and ï¬nger Jr Mr and Mrs Rnnald Vhltesidc Tor onto and Mr and Mrs Robam n1 Bradhrï¬ Mrs Ilnlil Hrulley is upend ing few days this week wlh Mr and Mn George Davis Ivy Harry Downer and Esther and Watson Downer spent Monday with Mn and Mrs Arlhur Dow ner Wyebndge Vlsilnrs wilh Mr and Mrs Cllflord Cnmpsall aver the week end were Mr and Mrs James Howie and James Mrs Alice King and Wayne Bradlay Torv onto Mr and Mrs Ronald Campsall Egbert and James Cnmpsan Penelang Rnnald Brolley Mania and Miss Nora Brollcy or Barrie spent the weekend wilh Mr and Mg Kenngllgflmlley noyï¬and VincenlHnlt lpEnt Easter in Barri with Mr and Mrs Norman Scull Miss Marie Blakcly Tatum spent lhe weekend with Mr Illd Mn Goran Blakely Mr llld Mrs Harry Kara Ind family of Scarborough spent Easter wilh Mr and Mrs Clif ford Campsall Mn Knras and sons are staying or week Robert McLean Toronto men he Easter week with his urand gargnts icép Mr and Mr unwell and Tracy spent Easm weekend with Mr and Mn Kitchen wnod OnL Mrs Shearduwn at Langley BC Is spending weeks with her son and daughlerdw law Mr and Mn Cecil Shear down Allcr spending your in Van couver BC Mr and Mrs James Shutdown have rammed In his dislri mid Air Gordon Shelly well and David are spending days 310 ILY nmu null 19 58 SEVSSSS yqau mm Put nml um Tmnm mu Epum orduwn Tommy Amhrnn Emma Imus Hm lpam Tn cmplmun Ha In on 1H5 luo Mrunluv APRIL 10 nu Tl rumn Inn rum mm ilonl loo Hnl nubll Gun mu mln llawunl chmo llnwllnl munrm Cav nu Bunny Tum Tum Tm IIlly Mum nmny Illllhllllu rumm cumu To ml 1r huh Gun will II gszzzsgsuss VIIDA Arum we Plolumll Illdu mm lmlumrl um my mum Ina Johnnr lhaw lwmm Ivan llaknln rdkl Nny 11v Np Munll lIlvu mu nun nun Ilnu ==s 83283335838 moo um um 11v Ina lIllu HM llun Inmmu unmmr Ann 00 Imlumn mmm my AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY vmwnw Hayes Sunday By ESTHER DllWNEIl 41mm Samxvlu Fm limmalu Hull2 PICKUP AND IIIILIVIIIW H1an PA MN IMIIHII Pphnhlulnl In Our lIII um Nul Jull EMF Ilnr flflMYFllfll Klv By MRS HAYES BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK nnd Mr and MrsVJ ME you uuln nnl Inlud ylr phono TELEVISION PROGRAMS THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR TMOS SERVICE EGBERT DRIVENOURSELF CARS AND YRUCKS EDGAR And 2va In In lmlnnd Vnn llam CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE VALLEY TAXI PA 82433 And Mrs Thnmu Hayes hid Mlchafl Whitby and Dauzhu Hale Ed5 wegajeciljinyea llama Mr Recenlvnsllun at Shelb dawnl were MrsH Shearduwn and children Barrie and Mr and Mrs Dunn Edmnr Such Cnnzralulalinns lo Harry 0ck enden and Fred Nlcolwn who held the winning ticket lozelher on he itnr quilt made by he Edgar Womeg slilnke Georgma Hacked draw tha winning ticket on April By M35 PADDIEON Robert Dufl Mealord and Garry Dun ol Toronln spent he weekend with heir parents Mr and Mn not Du Mrs META I5 Vlaltinl her daughter Mrs Johnston Hum lltan Mr and Mrs Cliflnrd Plnxmn and Shnryn of Angus spent Sun day wilh Mrs Paddison Flowers In the Church Sunday were in memory of Mr and Mn John Galan placed mm by the lamlly Mn and mi McRnbms of Ounwn spent the weekend with Mrs Ruben Macham and other friends wMiss Mari Malhtwt Toronto visited her sister Mr and Mrs Arthur Mumber son and daughter of Oakvllle spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mumbemn iiiss Gill Paddléon Banis spent the weekend with her pur ems mck Rowe of Barrie ls v15 lnx his grandparents Mr and Mrs Rowe inmid Mm Keith Presser and sun oi Toronto spent the wggkend wilymdr qgregllg Nat Arnnid pauemin the General and Marine Hospital Cnflingwood CIIrence Swilzer and his siy lar of Toronto calied on Min Annie Switzer Sunday ROBBINS Robe Henderson son of tha Me Mr and Mn George Hen dmun died suddenly Deepest sympalhy is exlcndcd to Miss Isabel Henderson only sister the licensed Mr and Mrs Lany Dc Wilde Bank ware Sunday vlsitnrl with Mr and Mra Robbins Mrs Mann Oranxevllle mother of Harvey Moon of Ev erett died recently We extend by In heir wily wnmoie Clark Lx balicnt In Toronto huspilnl and we all wish him ggcedyleco Donell and son Toronto were But er visitors with Mr and Mr George Peacock no Gml Muvln Mnnll ho Oulflold loan Julia TV New nu Noni Morin HJA May an WM wind IINDAY APRIL 06 Tnl PIHlm ll DO Church 5ka IZW WM World mumlfll DIVE ma Gnllllh 10 Conn CI nan no 113m In an no mo HJA Inna hm rnunu mu unm mu nnnllnl nl nummn nunn mm Thl Noun um Adunlunl nl ï¬u um 1w KIM ChumInn no Twlu mu mm mm no II In 20 Mum Nun Inn mm Anllulnl mo TTV Inu In Innk ll lyulmm NIHn Amund IN Junlnv IINIIY Flu MM I1 mull rumm Noll9h htnnll wlfll WI llnl val WHh Nth Andy Ullllfll lhav In KIM la MMIXIYI Juvlml lel Plfllrllm zss=3 33352333 WNHH NEW LOWELL TORONIO mum mun rm Damn To Hum Known mu Yluhbnl Aunlvm nonnu Wum mm Jlm Callvlun snow mm TM and mum gum lllllh Hill Ilulflll Tl CI WanIM llITImI mm 1qu III lulannuu Tm mm Klnay Mum mm AnnIn imlu TTV Ann Inm EVERETT Cum Mu Tulle MG tpendlnz law any with her ulster In cansz Mr and Mrs Rex Knox Ind Mn Larry accnmplnled by Miss Sylvia Knox Toronlo spent Easter at the home Mr and Mn Wilfred Knox Creemore The Townshlp of Tassoranllo council Ind reeve Iceornpanled by lhe supervlsnr went over heir wads Muuday to ascer llln what expanditure will be necessary 10 put um mud in Kood condnion or lhls yeah va everIncreum mm It hopcd they will consider widen In sum wads culling down sharp hllkwhm mlny accident happen andan dual on the grayel told Ihnuld he could Arthur Anderson who has been working or Sllverwuud Dnlry In Tuxunto or 19 years now rellred and in making his heme in EverelL Some Irmerl In working In their fields in Hill dillrlcl Douzln McLeod Linda and Bruce Val Caron 01 visit ed Mr McLeods parenu Mr and Mn Keith McLeod and Willi and Mind in the dil Mr and Mrs Jack Cooke Ind lamlly Sudbury vmud ML and Mrs Wilfred Ind Eemll Johnslon Mr and Mrs Blake Nash nnd lumiiy Nchvaie Visited Mrs William Robertson and Mr Ind am Earl Rnbtrlsnn durinx Easter weekend Mr and Mn Edward Blaxg and Karen of Oltnwl visited Mr and Mrs Albert Horne The Womens Institute met at the ham at Mu Keith McLeod Wednesday evening with good attendance President Mm Wil fred Johnston presided The Homemaking club Achiev menl Day II Io be held Saturday April 27 at Guthde Community Hall with the project Separ ate for Summer The annual reports were given and showed an lnlerestlnl yur Mm Kellh You an declnrer with ha Was hand Six earls and North leads the Jack of spades You play the queen and take Souths king with the ace How wvuld you now play the hand You In Em dekndlnl against Three anrumpSaulh having opened with nalrump whlch Nanh raised lo three Wtsl lead the our nl nudes Ynu cover lhr live with Ihe seven nnd declarer win wilh lha queen Soulh hen lendl the Jack diamond and you win with he quccn alter W931 and dummy lollaw low Whll wnuld you play now 4mm nu canl bu nun ol mnk In the hand hul lhe but plan In luume lhll Soulh lull eilhrr he kin queen din mondl and proceed on that huix Draw lwo round or rumpL cash Iha no dinmondl Ind lend lho lack ll South flay low dlmrd Apade nut in DAILY CROSSWORD MRI JOHNSTON II Emmol 00 way 11 Tu bllm hnlerM IMVI Cry limb Bkln Mull ll Sn In lul lmfln llun Chum 11 linden I1 Inland lnlo wldl lam Ia cum umflyl lhhr ll nun mm antenna Demon lo TM Church Ituylc 1L round on cuuuu Vtflkll mm In guy ï¬lmy M71105 him um RUGBY CONTRACT BRIDGE Wimlééjw nulcul mm mum 1m hymn or hlanl llun Youth man 4x By JAY BECKER Oiiicers or 196164Preaideni Mn Tyson Lungmnn vinopre ridenis Mrs Edward Johnson Mrs Berna Johnston stew my treasurer Mrs Donald McLeod Issiniani Mrs Edward Lnnzman District rDirector Mrs Johnston program com miller Mrs Jnck Lanxman Mn Eric Scott Mn Edward Lanxman puhiic rellions Mrs Clarke Home Home Economch and Heaiih Mrs Edward Lanna mon Agricuiiure and Canad ian Industries Mrs flay Shaw Citizenship and Edumion Mn Mel ludhope Hisioricai re search Mr Home flower Mrs Eric Scull Mrl Clarke Home auditors Mm Gv Lang man Mrs Langman The iiosiesa and her helm served McLedd conducted election of cum and lnxtallnllon ure many Rugby group of the Fallen llon ol Alrlculluro will meet he home Mr and Mn llm Langmnn Friday eveninx April 19 815 pm Slmm County Federalion of Agriculture pro rldenl Len Cummlnl and reury John Hughes will be present Everynne welcome Mr and Mrs Irvin Judd and lamily b1 Rnyal Oak Mich visit ed her lather Thomas Radius Mrs Roy relurned to Moose Jaw alter spending couple at monlhs with her ulster and bralherInlaw Mr Ind Mrs Al Greeniaw ems Mr Beardsall Mr and Mn Jnhn Beardsall Ind baby Toronto spent the weekend with heormers par Mr and Mrs Howard Irwin and family or Downsview and John and Larry Dickinson Hamilton spent the Easter holi day with Mr Ind Mn Gwrge Dickinson Mrs Jean Vhalley of Toronto was the guest of Mr and Mn Maurlce Bell for the hullday Mr and Mrs Usher Grimxhy spent lhe holiday week end with rzlalivus here probable spadu return cross to dummy with Irump and lead he on diamonds II Saulh has diamond honor it is trapped since you plan to dis urd he plnyl low or run if hemaylhllh Snulh tavern ha Incl nl diamond at Irick live ynu enlcr dummy wilhalmmp and end he kn of dinmnnds plan ning In dlacnrd spade If South am not produce the missing honor Thin assures twelve trickl The proper relum ls lhe Ive of clubs This play II musl lure lo dclezl lhe con lucL ll hlxhly liker that part ner has lhe Ice diamonds judging mm dcclarcrs play to lh lirsl lwn lriclu South hand ll probably samelhing like Ihls West therefor cannot posxl bly have Ipadu loud rnuunh lo warm made return Snulhu wenkul lull ll nbvlnusly tluhs nnd lhal II he place In nllnck ane that lha live no lh tumn lurk lrd Azalnal lhll mum Soth ll helpless An loan West In wllh the Ice dlnmnnds he nlurm clublo dtlml he conlrncl That would be conslslent wllh his openlng no4mmp hid us to la points and his ï¬rst tum plays He could hardly have lha are nl diamond and al lnck lhc unit without pllylnx the Ice llml Toninimn 04¢th lmn turn mun Imn 15 Holt plan In loo xpuu 39 am lipruled numm lulhor ll Iqulu I1 WI Mdlllon Gall 565 uplolln ELMVBLE and Mrs Léaénrd Innmp flulllln mounllln mu at loll nuvll Corn Maul ll no Hum WWWWIM ch THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL 1M sonnaouv uv soummal HOW CAN WORK wnu ALLTNIS SILENCE