Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Apr 1963, p. 4

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Oppose Railway Cuts During the past few days Barrie tire men have been busy extinguishing grass fires which in most cases have been due to carelessness The city has fine rev 0rd of ire prevention compared to many other Ontario communities but this will soon change i1 igtaken soon cnaugc ulucu My by many as they goabout clearing up the accumulation oi old leaves and other rubbish to make ready for gardening Unfortunately many give little thought to the damage that might result from their carelessness Some try to burn up rubbish too close to buildings or fences while others light bonfire and then go elsewhere This is what causes serious fires our Fire Prevention Should Be Observed Throughout Year British railway passengers are ieel Ing the impact of reduced train service and are demanding halt to the proposal for fewer trainsn despite the act that the raiiways are Insm oncy railway an mm5 As result of recommendations of the recent Beeching plan over half the coun trys railway stations and almost one third the trackage will be closed to pass enger service Reports from Britain in dicate the plan is meeting with much opposition The public and of course the railivaymen ked mlnuhtnrllv me Idlfllvavlucu Drastic measures were undoubtedly needed to pare deficits running as high as $450000000 year Unfortunately though in some cases alternate service or rail lines exists only in the form of extremely poor roads with little it any bus service The cutback in service will be felt especially in the north of Scot land and Wales where this situation is more serious than elsewhere In Canada most such adjustments to try and make revenue come up to ex penses have been made gradually and WAR DAYS 2o YEARS AGO Rn Barrie Examiner April 15 1943 Sgt George Thom son 22 RCAF light en ginoer on lla ilax bomber son of Mrs lll Wilson Cla perton SL Barrie re ported missing elieved killed in air operations out of air base in Yorkshire England Waller Middleton becomes Reeve oi Flos Township by aeclamation to succeed late Albert Toner John Kidd elected Deputy Reeve Colonel Garry Lee returns from overseas to coordinate Armoured Corps Training Centre Camp llorden with Canadian Armoured Dlvlsions Flying Oliieer Owen Smith oi Elmvale reported missing alter uvcrs air operation an nmnnn lnr mrssrn arm mum liarrle quota set at $170000 for Fourth Victory Loan Flight Sergeant George Firman reported missing Aug ust 1942 in air erations now pre sumed dead by not Two yolan student pilots at Camp ilerdcn mcl death in separate aecidenls this week Irin cipal ll Ginlwood at nCl weekly as semth read letters from exsludents ser ving overseas with thanks or boxes sent from schonlv lllr llrdwnod urged stud ents with high Easter marks to enroll or arm help in the district which was urgenly needed Funeral casket lac tory at lirznllord sold to Holland Marsh rnwers 70 up Allandale lawn bowl The older whn sire cr xml 1n 510nm nfl rclullvcs who Iva alumI and Ike ll ml Indepcndcnco has lls problems When nne nenlor rllizrh In nnrlhdrn clty slipped 0n ruslllly wnxml our nml fell the ncrhlunl wnx nlnl Friends who tallud hrr midcncc on he lcln mom n5 umm she was ahnpplnf and not In vestlgnlc th llwy hmlly dlxl they were too In lg hlnllp A1 uf lhll acchlcnl measuro to prevent such lrngcdlcn was lmtlualul Reassuran Srrvlcr has lnr lhn last five years cnnhlrd scnlnr rllimu 11 um ch to hear 1hulr lclvphnnn rln wlro ch lo mums mm mn mu roI mm lvulmml mun mi II mun In mun lunch lllulnvv Immu IINNITII wAI mum lulrm mrlllnnn mum um no lhmnul mun lvnIIuII II mm unly mu UniHal mum um mm mm Ill m1 avlllun wmau no In nth mu mum mv ul mm 0mm an mumn Au mum mu mu mumI4 ml dum llm IIIva Emma nu Ina Am um Am mun ll lefl Nunmm rub rm um mm in nllmln mu in Am II Alan DUI mm mm cum mm mlrml II um Walls Publisher THOSE WHO LIVE ALONE Atlanta Joprnall The Barrie Examiner if1mm IExamitwr Published by Canadlar Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barne Ontanu WN MEMORY LANE ofin EDITORS VIEWS fracale um dum that her Brian Slalght General Manager FRIDAY mun 196 Pm II um fire prevehtlon officers polnt out Once fire is started it should be watched until all the rubbish ls destroyed and then it should be made certaln that the lite is completely extinguished to pre vent starting up again Smokers should also see to it that cig aret butts are extinguished and that lighted matches are not carelessly thrown away 89th ca ly he the start of mum drip un away Lnqu serious frre as warmer weather dnes up grass on lawns and in fields There has been heavy loss of lite throughout Canada by fires recently and we feel that citizens now should use everycaution to see that similar fires do not occur in Barrie with adequate warning Bus service here is also more developed and seldom is there not Irlore than ade road con LN an um nu mo nection Still some communities here are perturbed when faced with relaxation of passenger service The Barrie area is no exception even though well connect ed by other forms of transport Americans can afford to be more ruthless in cutting service only to self supporting lines as the issue is in the hands of private companies not consid ered responsible as they are here for providing publ service Here and in Auvnnl mumu nauu uA yunu cred responsible as they are here for providing public service Here and in Britain with narionnlly owned railroads rho pubiic is outraged as taxpayers are berm denied axservi Mmacinnlv DEIII uvluuu sum However it 15 becoming increasingly evident that public ulllitics must be run on businesslike basis it Indeed they are to operate at all reasonable sub sidy for the railroad industry is under standable but when it comes to opera lng complex service or very few then the government Is Well within its rights It cm back ers chose John it Rogers chairman John iloss MA of Stayner in second year Knox College won over 53000 in scholarships Barrie Sea Cadet Corps Kempenfelt held Initial parade at Town iiall William Bell was com manding officer Barrie Lions Club held de ate on whether or not office of Tail Twister should he abolished Frank Dohson led affirmative but Bill Garner upheld negative and won Young Barrie sailor Otto Willis Lee survived torpedoing of Canadian corvette Wey burn in Mediterranean but suffered bro ken leg Married in First Baptist Church Miss Joan Leona Ross oi Camp heliton Nil to plt Dick Living ston ilCAF of Barrie Lance Bom bardier Gilbert Lee of Barrie Ontario paid visit while on furlough in England to town of ilarry anes where he was luncheon guest of local Rotary Club and exchanged copy of Barrie Examiner for Barry lieraldt Mrs Draketimek man was speaker at Trinity Guild on Life in Wartime England Victor Lewis of llarrie cook on corvette told at opening bag of potatoes in middle of Atlantic and finding tar Jim Watt Farm Products ilarrie Ontario Wrote home Seaman Lewis told the crew what treat they were getting that day potatoes from my home town daily mornlng and cvcnlng If there 15 no answer someune checks once The Idea has nlrnady lnkcu llol In other com munillcs spreading inst Ila good Idea Icsmlln danger or those who pre xnrvc thrir pr do by rclnlnlnu lhclr Inde pendence There llC llmlls tn frcu spvcch hul nnylhlnx wurlh uylnz cnn bu sald vllhln Illeso llmllx LETS BE SENSIBLE lNlngnrn lnlls llevuw The Keep nnmln CBHIKHHH nlngan lwlng med hy Tonxrrvallvu tnmlldnton In line bul us my be rushed over 1110 brink In nupvrmullvu Imllvn The new slogan ls lwln um In respect lo Monte mllry In my one by Iho xlugnn ml have roturm lo trade You pruned Made In Cnnmln yml liked high lnrllx Illd opposed the uln gnn yuu dlsllkml llwm Innuelulom lhnl hm ls nomclhlnu Ilnlllcr In lhln cam mlgn cmlcurnlng mmllnnAnmlcan re nllmn In nolhlng mum than fnollsh Inlk We hope un hmly In prrslladcd by uvrntalnus poll Ilrlnm um um nnylhlnx wlckml our lmnlur lrlcndxhlp ltln lice Hm realism that am llul nl our carnal cnnmlrum the Unlml Hlnlrs nnx wt welcome II True wo dont llkr bvlng pushed nrnuml but nob or Canmllllu know lhal hu nut tempted In any way main lo Can Ida By PATRICK NICHOLSON ollAWA Fillynlne year nld Paul Martin and wycamld Azcllus Denis will Jointly be The Fnlhnrs ol lhc House of Commons when our newly elccted Zfllh Parliament meets pmhnbly in mid May Paul Marlin and Arellus Denis were bulh eleclcd lo the House or he first lime at me general cleclian OcL 1935 Mr Denis was lhen 28 years old and Paul llurlin our years alder Thus Mr Denis has now sat ln Pnrlinmcm continuously or exaclly half his lilei Paul Marlin ls not only one at the real nld pros nl lhe llousc he is also triumphant vclcrnn lhe liuslings In nine clcclion bullies his majorities have ng from comfort able to slngneringmule les limony in he immcnse appll calion nl induslry and lnlclll gcngq whlch he brings lo hour OTTAWA REPORT endc or in his palllltal lile In his irsl clw Ion he won by his smallest cvcr malarily which has camfunnblc margin or 107 chs ADVANCES STEAMLV tlcclinn In nuumtnlcd hi 1ch Over his mum rlvnl unlll by the 1931 lecm1 ulumph it had ruwn la HAM Hy lhnl mun Izlul Marlin had progressed mm bu lng on ol Mackenzie KIngI Brlghl Young Men lhmugh lhc npprcnllushlp helm one or Parliaments rl pulllm nwnlnry assblnnls la the hlull mlulnmcnl cnbmul rnnk nmt no douhl impressst Ills vole ol Istcx Ilasl rumm ucncy down In lllc mulhwm lip of Ontario hul puhaps ha vum more vnlu hy Iris nssldi muuml file In SDIIIC wcu and ya unhan But you more In caulk sumw when mud mm summon to iuc ngulnlfli can dulnlll lhc hlnhdm and wuidmnn nnd pmoml lulummll ol hll elation irrqucnlly marked by Bole or ole mm IlIu Conwrvnllvu lun I951 tut hh mkvrily hul nllhmlnh wmmm do 1521 In Illo xnnl Tory was It Will nllll lib nmn llnn lnul Mnnln am nutuc Imck mm 1w ln hut yearl mm In MI mord nu mi 10423 Int wctk Han lnul Mmln 11¢ drul ul millch mum nu Nonur al lqvllu nl weluwd IIy lhu nnmllnnJmn Emur lycoun Loyd Fum nmk In column Imus yrnn no IN Lilwml lrlme MlnhltrM llll 11m rhorhhnd mhlmfl hln Iu lnr but ml llnnl may lnm mumwhll In mum IIII ml and It Fnlhrr RM llmue NNTMANI ADO Jld Pros Will Be Fathers House lr Ilrnln who Irpvmnln the No Mm hm lnho 61 ulnxnomul pollliul vlne ml llmn Um Mud nnd lln nllcd Nullnm when llon lnul Mu nn mud hII name llul whim IM HM nmly Wm In npm mum lurlnl Hm Ind yen he hu lmrn ulflclll lflllllfl um um vauxhly runwaybl Ia lnlnl wilImlrgrnml In lhe Ilwlnw rahlml Hm JH hnn Irpumlly runand run nudtrm llm lluuw and Ihe Ivetlnlnln nIlrllrn Ivy lu llmlnrlnn the Immnnmq mum No IND In postal ndmlnhlulmn ude Mm whlmy pm nu nor human mm mxlmv mrn Min 3an dry lulluu Iru rlrar mu cul Irulnn mum rd In emu no and lhm Alwy um on hi at In dumber LAUNCHING PAD chide with wit hm with darn ngc lhc hapless Tory postmas lerAgcncrnL That is post to which he mny himscll succccd There is lhird MP who was first elected to Parliament on the sum day as Messrs Martin and Dcnis Hun Lionel Chev ricr But unlike them he has not served Nullflunusly ever he msignc qum Par liament in 195 serve or nearly three years as first pres idvnl nl lhc Sl Immune Bu you have the prublflln you cam sllll be mom deal mromnlnmplc wiUl Inunsulllnu lmm other uni undergny more cun sumcwncsb¢ dam Ind in mum575 cor uMLfiVlmninuM lh mny volume fin nos curqu rcllt prev by pluclul nllrzl min able under lmmucl It Ins sumclcnl uen Ihnugh umpurnry MU the pnln mum nnd the hIm tauhes up In Inquunlu Inva Thu Hm ha lublcl aver ll Ivrlrl nu ll JOSEPH MOLNER MD More mm be dune ubeul un mqu pcclnm Hum some maple rcnlizu ho Icls gel the ward muuml TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH we said ycxlcrdny than me mnny cnuzcs for angina In some inslzmccs il slums rum chkncas nl Um hum lucll and you just have In nuccpl his unhnpvy Incl Em Ii by pluclnl nllr am blood chulcslcml mm mm In hlxh newton ol by dint and uLLm1mmefiffl$1 mcfflullon wmclhnu reducu the pnln mum nnd the hIm Wk tauhes up In mquunlu puvYn thn Inemlu over mm 11 mm um mm Wu lhyruid or dlnhclu at lhu aver ll Ivrlrl 3M din lmublt than musl rnrummdy mm plr pc mnlrollcdhul um nIill dun mm mm whenml mean lhnl Ihu hum can wind mm mmymNclMlh impunity be lurccd beyond mu do they 1m mm umll cumgm 1mm remain use chuchun mmkluu nr Mnny pnllrnu gel auWllk nlllinl unllnvly l1 ulsv wllh only In cw any 01M cause lnlmrru nunvulva In Inqulm cmuldeuhlu MW KIM ur mnnlmlnne pnllcntlflm In cw mm mlnln mp um 1mm nu 91m vacs Inmlcrn hum unch mm mm um he mum rnn ho my nwlul bu mun mm mm my Mum Hull up In mm Ill nny um Mud mu ml In umuru uvur lulu Forlunnlcly lhnc lculnr llmil la Hm numb II Nd Mnny pnllrnl gel Alan Wfu mu only In cw dny 01 Inqulm cmuldeuhlu mam ur mmlml 5mm pnllcntl krrp Ihr lnhlvll nu mm mm lmldc llm hell mm lhry knuw nnm uwrmm they my to waltz by pain Xhm lxuwrvevé lIuy an ll mm Ilmlflm Emotion Can Cause Pain In The Heart an on Hon llhor hut Authority Lionel Chevrier Tht eycs or he Lora run In end no throughoul he whole rank in show hlmsell strung XII he behnll nl lhcm whole heart ruled tollrd Mm ll Chrnu 169 Firm lrusl in the Lord bear the pmmise His rich bene diction BIBLE THOUGHT REPORT FROM ILK or long represented his naiive Cornwnfl OnL 35 MP Since 1957 he has sat inr Manncal Laurler Hire Paul Martin lose to enjoy churlcrvmember ship oi hlnckenzie Kings group at young Liberals with iulure and shares with him lha status as the House of Com mons senior privy councillor tinting mm April was when they both first became cnhinct mimalers He usunuy icurns quickly lo rrcugnizu how much cxmlnn he um mum wnhuul sullmnu un muckhow much he um rm huw hlr mu huw last he can walk walklng mm lice to parking lot is low much hon nklnx num plll before hand ullcn permits the hum wimaut pain Learnan In an only hull way and lhcn lining down In rut or cw mmnlcs um wnrd ull Hm pnln lcn the pain nlnrlx and IN pullout Inlmc dialnly unps whulcvcr ncllvily nr cxcrclsc he Km been Ill xugcd in me pain can sum 11 nbruptlyus started body 1nln nnylhln by being slubbdm arid trying to kcrp figolng Inyfiuy Thu hcnrl must Iva Ha rum Ilrnln tdw Illa ll um mm ynu vJnm mnlonnhln Imleml lxlher me many mm In whlch Hm twin hm mluidnl ur mn Illlupprnrrd uhrn pullvnl ha tnlmwl duwn aim punm lluouuh mmu ulrmlrd mm Lul km by no menu llm leul Inumnnl nnmluunl New And dluurlmnm um iaka pulu Main rmurloux mm In nvvld gelllnl lumd up lnglmrl 1w vhllnwphlrnl ml mm Ilunl ylrnduu ma mm cm In MINA mm Iv fl um CUSDENS mun nu ynu Ivlol mmrl mum who 11an mm mu ml mm gnumm on gums PARK By DON OIIEARN TORONTO Personalities of this session It looks as lhough Premier Hobart should be put first In his Innlal session last year Mr RDthlS showed he was calm and culleded leader the house He dld nol have the me name of supporters wnuld have erde But he was firm kept out lrnuble and rode the government through hh Shakedown scssinn Thls year Mr Robarts has been the fullfledged leader He has hen inoflice for more than year has had pmgram to bring down and span in nflice In defend He has shown he deserve to he leader He has had the same calm control the house he had in his first year and to this he has added some lire You don hnd mm waving or shouting Bul when he wants to he can dominate lhe house Along Eith mi hé has shown nJce sense courtesy Alnd he has given more recognillon In the lunclion the apposition lhan any prcmler rccenl limes lie has done good Job ALLAN LAWRENCE Up in the hack reaches the gwernmunl rows here is government supporter who also by now would seem In merit rating as persmnalily Robarts Is rPirm Calmflnd Collected LONDON BrilJIlns rallng syslem on which local rules ar munlclpnl taxes as they are more commnnly known in Can ads are based ls under nilan mm all sides with demands lhnl the whole syslem hangs ed Thls stems from revnlu Min all properlle now in effect or lhe lirsl lime and lhc rcsull ol whlch has been severe sllnck to lhe rnlcpny ers in mosl municlpulllles In the rcvnluallon rental val ues nr assessments again to use the Canadian lcrm have bccn increased on an average about lhreclold Thls In ilsell was not mnsldcred nlarmlnu ns the general eclan was that the higher assessments would bring cnrrospondingly law lnx ralcs so that lhn ratepayers would pay roughly lhc same amounl SOME LARGE INCREASES 111an5 have nnl however worked out lhal way In nearly every munlcinnlily whllc le nclunl lax ml has gone dawn subslnnllally lhcrn has been xubslanllul Increase when com parud will lllc armcr amount at nclunl mm to he paid llcuvy rxptmlllurc Increase by local counclls nnd counly munclls have made ll Impossible lnr lhe hlghcr nsscssmcnls lo be re llcclcd ln lower taxes The pub ll outcry om his the meal lrunslcmd lo lhc gnvcrnmcnl mnny subjects In the lnsl live ycnrs In Pnrllumcnl members MI mlillcul miles are nllmklnx Ihe me Iylllm whlch In bclng hold responsible lor lIw Influx In lam mollm by 70 Canscrvnllvu hackbourhcrl culls 01 lull lnqulry la be held Inln possiqu new mlhod Ill rulslnu revenue or Ihc munch phllllu II also all lnr tho linunclnu ol educnlinn he llnmlcrml In the xuvlmncm IIIII lho Ioml rcmnml lrmn lhu prupllly lnxpnytrl In nlhcr qunnm load lncnmn lux lo lnkn llm burdrnn nll propuly In Iwclnu nungmml ll all wumls my rcmlnlncvnl ul hImlInr ur ullIlnln Illcll hum thn gulnu lur Home years In Cnmldlun pmvlncu wllII munlclpul lax Inytn fllklllK lhnl Rmumnvnu lnkv our lIIn ml nl me ul Ihr nrrvltn Inrlmllng mlucnlmn no InM lor Inrgrly IIy lhc Illunhlpnl lnxpnyrrn By McINTVRE HOOD Assessments Higher And So Are Taxes II In mmlvlrrrd vrry unllkrly llml le Kcllh Jonrph minimr mmlng and IMnl thnunrnl wlll mu In lhv hnhnnu ol mlhllclnqulvy but llm pmu mm hm wlduprcnd und ml nrmu pmly mllllrnl llnt In Iurh nn ulrnl ml will nmulul nrun nnl Ilnlllrly AVIS nsm CAR AND mucu bycntnwm STEVENSON DUNLOIP IT PA 644 YOU CANT new THEM ron SERVICE For Complain DCIHI Cull Not Too 5qu Wham To laam Your Car TRY Allan Lawrence ls young lawyer lrom anonlo whn has been in the house aw Years over the St Georg seat when llnn Dana Porter lull to become chief fuslice And since then he has been one Ihe mm active privala members 01 the house He has bit of rcputallun an flndependenl Each session heme made few speeches and in Lhasa he has not been airaid In either mgflfq nriginal suggesllons or In He has criticized same ac Hans at own government and evensin slnslhe press GRILLEDV JUDGE For long UTE reporlér didnt know just how lolake iniepcpdencc could have been Just hunt or publicity Mr Law unces speeches made lots of news But then this winier Mr Law rence was at ihn Committee of Commissions when the liquor authorities were before il And he gave Judge Robb chairman of the Licence Beam an intensive grilling They were queslion on mat terssuch us what board pul icy was on granLing licences which were not calculated to do his party or himsefl any pani cular good Bull Tie good grilling and in our books ML Lawrence is good member what rclerrcd to in an ar Ilclc about three or tour months ago as Earl Mountbattens plan or unifying the three detnnca service is to become an ac complished lack Pctér Thorncy croft in dclence debate In his House at Commons made it known that the three scpnraic service departments or the Ad miralty Wllr Oliicc and the Air Ministry will shortly disappear They will be coordinated within new unitin Ministry at De lcncc to which the lhrec scr viccs will bc rcsponslhlcr Junior ministers hcaring the title at minlsicr ol state will be in charge of the time services but they will be subordinalv lo and responsible to the detellce minister While new sysicm due no go as lnr n3 compleiu In lcgruiinn oi llIc lune lighting services it is hi my inr ward inwards more cilccllva conlml hi dclcnuo expendllurcs and will pul an end In lln in lcgrnlinn of dellnee policy he inn hampcrcd bv the tendency ul the lhrcc surviccs in wnslliur iI solely rum lhcir man poinls View Tillfl will bu no change in he prescnl mcllmd oi direct ing defence policy This is dnnl lllrnunh me dclcnce commlilcu in cnlyintl prrsidml niur by lim lrime Minisicr lmnsLli ind ullimnlcly llimugh lhc ca ncl WELCOME BY LAW One significant leulure IM nnnuunrcmml was lpc nunmcr In which lurk in lhn House Cummom was ML tamed by Labor umwslllun lpoktsnlun Mm expwmd lhr VIEW lhnl il wus sunwlhmn Hm wax long avuduc vnn llur New Mmlrlnllrd fill lo And lmlll Hlnll linlrr your nnmr In our hilly dull to In llrld Mllll lfllh llallnlv Available Ilnvr Pholography by Favnro 25 IIUNLUI 5Tv WV Wk 04

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