Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Apr 1963, p. 2

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=x=4 hm nu rumm vIrmmndu um rtnlyivc he llulslcin calves bruughl nvcr $200 each wilh fire of them topping lho $300 mark and one bringing the hizhosl prlcc of 00 HIV was the August 1961 call Maslcr Sovcrtlgn Daisy consumed by Mxlslcr 0ch Farms Thurnhill Out and bought by Gknallan anm Allislon She dam ghlcr of he Bxccllnnl lire Ilocland Hellccllon Sovcrnixn Amulnl AMnhI Alluxm steel Numlnlum Mme um nl Na mu mum ml lH Invr an Imp nnl rln umm The 2l6 calves sold or Iota $11890 umnrnl average SIS each There were 183 01 suins lhal suld or mm an avorngc of $159 each 11 Jer seys that nvcragbd mo six Guernsey that averaged 386 uur Ayrshire lhnl nvnragrd 1119 12 but cnlvcs avcruxcd 3m cnnsisling at our Angus sewn Hnrcfnrds nnd on short ham The nnnunl AllBreed Cull Sale held at Hays Farm of Oakvillc saw 216 calm seven breads go lhmugh he rlng Thls sale is lnlcndcd prlmarily la provide supply of hlgh class calves lhal HI boys and girl can buy at rgasnnnhlc prlocs ion In the Ontario Govcmmenk objecting Io Lhe use of young models in liquor udvcrliscmem Premier Robaru has replied that the gomrnment looking into he mallcr Bruce Reynolds Pnl Powell Brim Edey Jack Mulchinock and Carol and Connie Jame werc among 65 dolegam mm 16 lo 15 who came from South ern Ontario cenlres meeting of likeminded icenagm ls jug held In Port Anhur Bruce heynolds oleded one ton executive dindon Alliston Farm Buys Top Calf At Annual AllBreed Sale Teens can have ball will ouLaImhol Six delegate rang mg in age from 16 to 13 have returned mm confnrmco of TM Alpha held In Guelph this week delermlncd put the re solution in mum among their school lricnds in Burrle PART OF he Bane dele galion who attended the Tao Alpha murmurs at Guelph Can Have Ball Without Alcohol IYOCKBONDSMHIUAI HINDI ANIJ COMPANY LIMITED IIUNM KT maniacme 531 RESEARCH ADVICE PA 82412 mm mm Man no Amvn or flu Tlrhnnl mm um um Tun rm lmmII nnmmnu mu AVIIAOII IMmmI mn lm mnqu mm 01 rmumm lfflcl run mu humIll lli up up 04 II up 11 ll Mb vnnln llun lul In um TODAYS STOCK PRICES implied by Flynn Dunlap st Null IIIOMSON ENTRANCE MullmMI MIMI un am ir anlnuL nn Eul nnm rowm hum mom Dom Tn XL ulu rum Im an yum Hm marl1 Hnml ml Hull ny llln Imp Tnhum Imp ml Inn AmmL In And Inm Nlml mum lav Hp Jorhy Cluh IAYI Iny nlnfl lou Illv Mum nu IJhIIflM ma mm mm IAHn AMI lammu Mudn nunm llnlllfll xm ummn withII Ihllnflcn SIMCOE CWA provinclnl Inquiry mmmlllcn concluded il siulng lo receive bricls on On lurios problembeset nurtured obuccu Industry hen Thurs day after hearing chemical compunyl Vlcws nn Mil10 cnnlmvcrsial chemica used In klll 01mm plant sucker The mmmlllco received brim from grower last February in Port IIIJIHv Delhi and St Thnmam Irnccsslnx and lvuyin companies Iuhmillul hrlcll Wednesday and fllursdny the 68 head said or ex non 39 went to Mexico nine in Puma Rico and two in the Un ited Stains while Hay Farms bought 16 head or export In unnamed Lniin American buy The largest Mexican buy cr was Miguel Migucilnrcna ui Tninncingo who secured 35 head and her dam is classified Very Good Toe Alpha reports that the Eonlo delegates will be busy laying the ground work for chaplcr in Simeoe County Tne founding members have two purposes In mind The first is to leach alcohol education In young people 1116 second Is to show Ihal you can havo un without drink The Barr apler will hold dances Humming panic and other rccrcnllonal activities We will have case or 21 at every party but it will be popl The Ontario Temperance ch emtion has given grant to Toe Alpha for youth work Pam phlets on Dating and Drink and Driving and Drlnk wlll be written and drculnted to young people Bmce Reynold admoan hls gemralion Lacquer and llquor are the best unmet car Tobacco Buyers Against Chemical are In to right Connie Mulchlnack SInyJIve dele James Erlan Edey and Jack sales from Ontarié attended mi rm nl ms nu 19 Im um lulu BARRIE KI AJJMJ Na NM 0m Mu 100d filmyom mun Mhlllnl MIDI ovLm Turlmm In nn Tn Tull mm mm flu 3v um um Nu Mm Nmuum NnmmI Nonhllln ovum hummu rmmcou rmn lllo Mlnm null 11 In balm mum inf Wllllny Wmvy Innlml mo llJIITI ms IDI Mu nu Igu 1m Im II HI 9m Ierday lha while he attended special council mcuung Wednes day nighl snmeaue broke inlo his car and 51010 his driving IL came his ownership papers store cnupons and flashllghl The car was parked in the In next In Ciy mu Wednesday night Ald Man scllus car was take the objcd thlel ur lhlovzs SIMCOB CWA charge of unemplcd ugalnsl Harry Earl Vlsuw 38 of RR Tullsanburz 0nL was with drawn In Norfolk Coumy mng Islralcs murl Thursday and rcplnccd by lcsscr thnrge Visaw pinndcd xuiliy charge or causing budin harm by discharging mum lo prevent nrrcsi um was re mandcd to April or swim HM Mso slolcn was his wifes driving liccnce and his Insur The tempted murder chnrgn Wu Inld nnvr Canslahlc Frank Hum 01 lhu Tillsanburg Im incinl Inllcc dtncllmcnl went lo Vimwx hnmc Feb 11 In cnn ncullun wllh hlghwny nul dcm He was wnundcd In lhu log Barri policu received re VAldfilLo 10in yp Withdraw Charge Attempt Murder Theft Reported By Alderman Hike Advertises Cancer Campaign The publicity oonnocmd with the bike 15 expccmi to give lhe lagging campaign in Barrie shot in the arm Paul Thibnult and non McCartan two sludcnu from Toronto Teachers College Inn Barrie W9 am today to hike Io Toromo Purpose of he wa1k is luadvertise hg cancer fund drive The campaizn in Barrie is not doing as well as is ex pccied Mrs John Bird said receipts or about $5000 have been turned in so fur and this is slightly more than unethird of hi objec live Nlngarn northern Lake Huron southern chrglan Buy wcslcm Luke Onlnrlo mzlom Tamnlo llnmlllnn Clcnring duran the evenlng Becoming quite mlld except lmmedlulcly near Luke Ontario Sunny with low cloudy lulcrvuls Sal urday Wind westerly near IS Enslcm Lukn Onlnrlo Hali hurlon rcglnm Scanned show and thunderstorms lhls evnnlng Sunny wilh few cloudy Interval Snlurdny Wind Westerly 15 lonlghl High today and low Inulgbl nl Tm on 55 um 35 Pclcrhomugh 65 and 35 KlLlaloo 60 and 31 Synopsis storm rnpidly Ip preachan LakaMlchlgnn is causing proud showers and thunderstorms central and southern sections of the pmvinco As this storm moves into southern Quebec tonight clearing skins wlll move over the Lower Lakes Predomin antly overcast skies and cool temperatures will persist intn Saturday across the Upper Lakes St Clnlr Lake Erie southern Lake Huron regions Windsor London Clearing lhll evening Sunnywilh few cloudy inlervnlv and not as warm Saturdnyuwinds westerly non 15 this cvénlnu Norman Georxlnn Day Al nomn Hmlgnml multh mun River nKlnn Nunh Hay Sudbury Saul Sun Mnrlc Overcast wllh raln and occu Ilonnl lhundcrstorms Partly cloudy and nul much chnnno In lampcrnturo Smurday WInda wcilerly 25 Mrs like Forecasts Issued by line Tor onto weather office Mn Three ycm wqcmlon the squadan had me highest IEO of cadet Joining the Air Fame any squadron in Canadn mong Immer uch In mm service were Dun McMartln David Brett Fab EllInk Mich ael chm Jerry ma Dean Barnes Ill Collier 51 said he saw flyier saucer at adv hem 53155 like win nng lop he said lookcd out my window and there it Ha said lhe saucer appear ed Io be over Lakevlew Dairy about 150 feet In the air vzlagan oraqge colorfind 113d night lights Squadrfiidfifilni Stan imm aald Seldom has year gone by In In squadrun that at least lstory th Barrie squad ron stems hack to early Second World War years when ha or ganlznlloa was sponsored by tho Klwarda Club Dan Fell one due flrs air mm to enllal was killed overseaa The squadron disbanded for abom six years In IN the aorshlp flxe squadron hm since Egoraged an oomphan of do ys been mince Eadxley Ron Har dy Jack Dates and FILM Hugh Rlddell present 0C National Mr Cadet Week starts tomorrow series activ llles has been planned or Bah 115 102 Squgdm Reports Flying Saucer Noising Like Spinning Top Squadron Marks Air Cadet Week Coggmmgdlng nfricelg 115m Baum said He sleeps 10 and It ukes loud WEATHER roascnfif nlne ireenEthlIoQ Narihern White Riva Coch rune relions Mostly ciaudy and cool with iew showers Southerly winds 15 to 75 today becoming northwest Saturday Forecut Temperature Low tonight High Saturday Windsor 65 St Thomas 62 London 35 60 Kllchoner 60 Vinghnm 31 iinmiltnn SL Catharine anontn 40 Felerbor 35 Trenton 15 Killnlua Muskokn North Buy 32 Sudhury 32 Enrilon 30 Knpusknsinz 30 White River 30 octane 15 Timmins Mount Fares 53333883522283883228 KatInn IE dlcd In hosp here Thursday nlnhl of hand In Juries sumred when tho motor bike ho was rldlni collided with In our ncnr 51qu Township homo earlier In the dny Pollen laid the ynulh was bclnx lowed ncmu lhu Lake Shore and mm Surnla by car driven by his hmlhcr nrlnn la when ha blkn ml lldod with mar drlvcn by Robert Shaw In Sarnln watched It far about five minutes and then it me straight up and dhnppemd into me clouds It was ralnins at the time ML Banana lald The last flying mum In Lth area was slghlcd in PalnaA wick last August All boy from It to 19 are eiigibie for membership When they 10in they are given ivo ycnr caurse in lubiecla mixing irom Canadian avinlian history night theory and navigation noise aawaken him He call ed We report In In Barrie city pollen 630 RCAF Slallon Edgar repart cd nu radar contact with any thing Stall of the Squadron includes FL Hugh Riddcil C0 F0 Stan Shier adjulanl F0 Harry Ynqu supply Mflccr F0 Clil lord WestgonhTaylor chic in structor Maurine Lalonlaine Frank Mile and Harold Bren civilian instructors We have received great amount oi help from 53 Dan Eaiduck RCAF wlm LI our drill lmlrudor Several boys over lhe years have taken the senar leaders mum and many went on ex change visits In other Comman weallh countries We have good applicant lhls year said WéilgaithT Iar sari Votaquad rona chic nstrnctor F0 CHI 0rd WestlmhTaylor Hit By Car Cyclist Dies an or two cadels werent tak In flying schnlarshlps LONDON 0M CPL Erlc Mel Boy Scout will hold paper drlvn on Sat urduy aiming at 1230 gm Residents are requested lo un die magazine and newspnpm and leave them on the curb or Scouts la pick up Dish1c prey idem Doug Monrhause sald are zrakclnl lo the various Ilrm that have agreed Ia provide trunks and drivers TREASURE HUNT Queens Park Saturday will buome hive oi activity when an Easter treasure hunt get underway at 130 pm The hunt for boys and girls six to 13 years is cosponsored by the Dorrie Ys Mens Club and the Barrie loaders BALL PRACTICE Consumers Go of the mar mediate Soitboli Leugue has called practice lor pm Sun day at Queens Park All posi ions are up for grabs TO ADDRESS KIWANMNS Group Captain No Hock ney commander Ottawa NOR AD Sector of North American Air Delonce Command will od drcss tho Kiwanis Club of Kem penleit Bay Monday RV OPENING June 15 is the date set for the oiiicial opening oi the now win at Royal Victoria Hospital busi ness administrnlor Donald Cameron said today Program arrangements are underway and should be complete by tho mid dle oililay he sold FAIR BOARD MEETING directors meeting oi Bur rie Agriculturul Socioly is sch cdulcd or April 25 pm ul lim dcpnrimnnl oi ogriculiuro oillcc Collier St PRESS CONFERENCE Miss Zelda Roscan ol To ronlo will oliend press con ercnco Monday at on in Dorrie Ciiy iloil lo discuss low rental housing survey she no conductedr LOCAL GENERAL Danny Payne mm the CM cage PlayBny Club wUl be master of ceremonies Satur day night at the annual pollen variety show sponsored by the Barrie City Police Association me show to be held at North Collexlm Auditorium will start pm Acts include Duke Dnrnl comedy violln L51 the Youngs Illusmnlsts and Nick Maris accordionisl Far elderly and convnlcy cnl pnllcnu Excellcnl fndllhna or prlvnlu semiprim Hot and cold wnlcr rooms Reamer bd Num In alicndnncc MC 0F SHOW STAYNER NURSING HOME Amen out MARsflALL Reg PHONE IN YANK RENTAL ONLY 15 BAYHELD STREET EEAE RATE EEEcEnIc WATER HEATER BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GUARANTEED ALL THE HOT WATER YOU NEED WITH KeHfing New York Repub lican whn has been prominent In nlllclsm of he administra HANOVER Ont CPDFarm crs Allled Meat Enterprises an nounch Thursday will bulld 3500000 alnughledng plant Iwg mllps east at here Thu plum wu emp 0y about 50 persons and act feeder plant to central processing curing and pucknglng plant at Ayr about miles wuihwcsk simllnr plnnl will be built Mllchcll about In mile soulhwcsl of harm third plant at Undsny 0nL wlll mmblnn killing and packnging opera Mom As soon as the Ayr Hanover and Mflchell plum are in aper nllcn FAME plan to sum canslruclinn at three more can lm to mvcr wcslcm Ontarlo Rusk and eating served up conflicting View the When summon before the annual meeting the Amerlcan Sock elyhol Newspgpcr Edlgnrs Because span er ap peared separately the re sponses one did not exactly counter nrxmmants made by the other But their diflcrences mood out although they agreed In opposinl US lnvaslon and hilandrun raids by Cuban exiles of hem Ilnfiover abaut 28 mllesAsaulh Owen Sound WASHINGTON AmSenator Kenneth Keating said Thursday President Kennedy gave ml ieading report ni drop In So viet mop strength in Cubni Siam Secreiary Dean Rusk said active efforts an under way to gel ii impp ouL Total recclpls from the 1963 Easter Seal calnapalm spoler ed by tha Kiwanis Club Bar rle show an increase over last yngr nlfibullons It hoped that 1962s total of 1551 responses will be sur passed Mr Butler said Dr Legxcll chairman Ihu appeal said the slower res ponse may have been Influenc ed by Eulers late arrival and tho pressures of filing lncamu tax return Dr Leggcl snlrl ID campaign commllizc oi 1an Butler Tnny Decallo Bill Lung Ben Allen Blll Crall and Mike Wleder wen responsible or canvassing an area centran on Barrie bound Jack Bui er Irearurcr repuna $185616 has been received to dale representing replies irom LE4 people nut vi mailing list Mom Ailhough the cam pnign ended oiiieiniiy on April contributions are aiiii being receivedi Plan To Construct Slaughter Plant Push Effort To Get Russian Troops Out 01 Cuba Rusk Says Report Donations Up In Campaign llvn Ballr Elomknlly Ful Courleoul Servch CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 flldlo Equlppcd Clhl FEE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL GI Generally lary look the line um the varlaul mililnry dlplnmatlc and em nomlc actions laken by the ad minislratlon together mnke up serious sustained and effec tive effort to ellminalc Marxlsk Leninlsm from this hem phivaH On one itemtree world ship ping In Cubahe valued discon tent and disclosed that lhe United Slam will try nnca ugnln It allles clamp down an mnriHm trade with Cuba Rusk said Soviet mililary presence In this hemisplléra is nut in be netcplod as normal ilnle oi affairs but he declined name specific deadline nu VH lfielr presence The great publicity liven to recent departures has mm pinleiy clouded over the inc that comparable number of new troops hnva been brought to the island Kenling midi Rusk who spoke oilewini Keallnzu luncheon Idflflfl did not deal with Soviet troop num bers tpcciiicriiy In his pro paer remarks nor did the edi lors pin him down on this pain in In ginning lions Cuba pallcy said the 115 gnvemmcnl has been puzzled bewildered Ind uncertain on mw to deal with the Camo Communist lakeaver of the Caribbean island The senior said that damn Kennedys April report that 000 more Russian military pemnnoi had been withdrawn 1mm Cuba reducing the num ber remaining in 12000 to 13 000 actually same 17009 Soviet troops remain there because several thousand more havI been sent in SAVE TROOPS ARRIVE ed by Churchill Camp Borden Hawkeslone and Just south or Elmvale The Kiwanis Club of Barrie has assumed responsibilities It Blue Mauniainnuisida iha ap peal The club working in pay all substantial moimag on second coiiaie at the camp ii is Una only club in Ontario to super two cabins 13 Legal says am most grateful to all those who con tributed lhelr lime emut sup port and muney lo this most worthwhile appeal ot the funds collected ball will remain in Barrie to assist local crippled children The money will help in transporting them ior treatment purchasing braces and drugs and enabling them to atlend the Society or Crippled Children summ camp at Blue Mountain The re maining funds will be inmardcd tn the hendquarier oi the we lety in Turonto The Pines In CANADIAN or ORIENTAL DINING 19 Dunlop SO CITY CHI Tnko Oul Ordnn PA 60163 or 64 DISHES PA 61825 5mm deaduno nn Par Monlh Em

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