Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Apr 1963, p. 13

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AROUND SIM 003607er Mr and Mu Faris Sinclair oi Barrie ML and Mrs John Sinclair nnd Inmin ul Snrnln were Easier visilurs uilh their parents ML nml Mrs Ilnbcrl Sinclair Mn and Mrs Len Unu drcuu nml lilllc sun oi Nlnnnrn Full visilcd heir purcnls Mr and mm llusscl Slnwurl Mr and Mrs Ray McDonald Ton anlu Mrs Liberty and lumlly nl Mnnlrcul Mrs Paul llurnld um Full Gllliml wcm nl Grcxg Daviss men was In my cnmpnl and Mn Edgar Sturgcnn were Hundny gum ML nnd Mfg Don Smygcnn olrlxnmn Fun MIVILL for ma lnlu Mu Frunk Rugcrsun Annle Hnuuhhm Illylll were held In Trinlly Anghczm Church lily III on Mm ullcrnmm Inlcr men was In mm Camc Mn and Mrs James Sloan who have rclumcd tram Hanan dale Florida are spending cw days with the lullcr ather Sloan below returning In their home In Barrim Mn and Mrs llanald Allnn Brenda Pam and lnhn spent Sunday with lricnds in Toronto Pam is spcnding lhn Enstcr va cmian with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs llnckcll and Brenda with Mr nnd Mrs Connor Allan Ilnckcll rclumed will John lor the Easter hall dun Mr and Mrs Harry While sidcs and Carol Comcau an spending this week with Mend lll Taranlo IS nro yn on nurscln training In llnmillan huspiul was home or the Easter week end Mr and Mrs Chris Colleen visited at fatally lllr and Mrs William Moore grandchildren Debbie and Ricky Brown of Toronto lllr and Mrs Bill Fellows and daughlcr Bren da Toronto spent the day wilh lllr and Mr Frank Harrison and Tom The Young Peoples pulling on play at April 18 and Mrs Weaver of Tar onlo are spending few days with Mr and Mm Vic Bell Mr and Mrs Bradley Rich ardson Mr and Mrs Doug Rich ardson and Mr and Mrs Gord on Richardsan Toronto spent the holiday with hair parents ML and Mrs Cecil Richardsun 7mm Nccdy is spending his Bigger hqllglpys Miss Chnstmu Pal ck Drillia is spending few days with her sister Mrs Mervin Cuppage Mrs Blshlon of TarofiiarspEnt hc weekend with her parents Mg and Len Lc Mr and Mrs Andrew Ma Dougall spent the weekend wnh Lheir sun and daughter Mr and 1m Jack ngsley an rs Crawlnrd Leigh Ind amlly Toronto spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Crawlnrd 7dr Mr Mrs James Leigh Hope and Gay Slessar Ed ar are guests of Mr and Mn Cupgagg andtqrnilyn Emmel ONeil Tarunlo was guest of Mr and Mrs Al llggley Mrs Archie Leigh and daugh ers Lions iicud were with Mr mci Mrs Fred Leigh ior tho vcekeud lcr sorvlc 51 Palm Mlss Mary Ann Lark oi Tar mlo visited Mr and Mrs Irwin lIcMahon CHORE MASTER Mr and Mrs stun Gross and hildrcn of Stoney Creek are esLs of Mr and Mrs Maxwell MISS Agnes Mchlahnn at Bumb nrd was home for the holiday veekcnd NlPERFORMANCE TEMPO 500 with mm 7m pm Mm 331 By ms IAIN mum 1mm ml HAWKESTONE CHURCHILL mm By HARRISON Chris Burns and at Endfnrd PROSSER Union is GuUnic The special service at Chur chill United Church marge on Fridaynvening was well at tended In the absence at Mr Page owing to Illness Eev Skilton ol Alliston assisted Rev Jackson of Stroud Fourteen young people received their membership certificates The choir sang Were you There with the sole part being taken by Jean Spence Lachlan Jack of Glltord sang Wonder as Wander Communion was ob served at this service On Sun day the Easter morning service was well attended The minister Mr Page delivered the ser mon The choir sang All Hail the Power of Jesus Name and Blake Constable sang solo The Holy City Mrs Sturgeon Mrs IL Stewart Mrs Allan Mrs Constable Mrs McDonald and Mrs Rnive allendcd mo rug achievement day held in Barrie last week Mac Slewari 51d very suc cesslul Iann stock and imple mpg sale Ilasg Sgturdqy number from hero attended the AYPA evehsong St Pauls Church Slmud on Sunday even lng Visitors were also presem from Shanty Bay Orillla and Fair Valley Misses Eileen Fill simmlnl and Sandra Wilson sang duel Hallelujah and tho ehoir sang This Joyful Easter Tide Rev Flynn AYPA Coun cil chaplain was in charge of the servlee with Bishop Robinson oi Moosonee Iaklng lhe semen fireside period was held alter the service Angllcnn Church were well at lendnd on Sunday afternonn The mlnlstcr Rev Tram gave the Easter message verilyvs boy scouts ram Aurnna who were camping or the weekend In Harold Matehetts bush mar ched lo the Easter service Special music by the choir wee the anthem Joseph had Garden AYPA EVENSONG When school closes In June of INDEPENDENT DNIWBNB IINEI ITIG MOISON EXPORT the gaadjnatured mm more Incmornhln iimin part of the rmmn lix in Tunzuinn Iuvuriio nlcmnrc than million imlticn are sold every day in 01va up rm iix nnxtrimnco you get IV the goodnan ed thing to do alc Wlmn ynuro at han or dining out upvu up an Illx to start with Molaon Export nlo nivvn ynur mulite llm oxlm ed that makes Wary ale Easlcr service at Ihe United Church was well attended Rev Mr Thorpe was in charge with he Explarcrs in the chnir Vls Hers attending from Barrie Sudbury Toronto and other parts of Onlarity Visitors here for Easter week end were Miss Joan Parlridga Reg NI of Toronto with her parents Mr and Mrs Ernusl Partridge Miss Karen Sinclair Toronto with her parents Mr and Mrs James Sinclair Mr and Mrs James Swilzcr of Bar rie with Mr and Mrs liaruld Swilzer Mr and Mrs George Walson Oilnwa with Mr and Mrs Norman nxck Mrs Mrs Eunice Smilhkspcnl the Easter weekend at Parry Sound with her daughter and sonlnIaw ME and Mrs Maura Miss Carol chw is spending this week with her grandparents in Tornnlo Mrs Edward Sutton was has less at her home here or mlsccllnnenus shower or Miss Suzanne Stonehause Whikhy fiance of Gary Sultan of Mid hurst Friends and relatives were prescnl Irom Midhursl Crown Inn Aurora Thamhlll and ananto Miss Stonehause and Mr Sutton are being mar rigd an Agrll zj Whllb Mrs Edward Smith suffered slruko recently and is mov erqu slgwlx Mrs Russ Kennedy 15 vismng her duughlcr in Munlrcnl or two wccks Plnus are being made or an Old Boys Reunlon at Cherry Creek June 22 Nanlyr on June 29and th Lina when on July new liveroom central school will he opened in Septem ber 1961 By MRS CECIL DUNSMORE this year the 71ml red school houses In lnnlsfll Srth Area yill close thelrploor or the last CROWN HILL Mrs Cecil Reynolds and Mrs Roy Armstrong attendcd the an nual meeting of the Ontario Farm Radio Forum in the King Edward Hotel Tarqnto Wednes day April Mr and Mrs Ken Brown of St Jean Que visited Mr and Mrs Lloyd Niche and Mr and Mrs Dave Brown during Ihe weekend firs Pnul Cobum and Rhonda spent few days the past Miss Barbara Llsk and her friend Miss Pat Vlggars Van cauver spent heEastcr week end in Washington Dr and Mrs McKcchy Ion Malian by plane hlesday or Clearwaler Beach Florida where they expect to spend few weeks Mrs James Sinclair and her daughter Karen and Mrs Tum Ellsmcrenre spending the week atfilden Lake Mr and Mrs Tom Pusie and lumily visued relatives In Scar horo on Sunday Mr and Mrs Roy Partridge visited lhe 1n crs sister Mrs Pearl mx at Stroud on Sunday with Mn and Mn Henry Du monl Mr and Mrs Jack Flow er and family minnowMr and Mm Edward Flower and lamin of Barrie were with M11 and Mrs Goorga Flnwer and Mrs EH19 Key nf Schamhcrg was with Mr and Mrs Evelyn Gquh Mrs John Emms of Gulhrle Mr and Mrs Waller Morrow Ora Simian Misses Margar et and Elaine Drury of Texan were wilh Mrs Carl Dmry Allan Newson of Welland Miss Danna Gardner Galtand Mr and Mn Dun Newsan at Mr and Mrs Roy Newsans Cpl 3qu Mrs Bagapnalr of Ottawa Jury at Mr and Mr Parley Ji By ms wmam BEETON Mr and Mn Gardiner Dunn viiic visited recenfly with Mr and George permam Guests at the home of Mr and Vhlrs Lmle durlng the week were Mr and Mrs Meme London and Misses Carolyn and Susan Tail lomntn MOUNT ST LOUIS Mr and Mrstlinun Dale and inmin of Toronto visiled Mr and Mrs Harold Vatsun during the weekend Mr anhm lewis ol Tofanw vlsitcd Mr and Mrs Earl Ilammcll over the week cnd Mr and Cecil Reynold visited rclallves In Town on Silduyu Mrs Mchgue of Ton onto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Elwood McCazue and Mm Kerwood McCague Miss evcrey Emmet and David Crenlman of Toronto were guests Mr and Mrs Earl Hummell1 Sundgy Mr and Mrs Irwin Reynolds and daughter visited relatives atC nl during the weekend Mr and Mrs Fowler and Patrice spent the weekend with rcrlqtlvesvln GnlL Jflw McDerrnau spent weekendwith relative In MI 1112 Mr and Mrs Lens spent Sunday with Mr and Mn Mea fard Thampson Barrie Gums at the home Mr and Mrs Milton Reynolds dur ing lhu past week were Dr Robb Tnmnto Mr and Mrs Dean Hamilton Mr and ME Iner Reynolds Orfllh MLVand Mrs Murray anan of Ottawa apent the weekend with Miss Aida Robson and Mn aJiarvey Mr anibirs GHWakdln and lamin visltedmlallvcs at Coho conk during the weekend Mr hid Mrs Dave Senly Toronto spent the weekend wlth Mr and Mrs Run Sealy week wllh Mm Beam 0177Ale Beach mu Mlfler mindeh paétura By MRS FRAWLEY with ever so handy REVERSE DRIVE hp Acycle Brings Slntlan engine Recoil IIer lluvy unlliled ma Lima T111 up deep Seml Pneumalic rubber lire Pistolgrip Inlcty Hop on hlndlo Precision Timkcn mllcr baring 11 forgcd Illoy 1ch Ilnu replaceable namelnxing Twotone bakcdun enamel finish Forwud mum and neuunl npcrnllon Mann Found by Imp cycll CLINTALLOY Swlvol Bum TIMI Till 32 with Elnmlonl Mr AR MraRalph Hangman and anally visiting Mn FHnuzhggn Mr Anal Smith of Ottawa mulewdayavdlhflndee By LEESON Mia Russell Ram In upendlng few dayq Vln Tgmnlo ROTARY IIIIER cy Clinton Engine ONLY cm WILL MAKE YOU nus smu em New drytype mm In VIIONAL OFFER Easy operating no experl gin Comm hand my cnc necessary 10 run revolving tines pull it hind award to easily handle 111i1lingcumvnung and mulching chores Ruggcdly designed with papulnr KulflnflCd IKIiflSl Clinton engine that has lullfloat Iulobpe cu bmklge Only 22 SUPER ROTARY IIIIER furl andMn Stan Cooke Paulo vlslted Sunday at new an muting at Waklerlay Wednw day awning RllJAIIYenc TlllER ONLY CHIC WILL MAKE YOU THIS SENSA TIONAL OFFER Easy operating no expert cnc necessary 10 run revolving Ilncs pull it award to easily handle Ill filling cullivntlng and mulching chores Ruggcdly designed with papulnr Clinton engine that has lullfloat lutetype cu HalalIn NovCu doqu lath Homom n0 hmhl din Mu hop III Ml him In ml llnly mu Pun hnnlylunll mm uuan In null my mu null II In Nu mdmhl wh In tfilvl hulm ol minmm €31223 NUGOLI mm Mum mu mm um um um luly lauva HI MOWMASTER NEWTON ROBINSON EXTRA flash and Garry BONUS flOIIPllNS Attachments available to fit Super moduli ELEMENTS Oll HER Wit JDCIIVIOO GALLON Innulna NUGOLD Unlled Church Women me at lha ham Mrs Russell Rowe my attemoon Presldent Egan MEETING Mrs Brawsler Mrs Reid and Mary Jane Reed of Toronto were Sunday gum of Mr and Mn Lond Coborn Mr and Mrs Lioyd Coborn vlslled Mr and Mrs Stan Raven In Ton0M0 Friday son over the holiday and Sunday lellurl with Mrs Leewn were Mr and Mrs Dean Toronto Miss Julie Salnl at Ottawa and Robert Smilh Barrlz Mls Jane Rowe home rom get Toronto school or the ho aya TEE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAYAPML 99 ENGINE lmpulxo llama 142 Mr and Mrs Waller Andrew spent Sunday with Mr and Mn Gordan Madill of Richmond Hill Mrs Grenville Halberi WEI in lhe chair and Mrs Coborn ind charge oi he meeiing iiirs Cecil Jnhnson concluded worship service and Mrs Doug Siewnrt read scripture report at Ihe exemlive meeting in Barrie was read Treasurers report wu given by Mrs Manor nnd finan cial repori by Mrs Vernon Con neii Mrs NeweIl ni Tannin Draught an Easter message The siury 01 the Cross The niierinz was taken and dedicated Mm Homer and Mrsi Haihert sang duet and hire Grenviil Halbert pronounced lire benedic tinn Allemoon tea and social hour inllnwcdr I968 16995

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