RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT Otilce Accommodation WILSON BUILDING Barrie Ontario Decootcd arid partitioned to meet your requirements III conditioned it you prcier At prices you can attont Telo phone PA Bmg AuuuT 1w FEET unite Space on second floor ol modern bulld IsiI coluer Street Natural vep Iilstion Iilhtlna equipped with two washrooms PA paw mull hualnev hours HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSE IN New Lowell tarnished or uolurnlshed all city convenien Cu or rent Apply at as John Street or telephone PA ddJIE Two IEED at ehed homes Dtl healed Immedlae posrossloo miles north at Barrie lleal hy dro and hot water supplied Telo Phone PA tImi liAhlll IIDUSE tor rent all leclli lies tutnished or unhirnlshed miles limo Barrie It mile or pried road Telephone lthlx strand hlopzrtN three bedroom home ï¬replace hreezooey and attached aaraze One yearr Ieue al rm monthly PA used lloeers and Conheli Realtors HOUSES WANTED TO RENT hzaPoNslnLn lamiiy requires three or tour hedroom home or June tail end near schools prelened Wlll slrn one or year lease Telephone PA Milli APARTMENTS FOR RENT Two anRnOM Apartments only torso Includlnr tanltor servleo ete I1il stop at door close to school Telephone PA Mm Two nImIIOOiI Apartment Ior rent to Eloivaie ltent in per month Telephone lira Davie cull ect Elmvale IMO UNrUansllzn sell contained three room rround tlnor spare mull 70 monthly 0n Collier street April ls possession Telr phone PA asaza ITRENTALS ATARTMENTS i=OR RsNT waNisllzn Apartment three menu and bath lots or stories space upstairs heated urhti snd water also artist Iplce as antir Lane one PA 935 Tuna ROOM Apartment rrltll hath build private antTm 16 also in Allandale dlslrIetAdulia preterml Available May Tele mine PA Mari tor Iuriher do NEW MODERN two bedroom apartment all conveniences parl lnz near bus stop and schools Reasonable Apply Reid street awe oIlIolraIe street FA THREE unturnlshed up ment all newly decorated ulillti supplied parlilne laundry Inelll lies Near the West Plan Tclr hone PA 211 tor eny Iurllser Iormatlms Ttvo FURNISIIEH Ronni ineni trout and tires entrances with three piece oath and laundry room Available play Apply ail nayneld Street or telephone PA solid 0N3 ntltlitnoil heated apart ment on main iloor In modern tourrplex Close to downtown lletrlleiator and slave sit mans lhly Avallahle his Adults or business iris pre erred PA ml Tutti1E GIIOIIND Floor Apart merits one lumlshedi and one see ond tloor apartment tor renl sep arate baths and entrance One stove and relrluntdr available Central location Telephone PA Mada AILAnLI Mar Three menu kitchenette with slave and retrie erator thme piece hath laundry room and Iocher Suitable Tor one or two persons in monlhly Ap ply llayrlew Apartments tele Phone PA Male AVAILAuLI Immediately New and modern two bedroom apart mente In east end lleai not wa ter supplied stove and relrlaera Iol optional lenllor service and paved parklns Telephone PA Mm or PA 341 IILAIIIT STREET at East End Pla ra Modern thiea morn unturn lshed heated apartment mound Ilour separate entrance laundry dryer relmerslor itn and drapes II desired Now Ilaole $75 monthly PA Mm ARTICLES for ma ESSA ROAD WELL lloTTzl Cow ulel and II lilcitcu Girls Bicycle Tor ll blue with white lood eondltlo Iued very little Telephone PA and alter one pm llTlllTIn coucn bluri Imitation Fireplace Green aroadlooin line 15 All In extellent cnndlllcrl Telephone PA Meat DININu ROOM Suite walnut pieces table ehalrs ehlna ub lnet bullet Telephone FA Hm heIOro Tun Manun or or PA um Irons to New Ladys Ccllt alcyele zelnch wheel 20 Apply llalph ltobumn Simud llhl or any turiher Intermalipn smvls National tour hurrier else trle also lladlo Combination Priced tor quid sale Telephone PA Moos tor any turtner Intona Illnn almost 1V2 Horsepower Ilrlur It stratton Manic Leader and 10 Gun it Gaun shotgun two sets or Axles suitable tor trailers with tlren Telephone PA Misti nAltN Pol sALI with road lumber and attached Itlhi nlng rods partial eevestrourhihe elh Conerssion oI Sunnldele Telo phone 563w stlyner GLoltn nurmc lit Slicer mt stainless Steel Momplnment Gas Food Warmer 3125 set or stairs II rIsers all Telephone PA omit aPIuNa coATl Lirht eoloied tweed one rirls sire Ill one pre teen slse In These eoots are In excellent condition Telephone Elmvaie 7mm Two usnhnotl Apartment Re mentor slave washer and dry er ienlto rvlce neVlhIIlliIlnll Close to anilly tsellltlea Telh phone PA Nair AVAILAuLIt ril Modern bedroom heaIe apartment Store end rclrlnerator Laundry and paraihr Iacillties centrally lou NEW Ile ROD Apartment $55 monthly No rucm Apartment $85 monthly Both modern lelen telhed spsclous rounds tiewlte stone head Ind No II lllnhwsy nus Open Weekends only see wtliiam Campbell White Durin Iow or telephone lleinllton om nAnnsN rinse loo reel like new Paid no will neritire tor Its can be reeh at law Comer Street anytime atier pm SImpiltItLGlt so hp Eleetric llotor repuron Induction Tele phone stroud lilu alter osti pm SPACEo CARTERS USED FURNITURE Iso Rplo Tilltna Io eardenr FREE Fool Stool with the purchase of CHROME KITCHEN SET SAVER PA 89881 FLOWERS PLANTS GLADIOLI alllsul la mixed colors per per 1000 Vlllly Garden lTlT Out TREES AND SHRUBS CATALPA Titus clean ownmane tat Transplant now at to 11 lo Ilse 510 1qu PA um sverrreeii plantlnll ii Gr Iy Tree ratins lurhwsy phone PA 19665 or PA HEW ARTICLES WANTED WIIBILDMIIIOW Wanted Used metal vneeloarrow with rubber lire Must be soon the lolec phone PA um FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices nld tor dead or crippled cattle ano holses Small animals removed true For lost service PHONE BARRIE PA 61282 Collect or aslt tor NiCKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE hours day dm west RR Foxmcad Ontario License No WAC61 Nick litnnlaizue Prop PnULIRV lllANtlita tn liest oller Telephone ttllzl tons Stmud prpnl aharlnl pertnmhip sihele man or couple prelerred Apply lllopar Peiin Concession l0 WeIt haushedc belore Sunday noon chu hilli 3100 and Telephone one mile Iouth OI Ehnll TIIOH F1122 IISB ol inn and house on LIVEsrock ONE FREE llolsleln Cow lilo 1hr Slrllilen All blond Ind T1 tested Apply AII Weaver till nnmwa or tlluphprla Ivy HRS outta Two Rellltered roiled nereiord nuus Apply wuisrd outer or telephone Alliaiorl Ill Hm tot lay rurther tororisauon Turin unlauuzn lersey llrtl era or Idle min MIR two lpnnl Inc Apply evehlnes or weekends Oliver shanty pay at the itneorhald bridge Telephone Om lIElrElls FIVI llolaieln Ilellrrs between mo and 1m pounds also lnlli halter IDPNXIHIIIIIY 15W pounds All hellen vaccinated AJpl Gordon Woodrow corner contention on old Barrie lToad Telephone Om Ian AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR Tm YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA 85971 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy it now with lowvcost lite Insured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK ur NOVA scorIA tail cllIIVITOLET Iwo door My wilh us down Mechanically pen Tech Telephone PA 51m Isis clllv llrlalr custom ndln Saturday arm list owshlonlu Convertible Ior eale new top tully powered vlll accept trade Telephone PA Mall asir Ior Bill Iss2 OLIIaalorlle lor sale door hardtop power braltra end stem the radio and many extras Sne £141321 hlust sell Telephone PA automaile lilusl he sold by ulphi Telephone PA owner unit The been driven IFARMERS MARKET 1m MREXWEL AUTOMOTIVE FRIDAY APRIL 1963 II MOTOR CARS FOR SALE SEE FOR RAMBLER 11181 CHEVROLET Two door six cylinder standard transmission Has radio In tine condition at an attractive price 1930 RAIIIELER CLASSIC SUPER Six cylinder standard frensmission This low mileage one potlnsa condition shows the caretul way it has 1980 DODGE PIONEER Four dour V8 automatic transmission In original condition Tist line car 1059 CHEVROLET BELAIRE Four daoi silt cylinder standard transmission lone brown and ivory Clean throughout 1951 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe under very low mileage 1959 HILLMAN Two tone blue blue leather interior III lop condition VIAU MOTORS LTD 17 Gowall Si PA 66481 111 Bradford St PA 61771 WATSON MOTORS STAY CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE 1958 FORD TRUCK CDmblnailan dump and hoist 1000 lbs GVW excellent condi tlan good tircs 11157 AUSTIN SEDAN Automatic transmission and radio Very clean 1958 OLDSMOBILE COACH Willi automatic transmlss on and white wall tiles owner car in cxcellen condition 1959 OLDSMOEILE COACII radio with rear speaker Hus radio two slian once AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE llsz lilolltlle lllinor hluo our door new motor loud Ilree braltes etc Relwnahle Telephone simud 91M 51 Liana Stilton Wagon our brand new tires down end t1 weelily Telephone Jim nlelisun PA Hill lssl PLVIIIOTJTII lour door uhur hats blue and while with match llil Interior 171 down Ind 31 per month Telephone PA aml Islii VOLKSWAGEN xood condi tion rebuilt molar Radian121 lor rurther thlormalioii telephone PA um alter pm lssi PLvnlollTll or sale lilnd ard It cylinder Tan Also lrIa ldrd Italich waxon standard eyiln der Telephone PA Mm tor litr ihrr det to ma arNTIINAc two door do lure One owner ear silver lrev oiih eontrestlns Interior deen tread tires us down and um per monlh Telephone PA Mast late AI rtruhv Meteor two door color hiue with extras Low nille are In spotlesieondition Can he lllliiltcod Tcltvitom PA was Ilte pin rnlvArzw lrm Austin llesley loot excellent condition trim inilrs wire wheels overdrive Tm die top aims or hest otter Telephone llr arm LIABLE JARS at reasonable priees 1951 Ford and ileleo i955 VII Chevrolet 1954 iionarch Ills lleieor last Ford IIlnii Pteliup Spmuia Supertcst one mile south or Thornton Illshway Telephone Ivy llllll CARS WANTED TO BUY cAsII run your ear Liens paid all We trade up or down Allan dele iloiors TI Essa Rosd aerrle PA Nut IsIHmIsse CHEVROLET or Pon Iise Will pay cash Must be In load condition Telcvhorie PA Elms or any turlhcr interma lon AUTO ACCESSORIES Intake or law at ruril VJ Inciudlhlt three ur buratdrn progressive linkage Incl olnclr end air cleaners Telephone PA as days Iieelon mam evenlnus ask lor liruee TTizucKs TRAILERS ileum it cAsl Tractor in eood rundltlcn Ills Vston GIC Smell Weaver Air Compressor Tele phone PA arm III IiTnNTulï¬i Pickup or will clean sntart limiting car with automatic transmission and other quality Oldsmobile teaturer smartly Iwotoued in blue and white 1962 FORD GALAXIE 500 Cnnvtitlble with Va motor and radio lully power equipped white wall tires Very Email our and excellent in every way See these and many other excellent used cars at our Sales but on Main Street in Stayncr TELEPHONES IIITin Oilirc 7i and lilo Wasaga Beach Fullerton East End Sales lot lit 16 in CHEVY II qur door In AI wntzculNa 511 Pontiac ml ronuitluii Ilusl be mid lay sunday Mercury Inulltin redio Im Iel noon Traiisleired to UsA Tele ear tires radlelors hatterlei phone lA arm tor any Iurther etc All parts reasonahle Tel Iiilorinailon ephone PA Milo LATIl ani ststlon Wunn Iwo wheel drive road runhInIi condition sits Teirphone PA and or apply II shlrley Avenue alterans Glen lIoad Toronto FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Servtoa Case New Ilniiand DaVId Brown tIenlIy Iarn Equdmeni 17h III PA toms CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Farm dairy and burn equipment Barrie IHollyI Hwy 27 PA 30338 mt IIONArchI tour door hardtop black with eontrartlnr Interior automatic transmission all new tires Cannot ht told lmm new was with in down Telephone PA Mm last cllzvliom Stltlun lVaenii vJI eutomatle excellent euhdi tlon rood tires windihlrld lush ers Take over payments Tele Phone PA Mods Ior turiher In Iorinatlen ted Telephone PA um Ontan rLoult Apartment 0m bedroom livinr rootn kitchen bathroom laundry Iacilitles prtv at entrance Available now all Telephone PA r4929 TIsz nuoil unturnlshed naeri meet our blocks lrom Five Points nverlooltlnr Use Ialic llent $611 monthly Ineludlnt heat lieht and water Telephone PA Maia IIIOIIITIN two hedrooro apart maul healed partlne and laundry Iaeilities Near bus stop Availeote April 15 Elsi end location Teloc phone PA um arm pm Ttlrtu ROOM unturnished spar ment or rent lieted Private eii irance and bath central location Adults Only Telephone PA Mm Uerlrtlellzn healed apart nieiit Dim rooms and Kitchen tlc newly redecorated pukinl spare Apply Ilarrle Flowers PA MIDI REFRIGERATOR tor hale General Electric lTelrizerator In exception ally nod eondlllon I15 Telee phone Camp Borden ml Can be seen at Willow Lane llCAP TYPIWRITBR boneht sold Tania ed repaired student rental rates Asli about our Rent hy then liuy Plan star Typewriter co Dunlap st West FA Mm PuuNAcEs Used Poreed Air oli llred lurnsees In and eondltlon Apply Norman aristow eo tlrlsiow Plumhlur and Health Limited tiarrle PA Hal Tuzvlslo Admiral ll Ineh Iloor model with antenna Forced to sell reasoneth due in transter Apply Wellington Street West been out lmund Iloo Am CONDITION Ilse ne hp Lsrse eulomatic coir Dias nensrr Wairr soitrner Nylon Tires 750 It lllte new Satin swap Tor new or used Hitch lum her Telephone stroud will alter lilo past Es VDLKIWAOEN Dicklip Good condition mall in Dvuhlultd Telephone PA emit Tor any tur Iher Intorinstlon For Want Ad Service ROOMS To LET FURNISHED Bedroom lor rrnl Business man prelerrrd Close to downtown Telephone PA Hal LARGE Furnished Room TV pr vste psrltlnii lbplnte bathroom Very central Gentleman preler red Telephone PA Moll UNPualellm Light llouseltrep ine lloom Ior sent close to down town Ierllnl lstllltleh Telephone PA com Ior turther lulorniallon coitronTAttLa Tied sittlne lloom or rent round Iioor close in km stop In Peel street area Telephone PA aillsa Ior Iurther details ROOM ls BOARD and heerd available in downtoan ares Parlilne iaeIIIIItr Gentleman prererred Ntar bus Isss Ellavlirii tour door ee dah in coral end while with corn Irasilne Interior automatic traile mlssion ruriom radio deep Irrsd tires One owner car Low low pritl or 295 In down Tele pho PA Moat ml roitu trio unite with eulomatle Dial door hlreli and cchtrntlnl Interior trlnimlnlon ouslom iedln reier padded duh and visors all new white wall tires As new condition 25 down and um per monlh Telephone PA NEED cAII rNsUIIANcar till say this lot preierreo driven insure my driver rrllrdlua oi are or tircumilahres Iull cover are IT Ilentler Co Collier ROOM Tllhsit noml healed iipsulrs apartment tellenntainzd separate entrance psrainr spare Tele phone PA and or PA In or Iurther details PUIIleIlzl Apartment tour rooms and hilh near Post Otllrd clean modern sell contained heated Service persnnnei preIer red Telephone PA BMl Viv LAIIIt rooms two bed rooms Iiiinr room dininr room ailehen end tour plere pain sereenrdin veranda lleat and water mppilsd Apply xii Ilaytleld Strut LARGE nvz ITooio Upnrr Ililp Isr eean hriiint healed sell eoniainrd private entrance Work In couple pretemd rir rental with one child Apply lla IHtrlllt Street ONI II IIIIINHI hnltfl Illum Ishrd meet on hut rouie In rho st Itr Iemlml hlrrei sin optionI Availhie May Trienhm rA ester or nvtnlnu rA erase liIIhIIN haehelor lliut rnrnl are late Immediately hit his room bedroom ltilrheneli and Tour pirtr balhinorn in hulldihr outline Trisphon ani ll ilttiiiil rmi its rr mnnth inrlu Jim and Met Private llllnl lnrllltlre Telephone PA apno tor Iurther iniormailon allrr iinni mtlrvly ppiirtl Iiaicony separate entrants usshmr Darlr In tsrilitiu in monthly Apply Ilonalll sum or Ill lax IAIIEII healed thr iIIhnt lirrironrn llvlhl min IIIrIiIn Nul enirahre liter lite rlllhuu Mill hiuie nrhiliihwar ii Teephm PA Itll mum at it Print minutes It narain larl merit Illllnu hsthrhpm rriml hats sundry mm and at April urethtiret prone NI AND Modern one antt tire Imimnnl apsitni ecenie in ailment Iiir iwmu ii weirr ilrlil lllrpllvfl air an nil rut part III Adult it Tllnvhflnl IA emsaiirr IKIIHZII mm eillti Illvlt hath lie llMln wsiu mini ii iii ntmltiilv AirII at Ami II Apply in Isioiaiir Apartment Mann pm an 10 phi Quechl t1 lililll in thin nlm merit rimm IiIIIIM their tour Illre Ih ism men iii Ion ihimirhmii hi rinurs lrlll Tilleirllrme Mens illlmlrll Illiil the mortal vllh Ilhll errI tsiiiiai Tile in mslr Tiprrtvllltl virlnilr ml rai Telephone PA litIi Alton MAI la and mom Imimm lineril III ir t1 mi psi ii IerlltlIr into well in eowniun Telr hm PA um aiep Telephone IIi um ettrr or Intonsia srAlhs Ior rent rooms laree bedroom with doll hle bed and den with ll tarnished areaslart and touches pasted It so desired Paralhl atlllllel Ilahle lToom tor or to clean private home Phone PA rim or apply It Mareus st SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES WANTED autism COTTAGE rent in Urn station on like truht with ath and tritium plumhlnx month or Septembrr or villi consider eu aoh Please call PA Matt ARTICLES FOR SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 21 III ldenl tor lining hcn houses nltlcs garages ctc ported lnrulntnr 25c PER DOZEN Plus Tax Apply Tho Ilnrrio lleimlner Barrie Ontario iPLETIt Must be Used Ranges Refrigerators Televisions printr1 lrrnh $4950 EPLETTS 147 Dunlap East It It would Illa ta hm an new picture to en hy our IIAII photoer pirate at our Dual ere Mitre We are sorry we cannot accept Phil orders Glossy Prime $100 10 $125 PRIZE Your Vnrrhnlv Ililtflil Fittth $511 MCFADDEN ITIINNITIHIH APPLIANCE IAIIK IlllilIWAY 71 rrrrtt Tina Muirmeut It TIVIITWIII It lliliTii um huhitem Aries Every day thisitrridi mitt clatsltmi Iris Ulhle III anI ran the Illll III with It Iloa eLaltih use IVeddliiIr Dresi sire Ia Telephone PA Mill wanotvs one two rildlhl pan no ir s1 llama two 12 llrlita All with nildinl sash Sell tor approx lmateiy hall prlu 37a Telephone PA Items IEAnronAIALS Ior Blue Ilie It also while ii and while stir to only worn couple ol limes load condition Priced very reasonath Telephone PA Nazi alter pm IEIIIC TANK pumped by the most modern equipmrnl any where nnly Now equipped with Loot aailon dliiosal tsnlt trurt Ken Winter telephone PA trial aPIIINu arrtlAL Top ouailir Piilleois Palnir use per lion per quail superior latex 93 per Italian Ills Per ouari Ilanir tiovrrnrhrhi surplus store it 11 lllht be etrie aterrliir windshield speedometer remote control eierrlne II loot boat trailer heavy duty rrllh winch loll Will trade or ailsr oulllt or rar Cell stioud ll GARDEN SUPPLIES nyiitne Telephone PA um loo ny lottor ihlorinstioii BOATS ls MOTORS MOTOR 71A hanmll lelll Och heard Motor Iood rondllirin Tor er Iniorroatlon telephone PA lVINItUIIK ll honpower mo hoard Motril ror sale in lotn1 MHMI Apply Wilton Itrii root town ohisrte Telephone eater 10 can Inlr lloat tor complete with Mniude re mote controls windshield lllhll end tarp Telephone PA um CAIIIN latilmt II inhi enitriup lsrd Weymouih tsn he we all Hill carttilnbvrtla II not can In Imat twirl ti timr III Il hrinnids motor retrihhe ouh aluminum II IL artop boat rim Milli Bull to mine tines nest nitlei in detail vrrr wins hull II In ï¬rmlth HIV thrnler Marine mini itsinla rteiii PA 61 HOME IMPROVEMENT GARAGES AND ADDITIONS it you pinunlnl on btiltilirir urare or Atlvlliu III addition or reimlitlnl your home are Illil llAIl Ill IIIZAVIIIIS CO lIIALI DIVIRIU iiiiril QUALITY Arid IIETIINDAlillr In all mini BEAVER LUMBER liratliaill AI Iii PRINT VEtlETAiILEs APPLE EARN NEW LOCATION In laiiiliwlclt at tile IIIANGF HALL lilthIl OWN CONTAINERS bltlhioelirr pillhits 5p MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 IIINESING LASB TltACIOlI lnr tale in odd unritina condition lialiri witch shanty Rey Telephone Ore wr ALLls cllAlezits Irlrlnr Ior uit in excellent eondltlon llru lilie rievt lleady tor sprint work Telephone 1mm llmvale cnleIll ltzlAIIAmlts Irid Mlll ers New used rerondiiioned and service Viirliie Sepsis lies Tl Craiehurit Trip PA near or PA um FEED SEEEORAN WEADICK IIIILLING C0 CUSTOM GRINDING AND MIXING 00a the arm with otir mobile teed mlli DOr at our stationary mill at Stroud OWe carry complete line WIN Iteds concentrates etc ALSO IN TERI1ST FIIEE FEED CON TRACTS IIIONE STROUD 52 arrlnxlslAnLT loo titles at Her and eirair tor rsie Tale Phone lA nan OATI rnrt nu CullAM No lluaaril Oats ior ule ilk per bushel In Ihurhei Tale phone Ceell Ira Hus bales or her He no hair Apply howere Cochran 1ka muml 5h IlllIillul lIert liarlry tilthel lied shtis husuli Oat tmm reelturd Illllll Tutl lvrt 17 Trvloll out nod lumin rhr riy iuithrr rip IIul IIIUIIIL and hip Iek tireii Ant II it IIIIITIILI or Porev CIsned tied clover tor sale Prise winner Onreihrhanl Trails No one Mr Iliaell use lisp up Illwll luithrr and set your he an are bath the in utility mnlne lain ii and taller iiahie ml were lmmedisle nutrl eh Purim sing lenneit irr Oel Inï¬nity cmcxs DEKALB PULLETS Male and more poiiitrrmrn Ire ChWiltl DEKAIJI PULLEIE hiarled ready to lay and day old chlrita Order now tor early liftle dltroiIhL For service iii help on your poulln problems rail Crete llitnler CIIAIII HUNTER POULTII FAIIM LTD STROUD PHONE 77 LIVESTOCK AlltillllEHNANUUS LALVIZS FOR HALE Ilnlh fleets and liellen silllAtila llJl til fluil liirmlror tilinprtl Illiii lIanl rind all 11mm 111 An llitiihlrm tlhiellp trio phone III iltlu shmuswam at tiae rustum mo was of Mass st new allrr pin PA82414 AND YOU GET GOOD DEAL GOOD DEAL MORE 1962 ANGLIA door low mileage cyl indor Dtmt lot 1115 price scare you Its in Wind $1095 1961 DODGE IION VA liimr IITIIII lnp Jct black White 111 time Radio $1795 1960 METEOR FIEIIAN One owner tmllil 11M thii chr ytiilre imitc Ilil tor $1545 1960 SIMCA 51 tituir mien Rb din smart lIIlle rot $595 I962 VALIANT Signet tliAh Iliiliiiup Automatic Irnmmlsslon billkrt rents crush pod iliuh button radio aiilto wall tires nevi car iinrrnniy 3006 mllts Cordnva limit 1962 ANGLIA $995 STATION WAGON Econom Ital transportation at tu rIltc price 1960 DODGE $1595 PIONIIFJI lint Club All Radio Two tone 1959 VAUXHALL $495 IliDAN Iriirtt as eetond ur Tut hive til 959 PLYMOUTH $1195 IilthIJlISIIE Antoine llc rhitlii $2495 1958 PONTIAC door sedan Radio Auto matic power brakes $1195 1957 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL VI nutty mntlc power liming rit dlo tone $895 i959 DODGE liiAlIAlll Heat thr $695 1961 DODGE Siahl 11mm ileitnii luo tone um mum $1595 AIIItiiiIliIlt FRENCH MOTO 75 BRADFORD ST BARRIE 1956 PLYMOUTH dotrr hardtop Rlitllu 100d dependable lrnilsimrilititin $595 1960 MONARCH tlixil hlliliioii AHLUIIlllllC lriitiiiiilnsioii Imir election tout white walls $1895 1959 RENAULT DAUIIIINII than nation it III get you nhcle youll $445 1955 CHRYSLER WINDSOR Salim VI Illlb malls 1110 $395