Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1963, p. 5

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Evening Council Good For Public xi For pm low yum mill tale mill hm hmn up or mud lxpmdilunx and much nl um hru been wrnl In various mm be luwnship on rmmlrucllun ramlx ML llunlcr mlnlnl uul lhnl Hm hlu fluvo Cochrane snld add flanal undo hnd becn added lo road npnmprlallons nnnunlly but lhul all he rcqucsls were to be comldcrcd ll mlnhl menu nddlnz more mill to Um lundx tn be men on Ihm programsl The nwd lor nu nddxlinnul rc ucsl balm lorwnrdcd llm Hepnrlmtnl lur approval of my plcmlnlnry mendan wm strum udl and so lnr only In rrnulnr nppruvnl cl 10000 hm been nccivrdl Deputy Reeve Campbell chair man reads snld this engineer Ing had been done on this and mncil was nwum oi the sin lhe lob which meant moving lhe ditches hack and replacing tnlrnnce culverts lie lnllmal ed Ihal replacing muse was not lhc pmhlcm nl he lownshlp and wondcmd many would be sull ablo or muse la the end of he pnvemen at Blmud boas hurled under the lutlnco In the early days call Id corduroy road when they placed the log in the bag and camed lhcm with gravel have been heaved by lmst nnrl they new project above the surface he clalmcd Mr Hunter asked thatntlemim be gjycn thls ygar the paninn of lhe mad be tween 25 sldcroad and the lake dislnnm half mile on which he said hem were uvcr mldcnls George Hunler old council that lhc loth line had never been in poor shape as It Ibis spring has broken up Enos 03¢ from the lake Ailer hearing delegations and cnnsidering mailers hraughl up lhmugh correspondence and scl ling problems needing immcd isle action cnuncil was still lei with in annual budget to set The road prngrnm is nnl yet set up and at least two more reqncer were received or action on parLs oi rand which ratepayers icel damn priar alicniion This made the needy gnegial metling im ralive anil it was arranged or he and the prcsnnl weck RECONSTRUCTION mulcamilflfififini TODAY The unpopular nigh sesslom of council do meet public ap pmvnl as they enable many who would be unable Ia attend day meeting to meet with enuncil and brlng nlpng lhelr problems one lime Wod nusday evening here were over 20 persons wniting or inter views The unpopular aspect the nlghl sessions ls wllh town ship emplnyces und nlhers who have ulrcudy put In long day hefnre the council mccling whlch usually winds up nem mldnighl 66 vulvllu uqu mwuln uumllwuwll mmmmumm fiulflllllnnlllu Tsan too 38 INNISFII NOTES THATUHE AI Thls small lent high In Garibaldi Park was home or fliree Vanmuvcr skiers snow By RGS GABIBALDI HOME FOR THREESKIERS pcle In tho Cnnan Vlllnzo mm mm have bun lost In Inso mldcnls clulm lhnt over llvu yuan no they Mllloncd fur lho lnslunnllnn lhcxc with mixing done All lhll ll be lookcd Into 53 Rem Corhrnno Imld ha would mm lo gel he Carson Village rond problem all lhc hack of me counril II had lvcnn bugbcnr ever lince he had been member It tho Carsun Village pmper llcs me lo be subsldized and lho lawnship lake on he rand lhcrc then all subdivlslom nech Inn slmllnr dcvelopmtnl shnuld be lrenltd cqunlly There are many these older plans with mud suilbnle or summer use nnly hul when lboy became yumround resldmunl sllcl thcn the mad pmblnm loom up and mu muku ll my mn lMcrullun STIIEET LIGHTING This subdivision is on lhe end oi um 2nd line and linen an en trunce cuivm has been con structed The roads and In imnu bridxe on tho subdivision are being brought up lo mund ard cosi in Ihe rnie pnym In the mini 01 332000 which they will be required to pay In iuii under local improve ment plum In suggestion of Reeve Cochrane he resident will luke up pelillnn to present Io Ihe department of highways asking that um usual 50 per cent subsidy be snowed it lhu rand were undcflakun by the township the department will subsidize IL shun the casts was lnllmnled ha lawnsth mlghl be in order to mum its share mo cosh signs gyms mums filegniiun came lo conn cll irom Cnrsnn village about lLv roads Tile members the delegation claimed ihcy had once signed pciilinn which was 10 include the ditch and road on local improvement plan Ailer ille ditch was open ed the cnsis had been so heavy that no one nnw was agreeable to added cost lor roads which were never handed over in the township as approved toads Anothgr mullet was hmugh up far cansiderntion when pro perty nwners on he 4111 line came again to ask If nclinn would be rorlhcoming lhls year an lhe mad Ironllng their farm They had been old not lo re place lheir road fences us can strucuon here wns imminent Rnad Supervisur Cawnn sug gested mm lhe englncor set line along his Imnlngu so In Icncing was necessary they could du his nnw project underlukcn on the and or he lath line hm year where nnly few residan liw should warrant the 10m line zelting ncliun his year bound for six days Picture Heinz Roslek left and Lloyd Williams was taken by FAVORH REGISTRATION TORONTO CIYCily mnncll cnllnd Monday or conlertncu with local mcmbm ol lhn 0n lnrlo chlslnlum and the lulcml lurllnmcnl lo llsmu permu ncnl volcrIrglnlrnllon In Tor onln or elkml prnvinnlnl nnd munlclpnl lccllonx AI mull ch 1ch lo mnku public lhu document he anld From Wnshinulon cnmn cm lhnl In ulrlcs nbnul louv nx he Unllcfl Stnlc have been made 1y erp and Ill councll nlrly rrprcscnl lhc ncmly zoo zoo nullCnslm mm In dlxpulcd by mm mu stnlo dcpnflmeM asked him In withhold hl letter mm publlcallun so lhnl dlflu cum bclwecn lhu government and lhe council could be re solved Bul mld Mira tho stale dcparlmenl nlso heaped abuse on Mm ero has been at lnxxorhcnds wllh the Kennedy adminislm lion since WnsMngtnn conlch cnco In which he Mild to have demanded ncllon against Cnslro or money In eqqu Cuban ex 110 invuslgnlnrmy Dr Jose Miro Cnrdona may or may not be council president when ha reveals his mpaae statementIn he form of lul cr of resignation aver luck ncilnn agnlnsl Fidel CNN in release is expected at maelan of tho council whose member used lust week in let Miro MIAMI Fln AHThe em bnllled head lbs 01th Rev olutionary Council is expected to make public lanigh dam menl In which he reported have charged the Unilcd sum with bad lnilh The two counclls agreed In share arena hydro and luau ance costs an 5w bnsi nguln m1 year The Inwnshlp rental terms remain unchanged this year or the ire hall Flo flay rcnl tn Elmvnle for Mei ng lhc lnwnship fire truck the Elmvale Ilru hall No decision on acquiring an liilcinl ice is possible unless both councils approve the idea Be low that more detailed estimat es of the cost are needed the Joint meeting the sug gested cost of dchcnuru lo nov or such an undertaking ran In 0000 In 333000 range ELMVALE 5mm thn the councils Elmvnle and Flu Tawnshlp hold joint meeting here last week one of the topic dlscusscd was prospect nl gel lng nruflcjnl ice or the Elm vale arena Though the arena located In Elmvnle belongs to the township Robertson lonshlp clerk noted With Bad Faith Charges States Artificial Ice Is Possibility For Elmvale Don Hoovcr third member of puny us they broke camp edncsday All wen picked BARRIE TEEN TOWN EMBASSY HALL BLAKE ST BARRIE Admission $200 Per Person Th1 unlikely mullllnn un dergolnx 1L greatest lost Cammunlsl allumpl lo wipe out lho neutrallsl actions outnum bered army It may be prel ude tto dksolullnn of he loycm men Thu Lnollnn plow under lho Geneva nrrnnxcmcnl led by lhe nculrnllsl camel driven by Premier Princu Souvnnlu Phouml Tho rightwing wmr buflnln In runmnch by Gen Phauml Nosnvnn and In mulu furnished by Prince Snuphan Lnst July 14 nations with such diverse political tundra clc as neutrnilst Cnmbodln Communlst Itusxln and Chlnn tho Unlch Stntes and Britain approved trolknslyle govzrn ment or the little Southcnst Axlnn kingdom ni Laosi Illtix unllitely coalition in un NKYO ADThe new crisis In Laos Indicates that lhaugh on rare occnslon camel and water buflalo can pull he sumo plow nddlng mule at he xlubborn Commnnlst var cly Just doesnt work Inolher us ness council de dded lo make lurthcr attempt Io him an assesmr The position has been advertised Ihmo or our llmcx wilholn mum Clerk Thls hnppn In March when Ice lmzcn to he sand bar held last during mild spell and an Ice jam msufled Tho lust Mme lhe sand bars were clcamd way Crcemore was aboufi seven year nun It was noted duringfldlsqussion CREEMORE Stall dol egnllun nl resident appearing belom councll here mesday nlghl gal assurance lhnt the village wlll see about dredghlz nul snnd bur In lhu lllnd nlvcr this summer Delegation mem her were rcsldcnls ul lhe area near lhe river ulteclcd lhls spin by llwgliugt Adding Mule To Water Buffalo And Camel Just Doesnt Work up by hellmpta CF Vlra photo Creemore Council Seeks Assessor Full II 113 Ind PapaknelicafeCoid QWWWfi TODAY Jackie Gleason isalldolledupl Sat April 20th DIRECT FROM NASHVILLE TENNESSEE ITS ROY ORBISON Appearing Mlflnre Dill sun AT The Western powers closed their eye to the dismal failures since the end oi the Second World War oi populnr rent gevemmenlr In which the Cem Inunisle participated They hoped lhnt Seuvenne Phaume would keep the lreike in siep Ind lhat llusxie and China wanted peace in Lee and wuuld eurb the Pelhet Lee The Communist power pre Iumebly never did regard the mike Irmnxemenl mine nent it in Communist doctrine in use such ceeiiiloru ie weeken the other partner pro nrelery in Red iehmver we the acknowledged design behind Communlel Chlnul elicit achieve coalition with Chleng Each Incllnn has llx own army and he Iovcrnmmt can take no majnr decision without agreement of all lhree lenders mulllhu government has been AlannnL nuvnnn Souvannan hallbrother who hand he lamCommunist Piglth Lao Council will meet agnln on May lL At his limo the 1963 village budget wlll be present ed Mr Lemmon Mid No items connected with the Georgian Bay Development As sociation were considered by council mull Creemon is going Io participate In in GBDA industrial advertising cnmpnizn starting this spring in the Financial Post ll purpose is to attract industry tn the area Cost oi participation in the cam paign tar village the size oi Creemon is $54 Also council approved an or der or 300 GBDA 1m road map to be distributed this sum mtr 1n the Crecmore Iron Jack Lemmnn was asked to continue the ads Mrs nrke chairman of Scarborunnh board of educa tion said the suggestion was not practical and housing exlm aludcnls would be stupen dous job Morgan superintend en secondary schools said greater need In school ex lenslon program lnr Ihase who leave school early but who learn their mlstaku and want In conllnuu their education Mr Manuchlln spanking the Ontario EduvullmualAssn dallnn convention suld teen agers must be better trained to Ind and hold jobs Robert Berlrnm chairman of suburban Lensldu board of educallnn mm It would be dif ficult lo dlsagm will any ol the slnlemenla made Nesdny by William Manuchfln prln clpal of Tornnwn Casllu Frank school education chuinnun anld mes day ho strongly supports an gestion lhnl lhu ailowahle ago nr leaving schnol be extended to lailmm 16 Would Extend Quitting School the T6 18 Togon cmLA mm FZfillfmffliflm SHIELD APPEAL Thus lho Pulhnl Luv ol lnwlng the Communist pattern In unackan It lnrmcr ally nculmllsl Gen Kan Lo and seeking to flush him out of ma mountainringed Plaine do Jams This would give Ihe Communist cunral northern Laos Knlshck In 1948 The sumo himprint was applied In East erg Europe PACIFIC REGION Labor force Employnd Unemployed ONTARIO REGION Labor area 2390 2399 2355 Employed 2252 2164 2206 Unemployed 135 149 PRAIRIE REGION Labor force Loos L121 Emplaycd 10 1025 1050 Unemployed 7D 71 71 ALI CANADA Lahar 0ch 651 Employad 596 Unemployed 54 ATLANTIC REGION Labor force 549 Employed Unemployed QUEBEC REGION Labor force 1331825 1819 Employed 16211 1625 1612 Unemployed m1 200 197 unemploymenlrrplclure in mid Mnrd estimate In hou sands The slatemén said that arm employment Increased by 24000 with lha npprnnch of spring bu this wn oflsel by slight de cllne in emplaymmt In non lnrm Industries mainly be cause of reduced work in are lho 5pm breaking The resut was lhnt employ ment remained relatively stable at 5963000 compared wllh 5951300 In February and 5854 00an Mob 1962 11w labor force stood at 6512 000 mmpared with mam monlh earlier and $454000 year earlier The YearWynn It represented at per cent at the labor torcc compared wllh 31 per cent In March 1962 and 11 per cent ln March 1961 There was no change In the 04 percent unemployment rate be tween February and March The lolnl was 11000 lower than lhe 560300 unemployed In Mam last year Tho midMarch Jobless cuunl was 4000 higher Ihan the mid Fehrunry total The statement said the change between thulwo months followed the usual pat tein OlTAWA CF Uncmpluy men In Cnnnda slood at 519000 In mldMarch barely chanzcd mm the prevlous month the bureau at stnllsllcs and labor dopartmcnl sald today In joint aulcmcnk 0114 CF Canadas March Unemployment Same As In February 11an quL my my vmybody kicked mnmuna Wreksmabsw couldnt have sunk low Man who have louchcd the depths of povcny and dogmdalion women lacing the ordeal of unwed molhcvhood children oiphancd or mlsircaicdlo these and countleu oiheu The Salvation Aimy brings mile and hope through In havens hostels homes and hospital Wont you help us lo continue this vital walk Indln it doing lmow the lay oi aiding othersl Collin TABLE Mar Feb Mar 196 1963 1961 9512 6496 6454 5951 5394 592 Amman ARMyégMDEL r31 Shawn 730 mm Nun farm employment ln mused over the year by 17 per cent In rclntlvely small lump However ln some goods producing lndustrle than were substantlnl gains construc tion employment was up by an Employment men in creased by 58000 lo 4265000 over the year while employ ment of women rose only 11m to LEVIN cqysmupnon mam TONIGHT FRIDAY and SATURDAY Thu report nnlcd thnl emplny maul or men cnnllnucd to be strung rcflccllng nn Improve men In gmdspmducng Indus Irles Huwcver new job nppor lunllles or women alackcncd olf duu chiefly to slowdown In the growth the rcrvlw prgduqng lnduslrlcs BOX OFFICE OPENS AT increase In lhn labor one was under one per cent which ls less than half the average an nual ml of Increase in the last decade In contrast employ men ruse over the year by 12 per cent Labor force Employed 596359515694 Unemployed 549 545 560 The report ls buseu on sur ey 35000 huuschulds ncmss Canada during thd week ended Mnrch 21 33 wk The Job plclure In brie with estimate In lhuusnnds All Cola Chumscone ngwsm SHANTY BAY muui ND IT lrtsmwc WWIORI Max691 Il MHIDCUOI um CHIlLWILl um um mum mus mum mom AUIWON Stewart GRANGER Rhonda in plm MIh lhI Blunt Wuhan Mar Feb Mar 1963 1963 I962 5512 6498 6454 596359515694 IN COLOUR CINEMASCOIE ALSO PLAYING average ol 42000 In ma llrst qunrler 1m and manulnc luring wark showed 31000 In crease the 549000 jobless last month about half 285000 were married men The hrcnk dawn was 43500 men 60000 women Some 320000 persons close to 60 per cent at lhc tom had been unemployed or nut to six months and 68000 or seven months or mm fimmemuImromuz WWW1mm Thurs Fri uv AMMl AGE anmmmt 0n landln fluter Space And we The Sea PLUS COLOUR CARTOON SHOW STARTS AT DUSK HURONIA DRIVEIN Showlng JV 52 51 45

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