mm Mum 6m In unl lomptullm lye tmm he nnylhlu lo my MM mw up Hut lw um 1m my mrultl lrr Mull ululd ml lilo any mm mo lknr Ann Illdlll II null nrrunnnl 11w lmhy prdrd In kplnmlwr tmlt many 11 baby Inlhrr or uml Mnl In lnln Ma err Murnl day mxl mnrlllmz lu IINMHI In in II Ilw Imlry lnr luluva My mullm pmml any In an mm and my lulhrr In mnnvry In July mm lulu Ho rry much and am happy Inr Um Imlh lm pmhlml In Mr Hwy wmll In lake my lmlry unlll mm mm run ma hlhl mm lhc pmmlu Ia llv he huh lnr when Ilml mmu AHOIHIIN wnmnn who dmml MIN plnhmlc IIR 11th IlI llllullly Ilrk npymmh In IMF in gmrrnl Inll In pnllicw lur My lml ulmhu or Ipmly rmnny thn my nlslrrAlnlnw tor Irirnd nr ntiflhbfll 1mm my hmhand wllh kiss Ur hug him on hurling llnmo up In Aida Im old him how In but It duel no Rood Iv wulclml Mm tnrrfully and up xlly Inn Wm hlm Ilnl lml In In In mpomlvu Im nlrn he rnrnumpu II ha pmhcd lhcm Imny ante or twice Hwy vlwuld Imp wuulil be wy hnppy In 1er your View on ma Iuhktl HANDS 0P Inn Whrn you hear Ihal my virus you mnl bcw happy Im married In man who lhe warm numlnu lypc He says he aflrn hm an Impulse lo hug nud kiss women Mend or rrlMivcs and il ls purrly plu tnnicm sexual Implication uhumu dont bollnve lhcm much Ihinu plnlunlc hnu or klsx between mnmhm ol the oppoxilc sexemu nnly prck in rhrck nrnr Ann Lindm ls hem anylhinu wrong with wilu who wands hcr husband In saw his hugs and kissu for hcr alone cups finelychopped cooked lamb tablespoons sweet pickle relish 12 cup tomato juice teaspoon salt cups prepared blscult mlx Combine first four Ingredients and mlx lhnmugh 1y Prgpare lglscuit nrbg accordlnglu package lnstruc dons for tea biscuits bu ad of shaping as roll dough to rectan ular shape about ten inches by slx inches Spread even with the meat mixutre Roll as jelly roll starting at the wide edge Cut lnto ten cs Place cul side down on wellgrcascd cnokie sheet Bake at 4501 for 20 to 25 minutes Serve hot with chill sauce Makes len plnwhcels Combine peaches vinegar cinnamon and cloves in saucepan heat untll syru begins to bubble then re duce heat and simmer for ive minutes Remove peach halves from the syru arrange on parsley or fresh mint leaves around roast on warm platter Fill each depression in the peach halves with mint jelly Makes six servings Rout Log of Lamb wm srltud Push Garnlth 58 lb leg of amb teaspoon rosemary teaspoon salt easpoon pepper 15 oz can peach halves tablespoon vinegar stick cinnamon teaspoon whole cloves mint jelly Wipe the meat with clean damp cloth make several sllts in the top tat sprinkle with rosemary and rub into the cut surface place at side up on rack in shallow roastlng pan Insert meat thermometer if being used in centre of roast so that tip of thermometer is not touching bone or fat Roast uncovered until ther mometer reï¬isters 170F for medium and 180 for well done low 22 lo 30 minutes per pound rinkle roast with salt and pepper about halfway rough roasting time Splcafl Peach Glrnllh Allow about one half pound for sorvlng in select lnga leg of lamb and Elan on least two servings for hearty appetites lhln paper llke covering lgnown as the fell should he removed and this is fre quehlly done at the time of purchase THE BAR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 11 Fbr best results use meat thermometer and rememberthe cardinal rule for successful meat roast ing tow cooking temperature of 3251 Herer is reciper for than leg of lamb with spiced peach cFurnish with the leftovers try these tasty lamb an biscuit pinwheels Roast lamb is traditional spring dish and it can be as plain or as fancy as you want it Many hostesses use garnishes or glazes to give it festive flair for special occasion For Easier carving lamb should be allowed to stand for 15 mlnules after it 15 removed mm the oven Whe ther it ls preferred well done or sllghtly pink should alvay be gerved on hgt plates Flower bedecked bonnet and lively discussion about current fashion trends are signs of spring The spirit of the seasun is reflected in tha kitchen as menus take on bright new look SERINGVDISH ANN LANDERS Wife Resents Response To Kissin Cousins LAMB AND BISCUIT PINWHEELS KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON in MANY CHILDREN III mom by lh an ml luulllary he Anglican huuh lanndn hwmhl monk lul urtdy unldml In Hun lion Sum Ilhorww llonl Invn chulre ollhrr When hmlmml In hl mhlxllo 409 you all hll lmkfr fur ymnmcr null mur llllvMllVI wmnnn In will In wlplrw Imuw bcuuu ll hnp mm lo lulmln Innu wlvu have llm Ilnnxlh In lulu Hm Inlulll mu llw Ilium nml numb ml pr Imlfl Amlllnl 1mg la Hm HM hul wnxnl rqunl to It 11n only rhnue hurl mu lo him at or nul up In mm nl lnsHhIllofL ll you an lnll nuH pllnl lhll My mum II HZHION Dur llllolt wnman IhnuM pul up wllh Illp lml punrlvu rrrnnmwnd nym llnn uhrn Hm phyllrul Ibmw ml him uld wulrdly Dhmu II IIlenl mullon DlVlmCï¬ Hm Ann mam disk Krce vlolcnlly with word la the unhappy llwrtco SM crillclxrd he Mupan wld mu mud clnlmul dlvamu hmu much lanxhlrr Inn In mum lhry donl KM lhu mural nupport And nympnhy hrlr lnmlly and Mind You told hrr Ono lhlnu In mlnlnlh VIMW dlnl have tllolro nnr 17 Your lhlnklng solid Dont lcl anyone change mu mlnd 11 easy In my Well ulu up Um baby when Ina llmn cnmu but 11 not any lo live up In he pmmlu nller lhn mby hlu betnme pm at lhc lnqvmy aur lnlhcr and lulure mlc undoubtedly helm Huey would be doing you lunar hul hnpe yqu will decline lhzir kind nflcr and do whll you col Iml or he baby My rclnllm ham lilch me win so many alorlc nboul how Ill mm II II give my baby away that my hund Ix bursllnx hclp me0LD WOMAN SEWING KNITTING CENTER 120 Dunlap SI PM PA 66364 hug Mrs Smith puincd nut that nlhcr subjccls wcr laugh by ha remedial Mall of our Ica chers who spent three halbdny n1 appmximnlcly wminutc perv lads each school Thcse sub Joel Include remedial ipclllng arilhmclic and wrillng The Idea cumllllon for rcmch 15 work Mrs Smilh cnnunucd was to have Hm children lnirly close logclhcr in Tending and learning nbilily thus enabling them to gain the cnnlldence Ihcy wnuld olhcrwise lase She addtd lhnl ll wu has In wnrk ln Imnll mun Mrs Smllh nxplnlned he dil lcrenm helwnen rcmcdlal child and sluwlcarnlng chlld and added that relardnd child In Ihls sense was not to be com lusud wllh ane manually nlard cd but wns one who was no warklng up In his lull pmnllal STAFF OF FOUR Addressinl the regular monlh ly moulan ol lhe Oakley Park llnme and School Assoclnllnn Monday nighl Mrs Smith remedial wurk teacher or lhu rubllc schools of Barrie onl lncd Ihe prnzrlm and mlerred especlally la the problem of re mcdlal reaqln le3 most girls hcr axe niueyurold Lonnie Barrera ls enlhrallad by pulnledAlocd shoes In ananln downImam store Foo specialism lay Teacher Outlines Remedial Program Small dnwn paymcnv dullvm mmth ngh undoIn on your old mmhln Fm nwlnu Inmucliom WI dcllvor who wo advho We mvln who WI nfl III now yoq hat lo pay mythmoro to go all LAURENCE PFAFFEIéEï¬E AT SUCH OW PRICE w239W llliilli Hum Special Price BUY ME THOSE mum Hullu ar rnmcdr lnl leaching allnwcd series of dlscusslons with hl lcnchcr his prlnclpal nnd hI school nurse Mrs Smith urlhcr ex pluincd And the selection was made when it wns ell the child would be able Io overcome MI dlflicully In lhe shamst possibla llmr The speaker slncd Ihnl the poor reader cumml surmount Ills diiimulucs as easily as other chlldrun He needs plenb reading pruclire which would In cludu comprehension pnrnzruph reading unlcncc reading And Some of lhe causes of lhls relnrdation she went on were lhe result such conditions as aoclal lmmalurily early dllli cully ln Idluslinx In school lilo doloclive vision and hearing prolonged absence through 111 nus and promotion to hlnhcr grade lhrongh age rather lth ablllly rqnpovys ulscussmxs She mentioned some ol the db fence mechanism of relardcd renders For example ï¬lm in cluds crying actunl illness brought on the thought 01 until and even smart alcck or couldnt cnre less altitude childrens shoes should be shaped like hair netwide the lac and narmw ho heels and no modelled allcr adult styles CF Photo FIRST TIME WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER hnwlli mum NOW BllNDSTITCHES AUTOMATICALLY MrL Smith laid it wu im portant that parent discus iho problem with Kim child mnko him eel secure and provida him with sense oi belonging and scnso oi achievement She added that it would be nec essnry in go back to the level at which tho child can achiavo and admonished parents not under any consideration to our xcsi in ihuchild that he rend inx what they would consider childish moieriol Such on It Iiiudcl Mrs Smith concluded would undo all that ha gon hnlnre Mrs cQuay ni Thom tan entertained at imusscau tau Saturday niternoon in hall ur of bar daughier Miss Oienl McQuay Receiving with the hostess and the hridwiect was the hridegmnmeiecia mother Mu Charles Webb formerly oi Bracebridxe now Thornton Presiding at the ten table we Mrs Cunningham Mn Bert Shulxweii and Mrs Aiired Alien icn assistant were the brides aunts Mrs Hunter Aliision and Mrs Elmer Hun ler Assistant in the lmnssenu rooms included the bridel sister Mrs Peter Siinxer Miss Jaquei ine Bunting oi ivy and Min Heather MacDonald ni Barrie Miss iiicQuay will wed Michuei Arthur Webb at an ammoon Among ha outnLclIy gun who attended the wedding Miss Cnrol Anne West and Ro bert Alexander Henderson It rlnilx Mgllcuqchlgch wgre binsan Alan Powell John Chubb II Toronto Mn Leemlng and Mrs Bearde of Chicano Illinols Mr and M11 Mom Mr and Mn Moon Ind Mr and Mrs Mallory Bell vllle Mr and Mrs Arkles and Mr Ind Mn Kearney of Cnbmlra Mk Joy miss Landon Mr and Mrs Wid meyer Mr and Mn Puller mn Orillln W0 and Mll Robertsgn Camp Burden Mr and ï¬lm Kelly Fenian Falls Mr and Mrs Pike Bmckvlllo and Jobln n1 Alllslon Miss Rhoda Younz 01 Dunlop St East has returned to the my alter spending the Easlcr holiday weekend In New York Cfly TROUSSEAU TEA the Ibllily rend aloud lhl said lnaannual lDrlnI rummnn sale sponsored by member 01 the Hospital Auxiliary will held at Trinin Plrish Hlll Coi ller 62 on Friday Convener il Mm William Graham misled by cmnvener Mn hw unce RUMMAGE am WEDDING GUESIS Trlnï¬‚ï¬ An can Church were Mrs Io InMlsnnmIHag SPEAKING 0F7PEQPLEFAND PLACES Miss Joyce Bowie ui Eugcdla Street lei Malian Aliport Good Friday vla WA or wash holiday with relatives at New Maiden England Later Miss Buwlu will holiday in France or onawegk and Ilsa nlleud the wedding of her cousin Mr and Mrs Neil Mayor and chlldren Grant Jr and Darla Icmmpanhd by Mu Mayors mother Mn Sparhum Tomnlo hlva returned lo the dry altar months hullday in Fan Laudenlale Florida mr nun mu mnce krau Ba oulnn lmnllmzmQh hm rammed to their Shmwuhyhuumlglc mm nln Bay Road Iollowln months Emmanu an nu hum holiday 1n lhu south The Bank um IuNuIn ma TRCI couple dware accompfnledn by DolnHIflul unld Illhhjlyn Mr an Mn Mkche tr 10 Hamilton whua vacallonlng In gféPLELON5Â¥ M5 North Redmuon Beach Florida IM c° They travelled an to For Laud MMIMNL erdnle when they completedl MN Mat cergmony in Trinity Unlti Church Thornton Aprll 21 nypfappm aomm Guam It Iha home of $51 and Mrs V4 Peryer Bow man An over the Easter hoH day wenlhelr sonStan and his Hum Miss Sharon McKeane both Ottlwn Mr and Mrs Wllllam Graham Clmpbell Ava have as Eas ter hullle zuesu lhelr daugh ler Mn Don Slmnwnl Ind son at Huntsville aqua mom FLORIDA their Shaggy Long ng SIon Pauly Grdla Amoxing Equallm mnly plvdla Hahlwalghl un ovmd Lycra Fvonl and back panel mun lov Mm cmmal Demchoblo garden Whilc In um SML Regular Slylo Gldll Dalnly Into tonlouv he with llghlly paddcd loam cup Dreolhecmy Ilmll Inmt lo comlml Fom mllon clfcln with cup Whlln Sim 32 lo 38 cup Shnp Walk Winn Good Tune In Fashion No Explmlvl Aha avnlloblu In Bwudclolb at San WALKERS 50 DUNLOP EAST Don III dull Mn and mum gum handlcug uu ny longer Try EMPLETONS Dnlyuund SIM ll dmu counlm uvrywhm Hum 10le lekulnf In ruth MMIMIIILIIIMW CMJQUM lllllMAIll IAlll their hbudny helm returning north Mn and Mn Graydan Kohl oIShan¢y Bay Road have re tunwd 1N ma months vacuum atDAytm Bead Florida Mr and Mrs John Cutler Scott Ind Nancy Lynn 01 Lon don 0nL were weekend guests at lh home of Mn Cullerl patents Mr and Mn Inasnn 30 SL Vlslllng In Cnnlham over me holiday wen Mr and Mn Alf Pnrkcr and family of Dlvldson The Parker wera guests at the home of Mrs Parkers pur enu Mr and MnColl Mc Naughlun Mu Kamila Hm clly an Mon dayto attend the Ottawa con vention of the Order the Eastern Star She Grand Con dumess ol Onlarlo Mr and Mr Brennan ol Ennenla SL hnd weeklnd mu hair wn law and daulhcer Mr 1nd Mn Len Rondeau Anddaughter Lin Sudhury mm mm birthday party was bald or member or the Kampentell Trumpet Bind muklng the mu anniversary of he roundlnl the band The event was held II the Georgal Parish Hall on Burton Aver last evening Approximately 115 members of the band were present Head ublc meals Included Band Lender Robert Lucas and Mrs Lucas Mr Ind Mrs GDnvlr ï¬alphjlgrqlgz richer Jungian Ken Bud Min Dorothy Tynan From Walwn Member the Band MotheraAuxlllary who assisted were Mn wailnn Mn Ram Thompson Mn Crnwley Mn Ban nes Mm Kelly Mrs From Mn Balkwell Mrl Arlen Iult and M11 Geom my EXAMINER wmr ADI mow PA mu PA mu Jï¬fwgasÃ©ï¬ SHAMPOO AND SET $119 PHONE PA H581 ASK FOR THE BUDGET SALON OPEN EvENmns I7 8l0 83 2K