Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1963, p. 3

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CAS Approaching High Cost Season The Childrens Md Snclcly Inst nlghl vocd to mid spec lal board mocling May The special mecllng will dis cuss resolullnm lo be brought up the Duluth Associallon Childrens Ald Sociulcs confu encc May 12 In and at the Klng Edward Halal anonln mu LEANIYI Arrnnlimz In llnnlo Y1 Mrl Hully lulu Ilu lnmh In nlunfl ma pnerrl In Inml flum mm yeslentuy nllrmrmn mmly Mmd lump lhn lump Mru Th dwulmvnl Mu HUN hum hm nlher lull nl km or lnlvlmu nu rxnmm mm Am rum mm BICYCLE LIL Tl Harm Police Thlrl Ll xdllr hnrl rrrmnmrmh lhnl young ll not only purchnw Hrrnru or lhrlr hkyclu hul mlluckl al 11m litvulnan rrxvuvb Ml lhnl nlrw Mcyrlm luwo bun rrpomd Ilulrn nltrmly HI mnnlh an have Imn mur rnd lnliw my lhn llctnrcl no nrunlwl Mllh Um dcxmll men mu mnkv ll murh nulrr nr Mrullllcnlium Tho pmllrxlu lnld lho thlrl unlumlly Innku hell nllnnpu 1m likely LOSER MIIZIIA lllly Mrlbuwvll Mmva HI pulled In lhrrln CHy lnllca yenlrnluy cnmrru hull lmn Ilulrn mm hln nulnmuhllu mmw limo Ivrlwrrn Int 10 In ml ymmuu UNCIRH llliltlllT lrmrl III Arm 01er Inr lum pm la INKf nighl uml lhlea lmhzm prlwnm alum okay LOCAL GENERAL Mrn Mammal Kellry nur He will hold workshop on ma crglly bomc 0n the wnrkshap Foslor mlldrrn In the Communlly 1qu Mnrhmn wlII be speak cm How guy wlll be one at tho pund ls Every Childrlnx oclzly send our vollnx dflcxnlu lo the tankroutes other mcm bop mnyalso nllgnd Mr Jackson mid mm mm her Ioclal wmkcru Ind mtm bet nu rem Simcoo CounA wdcllca wlll mum and lhcy will be lukan vnrlnul workman xroum The society had Ills rmin the list rcsolullum and Hid no have lme lo print and dis lribule hcm in members before last Kuhls mccling Vollng can lmm he Slmcae Cnunly Children Md Socicly will be Im5an llcrscy board member Gerald Dewan an Alllslon lawyer and armor member lhc North Bay Chlldrcnx Ald Saclfly Mlu llclcn Ilohsun worker and Don Jackson dirctlol Irrmlrr John llulmu wlll CHILDREN AND WHEMWEBTHER GO TOGETHER Cmuumrrn Gnu mnlnnr lnr Mum ll ovm rxrruliwn am An munl numlwr ullllly nnd Imhulllnl uurxln wnl hrlrt rd nu Um rnnrrm olrrula mwrr urncrnlnl Kim mumm rrl Illa Jud HnMvI mmkrllnfl ulnrrr llh llw Lnnlulllm in Aundnlltm Iallt Mr Ilh MW rr 1m dunm but II rvmlknl nnllly uhlch mrrua Inn umly hy nullllrctl and rnmulllnl rnnlrmm McCarthy Ver plrslrlA cut and genrrnl uulu mnnnxcr nl Cmmlmerl GM Inhl llm mm lllmn would mm nm In mm lnnm cncruy mm It dlltt Um rusl nl ptnk 111ml 1ch lrlrnl mmumpllnn llu unld hu man lnrrtnnlngly willo xprrnxl mmwllllnn mm In lmmm n1 lulumlony mlvnnml lmlcr uuuhl Im utnrrnlnl ml Hm Ill by us Iurblnu nr crip rmnllnz tnnlnr unlmz Ilrnl mlnlmlnn lrchnlqum mltl MZMINMI Up or discussion at the con nrcnru was new theory an wucmro and llnflncinz done and board members It sponsihilily In Um sackU Tho Consumm Gnu In In ready to 01m xnnxcnnrnlcd tlcclrlclly In Illrecl comprllllon wih Onlnrln llydrn Onknh Jum pmldcnl nl lhu mu cam pnny Auld addrcss banqucl Mundny night and main speaker wlll ho James 11 Dumpson com mlssinner welfare In New York City Mr Jackson reported In Hnanm or the sock1y an in good order and boner by good margin lhfln we cxpcclcd But he added We am up proaching the heavy cos sea son 11 regional board member commence hold nl Godcrlrh an April Hersey Curmnn Dawncy and Dan Jackson rum his am attended report of Vthve tanlcrcnca was given at last nighls meal inx GasGenerated Electrical Power Offered By Company CfillluI BL IA UNI YOU HEADQUARTERI F011 IMPORTED FOODS Klndl of Cold Mull Vlllvl cl In mm mm Impuml hm II Klndl lmpollvl rumy Chmalum DARRIE DELICATESSEN In llnuxtnn ho Inld cum plclnly alrcnndlllnnrd mnmh my Ichwl hnd Mm bulll 1er ml lhnn nnnnlrcandlllun ed school by ualna the loinlm my compl The hunt ultral ul hy the numblnu wer nlpnl IrnluL or cool lhn Our work here at the Alla hnbad Agrlculturul lrutitute which in supported through the Church at North india keep us in close lunch with the agri cultural pulse of North lndil Vlth Asln lilo nnd death xtruz 1110 with overpopulation nnd the increased demand iortood pro ductloh we act representative citort here with regard to the way through cducatioh that trcndom trom hungcr may par tially be helped Wu him 500 boys and girl hue who are taking part in on educational program along the linu ot the Ontario Agricultural College Iclmol ho Ild Yulerday the lempculun here was 1015 dame Fahren hcit recorded In the locnl paper that we now subscribe Hardly lha kind View her tm hockey playoffs Our local paper Thu Northern India Punk WORK Ila unld 1n compnnlu would not mm In whnl arm Um cncrfly used long nl it came mm nqlnrgl Run Any llXllnn Ixrluhl Nahum developed beard That Paul Mogu tryan to get hls Fnl cons all working logether so that he can mnka Hood try lnr he hockay honm nutlca some Mme player that have coached ln hockey In Ear rio and it brings back the sport enjoyment that any Barrlelte has the opportunity pnnlclpntlng ln he clulrea at Gnu mmpnnlcl soon will be pushing lha tale clcclrlc rnnxu lflld Dunn Prlre con Iulllnfl clcclrlcnl cnzlnm ol Human rTclnl keeps us in touch with lhu pm grass at the own and the new so many people that we know Including the inc um Mayor ks Cooke seem to be sparian rather big and well developed beard The Paul Mogu tryan to get his Fnl cons all working logeiher so rle EASTER holiday combined with warm wualher Idds up to fun or Bmle am school children Top In Larry Crelzhlon all Shotgun Slade walu lar Ula noon PaperrKeeps Him Informed Of City home town Examiner letter mm more now officlal In The lellcr editor says larrmr we dn up hoifie lmporlance town nevgspnpef Doclon Pmulpnonl Mummy FIIId SHORNEYS OPTICIANS xer residenls Huh Appreciate the news which Is contained sfiesscd hi James PHONE PA 68891 with uxlllclrnlly and lime xlnu 01 TORONTO Wish To Announce 11mm New Office AT COLLIER ST BARRIE THE OPENING an Ym ll we keep scmlllvo lhe need our nelghbora no mailer where lhey be think Ihut most ol will llnd way ol cxpmsslng our mnecrn llm gronlnsl need olhcr lhnn funds nre people to help he hugs lab helnlng lhcsu mopla help lhcmsclves My work nku mo lnlo cnnlm wllh llmcrlrun Pcm Carp people They are makan rm mnlributlon hero In India Could we havn Alm lulr group nl Canudlmu wllllnz la work alde by slda wilh Lhasa people In this music Mr lrlco mld thhlmlumcy Huhllnn II becamlnl more com mon It qunllllts undrr mod and mm mu klnd of llxhllnk um be dcrlvnl dlrrclly mm onane pawn lmcrnllnn Inhl thhlrcqutncy lllllllnl up In 8000 cycles ylrlds lnr helm dlch nnlnrln llydm pow In much What he render piper such The Barrie Ex amlner do to help Indlan slrug 19 Flu of all by mnem berlnz lhal expert any that every Iccond at every hour one person diu because Made qunle diet in tho world There are sludcnu mm sum 11 other countries who are also students hen T0 NEED mu cnn ho hcnlcd and cooled In lhl way hn nnld Ila nddcd Uml ml trua mm Edmonton In Mlnml EINIrlc mmpnnlcs Mr Prlcu lnld Kn hrnllng hunlmss by 11an llahung Gal companies un loll lhclrlblnl rntmy mn up by uxh n1 hlghlrcqucncy flunk stage Top rlxhl Dlnnno Harm get set Io blast ten nis ball over the net and below xrdup of youngsters plllenlly wail heir um on the slide Drummer Photo JAMES GILMORE To help tho Burrla Red Shield cnmpnlxn ha Salvnunn Army National public relation depart mtnl slated lan Snlnllnn Ar my was born human surm lnz and dedlcnled to ma lllVan nl muls numbers some 21 000 ofllcm unllonncd clergy mnn mallch through 06 mum It lhu world The SalelIon Army bnslneu unvnss from April 15 Ar H1 25 and the residential but lash until May Wilton Creed looking after lhe buslnm and he campmn STRESSES NEED Wllh million lny assist nnls lhcy ammo In In Inn xunxes and may unremllunl Mule against Iln poverty Ind mlmy vvry descdpllnn All member have simple goal to bring human soul In God lhrouxh prowling Ind toad workl want my Halon my tn hm thernl WIlllnm IIooIh lhu Armyl loundar anld In 11165 up MI lint Iny mlsslan Inr he downnndouu In Ixmdunu Ens End and In ulnhllshcd pnllem oI Ihnck treatment to wln converts In tho early llnyl hl oIIltm charged Inlo lhn tllyl Ian nnd Illunlly dmncd he dmnkl Vnul CHRISTIAN EELl 11 En VA on Anny nd unlly Chrlulnn ml wlh ll nun church nuiurvlm Hui Um mlglnnl nlm lo brlnz Mn Jlm Gillespie In com mand the branch said the campaign had been usth head of II schedu llma tn clem the way or me YMYWCA drlva to raise and or new hulldlnx Mn Glllesple snld he woud like to stress that llmu val unblo and ha would appreciate people would try avald hailing canvassm call Indy The Bank Branch the Sn vntlnn Army began It Red Shield campaign In rnlso $8000 Monday The flu omelnl am In the YMCAa new building objective 5415000 was presumed to Bob Harris medal names chllnmn jesterday The $500 bond was presented by Donald Arnold president of Teen Twin lime when so mnny adults are assuming responsibllillu lo provide lull IUH to better serve youth said Mr Harris thha could be more unmurnzlnu and excillnz than to see the young people of Burl lendlnl the way Seven years Igo Teen Tm donated lhu first $500 lulhu which allowed BanIo YM YWCA to rent gunner and be lln In Her pmzrlm Teen ann be comm ulnted on providing this excel lanl slan tn the campaign and receive our praise and Chunks nld Mr Hurrls Don Arnald slated Teen Town had decided on th all shnnly alter the mu heard or file new building program ELISABETHVIUE AP llospllal In Jndolvllle coppu and cobalt cent in 11w Cun xnn Kaunas pmvlnce an Jammcd with tho mllmed vlc mm of weekend Ixhllng be tween the bunch and Balubl tribes omclals of Union Min late the mining Elmpuny estlv mate the denlh 1011 has readied lllxedmalrol ol Unlled Na lens and local police hi the sltuallon is under control In Jadolvllle but than were re ports additional clashes near Kolwezl 80 mllu In the north west UN sources nld three were killed and several Injured there The rlullng slurred Frl day aller report spread that Lunda youlh raped Huh old Bulubn KIrL BARN EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL 10 Teens Donate $500 To Katanga Clashes Claim 62 Lives Salvation Army To Conduct Residential Blitz For Funds as com smh INSTALLAuou DANGERFIEILD MOTORS Reason zlvcn or Com munlsl hat lhey dread any organlznlian with loyalllc in he rm world with It Red Shield Appcnl xuccm Iha Army will be bellcr equipped la tarry on tho Hne work of services In yqu men Tho act that he Commun lsls have long since cullnwcd tho SnIanon Army is an Indlc Man ll worlh Along the Ens chmnn ancr ha West German Salvation Army re cdved slendy slrcnm lugecs to cod house help find jolbs or migrate to other coun res The Army ln persecullan In single yoar la qualc an nlflclnl hlslary 669 Snlvnllnnlsu were knackcd klckcd or brutally annulled Flflyslx building were nonn ed or partially wrecle Elghly slx Snlvnll nlsl wan thrown lnlo prlsg relapsed and dawnuan Chrls Inn back to their own churchcs But says the article cnnvcnliulh al religious group at first snub hcd not only Booth but he den 91ch he Med to Ihem Io Icccpl so the Army was forced luAhccamo church In sun Theres rcnlly no ntrd to It morning lxcadachc upxcl you and ruin your day Amnm can make you feel ham all llml In minute youll feel like diffcrcnl pcuonl Just lake two Auuum which with hill 11 glow of mm Ind by he lime youve fin hhcd dressing lhnt morning hcndnchc Ilmuld hc Kong null youll be lb In Ilnn oul Two men from Mexico City Jase Fuele Jr ggneral man ager and Lewis anm 11L plant superintendcnl are hora to 19er or the Company LuImex The Barrie plant LquIn Rule Company of Canada Ltd will nerve as pattern or new plant to open in Mexico City 5m Sludylng the Lulkin Rule plant with Mr Fumes and Mn Lemm Mel Blackwood chic pmiect engineer or Luflin Rule Company In Sawmay Michhr II MICK vice pres dent and genernl manager he Lulkln Rula Co show Next Time You Wake Up with Morning Headache You Can Feel Fine by Breakfast Time Mexican Firm To Pattern Plant After Lufkin Rule Ed Mny 15 Mlnute Barrio lnduslria Pallbums were John Robertson Hugh Elkln Jnck MacDonald Rowland Cracker VIlllnm Brycnlan and Ted Dixon ML MncLenn was born Chnlhnm nnd tmlvcd MI curly tducnuon In lhnt own He allcndcd Mnan Alllsun University Suckvlllo when Mudlcd music and Inter lhe Royal Conlervulnry ol Mus In Toronto Mumbm the Icachlng ml 3er schools and Ihe studcnlcouncll nllended In body and armed guard of honor at the film rch door The body wn nlombcd In Rlvcrslda cemolary vnull In Chnlhnm or Inlermcnt In the was Anlrcmunlcrtmlumm In good not only for hudnchel but for musculnr nchu and palm nching In Jnlnu nnd nrlhrillc nml rhcuumlic pnim Thu unml service was held In St James Ind 51 John Unllcd Church Newcastle wlth Rev Purchase ofllcanng Ynu can nlwayl put your confidence in Alrmm or Amnm has brought an rclicf from hcavlnchcl lo millnns mun pcople than my olhcr hmnd ui min rtlicvcr Wnnen MncLem 47 organ lsl at Central United Chde Burrle mm 1951 to 1350 died in ernmlchl Hosplnl New cusfle N11 following shuxi Illness lhgday feeling really fine Wm refinahx inEnnla coupfi of days hetero mumlng lo Mex Ico City pmparu to set up Alter touring Lufkln Rule p11an Inboih Saguenay Michig an and Barrie Mr Riel1e and Mr Lamm agreed lhn the Bar glg plant was better tuned In Mr linuck expialned Can adian apexaliens have to be ver nallle because lb mailer market The mm nursed sim liar silunllon would exist in Mexlgo Clty Bolh shhi they were Impress ed with Mr Hands operation Mr Lam and Mr Blane commissioner Introduced the bran men In Ruben Huck gen era manager oflha plum parls 01 mlemnflng ma chine avisitors from Mexico who hope to establish 51m Mo was xubcrvisor music WARREN MACLEAN mm OBITUARY 50 ct rm neuron ham ache and ulhcr minor ache nndpninmlwayl usmm lake Amnm and rcrl bcncr fall lXc Iurc ynu gt Ktnuiuc Awmm Luck for the package wilh lhc Haycr mm n1 wcll for Ihc discomforll uni furvcrul crnlglror grippg In Newcasle schools or number ol years and held classes In musIc in the com munlIyr Ila was instrumental In IormIng the llurklns Glee club and was organist and di rcclnr uI Iho SalnI James and Sslnt luhn UnIlcd Church choir III also orgunlzcd male chnlr In lhc church and took an nclIve part In the hIImmlchl Muslc Festival Mr Mnchnn ls survival by his wllc the lormcr Jean Trevor Chulhnm and on son Warren In yuan oId TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA mu LuImex IL although pat terned niltr Lurkjn Ruie will be owned musliy by Mexican cap ital because Mexican lnw r9 skim the amount of foreign investment in Mexican operat ions The company will cmpluy about 25 to mm with and in They have never seen lake frozen over or snuw on the ground In Mexico they play hockey on roller skates lheh Flam which they hope open couple months we years reach the capaan Lha Dame plum What we Inki or granted and sometimes win Rumble Mr lamm and Mr Fucrles had looked forward In scelnz but we loo lam 1121 plan In lhPvgur fuluro Lei ta right Mr Hauck Levi Is Lamm III and loss NED tel 11 Examiner Photo HJHMSWQS Jpaljlgarrick Vintners PERMANENTS $l99 an Maple Mum om avaxmcs maxi PA um nuncm Mm Ask For The smug cmm 32457 lm Ilillll Emmi DII

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