Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1963, p. 20

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cm um my In ho film almmul Id km III In Ind Io mm nu with your OAT FOR SALE Grain Md ulll Irwhnl Ivy uu Ilmkmnlml or mlrin rnnsrr Mlh 1mm Ill gmollur mnrlno mine null alwmm nrmummnlunun two up In II lldmk mun lilul rm filnmlnnl Iinuu mm May l7 mm For rndor lumu mnl rmrl op Fwdimllnnl Immun mm In Mnmlnu lhe Mal ulnml In Inpaltmrnln wmmm 5mm mm nrul mum merulnu plum mn 1arl llw lklwhurm anla mu Fumll Cnldwnm nr he Imlnlslglwl Ihr hlxlwl Ivr my lmnln not lwuunrbly armurd Hill1N Imllid Farahr lwwhnrm Land and Farm MAPLE ml nnmmion of xupccllully wllulul IMih Rmzu Hum will open In re cnivo garbage 000 am lo 500 pm Vcdncsdny of each Mk Ann Dunlm Ml Con main will be won to re crin garbage mey and Saturday at curh week 900 lo 500 pm xnrlmuc may he dumpcd In any llme nlhrr Khan abnm Inxprclor will he on xluly limrs xlnlrvl above Violnlmns will be itrlclly dunk UI Vendable manor must be securely wrapped and lied Dead 1ivcsock of any kind nu acccplable nt nny dump Car and Truck bodicx and part not ncccplable Essa Dump Lot 25 Concus 5inn 1155 lo receive unr lmua Monday at Bath neck 900 nm In um Dump 12 Concrssion 12 TENDERS Polalm In any form not ac ceptable in Essa Township Garbage Dump Paper must In in cardboard conlainm or murer llad in bundlu Th lollnwinx regulation un der Section Fnur of Bylnw number 92 passed Inc 7111 day August 1961 became eflLclivu mm and alter lha publishing name In Ihc Barrie Examincl and he Allislon Herald NOTICE OF APPLICATION THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT Licensing District Number TAKE NOTICE that the ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH N0 499 of he VlIlflQE of Angus in lho County of Sim one will make application at Special Medina al the Liquor Lic once Board of Ontario la be held at the Municipal Building Cuou Council Room in he €in Barrie in he County of Simcoe on Friday Il 3rd day of May 63 at the hour oi 1000 ami iolIntk D5 in Hie forcuuon or the issuance of Club Licence Ilia slricicdl or the lollowing nremisns The Royal Canadian Lemur Branch Nu 499 suualnd on La West Curtis Slrcet and Lots 22 and ZS Frnser 51 at the corner Jonas and Fraser SL Angus Onlario person resident in the licensing district may object to the Application and the grounds nt objection in writing shall be filed wih Mr Bruwnc the dcpuly rnzistrar oi the licensing dis tricl whnse address is 55 Lakcshore Blvd East Tannin 0n taria at least ten days before the meeting at which the application il in be heard DATED at Angus Licensing istrlct Number TAKE NOTICE that ROY LEM LIMITED 01 the City of Barrie In the County at Simcue will make application at Special Meet lng of the Liquo Licence Board at Ontario to be held at the Municipal Building County Council Room in the City of Barrio In the County of Simon on Friday the 3rd day of May 1962 at the hour of 1000 am oclock DSI in the foreman for the issu ance at DINING LOUNGI LICENCE for Ihe sale and consump lion at liquor with meals inr the Ioilowing premises Roy Lem Limited it Dunlap Sirw Barrie 0nt located on part of Lots Nag 39 40 and 41 an Inn West side of Maple Avenue Norm erly Inhn Strcctl in the City oI Barrio County oI Simeon as shown on Registered Plan I15 air Cguntyot Stingnot ny person rcsldcn thy using ct may object the applicalinn and the grounds objection in writing shail ha filed with MR BROWNE the deputy registrar IE licensing district whose address is 55 LAKESHORE BLVDr EAST TOR ONTO Ontario at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is in be heard DATED at Barrio OnL his 4th day oi April 1963 Roy Lem Limited per James Lem 154 Anne Street Barrin Ont CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP 01 ESSA He applicaiion and the grounds of ohjccllo filed with MR BROWN the deputy registrar 01 the licensing district whose address 55 LAKESHORE BLVD EAST TOR ONTO Omario at least on days before the meeting at which the application is In be heardi DATED at Banie 0nL his 5th day of April 1963 Lambert Willson Cookslown Curiing Club per Lambert VileI Pres RR No kaslown Ontario Conkslown Curling club Agricultural Grounds Vlllagc of Conkslown being part al Lot No Concession One in the Village Conkslowm larmmly in the Township ol lnnlslil and being lhe mos Westerly walns as link of the most Sontherly 13 chains 59 ink 01 Lot Nol according to wglslered Plan No 75 for In NOTICE OF APPLICATION THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT Licensing District Number TAKE NOTICE hat COOKSTOWN CURLING CLUE oi the Village of Cookstown in the kmniy oi Simcoo will make applica lion at Special Meeting the Liquorr Licence Board of Ontario Io be held in he Municipal Building Cnuniy Council Room in tho City oi ilarrie in the Couniy oi Simcoe an inrlay the 3rd day oi lllny 1963 at tho hour 1000 mm oclock DSi in tho iorenoon or the issuance oi CLUB LICENCE or the sale and consump lion oi liquor with or without meals in an establishment classified as club im the allowing premium i1 LEGAL NOTICES Anynpcisan res in 1h ngniggudislflct nllgy objeg to onuulo NOTICE OF APPLICATION THE Lluuon LICENCE ACT mlrpnynu WALTER Eéwm Pmma secmary MILL Clerk lhn pulrllc llmru hzu llhlllul Ill llw undmslpvml nmllunror rl HI llm ulmllrh Fl IYIZIIHK IMMI Ill AT HAHN Alll MINE lxny lIvvnlnu April 10 II In Sharp 11 lulluwillfl llnllrl llbnluz lmm lnlrh 1liulnz tlmiu rm IMIIM ml Haw lnMu Innun thouer vunh lmld wmlm Alngln Iml Nunlvn lluuhln lml Wall my 5pman Him TV nl Iknlly levinz Inlhiml day lml Irlgiuhiu mmlc lrlrlz Mm mm mm lem nunll lwuh lumlu build umlm Iwnlnz Maul man len slwlmhlvr row 0411 hum Mr mmmily uhslw lnhliufl uldum lhlwm unr den Irmor min plmgh and mhw Mllrlos Trmu cam No mom NMh In to mva lmlll mum ma TIJHMS 107 of tho ulrchnsu mnnry In he paid down at he Imp mk nml Um balance he paid wihln lay lhermflrr mun mnnrm um day ApriL An m1 0n above describcd lnnd llIrrc Ls said ho traded nine lcm room cabin and mm room mllngc ormcrly known In St Louis Park The mld properly wxll he rrcd or mlo sulljccl In mnn hid nnd cMnln condxlimu sale For furllmr pnrllculnxs and candlllmu lulu Apply WILSON Monnlw llmrhlvr mul Solirflm 17 mm sum Harm Onhlriu ALL AND SINGULAR hilt tannin parcel or tract of land and premises silunic lying and being in he Township of Flex in the Counly oi Simme and lacinn commmi of part Lot Number manlyseven in Ihn Ninih Conctssion oi in mid Township of Pins and which pan may be boner Jesuile Numbers One nw Jlxirlyune and ThirtyInc as shonn upon plan oi subdivi sion par snld Township 10 Ngisicml nilmhcr BM l3 AUCTION SALES PUBLIC AULHO by Jcrry Coumlin Auctioneer Sheriffs Office at the C01 Home Barrie Ontario on DNHSDAY MAY IST ms at Ihehour olefin oclock in the foreman the to power LEGAL NOTICES MORTGAGE SALE ank Wflylv lnk JEIUH lljlllN AUCTION SM Angus inlario In EXAMINER WANT ADI out will leuing lo mmml mm MIN humr wlll nnl be ammiwo In my ncchlenlu day mu Hui 1L mum mal luu Wmhllnmll VnI WWI Wind ol Dun Lama Trunk uvlln omh Finlllny Imk film Hal 51am KIlrlwn TAM llnllvlh Alawl Yuk nlniul min Irnlhrr wall Wu fiznllnn Tmrkl erlrr Femrm Tmm Mh Urllnilrly nu mm It mm ll mM IMPLEMENTS and MISCEL LANEOUS Ford lrrnumn Trndar Imrkrnd lmdn Itr zumn Trnrlnr Frrmnnn Plow zlurmw Sen Ilcr MI Ferguson fitlllvmm lrrxzunn 0n Wny Dion Ihrmhing Mnrhlnr Ahmhlrr Allipfllahnmn Ilnlrr yum ohl John 11ml Trn or Sprmdrr 7$hmhrl fly Cochinll Hindu 7H Dnll lrrlllitrr 1141M Mll Mumr ml erlxm Lam Ilnllrr Vnmrr Klrfirlc lhrwlml Mochlck tcvpncily Mdnrmlrk Ilrrlinu llnkc 11 St MD SprinnTmih HP raw nuHum mnlllnnll Hur Inwa mtmm 11m DmIm Whm In running unlvr Huh lwrHml Vnunu 75W Nlnr rmr lmu INLMnI Irmu Srpnrnlnr VIkIn llanmwr Mill th Slmul mnny Mhrr IN IOIM nniiGnm 500 um Halo my well saved 300 bushzIs Mind Grnin rm Ilnck PIGS Ynung Saws bred Hog In Figs ESSA TOWNSHIP miles northwest of Thornlnn Village hall mile was at lligh 1way 27 on Ivy Sidemad SATURDAY APRIL 10 AT PM SIIAHI The knowing CATTLE Holstein Cow Hal slcin Cow MOBILin Cow years bred Aug 15 Red Cow years bred Aux llokloin Heifer hull rchn lolstcin Cow years full flow blld Jan Vhilblnwl Holstein lull flow brad Feb 19 01 slcin Hrilcrs bred Pnllcd An mu Heifer years outn Hnrelord Hrilnr years open Hcrvfnnl 540m yam old Ilcrrmrd IloiInrx year pasl open Hereford SIrcrl mr p151 IlcnIord Suw months old Herclord Mar monflu old Ilolmln Hciler months Hereford null years old Farm Stock and Implements Hay Grain and some Unusnhold EHML The undersigned has rocciud Instruction lmm Nothing lo berrcfioved scaled for Viking electnc relnguaior large size years old good as new burner electric range large size good wnditlon Vik ing floor polishcr good as new Viking vacuum cleaner good as new Viking TV 19inch good as new Spartan electrio saw in machine good as new electric washer clmrin iron electric record player and cords chrome kitchen table and hairs Lazy Boy chair baby bath Chesterfield end tables chesLs drawers dresser lamps TV lamp desk Chest ol drawers brand new Bed mattrrs and springs typewriter mattrm or baby crib baby parriazc sol or scalar ironing boards bird halh siepladder lawn chairs pairs at skis hahys rocking chair garden tools childrens toys and many olhcr smaller articch Terms cash No reserve as the lady has mnlod her home an Inn lhe city Terms cash No reserve as the chattels all have to be sold tinder the Public nuslee JERRY QOUGHLIN at pm sharp The undersigned has received instrucLinns to sell he following In add gppllances 11 Public Trustee has in suunlad he undermcntloned aucfinncer to sell the chattel of GEORGE FREDERICK COLE The list includes full line of household enacts also Gibson ganien meta win plouzh New and used furniture all kinds appliances lamps remhamu and mom size pieces Congolcum Linoleum Vinyl elmCarpet remnants room size carpet rugs New Davenport Spam Savers ChesLs Dzejseg Used TVs 13 AUCTION SALES Frank Wold Ink JEIUH COUOHHN NMIIJR THORNTON Auctioneer Hume Hume Mm IVAN CALDWELL to sell by Public Audion art the gamma FAmTGROUNDs BARBIE mm BARNS April 19h Household mum TRUE MAY BE ARBANGEB NO RESERVE Frank Webb Clerk JERRY COUGIILIN AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Naming AUCTION SALE Clarks Warehouse Annex 35 Bayfield Street SATURDAY APRIL20 pmsHARP Auctioneer Audioncer at thé Hindor 711 Cnduhull mum Mll until 10 ll lAHES TORONTO lThu Tar onlo Transit Cummlfihlofl luw day lurmally nppmml Mclm polilan Torunlowidc lnru incnmc effective May Farm will inrxcnsc In slx lakcns nr Ilnllnr mm seven for dollar The 1111 curmnl ulimnlcd oparnlin loss $3500000 Magistrate IL lnyu ton viclcd Desmond Samagyi 217 Mm Iircd the dnuhchlmrrcllcd uo xhnlguu nnd Mlchacl Fu Inn 19 who fiupplild the shells an churns of criminal negll genre causing bodily harm were each senlcnccd to three months imprisunmnnl Tuesday nllcr witnesses said they fired lwn shugnn blast into lhe slalrwzly or mominn mustI In January as joke lo awaken sleeping Imam The shoLs ripped lhrnugh the slairwcll wounding Mrs llana Szikru 23 in he face shoulder and chest She was wnlking up he stairs with Mr two children at the lime It was Ih nied States that ran Incl adi elccuan tam paign lhcy pm lhclr milllon inlo it and heir propaganda against pnvnmmcnt which did wrong by standing up to Ihcm and asserting Canadas anver cignty QUEBEC CPlLe Temps ollicinl organ lho Union Na lionnla party says the Unilcd Slalos ran the Canadian cloc liun campaign because the Conservallve government had mad up to ii In an editorial in the current issue ol the weekly publication lhe provincial party also charged Ihat Premier Juan Le saxe supported Liberal Leader Pearson to assure himself the sympnlhy of American linan cinrs whose good olliccs he needs for another colossal loanr The editorial was titled Its Up to Van Now Mr Knnncdy ii criticized the Quchu press or no discussing the crucial pmbInmlhni or the depend nce the Liberal party on foreign pw 0R miles north cast Slayner SALE of registered and grade Guernsey cattle Holsteim high class arm machinery hay straw grain and some house hold effects Including new cheslerlicld and piano Terms castl no yewv0 the farm is sold Ioke Costs Months pm sharp HENRY HEJTINGA at 10 concession 13 Sunni daln Township mllc straight mm Sunnldale Camera on Highway 25 Claims US Ran Election T0110me CWTwo men AUCTION SALE Mopday April 22 cT EATON CQMQ JERRY FOQGHLIN Mckloneer LONDON CPrBritlsh news paper an sllll blassomlng 10th with profiles and edi turlal commenls on Liberal Leader Lester Pearson soon become Canadian prime mlnly tar The Manchesler Guardlnn In story by David Holden says that Pearson as prime minister will givemew helm Canadas civil service manyu whnse senior members know and trust him Ihey never ellher knew British Papers Praise Pearson PRODUCT OP IUER IACKSON TOIMCCO HMIHD Make Cmmm du MAURIER Areyoua KingSize cigarette smoker Then try du MAL CANADAS NEWEST iKlllNl© SEEZE MORE THAN EVER THE TREND TODAY TO Now smokers who prefer King Size cigarette can make the change to the Cigarette of Good Taste du MAURIER is now available in King Size as well as regular Enjoy the same highgrade aged Virginia tobacco that gives such satisfying flavour to regular size du MAURIER Canadas most popular filter cigarette and the exclusive Milletelsuper filter the most effective filter yet developedfor truly milder smoking pleasure plus full King Sizeai just penny more pack Make the change to the Cigarette of Good Taste now in King Size du MAURIER A5Iggrgatn awam11 WMMW wilhfinmmh nrlrllslcd Mr chrcnbakcr pmb lama are nut all of Dick bakers creallon but an In hcrcn lnpgnadns structure No doubt llllke wllh hls lnlnllcclunl honesty well aware that he can show he can denl wllh some of them he wlll have slruck sallslylnlz hlow or the rea sanahle mun lnpollllu says cnnvinccd Pearson 15 honest both IM Dunlap SI Ell CIGARETTE KMWTWwKWMWWwwWm Aw sum waManm lflTHE BARRY EXAMINER morally and Intellcctually as any pollticlun can ever hueand pussblyloo much so for own good as party leader Thu Dally Telegraph In an editorial says that with Pear son mfusionallsm returns In Panlament Hlll It adds that In Canada whcre pan chlnl Week has sometimes been the bane of pollucs ho is oulslnndingly cllizcn of the world But The Daily Telegraph like the Guardian sees Pearson con ronling platclul problems There are Hons In his palh 052 be 39de nanclhe 1055 that he will be spare PHONE PA 85983 WEDNESDAY APRIL 11 IN capllaus upposilion In Parlia ment Brillsh Iricnds Canada shuuld undarslnnd from Iha stall lhal Mrl Pcursun Is nut lhe man they usually lake him or HI publlc Image the thcerIul boyish cxlrovert In bow tie Is carlcalure of this lonely mysterious and one Influxed person quI hopes can and laugh Inner drive that make his future and Can adas incalculanc The Sunday Times publishel an nrlicle by Canadian newn pupcr man Bruce llulchlsan on Canadas snnrch for unity It ends

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