IBE BARRIEEXAIIIINER TUESDAY APRIL 10 135 School Rate Up 254Mi11s At Alliston TEEN TOWN DONATES $500 T0 YMCA Barrie Teen Town pre sident Don Arnold prmenis $500 bond as the ï¬rst oiiicial gilt to the YMCA which is seeking $475000 for its new building lund Accepting the Plight Desperate Of Laos Neutrals By TONY ESCODA VIENIIANE Laos AP Outnumbered neutrallst troops driven irom their last jungle road outposts held only the strategic Plaine des Jarres and one other garrison today Both were surrounded by proCom munist Pathet Lao iorces Pathet Lao troops routed neutralists Tuesday Irom Dong Danh and Ban Kosi their last outposts on the road linking the provincial capital at xieng Khouang and the Plain About 100 at Gen Kong Les retreating neutralists and three tanks made their way through Ihe jungle to the plain sources returning irom the crisis area said One oi Kong Los aides reported three neutrolists were GLASSCO OTTAWA CF Key rec ommendations in the tourth report oi the Giossco royal commission on government organization Reorganisation oi CBC management to set clearcut lines oi authority attain higher degree oi eiilciency and develop positive goals illgher salaries tor senior CBC oiiicials More aggressive CBC p0ll cies in advertising sales par ticularly the sale 01 cultural programs to prestige advert SCH integration by the delence department oi many service common to the navy army and air iorce but now being handled separately by each such as supply and construc tion Replacement oi servicemen by civilians in nontcombotont department iobs wherever possible to save probably $10000000 year increased executive powers tor the deputy dcience minis ter and the chairman oi tho chiefs oi stall committee Transicr oi passport work Irom the external aiinlrs tie partmcnt to the immigration drpartmcnt to achieve tighter control More bilingualism among external niinirs oiticcra mmt oi whom now speak only Bonitil Incrchscti hiring oi woman killed two were wounded and six are missing The withdrawal was the ï¬rst neutralist retreat since the col lapse oi shortlived ceasetire Sunday lt leit the bulk or Kong Les army trhpped on the hill locked plain sixtmllelong plateau 115 rnlles south oi Vien tiane Paihet Lao iorees looked Eoï¬vn irom the surrounding REBELS SURROUND The neutralist general still has another garrison at Pbon Savan town nine miles north east oi the Plain That too is reported surrounded by the Pa thct Lao Kong Le has about 5000 troops lie has estimated the strength oi the opposing Pathet REPORT university graduates tor ex ternal aitairs worlr Control oi the various tedA eral department oiiices abroad by the heads 01 ex ternal aliairs missions in the major iorelgn cities Withdrawal of the citizen ship depariments ladies at lairs branch irom indian work in the for north leaving the department oi northern ai iolrs in charge oi both Es kimo and lndian services there More local administration by northern ailairs otiicers in the north in place at central control irom Ottawa integration within the north ern aiinlra department oi many iedernl services in the north now being handled by wide variety oi departments and agencies Transtor oi the North ern Transportation Company which runs ircight servlco on the Mackenzie River from the trade department to northern siiirs Establishment oi high command to coordinate dc ienco engineering wiping out duplication nl ciiort Direction oi oi icdernl roe search activity to be handled by the president at the treas ury board new cabinet post proposed in previous report It national scirntliic ndvtt ory council to study national sclrntliic policy TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compier II P3 Flynn Dunlap iii IL Harris INDUITIIAL gilt on behall oi the is iiobert Harris special names chairman Lao forces In the area at 0000 The neutralist setbacks re newed tears that allout civil war may engult Laos again it was generally believed the Pa thct Laos goal is control oi the Plaine dcs Jarres which com mands major north south route Meanwhile radio charged that two battalions oi the army at rightwing Gen Phourni Nosavan were moving toward the plain to support the neutralists Bed China also called on the Soviet Union and Britain to help stabilise the Laotian crisis Ra dio Peking blamed the United States for renewed lighting Seek Inionnation Of Separatists QUEBEC tCPlChiei oi De tectlves Alma Guillemctte its closed Tuesday that city police have questioned about 15 pee sans here about activities oi the Front de Liberation Quebeeois separatist group that advo caics violence to gain its ends He said questioning by RCMP Quebec Provincial Po lice and city detectives con cerned mainly the destruction oi the Wells liionumcnt on the plains oi Abraham April No one was charged or classed as suspect ALLISTON Stall Although Banting Memorial High Schools new technical wing goes into lull operation next fall otter lng technical training in var lety oi skilLs to students oi this area needing additional lnstruo tors and plant operational costs the mill rate oi the district will jump only about 254 milLs next year This was indicated when re vised iigures lo the 1063 budget were released this week follow ing decisions reached April 10 by the Alliston District High School Board LEVY 101 MILLS The ma budget requires levy at 1911 mills on the total equal ized assessment oi $16713911 tor the district contributing to wards the 3560466 total need ed ior school maintenance and $45700 needed tor debenture payment Last years maintenance ex penditures were estimated at $45402802 but reached $480 46852 by the years and De henture paymean listed on the 1963 budget are $15050 higher than last year Thirteen municipalities share in the costs involved Alliston with an equalised assessment at 3115681107 is to pay 2135 per cent oi the debenture levy and 2150 per cent oi the mainten ance levy tor total of $63 80261 Beetle with an equal ized assessment oi 87116357 pays 470 and 475 per cent tor Iatal oi $1517083 For Colts town irom 3620090 571 and 374 per cent at the cost comes to 111051N Ntenham has an equalized assessment at $113 207 with 429 and 434 per cent giving total levy oi $13064 TOWNSHIP PAYMENTS Townships include Adjala with partial equalized assessment oi $1001042 pays 1137 and 1119 per cent tor total at $21560555 Albion partial equal ised assessment oi $173007 104 and 105 per cent ior 3335068 Essa Township with partial equalised assessment at 01 371662 will pay 1191 and 1406 per cent at the cost 8448020 innisiil Township now includ edln the Barrie school area still has debenture payments go ing to the Alliston District High School Board From partial equalized assessment oi 3171 211 the townships 101 per cent share amounts to 346087 WEATHER Forecast Forecasts issued by the Tor onto weather oliice at 11 am Synopsis iiinlst air was spreading rapidly northeast word across southern Ontario accompanied by frequent show ers and are thunder storms complex disturbance lies to the west oi the Great Lakes Its result the showers and thunderstorms will continue most oi today and tonight over the province while some scai Iercd showers can be expected over the north country The shuwery weather will end later Thursday over most at the prov lnce as drier cooler air spreads eastward Over Northern 0n tario on Thursday the air will be cool enough that there may be some snowllurrics Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Algomn regions London Windsor llam ilton Cloudy with showers and scattered Ihlttltlcrsinrms curling Thursday in Iartlai clearing Thu sdny niternoon and evening Turning cooler Thursday morning Winds soutlr erly 15 shitting Thursday morn ing to northwest 20 Toronto Cloudy with showers and scnltomi ending Th niicrnoon lartlnl clearing Thursday oven lag Turning cooler Thursday nitsmoon Winds southerly ll shitting Thursday sltcrnoon to northwest 20 Loire Ontario Iinlliiurton Georgian tiny iimagnmi rs glons North Tiny sudburyi Cloudy with showers and scale thunderstva Northern White iilver re gions Cloudy with showers changing later today to snow ilurrics Thursday partly cloudy with low snowilurrlcs ittrn ing much colder later today Winds southerly 15 shitting later today to northerly 20 Thursday northwest 15 Western James Bay region Cloudy with snowilurries to day Thursday partly cloudy with low snowiiurries Much colder Winds northerly 20 to day Thursday northwest 15 Forecast Temperatures Low tonight Iiigh Thunday Windsor 00 St Thomas 50 011an 55 Kitchener 55 Mount Forest 55 Wingham 55 Hamilton 00 Si Catharine 50 Tomato ieterborough 511 Trenton lilllnloe so hiuslrolrn 10 North liay 45 Stitlliury 45 ICIJrlton 45 Kapustnsing 40 White iilver 40 Moosonco 10 Sault Ste Mario 4ft Timrnlns 40 Mono Township on partial equalised messment of $2171 000 Pays 124 and 115 per cent or 0401059 and Mulmurr share from $543049 comes to I15 and 129 per cent or 010 48901 HIGHER SHARE Tecumseth Township contri but higher share than Allis too its equalised assessment is 43070955 211711 and 2401 per cent or levy oi $7065201 Tossorontlo Township has an equalised assessment at $1590 307 056 and 07 percentages and total levy oi molest wlrlla West Gwlliimbury with partial equalized assmrneht oi $120960 pays 711 and 70 per cent or $250941 1th adds up to total tax levy oi $110750 tor the 11 mun icipalities or both maintenance and debenture costs Mainten anee tax levies total $274000 and debenture $45700 By next September about six extra teachers will be needed in addition to the present 40 This as well as revision in the teachers salary scale brought the estimated instruc tion cosLs tor1501 up to $300000 irom last years $41000 T0 $20000 instructional supplies includs lng library texts science art gym needs are doubled with the new wing to consider They jumped irom 510000 in last years estimates to $20000 in 1963 The same holds true in plant operation costs These cover everything irom caretakers salaries iuei water hydro to garbage collection This is peg ged at $41000 this year up irom 822500 in 1961 Transportation costs are ex peeled to rise too 393300 Ls being set aside tor contracts in 1961 while last years estimate was $06720 Other categories included in the maintenance expenditures are administration tsecretaries salaries oiiice supplies etc $20000 plant maintenance $5500 auxiliary services tpriz cs recreational supplies etc 01650 tees to other boards $5200 capital outlays irom cur rent iundS $5000 extraneous paymean night school cale terla etcl $2500 interest on bank loans 50000 and deitcrt $3931060 Maintenance revenue in addi tion to the 4214000 tax levy eludes $18442505 irom prova ciai grants Other income add ing up to the $56946066 total includes 31200 in ices Irom other boards revenue irom sup piles sold $37405 and deiieit carried over $2040660 DEATHS Hy 111E CANADIAN Pill88 ParisPrince Abdul Aziz ch Snud Ben DJalalat cousin at King Saud oi Saudi Arabia at shooting New YorkSir Lcslle Ilum mcr 01 British Labor party member oi Inrllnmcnt let up iord QuebecAbbe Adrien Gagne so author at chemistry text used in most oi Quebecs French language high schools and classical colleges Montreal Mmc inul La coste 81 widow oi the late Paul Lacoste and mother oi More lacostc ngreutveOonscrvs ilvo candidate in the April Iederni election tor Outrcmont St Jean Louisville Kylinyd Martin 75 dean at American motion picture critics oi cancer TorontoJoseph Ander a1 iormer honorary Swedish consul tor Ontario and ioundcr ltIltI president oi Alias Iolnr Company Limited machinery Importers and distributors its tax share is START our on tour WALK its long walk to Hamilton but Greg Welsh Barrie 1211 and Rieir Ailrmsn Hamilton started out this morning to make the Journey on foot The youths could not say whether they would malts it but they were full at en thusiasm The Journey started irom Bayitcld street at 10 am Alliston Tax Rates Are Boosted Sharply ALLISTON tSiaiil Even at tcr cutting and paring protected expenses to the bone town coun cil had to set the 1m tax rate iive mills shove last years on residential and six mills higher on commercial property Budget preparations were iinished at committee at the whole session iallowing Monday nights coun cil meeting The residential rate ior 1061 is 4040 mills commercial 45 milk This compares with 3575 residential in 1061 and 1913 mills or commercial property TOTAL Total amount to be raised this year by taxes is $11871051 This includes 700031 tor county levy 31110056 general levy $434959 arena debenture $6100075 Ior public school lev $1413807 ior public school henture $5909171 high school levy $976003 high school de benture 5161471 public library levy 5110556 Centre Street sewer $575090 sewage ls goons $60835 Maple Lane Not included in this total is the separate school mill rate still to come it is set by the separate school board increased maintenance and operational costs tor the en larged Banting Memorial High School wero reflected in boost in Allistans share at payments due This years high school levy and debenturo totals 91 mills residential and 1091 mliLs commercial Last years rate was 015 mills tor both re sidential and commercial Announce Engagement NASSAU Bahamas Ci The engagement oi Loretta Anne iioblnsoa 01 London Eng land and Edward Samuel Rotten at Toronto was an nounccd Monday Miss liobinson Is the daughter at Sir ltolond iioblnsoa mem ber oi the British lariiamcnt ior Blackpool and Lady ilobin son For 1061 the total high school rate to be raised by taxes in Itlllston immediate residential and $2287439 commercial for the levy and $597887 resi dential and $170796 commer cial tor the debenture GENERAL LEVY Another boost comes in the general levy this year set at 81 mills residential and 1291 commercial in 1961 it was 1126 and 1030 mills Provisions were needed ior un avoidable expenses toreseen in the months ahead one at the more urgent protects hanging over councils head start on the new town hall Extramoney Ls also needed to pay the salary oi the town foreman an additional munici pai employee hired April The public school debenture rate is down noticeablyirom 9116 mills residential and 1095 mills commercial last year to 216 and 240 mills this year At the same time the pub lic school levy goes up irom 190 mills residential and 110 commercial to 955 and 1060 milb this year No slgniilcant change occurs in sewage taxes with only low decimal points separating last years mill rate irom the 1061 totals Special Bucilla Knitting Reg 139 401 Skoin Worsted 119 One oiIhe most popular knitting yarns Bucliia linltting Worsted oi 10071 virgin wool is suitable tor every type at knitting ounce skelns Permanently mothprooied Com pletely washable Wide range at shades LAURENCE SEWING AND KNITTING CENTRE 110 Duniop 51 II ihono PA to STORAGE WAYS FUR COATS RrIrIKIrIIM IInlIll stand Individually your Isir dun Iitnlrrlurn on Asbulos rr Iihnlht 4w aisnm smr sin Alumlnlunl 21 Iloirt ru AlliIII ll II III Ill Ispel Arms roe Ipw Ar in At so slut the at out llsnl DI NI lIlll TII Iluttltsn II iii no 4rlnlmpltllfom FA aman Iiemlv ny mr Min Itm on re wr Dom ml lug pom rnuna Ilom ntnm Iit Monlnll 1m It on Nnrs rm Nnr out Ntt rt 111W torp Mrill rm Isclile lclo Iem rm rsn Iinsvv us Nsi till loyal Dsnl sums rwxr Flownno Alisll ansInIrn In oi tr nrllum nm In tercd thunderstorms beginning this nttornoon and coding Thursday Turning router Thursday rvrnlrtg Winds southerly iii shitting Thursday evening to northwest 10 forhrsuo Wnlts lliver regions Cloudy with olluwors hanging overnight to snnwtlurilrs Thursday partly cloudy with law snowilurrlrs Turmng much colder tonighL Wintia nouthorl in shitting overnight to mother to Thurs dny northwest 15 my then vurnsilv at our in ma minimum plus DO NOT PAY UNTIL FALL CLOTH COATS oo nor PAY urmiL FALL All WEARING APPAREL EXCEPiING runs Iinx Storage Csll iur or he deliver large carton hos Flll Ii tip with roais dresses snonsulll Iwclltrss hlsnluts rte in then ailirt It until tall tor not bus Maximum valuation 815000 plus dry cleaning rharge DO NOT PAY UNTIL FALL WRIGHT ClEANERS ITD tit DUNLOP ST PA 8553l FIGHT CANCER with checkup and cheque Itsnts and run their Aldllviey linml oil turn my Mitt Imp runmo im on Arrrpt Inland mi IntV Mm Inter iltltlllu Intmm IIp Jorlry Club isnut tavr Lucimi is lenlih Get Acquainted WITH THE SERVICE re like In imp it on personal hauls st VIAU MOTORS II Tull AI III tr01ml New lime Icon ro ms can tumour ra use If rel is 10 out win rum rlmpottnll rm no Alrnm IVsII II Flu Hut Iinlllfl III II Ilalop IMIlllll It luau on Must SOMETHING NEW HAS BEEN ADDED uuuum uremia at Mill IIMIIII 1W Willsny Hrale II out ya Amvn nrorns ltmmtu 11 mm Dom arm urun Iernty stul or en amt rum Inn Annuals Mimi own soc runs down 11 tritium down 0s man not ItrnlNHl Hill moon mmunpwummmmusp Milt slunhttifl ms ll ammonium ANOTHER rose GUARANTEED SANITQXTRE MQIHPRODFING CANADIAN OANOIR IOOIIW