Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1963, p. 19

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ARTICLESFOR SALE HOME IMPROVEMENT GARAGES AND ADDITIONS Ii you are planning on building garage or adding an addition or renovating your home see Bill Ball of BEAVERS CON TRACT DlVISloN where QUALITY and DEPENDABIL 110 are must BEAVER LUMBER 121 Bradford St PA L55 noose PETS CHIHUAHUA Mlle PHI or hall motlute old purebred Telephnn PA Hm tor limiter detain FRUIT Bl VEGETABLES APPLE BARN NEW LOCATION In Palnstvick at the GRANGE HALL BRING OWN CONTAINERS lilclntoshes Cortlands Spya FLOWERS PLANTS OLADIOLI BULBS laru II mixed colors 15 911 IDII szn per 10017 Valley Gerdenl GLllord hit OAL onNAhIzNTAL Titre and coin plelo nverxreen planilnls it It army Tree rams Iliuhwdy one mile wuth at llarrie Tele phone PA Mus or PA Ham FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid or dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For fast service PHONE BARRIE PA 61282 Collect or ask or NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 94130 No CHARGE at noun day7 day week RR Foxmead Ontario License No 172062 Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Hentty Farm Equipmehi I76 BURTON AVE PA B4373 CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Farm dairy and barn equipment Barrie Holly Hwy 27 PA 80338 MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING MASSEY IlAnnla iioiid drill new lean Set or heavy douhla lumen Iluhber illed wuon In new condition Telephena MAJ Cookilown FEED SEED GRAIN VEA DICK MILLING C0 CUSTOM GRINDING AND itiiliNG Dan the arm with our mobile teed mill OOr ill our statJonitiy mill at Strmiti IWo carry complete line prepared foods concentrates to ALSO IN TEREST IIlEE FEED CON IRACIS PIIONE STROUD 52 APPROXIMATELY TOO llay And Straw tor nil phonl all ailzlil rAAtunr Tyne Treloil sud tor in CI tood Irrnilii alloii prtrrnlllr Im my turlhrr lniormotlim apply laui llrrtiain ziinvrlo 120R 1t ntlallhu nr Cluvrr Seed thinlied Ind rrlultrd in per huihol Qtlrnllly ill llminey 5nd hmth Telephone L5H Coo itown ORDER VOLit cloyrrr re on More luiliirr orlli arise and Ill your rain and rilllb eri helm the ini endtnt Mdinl iarn 0m ind rrlry ayillahi on rdnua Ininirdtle AHVIKI on rtlatom in Jmne Ivy Onta at Tilt LIVESTEK AHEIIDEIINANGUS CALVLS FOR SALE nalh Alton nnii htiltll rullnhla Ior All Club MCIHIKY mmpcti lion MK and lioll ilnricll All No iiiurninn Ontario told phone ivy mm FEE AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 007 Goon DEAL AND GOOD DIIAli MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS ltl iimtltoril Si lA lilili7l lN LOVE WITH CHIIIAIN NEW CAR Day II IIlw with Iowml in lnonul lIA IIlANlAIAN ntl HANK or NOVA OTIA in ijtii iiall it AIIHIN incvi Mom on tin or INIIhH Intvtmlllnn prom non PA or Mttln mm llmt nut mnlnl NW ltiu lull Ul Rownnbio Tlioptionv IHVV RA AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Ilia curviloert iwo door can load tires and motor very lran car nod body low mileua Tele Dhnne PA MISS TBSI PLYMOUTH our door aubtm ban blue and whlta with match lnl Interior down and Pfir month Toleplionl PA rumor Sedan erl transportation Idul Iceland or SIT5 or bear otter Call PA 65810 liter 1m maNntNAc two door do Iulle Ono nwnn cu Silver my with contrlluall Interior deer tread tlru us down and um Der month Tellphonu PA PM TBS MERCURY Meteor two door cnlnr DIIII with lull Low hall in mum condition Can he ammo Telephone PA elm III pm wnllzithu Mercury ibullltln Tim radl ra etc All parts um ephonc PA Milo LATE MP SlIlIon Wllon two wheel drive out runninx condition 9145 Telephone PA 106 or apply 13 Shirley Avenue alter pm DODGE LIX cylinder our door dark blue custom radio direction rlrnalr Runnable Tel ephono PA um or apply 61 Drury Lane mini utter mm its Mullen tor tale tour door rlatlon wllim cylinder itann aid ehlit very clean inside and out For more tniorniatton rail Bill at PA 55501 alter pm Tm VALVXIIALL Vici tustom rdio windshield wanhen men 11m Includinl Allows Allah white with maroon interior vud Telephonu allel SD Pdntiu IDS IS Meir batterin Tel mnltd ear p111 PA um Nun cAil iNemtAchr Bil eav inu prelrmfl drivera WI lnallro my driver Ntardleaa III or ctrcllmlllncu IIIII cover all Bentley lo 64 ii Collier St PA 66561 CHEVROLET Siltlon Waron Va auwmetic excellent condi tion hood tlrei windehieid wa en Take over pamenti Trlo phone PA one or lurther lnA fonmtllm hnLlAnLE CAM at renonahle prices 1951 Fold and ilteleor i955 VI Chevrolet list Monmh 195a Meteor not Pond tilon Pickup Sprhulr superteil one mile south ot Thornton luxhway 27 Telephone Ivy ilrlll 1959 CHEVROLET tour door he dan in coral end while with con trutinl interior iuteniaill trann mission custom radio deep tread tirei oil owner clr low low price ot elm 105 down Trim phone PA nous ram lvro door hlacil and while withcontnstinl interior lutomlllt transmission cilalulll radio niety padded dash and Visor all now white wall llru new condition in down and um per mnntn Telephone PA 035 MOBILE HOMES WANTED To null llntlae Tr it to in text healed hy Prapa Apply to lion linrie Examiner GLEN ROYAL Motili Itonie 10 In excellent condition corn pitler lurnlxhed lame living room modern kitchen with eye level oven Illlster bedroom with ticlcnl rtorarc bvlece hath eonhie Telephona PA Mm CARS WANTED TO BUY cAaii ron your car Lieu aid oil We trade up or down an dale itntorr baa ltoali hirria PA eailil TRUCKS 8r TRAILERS im iTliN lireyy duty with It Toot ilnck rack Telephone era tutti cAer Tuttnt In liwi rondlllon Iilon GMC smill Weaver Air Compressor Trlr pho PA 09506 iiiz mow roan llritup or will mp for new or urtd linrii luiii her Telephone Siroud itllii alter Hi you im voLItathliliN pickup Good rondlllon motor iutt nveiiiiuled Telephone PA tam or any tur ther Inlomallan PERSONALS Ah llUlTAn nqutrid im II lrnup rel Kidd lia Cumberl Sinll or telephone PA Iaui any lim Tim mm no you wont ynur loriunn lulu Ivy ravdr1 ll Ml telephone lA lotto nyune or Wlnlmtll nzAIJn IIIOP Coldan etc by rrtiilrd hairdie your own home or no llII up heroin PA not or PA in liAltlllI hunt notnomi orlaiion Are you lnlenaudl ll lend Box III unit will be round vanwn Illneaalnl Mi IIuthy II II III HIIM Ill Janu in hunt DJ oil until iiotiu lloihl xv Alto rnrrnoi Ilrnt rranA Hunn nod aunt Ti all sTotIJMN llIIAIIN IIAIIIU ASINO Governmtnt Chnrtrlrd Sthonl Thorough Irnlnlnit in all bran tiiii oi homily culture DEIIWIN iIAIIIDIll155lNO SCHOOL I1 WOIIS IY 5T tosra rouitli Flfil if MullI lidIv unite and rlmi llyiit limit in rlar vIaIilv MINI ini relintone rA lllIl WAIIRT It Illlel ital ll ryiniriin nhnp aml wlltui lnt Iltllvl KIIIIII Turnlinno IA arm lo HELP women MALE Hiri lln iii Innhl Ir Arrlv Salt Ill PA 3m and Mill Ia Flint34 ei nlih unit Inuit milM IMIIIII win Innledl ei rill tumml ile IIVIOII Iiiii nit mmilrl ron mlnllil nnlllnn owl AWI rum in III iiini rm Will roll Ul Htl Bill 75 tlblLahefl wltdmen TO HELP WANTED MALE HELP TAMI HELP Ilurt he MIN rd mllkrr Ind tractorr operator For work on modern dairy tam wlihld ellht mun Harrie VIII BOX Barrie lxlmlnlr MAN on mum to rappiy ed with onion notionliy IdVerthed within pro ducts No inrerlneoi zomlnri or us and up may omen hill or wound will limo 50 st ltnrh Strut itonlmi ii Quebec WANm hilly pcrlenned mo tlrral met and it layout nun steady employment Ton wriei Uruai lrlan Mnadu Apply Po llelr mo Bflcahfldll or Apply in penal tn araeehrliln litnu tctunnr Ltd Braeahridu IA raMAN wANnn by laru bakery RQU In your ownhuid writtlll rimIll dxperienca my an marital Itatlu eduutiwn In any other applicable InlnrmltIolL WI an Intrmted in clean tilt enrrreui man who in willinl to work lie 55 Blrrlo Exlrriiner FEMALE HELP FUTURE FOR YOU INSELLING To service and sell newspaper classified advertising This in temiing position entails per sonal contact with lacal busi ness inns of all types Prfleience will be shown to applicanLt with typing and chantieura licence This is challenging position with com slderable opportunity or ad vuneemept Please include your phone number APPLY IN WRITING To Advertising Manager BARBIE EXAMINER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Young lady experienced on Burroughs Sensimatlc machine or one inltrested in learning required tor local establish ment Write giving briei resume ol age experience reieranm and salary expected to BOX 53 BAILIUE EXAMINER woitAN FDR General nerlaunnt Work are 2i or over Telephonil Strolld ullll urrlcs cumir wanted to do typ lnr lilan ind rliinl Abstainer 503 appulnlment tllwlanna PA nAnV stmlr minimum ago It in the vicinity welunmn clap perton or Owen st Illurt he reli lhle with references Writ Box as BIITII Examiner WArrnzaars WANTED tor ahltt work Pull and partunto aluat he hut experienced phlrntd Ap ly ROY km Rellauranti Ii Dun 09 street WeaL WOMAN tor lenrrll homework Four school an children Live In Middle an nrelerred Telephone Aillitiin llE 51lt or Alllilon III Moll tor my mum inlemiatlan rALhaLAnIra Wanted to dlelrib uta toad ruhplament product In the nmio am Fan or roll time Car desired but not cuenlIlI At ply Box in Crumore llOLiflKEIIER or elderly urn mint Dutiea preparation ol menu and lltht houiekrrping Laundry rent out Cieanlnl worth an employed clore to downtown Will poll 52 Iimie Lilminer azxrzhirNcnn houiekoeper re quired by elderly cuuvll In llu in Chnzrnlai home Good Rmun eration Apply with retenneee to John hinl it Ililh sirat PA mm WAITRESS WANTED Iluat ya all or lwll yuri rutltlrlfll or dining room rxperiener run or nutlimo employment Evening wall only Apply in pouch to nunlon stml not so Chow Lem or call will no on toi Kenny Mm SALES HELP AGENTS SALESMAN Wanted to cover retail and institutional cod trade Car supplied it necessary Salary and expenses dur ing training period Vrito Box No 40 Darrin Examln er MALE FEMALE EXPLITKNCID heal man re ulnd Illier well data lliiled otllca In Ila Writ nor In llarrle lllmimr EMPLOYMENT WANTED lilianANIl AND wtrl will do on Ir mt itnn clunlni Tilphone 00907 Allll MAN wriite MI by me on dolly hr mired in In ninle Willa Ital II illriie laminar For Want Ad Service Dial PA 24M EtidAfNOIICEE NOTICE TO CREDITORS All hmtm htvlnit rlilma AlIflIlLll It ESTATE OF LUEII ItA KNIIIISIIAW IIII oi the Villa nt tonItAiown in II County at Sllnme Spinal lm tiled on tile IIII liay oi Frliluary 1961 iiiliri lnrwntd mine In lilo liiliiclilwmi on or lKItlTl III Milt ilay lll April lml AIlrr aliiiit illit the at ula will It iiiriililwrl Anvmdti lilo pMIIM milkll thereto mi Llll rrmllma will not in Ilniilo in Any permit riI hiltlo rinlin liry rhnii ml men have mill DATED at liutle Ontario III III tiny AMII AI IBM IIOTH SEAGIIAM ANII DWI7 ii 0er Flint llortie Mule Prim Eilecilve April 11 ll ii at HEARTY ENERGY FOOD NO GRADE NEW BRUNSWICK POTATOES 25 lb Bag PRODUCE 0F USA N0 GRADE CAULIFLOWE Heads PRODUCE or USA N0 GRADE Held 29 PRODUCE 0F USA N0 ERNIE Crisp lo Fresh lETTUCE Sails CARROTS Snow While each Cello Bel OFFERS no BIG SAVINGS DURING 69 29c 29c WEEKEND SPECIALS Ar mesa MARKETS ONLY IGA ROYAL GUEST BREAD 35 GA ROYAL GOLD FIRST GRADE OZ LOAVES BUTTER ILI lllINi 53 REGULAR OR CHUBBIE KLEENEX 2m2r IGA BEEF STEW TOMATO OII VEGETABLE AYLMER SOUP or Till In lilu 50c 50c nonlN lloon loucn PACK VINll Iol rim CAKE MIXES WCCEES BUIER WHITE PASTE WAX iGA litAOlC LIQUID DETERGENT GLHEM Tc RFHCIAL TOOTHPASTE ll Iln Nair Ilu GIIIII tiltA Tuba BONELESS PORK SHOULDER ROAST CHRISTIES IGA FOODLINER 50c 50c 50c 50c Ii ESSA ROAD MARKET SO IGA FOODLINER WORSLEY MULCASTER YOUNGS iOA MARKET STROUD ONTARIO STOKELYS FANCY TOMATO JUNE YORK CREAM STYLE NCY CORN RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY AYiMER JAM soc QUAKER CER Al Zines50¢ IlWilN lit COUPON ON PURCHASE OF CHASE SANBDRN INSTANT TOFFEE ii OR OZ IGA POTATO CHIPS 50¢ 50¢ 45 DZ TINS i5 01 NS WIIN IDDlD IIIIIM 2t 01 HR i7 01 PKG i6 01 PKG CHEESE SLICES REG OR PINK LEMONIIDE FRESH OVEN READY WITH DRESSING 3cBONElESS PORK BUTT ROAST TASTY WELL TRIMMED FRESH PORK BUTT CHOPS FROZEN SUNKIST OZ TIN5 43 49° TABLIRITI VACUUM SIALDD SLICID COOKEDMEATS Dim IIIII emollirwlz 50° lItIt ivl SIRVI THI RIQHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES

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