Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1963, p. 14

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Turnlnyl llrmlll lurw mh lnrhumll IIHndvlphlu Mllwnukrn IHldmrgh FL limit Clllmgn 1m AnnIn llmnhm Mn lunrluo Thunduyl mva JIlrhulnluhln nl llllnuqu IIlhmuh ll AMI INI lvun Flnuckm Mllwmlur lulxlmruh lhllmlrHlllfl Inmn IIknm hm ugrlrn lnrllmnll Ilnmlnn Nrw Vulk Tlluduyn PHI Dvlmll New ml Ln Augrhx Minimum 11 unnm uy hiuuzu Hullimmu Hnulun Wmhlnuluu valnnd Todayl lmmhltl Illcherl Drlxml Munl IHJI nl Ntw York Irrry IZDL Im Aiuzohu tom nr unlimky mu Mlnnvwlu mm on Ilnlllmull Hnrhrr IHI nl mum mnm not Vnhllmluu hrIuy um nl lrvchme Drumvnn mu nnxy unmu slllnlulml Thuudlyl mm 1m mm Mllmrmln Knmun ny mum me mm ulmlnlnll NW urk deil Kmuns Ity Ihllllmurc now Thulnnd hlcnun Lnx Amid VIMIliIIuIHn Minnow WILL IT HARDER VANCOUVER CPlThe nll Japan rugby loam will lake back hardcrhitling style ol play lrurn lheir livegame gond wlll our of Brilish Columbla That was the change they had to make 11 BL and they did ll cllccllvely enough In win lnur at he gnmcsl Rugby in Japan has been on lhe ant side said Shigia Kenna Ihe leams nssisl and manager and spokesman iusl below farewell banquet masdny nighll In order In wln he ball you have lo keep can slanlly in lronl billing hard und dxlving in BARGAINS HARD MONTREAL CF Jlm nlmble coach Mnnlrcul Al oucllcs spent halfhour Tucs day Ihe bargnlning luhln wilh unslgncd fullback Gnome Dixon namcd the uulslunuinx lanlball player in Canada last season Na cnnlracl was signed but bolh lndicalld the negolin linns are gaing smuolllly We had pleasant chnl and lhlnk wn should linullze rcnl soon mid Trimblc Said Dixon the tale vnrc going lhnru shouldnt ho any problems LOOK FOR MnNEV LETHHIIIDGE CPIA cam pnign is undLr way here In rmsu $1000 to scnd lhn Lem hriduc Nalinnuls lo the world hnskrlball lnumamcnl in Ilrazil Muy Slighlly more than 50 By CANADIAN llllZSS The Bank of Monlreal Tm phy is prmnled lo the squad taking first place in the Allis an Mens Curling Club Tues dayFriday League Fram left to right Juhn Taylor Bill ALLISTON MENS TROPHY WINNERS The TomuleomlnInn Bunk Trophy wns pmscnmi In the Allislon Mens Curling Club team finishing first in be BASEBALL RECORDS Amtrlwn lrnxuc Id Gm SCISSORED SPORT lrl GI Hm 17 1141 Mi llllly Smllh 1m mm III lull nwrn dNhIUnV nl lluflnln In IMI nlcer up nhm Iw MI nu wlllu ulnnllnn laurhlurr Inr Mlle llmk In llw Tmnlml lrlury um llndmlrr Indianapolis Ihe um mm enIry llml mu Amulrnn mlmlun rhnmulonl mum Ill lluflnln ulrhrn lnr ll hlll Hullnlo 1mm lixl nume dmvo In our mnl ullh lhm mum Jnthuunvlllrn vlrrnn Tnny Wmhmnlun Mm hmlut lxll nun nul ha Inllrlxl In lnur um um lunn nl hnl Imhrd llnu Mu In In Inning In xlm Iltlrmluw rhmnplnu Jurka Illr II mmzln over Tnmnln IIMUIIHHIHK mmr run hy Muddy Hnlkcr rnnhlcd Hm Rum In rl llle llvlllllu Into lhmv Jm Munumn plnchllll AIIIKII In Hm Inn If nlmh Irlhrml plndrnmnrr Lnn Vlckrry wllh Mlnnlnl ulnnlnu run ngnlnnt Hyrmusr Ilnuklr qul hum II Mghly rrunnltd Mull unn hnml dmve In lha lml fvnrkrr lun th Imnlr and III Irimn uprnrvl he nlmh IMN WWII Vrlrmnv plnyfll mnjur ruin llue ohm lemme In lho ml norn begun mummy Tnnmn nrmlnu he Saulhrrn llrr Nurrd II nwmu nr Um um srl gnmu ansdny mum MINI Mlnnln shndml Syrnruso 1I Jnrksanvlllu cduul Tnmnto In Innlnxl Mule 11an llmpnl Nnrlxulvr 42 Imllnnnp all whlmlrll nullnln n6 nml Columbus hm Illthmuml 91 Opcnim nlxhl doc nut mn make but lnlflnnllonnl League ha ll lnnuzuml may Xnditnlo lllnl In of Hm rcflrkunlml circuilx almlxlh nslrlu In Hm Southern Div slum SIGN TUCKER OTTAWA CWSignan far ha 196 scnwn 21yearold hnlflyack Vhit hxrkcr rookie award winner at Ins Year was nnnnunml Tucsduy by Olluwa Rough mam lhe Eastern 0me Cnnrcrcncc came lo Hider In 1062 mm nu Unlvnrsily at Western 0n mrio Muslnngs fly Tl AKSOCMTED PRESS GET SENDOFF TORONTO CWA crowd about 150 persuns gathered at Mullen Airport Tuesday to wave all Canadas PanAmor lcan Games loam as It left for Hie Games in Sao Paulo Brazil One hundred and alhlclcs and oflicials bearded he Ilium Analhcr 33 nu oilhcr an lhcir way or wll soon follow per cent or he money has been raised in lhe campaign spon sored by lhe Lelhbridge llernld Unless the $3000 is realized the learn may not go to the world tournament in Rio de Janelro allowing Ihe Pan American Gnmes at San Paulo Braell April 20 to May Wle BIG PROVIDENCE ILL AP Royal llolmes 39 of Jewell Clly Cnnn was ldenlilied Tuesday as the holder of win double licks wonli $4761 at Lincoln Downs The lnlcrnal Revenue service in Providence snld Holmes cable checker In Jewell City cashed his ticket Ilinnday night end picked up hls winnings Southern Division Sweeps First Set Wesllnke Leon De Lara and Keith MCRHEI The second trophy mm the Carling people goes Ia lhe people fin ishing the player in first place Monday Wednesday League Curlers from In r1811 are Wally Russ Elmer Hawkins Jackwilsan and Jim Fuss Aguirre had we hils last year one againal the Yanks Hnl Rtnifl when he halted leIlhnndcd fur the Island In limcl Twn lays lam lhc Yanks soul will to the ml nors got so ted wnlcl Inn the Mn score forgot he snid Aclually he 05 rack or lhc hall nflcr the lhrow and decided In scnmpcr back to lirsl 111mm my sccnnd hit off Vhiloy Ford The olhcr was In mo really hit him good You can draw your nun conclusions gulrre rt marked nl lhu lime The criliclsm was mnlaincd In statement issued by Allard excculive vicepresi ram follow asde the T1 gcrs pilchcn who mnl Ihe mule In 72 victory over New York Yankees Hunk Aguirre smiled as he alde he was mcs day He had just broken hil lcss string that slrclchcd back In last Aug 23 and Imd sent his lifetime average soaring to 1157 The hit was minnmw sized swinging hunt Ihnl Iravcllcd about 10 feel But he bases wan landed and thrné runs scorrd when Clem Bayer Ihruw tho ball wildlr past first Why din you Slop OHAWA CHThe indef lnile suspension by lhc CanaA dinn Amateur Hackcy Associa tion of he rights lwu Saskatchewan sporiscaslcrs to bruadcast CAHA games was criticized Nosday by the Cann dinn Association Broadcast ETSi HANK HGUIRRE HEAVY HITTER By JACK AND NEW YORK MP Nine him in nine years Not bad hitting 1900 He said he stn cd In broad cast that the CAHA in my opinion should have exercised ll responsibility in ublninlng rendin admit criticizing the officiating at he three games in Edmonion pnrlic uiariy the first two Nuns nm ussr Weslbcrg sald mesday that never made such stale men and can pruduce wll messes who heard the broadcast that will verify this Art Puller of Edmonum CAHA president suspended Westherg nnd annnuncgr Ken Newans radio slnllon CHAB In Moose Jaw 1mm further CAHA game broadcasts lnllnw lng reports of games between Oil Kings and Estevan Bruins The slalemenl about theOu Kings and criticism of rcieree ing were given by Potter as rpason for Veslbcrga suspen sum Suspension Sportsoasters Criticized By Association YORKTON Snsk CE Llnus Weslherg sports dlreclnr of CKOSTV win was suspended Monday mm brnndcnsflng Ca nadian Amateur Hockey Asso cinflnn gnmcs denied Tuesdny that he called the Edmonton 011 King hunch butchers in braadcast Sports Mdfi Westberg Denies CAIIA Charges It is difficult therefore lo see just what nulhurily anyone nlher man the two brundeusllng slulinns possesses ll would we believe he most unforlunnle development if any loss ol the righLlo report events and la comment freely on them as long as these mmmans are wilhln the law the land was In My way curhlllcd or even lhrealencd by anyone We do nut see lhat Mr Pol ter however well lntcnlioncd is In my position to suspcnd lhcse fundamental rights Mon aver the lwn gentlemen named In his statement are employees broadenstlng slallonsnat Ihe CAHA rm sail or broadcast privileges in the Junior hockey game in Edmon on Saturday by continuously and severely criticizing otficiais hereby giving an erroneous picture of the game as played Mr Allords statement In our view any reporter has the right and the duty to report some as he sees It and any commentator whether acting for newspaper to broadcasb ing slnlion or as an individual citizen has the right to com ment Keely on any public spec Iacle us he sees it The two broadcasters are Ken Newnns of radio station CHAD in Moose Jaw nndunus Wash berg at CKOSJV In Yorktan Potter said In statement Hunt the suspensions were bmu mpropcr use dent following the suspension ordered Monday by Art Potter Edmonton CAHA president These comments were made during betwen periods inter mission and also mentioned these comment in report sent back to my station made these mmmcnis on no more lhun our occasion and did no continuoust hammer ni lhe reiereq urlie CAHIL These comments were based on my opinion spartscaster suggested that it wauld be fbetter Ear all cnncerned If the CAHA would use its responsiblh ity tn select new releree or the remnlnlng game tn this at tics Westberg said he mentioned that allhnugh he CAHA had done gaad thing fnr hockey he nssocialiun fell down on the jab by nut doing their most In selling the has referee possihle or this scrles slaled that he relaxea in my aplnlun dldvnol have the experience to handle very 1m parlnmjsefles of fills nature the Alberta Saskatchewan junlur playoffs Inward the Me morial Cup no lime repeat no time did call the Edmonton team bunch of butcher the service of the bestnlllclala 9055an carry ernrylhlnz or lhc campur nl THE MANS SHOP BARRIE GOVT SURPLUS 25 Dunlnn PA L062 SEE THE mu WOODS TENTS 10 OFF ON ALL TENTS unommn NOW NEW I45 BRADFORD STREET Shaver said If an Intervlew nzesday lhnk bmadcasung priv flege for sports evenk are the same time said Shaver the Incident points up the need 01 paid commis sioner or the CARA who is able to devnte full time to en fnrclng regulations and maln mnlng the standards at amck allng Mr Potter an official of the Northern Alberta Dairy Pool At Edmonlon sporlscnsler Al Shaver 0LCFRN said he feels Pym did the right 11an coverlng this series and stand by mam DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD GMGEIBKUPS KEEP WORKING These rugged lvamorsrare rongar than averye lighlor 10 mean higher payload capacities iovyou SUPERDUTY FRAMES YOU NEED CARGO ARER YOU NEED Vau gel lull 50 uéabla mom across every GMC Pickup ll widths are handledeasily MING AFTER OTHERS HAVE lllllli entry to Ihe cllnlc lmugh basement window made accessible or the first llme by recent demnlitlon £qu to Ike east of the clinic dlcts were the pransZpu2 today as police investigated break11 the MqGrggor Clinic WNW containiig drugs were stolen Wall Rutherford my direc tor of CJCA moMon asid ha ls worried about the consor shlp aspects of the suspen 510nm hmadcasler gee around cuddling the sport said Shaver his defeats the 11qu bxpadcasL muted in the hope hm hey will male an interest In the spggt and atgraclrtnns suspect Addicts Of Drug Theft TANK RENTAL ONLY IS BAYHELD SIREEY TRUCKBUILT CABS YOU NEED GMC cabs are built an sturdy loun dalian steel beams You gem cab thatll last longerlook bellcr See your GMC dealer soon Thm am now sixes 230 cu In 140 hp and 292 cu in 165 hp plus GMCs raven 283 cu in V8 now with 17 hp mam TRUCK POWER YOU NEED lIAl RAIE EEEchc WATER HEATER BARRIE PUBlIC UTlllTIES COMMISSION All THE HOT WATER YOU NEED WITH GUARANTEED llvo Boner Eloclvlully Thntll fix you Ruby wil ncsse quoted Brady as saying Detective said Wil om Thomas Brady 33 walked into the aniomobiie where his estranged wife Ruby 31 worked He motioned aside salesman who aliempicd to intervene then shot her through the throat with single blast of lzgauge shotgun HAMIme CWA Iormer policeman and junloxj football mr gunnad his wife down In mm at her allow employees Tuesday then drove several blocks before parklng and shooting hlmsefl police sald llTHE BAHRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 17168 Former Athlete Guns Wife Self FROM V2 TON IO 60 TONS EUIH FOR EVERY TOUGH JOB Trucklaugh and carsiaolh GMC sus enslons give you the best In Ina conga wnh lop cnmlon SUSPENSIONS YOU NEED THERES EXTRA VMUE IN EVERY GMC TRUCK uyajs mm mum Nelxhbors snld Mrs Brady lived like hermltsuylnz she feared her husband would kill herslncn Ihe couple separated almost three years ago Police urnvlng minutes laler laund hIm slumped aver tha sleerlnxwhcel with law wound In the head The shotgun and seven live shells were on the car seat customer In the showroom allowed Brady by car in wild chase through Ihe citys north east end Brady stopped or traffic signal then backed Into anhqgnrlmeqlparqug PA 64825 PA 64885 Pol Monlh may WWI

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