Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1963, p. 9

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SPORTS 16 CHATTER nll hnwhml mu rumer lllhll III Illunll II um um ulvru mum gum Ihur IRMA Ulrir Jnlw In In hmndrnl Ihe ann nol nlll In nfllclnll and Ike CAIIA luuu laid on mwn he Mlfil llllffllfli you 71M the mm 11m lu Iv lunmlcnllrr II drum Irlvmlrul In me and mum 1m lnlnnlnl lnmr Jnlll dlll nnl Ier lo ma lunmlcml nml mum lutunnalhm II umlrnl hum YMM ollldnll In Sdikuchv wan dullnul lu name In olllclnln lnllrr Inld III Mummime me Innuqu nlmul by Impro rcr Im nl lumulrnu wMer llu nnlnr hmkry me In dmnnmn Szllunlay hy conun lllrmly nml wwlfly rllnlxin nmrluh lhurlny Mnu All rr rnnrmll mum nl he mm amdx Mums lunmlmlrr or who Ihlllml IIMI In MM Jaw mu hullmu lur CJUX In mklnu The rluhln Kr Ncwnnl Mnnw an mu Um Vmer hm nl Ymklnn ln Ivrnmmul CMM mum haw hem pm Indrlnulrly lxy Ihn CMIA MI Pn ul Edmnnlnn CAIIA nmidml wld III ml mcul Mnmluy EDMONTON CI Thu Camuhnn Ammrur Hockey As Iorinlinn luu auslvcndcd Indrb lnilrly ll rinhll hm Saskat rhcwun nporlunum lo broad cnxl CMIA games SMALL CHATTER rummage sale wlll be held on Wednesday at the Hobson Bar Dance Hall off Ilighway 00 The sale is for the Barrie Bantam Hockey Club last years all Ontario champs the festlvttles get underway at Km and anyone andeveryone ts velcomer lontg ls the fourth game of the Stan ley Cup finals Detroll threw surprise lnlo the Leafs with 32 vlelory on Sunday It appeared the Torontoltes dldnt work as hard as they could have In spite of the Vlngs wln lhls eorners pre dletlon remains steadfast at Leafs In five at course thats if they feel llke playing hockey tf Punch lmlach has anythlng to say about ll they will If hes lucky hell get shot at Sonny Llslon and then here will be no more Ernest Terrell Ask Cleve land Williams lle had the good fortune lo mecl Llslon twlce was knucde out twice in matter of our and hall roundsl Anyhow the first judge celled Williams the win ner 4744 the ref had Terrell 4744 and the other image had the Philadephlnn 4844 Williams couldnt elieve his ears when he heard the announcement but there was little he could do Now hell drop down few pegs in the ratings and the novice Terrell will move up But not Cleve he was still looking to land the big one and this guy knows how to hit After ail hes stopped 47 guys in his 61 outings Theres no doubt he can punch But how can you nail guy who doesnt give you chance to breathe Theres such thing as togetherness but this was rldicuious The Big Cat veteran of some 60 pro flghts should have known better than to wrestle with hls oi Jonentr The few times the referee managed to unlang he heavies Williams should have moved downstairs and worked on Ernies body very invlling target You know the old saying kill the body and the head dies too Williams couldnt break loose from his partner clinch long enough to throw solid blow Terrell never even attemfited punch just held and squeezed and towered referee man whose name is better for gotten went right along with the play WILLJAMALL TIED UP For the first few heats Terrell made tlght of it iahblng and slipping and tossing the occasional right and Williams was content to paw at hls foe waiting for chance to land the big one lilldwa through closeu tillthen bout Williams caught Ernie with vicious ght hand tollowed by wtlmcly letthoojs Tegrell shag wqhbled and held CAHA Suspends Two Sportscasters mu uvuna Acucu auuvn wuumau mu new on for dear life From then on Terrell continued to shake and hold on and hold on and hold on Phlladel hla stran ely enout Isnt site known for bad decls ons aces llke tah and Boston and New York take the cake in that department Matter of fact Terrell lsnt even natlve Phlladelghlan The tall lanky 198 pounder is transplanted lcagoant In previous fiasco between the two Williams chalked up rather easy technical knockout technical because Terrell couldnt make it out for the next round Big Cleve figured to have an easy time with his former victim He didnt reckon on having the officials against him After 10 borlng rounds of frustration on thllams part and hugging on Terrells part the latter was pro claimed the winner by virtue of rather splitsplit decision Needless to say It was one of the worst ver dicts ever rendered by group of officials MERE EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL 101 The headliner was 10 round heavyweight affair bntween Cleveland Blg Cat Williams louth ranklng contender out of Houston and novlce Ernest Terrell of Phlladelphla THOSE FEW LOCAL viewers we were fortun ate enough to get gllmpse of Saturdays TV fight of the week must surely be aware of another form 01kll ler to the boxing gamee LITTLE BITS OF EVERYTHING By JERRY GLADMAN Kllllll llh In hrar lawn lollrr uld II Illmlwl Ivy ha nuullu II he aumlnllunl Annual Inule In May He uh In nuprmlnl lehullfll rim will him Iml pmrnl Mm wlm lunmlpu ll hwldcnl 1n quullnn Wulmwu Mu IVIIIIMO or wmmml THIN IMMI Nrunm IBM In MmM Jaw Dvelinl Hml Um urlrl huullod Ivy Hm Il llm vorer hnnuwml Imlh rlnlru In nlnylnl lhu hluhulllnu hmkry Hwy nu MMMC lullrr MM Wrnluhm mull hll commrnu durlnu Inltrml Ilon brlwten lhu nmnd nnd lhlnl prrlodl Id In lllktd nllh anubrr Maudy and Yurllnn brundmttr wu nlnl lo und Mm nonI an Inn mn lenu mnmrnll mud dullnl lhq bmlduul arrnlly hl rlldnl III 00 mur lollu ulrL hunch and at Hull lhe LAIIA of no hclnu flvnhla n1 npmllu lho pln third on he nuxprnsion um ml lhn broadens was bulld an up Mung lmprmlon Mllcll could have caused mu Ioul trouble In In mm Rama he Memnrlnl Cup nunrxrr linnl mlu lmlwrrn Hdmnnlnn 0l Klmn lml Human llruinl In Ellunn Monday nlth Palm uld rummenll mud durlnz he bmnlknl dinzmd wllh ha relrmn calll ru In Hy nil Klan lnllvl gummy The Elmulc Cullln Club nvmlq ml nmnnlulalhnl In Auk ml Tmnrr mm they mm to hum mg number Lnu playul VIN Ilnn with Mu Slrrlr Jr In lhI urrmur Urnml puluylawm Hm Coll NM Hm IliHlll lnllmll May cd nlwly and lqu In Her nlmlnllmu nnll nuan hll liki name 0M Fullul hm min he ml ncHu MINA llnuughmll year will rmmlo In lha mu In llmn lure llmu II lmlrr on rlnk nn ram wcmlun Ho um All lluru rluh uhrvlnlrl xlmin In ym MIMI Inclmm Ihu Iinyn Tmphy um lilmvIo munrry Tynphy Ind lho Jlm llrnnlnall Trophy Wlun llu EImVIII Tulllnl Club holdn Innunl DInncr and Dunn bmquel Wtdnculny nluhl lho lmllul mm In mo lull wlll be null lvln lurnrr Mr Tllrlrr 106 The tune will tour Md am at Ccnlml Unlnrlo cnubllnl huwlrrl In Illa Imnllor ammun mu lo bnwl In mmpdltlnn wilh he Iml or lhu um Looklnl lo lh lulun wilh tanlldence lhl llniul humI lo thnllenlc lh nmcr Onlnrlo lmrrdly chnmpl In an Ontario pluyoll nul mini mulan wu hrld II in cnnrluxlon ho play and an lnlzrcily loop formcd lor lhu 19616 leuwn Apmlnled lo Ihl txccullvn wen Jim Irennwden Newmnrktl as pruidtnl Dan 6mm mule Secretary Trenunr Hon Micki n1 OrllA I1 Inn Mud ol Calllnkwood Don Mthcnlil ol lulhlon ICflpulldcnll Final alandlngs had Newman Incl on lop with 5730 lnlltd by Orillln Pinewood No 5515 Burris Kempvlcw No 5496 Banio Kcmpvizw No 5440 Newmmkcl Academy No Colllngwood Cresccnl 5112 OrIIIII Pinewood No 53M Nuwmnrkc Acndcmy No 5155 Million 5195 Mldlnnd Acndrmy 5175 Newmnrkcl 0d can No 5006 and Wm Beach anvlcw L788 The second third lounh And mm positions were In dnubl lo the final gam n1 lhcu Wll Hons chnnzrd hands qulle ohm lhroughoul lha dly Oylllnxwood Cresccnh led by ll Paul who dmppcd below 260 only unto were never far of the pace Pam hnd thu hlzh count of Ibo day with 1351 while Groh of Ennis Kempvlcw No had high lihllu Louis Turner Busiest Curler Newmankc Odeon Na can Iinued It winnan way In Cen Irnl Ontarlo Intercity compell lion taking the lead In Iha um name of livelame roll all In Ncwmarket ramolcr Jack Solomon hu been given the zuhend by Clays handlerslo arrange an openalr fight against British champion Cooper But ma prnmallon has planned hlll In the Royal Al bert Hall June llonly laven day helm Solomom proposed fight LONDON AP bole row that could knock nu ma prnposcd Cassius Clay Henry Conner heavyweight title mm In Landon June 15 loomed in Brllain Mandy Newmarket Takes InterCity Title Most people figure golf pml Job merely In play all Not 50 Frank has much more to do than most observers realize He has to tea that he course in In good condillon and that all the equipment up to par Ha helps to correct or lmpmve thtlr game He guide In player In equipment suited for them Ha also make sure tho ahup Hacked with the lam In loll Most 01 our Ilack II In and we expecl to he in lha naw bulldlng by lhc warhead com mcnled Frank The uzw hulld lug wlll be new shawmnm and allies The old shop wlll be used Ilr lnr lib llo ze Ve hi about 500 Elembm In the club and we expect Inma when around 20 more or thll mason Iamlllar Ice in II old pro uhup yesterdly he to Frank Vyse Barrie Cnunlry Clubs pro zoller Frank is start lng his Ihlrd your pro in slruclor and employee In best park He II looldxu lorwnrd reason The cupenlerl were bird work yesterday conslmcllnu Iha new building whlch wlll accom mndale lhe pro shop proper 111le allnw Ihe present ho to be enllnly devoted to am Ilqrage By JERRY GLADMAN The acllvllyzolnn on ha Barrie Country Club yulardny Indeed slzn that min well Into full swing with warm ln shqulna dlche Allhnulh the In lesson has not yet omclnlly alerted Ihu llmu la quickly Ipproachlnx Among other Hill ha coun try club Iha addillon of new pro shop wnlcume light Fight Row Could Knock Out Match Barrie Country Club Action Gets Underwray Ihrd lam In FNVIIIII wilan Mnmlny nlzhL hm unml er lnnm unll In InI Hulle In ulpa In unrinz flllfllnlunllllp hml nuldnmg mmull IxI Hm Mnyolll Ilo ltd lhv Flynn lo Mm rmuctnllvu Hrlurlu Ibe oru erl McNeil um bnri lu WIII lha IIII NU Mule who won lhn Onlalln Hockey Alwizlnllolfi prpvlnrlnl Mike thtll 5mm Mlh III lla mer lhm mlnnlrl In May In brrak In um um up lhclr mintown Hullm Cun Ivln Junk anlnnl ll lwo MmI ruch NIAGARA FANS om CF Ninanrn FnIII Flynn hall lllrm gnu hy ulnxrr Vnyno Manor and mu nulnl hy nunllrndrr Prom Ulrdnrr Mommy nighl hm II wnxnl rmuzh In alnp anunla Noll MrNtll Mnmvns Thu Mllmml won ALLISTON MENS TROPHY WINNERS Tho Adnml Trophy went to ha llrsl phlcn Hulshm In the Mllslon Menl Curllng Club Ila gm lu Hy nhutl Finally an enlerlalnmen com mittee will go all on Io make blgger and belle season aoclally wise Thu rams cummmco has hum busy planning and acting to make Iho courses hemr Among the Improvement will be the addition sh new tees syntax YESTERDAY iestefiay was the dale pick ed for Hurting aptmuons tar Maroons Capture Second Straight chll system offered by so many the clubs will ha brought In Simply this means that member will be able In charge everything and pay at Ihe end or Ihe monlh when lhe tatement arrlvesr The Hiram Walker Trophy was presented to Ihe team liuishlng first In the Alllslon Mcnl Curllnz Clubmesday mm mean In Ihe ens porch or number 01 reasons so ha gallery can mm the ullerl on the ninth green camp 1er all mm thrown gall cluhs Ind mumm First the bat gas being hrnuxht Into the club house lhl will bu used lo supply llul water to lho shower and kitchens There are alsn plan or adding huyqlng hepllnc Iglfilllllflj dale All numbers wlll be able in store their clubs at lhana shop or regular cleanlni an Iervlca alter each usage Th1 will be made pnsslbla lhmuxh Ihe add lllon the my buildlpz nes tqulpmen Iclccllnns or be ginners up golfers and Inn ball hlllerl do NUMBER OF CHANGES mom or Improvement and beenqu many tho players hnvu requcsed number or changes have been lnslltuled lhls year The following ins partial llsl of sum gllghesy phnrxgqs THAT NEW CAR 0R TRUCK IAI ux nyluln In ym haw Iculn an un nu Inn and money BARRIE DRIVEACAR nm AND INFORMATION CONTAIN LEASE AND TRAVEL SERVICIMIA um TM mm dhldcd urnly ha ll llllnvr pennlllu hunddd In lho nnmn Tmy Hum Mn up may penHy lur Initan Full Ill In lhlni prrlml In llw llnul palm Murmn nulln my Smllh wu lmhrd uul uml Icqnlrnl lomlnulc ml and medical allenllnn just Allrr lhl flu minqu mntL Lt nun lun minulu nflcr Humor 1ch ha 5an ll 51 vi Hm lhlrd lwlrxl Comm Allckhlndltd hmlh lhn Fly duhum mu uu wln llll inxy Dincrn uorcv Mil Mo Nrill umndncrlml milk ml Alulle chnnwnno um Mlkn Vuflnn menu lho Ihlrd 1eran With luu Knnll nut xI Mnrwn lend 7nd nrr ncrlud Um lone um on Mnxncrl 1mm gnnl Ho 11 mrk In Mam Mm curried It the lcnllh bl llm Ire Monday Wulnudny lemma draw From loll Io rlthl VI Dtllnnckv Elmer Ilnwklns Norm Dysflrl Ind Dill Gmy Follawmg lhll Frank Vyse pro golfer went back to work In preparnlion or the coming gulf season which promises lo bu an exciting one as ald Frank lhlnk lhe rules should bu set up so as not to be chang ed so alien They should change It for the pms sake becausa ha play In lot more tourney and play or llvlnl Mler all lhe pro really nukes 3515 all Frank found me to comment on lhn US Golf Association Ind the Profession Geller Alw cIullan agreeing um they would Ilka to sea unllorm cod rules This is plan to together and dream up set ll£5 the wont dlflgrfi Frlday league draw me loll to right Cord Smokum Warm MacKenzie Allen Mount Ind nnlph Hampton in 99 per cent or their mum menu and then when they let mo the US mumeys the rule are diflmnt Every ypar Ihey hava been trying out dmereht rules and now lhcyve decided llglime lo mytnxet Franks lhrd sclsnh In BanII mark hIr lath year as pm IossInnal mm In that llma he has campcled In ha CnnndIan 0an In Toronto the Mlllqr Trophy the Unknrlo Open nnd flu PM In Edmnntun Io name EWr Les year has all hll heal round on this course 67 which was nnu stroke at he rtcord He also led lhe record or nlna holes mllk he nhlre with George Knudson Funk Ilsa plan enter number 01 logrnnrnepls In 1961 1963 hm as was mendnned the new club wnnk he uprn or bus Iness until he weekend In lh Incanllme Vyue hard It work gaging tlgln rqagy mm until now and In lurn In ovenlnu of mm Iilh nnqlhcr yoglh They boffuwed 051 mil bowl One ml mm nhon and In 21 Ml ol ulnr the Mn Jenny pnnnrr In lux bonl mvlre nl Godcrluh It mn dud urn nun an LII mum haul In INHIde mm and um In In hm hm In Inbgukrrl In wlnlor Even Me my on he lenm dont knuw abuul ll nuld J2 rey Mnndny In an Inlenlcw Ila wlu Him In Delmil Olympln wnchnx Tumnla Maple Lula work out In pre pnrnlinn or In laurlh game he Slnnlry Cup linnl uhrdulcd hrre lonlnhl The Mmrr llnmlllnn ntd Vlnx Jnnlor now In hll mend year prnfrsslonnl mu hex llnnl In Ilhcuu M1 nrduL My mllmclnlml lhnll why hnd only Iom xenon In Imllrd HUN HIISINHSH mom PA 82102 DETROIT lCl Llrry My one of Dclmil nod Wings brlghllsl pmpecu classes hlmsell as he happlcsl planr In lhl yenrl Stanley Cup llnnl Jellrty happy lo he ll Nol even lhe Vlnus knnw hnw clme lhoy cnme tn losing lh 21yearold null 01 Gnderlch Ont am nlgh lnsl June The NHL only lugbonl aklp per came to wllhln uhlnkar lnslnx Mn Illa hen ln he dark walm al Lake Huron The ink game at Toronto Thursday sixlh normaly back here next Sundny and possible seven ll Tamnlo my nusday hasnt pluyed Naiionnl Hochy League game in more Hun manlh ll nmll hr with lhe Iilualion He also know nallendor cant lily than by Just practising Vilhout wm wnlxht that om Sunday doesnt mean my lhlnl says veleran Donal encemun Maml Pmnnvoxl This is In an for th Wings The Inam 10 he lint two games both by scares Toronto but mnnnged to win 31 at home Sunday night TONIGHT ls MUST Tonight the fourth game oi the Stanley Cup final and your team is railing 21 in the best oivseven series to he league chgmpinn Toronto Maple Lenin Slavicth say hes okay maybe films bone chip but hell be ready to play Ionlght But nobody knew for sure can lainy n9 Bassen DETROIT CF How wow you ed 11 you wm Kink Ba sen Youre the Iccandslrlnl goal tender fur Detroit Red Wing and everybody talking about Iha elbow Injury ol Iirsbslrinzer Teny Sawchuk Detroits Young Larry Jeffrey Iust Happy To Be Hmong Living my van cu Nu mml Auxrm who lldnclu MI Alauh BARRIE COUNTRY CLUB 2011 pro Frank Vysa hangs out shingle on the woma Wings BasSen Unsure Over Fourth Cup Game WINTER WEAR MURDOCK TAKE CARE HARRY II lunl me but lln ally uw nu In In wanr and It 1mm Ilka yum Man In nicth gs L1er recalled Thnwllrl VIN lhl nul an hour In hnnpllnl In mock um My were mollcn rum he culd wnlcr Imd nllrr nlmul an hour he hon mnk ample tly and had In lmd wnlcr Il wnl lntk lly llun nrul Ihem wn nbmlulrly nulhlnl In alum wnl nlrnkl Hm Irl wnl going lo pnmc Only lenr km on up 71m mnh mmllnnlnn llnully mldc ll Ihrauzh he rnuxh try In lho breakwnll Finnlly Mun all the Mal nxnind JthryA friend on lhe bukunll rnunhl Hue ul rntlun ma ball nn lha olhrr uldc had Ml my clrflhu on NI my Hcd Wing JIrkrlund muldnl not my hon OAT SINKS Ho Alarm Iur Ihnrc and flayed will the Kid lunnxlnz on In on end or Inn haul whlrh Hill nhme wattr We cauldn ml nny weight on llw hm hmusc It was 10wa be Inx pulled unlltr by might me molar cnpnhnd when MI by ha back wave all hrenkwall We Mrcnl wcnrln Inl Jnckcls nnd lhcy Wllll dawn wilh the hunt mid Jtlfrcy lhu other IDHOW nmldnt mlm so we aura him lhn nnly Iil WHEN had Youve lot In kcbp talking to youmlt all the llmo ln pmc ticessaid Hasscn ntcrthu workout Youve got to push ynurselt to stay sharp BRUCE PEACOCK PEIROLEUMS immuton Mm Only nlne Delmil players In cluding Basson held 1th akaling pmllce Th Leah held brisk work out at noon Monday at the De mil Olympln But mm of the Wings who col ml heir mun valuable weapon look ad vantage xummer weather at Toleda go mum Now Full Thu Follnlu Auuljlmn rm Mllluul lupu lln II mlpmul Im on Smunq fink Gulch Pin Only he an firm be mnpleledproshop The mainly for siorin gulf equip nld building will be used meni Examiner Photo HANK DASSEN PEACOCK PETROLEUMS Bum Puzock Annnunm Jrlhry who Inmll lucn In an oulhonnl sinu hull lulu lwo Mcks tllun In Rll our ll He returned to flu lineup 5qu day and looktd sharp In Mon days workout he was sknllnt wim hls uld cxuhvmnu Db lmil Flnyd Smith hll Mallow ch hard Sunday night but no Lea scorinx ace bounced back The Leafs law ed nxaln In onlght game are hoping Frank llahovllch wlll bus loose He was knocked out In lineup early In the first gnme ol the series on check by Blll Gadsby Du Hanan 30 and wldely lrarellcd mlnorchguer says In doesnt expecl In no any Hun Tenyll be okay hl snld Theyve zircn ma my chances up here HOPE FnANKS HOT rc nu he bone chip in Ilium Sawchuk said 51 hurt II two weeks ago In lhq Chicago series but Ill 11H lil lle hot slut on It tonight and be nll right Even be wchuks Inju spaculaliun was lhat Delrm managemoach Sid Abel mllhs make goallnncflng witch What he mean was that guallcndcr has In prelcnd hal playing in nameall In block rebounds and clear lhu puck Its easy to become relaxed In prgcticcs Sawchuks injury cnmu ale In Sundays game when he fell hqayily on his elbow 0mm Ill Dunlap RENTACAR TRUCK SERVICE PA 61412 MINING Oll III III Mlmllry LAnlll Jl FlllZY iia

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