Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1963, p. 7

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IIHI Linu um mm Imy vnlum In lmy my mm ml nllzr nu my nun mnl le mum mumy Im ml mm ul my mHI tummy Ilmuzlv Ilnnlwl In Will erI am baby mud Hun rumlwlmm ulmv mllnr mm ummy mm In hmwwr leI Iy mlwlhhvfl nlmnl hm In If HM HImfimu mp mm mm mm hr Mm lmrmlvaMy ullh lm yp IAIIIIHr Imkrr mul Hunlhwlnk Innkrvn mm 11 llwu mrwnl INN lul ul ululn uHJIr mk rnl mw Ilrulhml In haw Hm lltHVuj nlnuu MHI HH hrllng llml llwlv hrnlul wml mnw Ilnv nulm Hm nu tumllmlfl rlwul ll In llw unnhmrrl In wnm Imn hulh my Innlmudl 1m mu mm Mr nlnullml lry mxl mu rlnumuz var In III Dunk mu lullll uuk mul all llw mm muer Iqunw Lil MVIl IHI IIH llu mm Ilun lumiul md Ila Jun In mu 1m munmn Vlllh IInI lllYill ln Mr mm wluw mul In In melln lull moulll IMI lmvhnl MM hml In nu In lnuluwv mul Hm mm hulm In IINJHI hml nu nmuvy Hr Hm IHNIY nko nmman FIZIVT NAIF InmLIy um 1mm Ilulul mm mar mm nr mm mm mm mu hr wmhulml Hy IHIHIIIKTA IIIHIHCII Dn uu Mr like job lmlurc uhmc Irrnms unl uur rmm luv lwc the high rml Imm pan4 uur lulm mm In lmkhhllc mle ul all nnnm llu mm lam1 lunrll vl qumy MIL 11er NH Irving 1m 31m mm In lulu much my mum ulml Imp lum why mm um 1rd dvpurhnrnl Mnn vk lllllllly lull nul unluuquly Lacklustre State Of Living Is Incentive For Extra Job MARTHA llEhsllY who has three roles at he mm Shake spearean Fesliml 1n Strauurd 0nL confesses she as once bored th Shakespeam She will play Cressidn in Tmi 1115 and Crossida Luciana in Cumme Errnrs and Courlcsan in Timon of Allmns The young udrcss was bum in Detroit ICI lhuluL KEEN IN NEWS DR ALICE WILSON KI internalinually known geolo gist relircd 1m all but sllll linds lime fur Hm ncusionul field trip near Dunnm nal Ive Coburgy0m she joined mm In lulu um ulml Imp nqu lvlk Ililkfllllchl to llu Imppy quuly MIL lllll TIMIOIHNIW lrrwnnl rrlnlbulullrm rhuulll lw nqu mumHIM now Am Ihur hulrnHuu llml you full KIIIII hourllll ruhrr llllnmll lrllllnru unlurl ur HHHH llm Lmul ulllm nl nu lullurmlnl fllrnll Inlnnwlml mhrlu Mmury nalwd huw mrr Inule mum mrrlru um ur runr bu willlrn ml mlmmlllrllllnlu urnrrnlly Hm III HITHIIAY ll luuwunw II nllr lrlrllulny rwr Immva IINIICMN ml umln yml umltl hull Ml rum lmnmlnl unhlmu In mu mm mu Ir mnln mlr mhul In ml llm ranl nu ma wmnhlnl mum Mllhmn Ialn Srullrmlwr and mlul anmlwr MIII lw MK lnr mnmlmy mallun lml ulmu camr ur wrrulnllnn In lhn In Irnrniml llumlm mum NW unm mmln during llmw Imm nu rcpodnllv rnrrlul mum Um Inllrr mu uuu nvvvullu In mid July and Dclw lcl For war wont lllmulh lln hvling or wnsklcrlnx my ul1 mmlccrsslnl nnd dcprlvod hrmmc my Jul ulllllnl mm um um um flu lunch nuc tw luxury ml wollbclnu ld ulwnyn mmlnl 1km nrw day care mynll klck hm did no mm mm um mkrd myanll why MM rm out mul Work or Inn mm It wnnhd murh ICXIIM JUII Actually lhmn no 1n law in mm umnhy tlvnl my my nmn nr ummm cant wuvk splillucl In lhc suhurhs Fl mIIy came the mullmllon lhal Ulrmd he nn boat In Hm budget or In long llmc lo comm MAE LYONS New York Icc walls are covered with circus pcslcrs Dislribullon of he poslus and ulhnr publlcfly nmlcrial m1 pm of her job as advertising director for Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey Circusl She was born in lrmbrokc 0nL and lived at Regina and Ounwn befom hiking 1m 10 Cl Phoml GLADYS CHONG asth designflr was undaunicd by lhc prospect of running against the New Democratic Partys Harold Winch in Van couver Easl the April federal election The first Chinese Canadian woman In try or Cumrnons seal said didnt win his time but Ill try again Mr Windl who retained his sent in his riding has rcnmsentcd the area pmvincially than crally since 1933 l0 Geological Survey of Can nda In 1908 In 1934 she was awarded an MM and In 1938 became the first wamnn 191an or the Royal Snclely of Can ada CF Pth from National Film Board WHAT THE STARS SAY By ENTHKLLITA MUTer CM LOT VINNIIEU CPD NIIIVN an Wlnnlpu pull wmmll In nppruvpd plum or Mlcflr mun Int IMI nu Mar Aulnllmlm lnk mu IMr nah any lml lindm llm will he ulnnlnl lho tar part In In ll Ill ulhlflu nlu hlld lmrn an IN 41517 will rmlnvml wllh nul lnlmlly mu lnynlly um mmMI wmpllon Extent or hm pulodl In rarly une MI Mltmhtr Ind mldNavrmlwr penannl fell llanlhlpi II In lowmtd hy nrnrrmu lnllmnm durlnl lhu yur Ahead which lulurl wall hr win and doumue Inlrr Ml Ynur Imlh NI Immrr loo llll Ipocln rmc phaulv rm lha hnllmu HI munllu Allnlll nml lkcrmlnr MI your nlll lm In or Jnh mullul aim the llnl lhm mthII nl 1064 Ilka Ihnt dnwmhxnlnx Job loo ho old It mvln mml purpom ll vmvldcd the boat wanled Ind ll hu mo way In add lhnl much nmkd lunch 01 luxury nucceu and wellhelnu lo my Illa And ll mi ms in my mu lnr M1 on llmul lmlcud ol turning to mom ahlnlnx or III luxury Ind nuc cm howcvtr the htro ol lhll nary lumcd lo duwmhlnlnl and DI himselt pnrtllmo 50b driving Ichool bun Mari he wont to ruulnr up some 5mm Ind uka In lru Job lo pmvldu Iho luxuricl and wccou that mm the most In lhrm Mr HAS HEAVY CROP DRYDEN Onl CHA Ire numry established by the On nrlu lands and 1mm dlpflfl mm here In 1953 meel the oxpundlnz demand Inr leedllngl In lhe provlnca now In producan mum than 1000000 uedllnu The nominath commluco presented mm of officer or 1963 The new execullve Includcs Mrs Gordon Puttenan Presl dcnl Vlce Presidenu Mills Mrs Anlrldie Record lng Secrela Mn Todd Carrespandence Secretary Mrs Partridge Treasurer Mrs Bouncy Dlreclon MIL Mnnul Mm Cunnlnghnm Mrs Doldze Mn George and IL ann Allhé ccsa Effie meeting rcrrcshmtnls were urved by the snclnl commiucu Under lhe dlredlnn Flsller 70 member of um Bar rle Collegiate Band pmvlded muxlcal program Codringlon Home and School Association April meetinl was highlighted with warm on lilled Educalianni Entertain men Nature can use any klnd or food or fuel but repair ma lerls come chiefly lrorn the prolecllve foods When cllarles are cut the quallly of the dally calnrie become utmost Im parlance Collegiate Band Entertain And Wm What is your nutritional sin Ius Are you weii nourishzd or malnourished To be properly nourished your mull mun be buiit around the pmleciivu foods Th nulrienu pmleln minerals and vluminsara seniinl to the upkeep and re nclvwl oi body tissue mm are the measure at the full content nod In terms at quantity The term glm no dun tn the quality or the calories Indication whether they are empty or pro tecllva in term replenishlng nutrlents We nutlltlonlsta otlen term thin empty versus lull cal urlcs but 51m full sounds so fattening like the term pratccuVa best At any rate empty cnlarlu pmvldu Incl but very little pmtrcllon from thallutflent stindpahgt We hear so much about munllnl calories Its high me we changed lhll Hound grub huld at new ldca Make yuur calmlax count toward gradeA nutrition and youll have more bounce and verve are lheAlneasurc n1 That brings us to the inevit ability calories Craving pounds are an eiunul problem Inday simply because we an no calmis spenders Exercise is no built in later In our way of 1110 Nature use cal uric accaldinl lo the muscle demand for enemy Well in this pushhuilon age who uses mqscieai had Out of the air waves came IM no as turned on the car radio There would be more genIuses in this world pcope retained as much of what may cad of what they eat th KEEP IN THE TRIM ProtectiveFoods GiveEngergy Empty Calories Produce Fat IDA JEAN RAIN Fonunalely for dieters any or everybody else in this me chunicnl one the load high in bodywplenlshlng nulrlenls are not Ihc weight makers llero are the protective loads lean maul lish and lowl eggs coi lago cheese milkI skim milk and hullcrmillr green and yel low vegetables and lnriis and whole grains reduelng diet and weight control paliorn of eating based on the protective loads nilords pcrleci nutrition Eating loo many ol the load which inmish largely amply caloric leads to malnutrition Empty calories are lhe weight malmrs lronicnl it may seem overweight in our most dangerour arm of malnutrition today in short we lei loo man calorie lrom the lood whit lurnisll too Illile promo lion To be in good nutritional status make your calorie count for good nuirillnn Thin in Cnnndinn Press CP tclcprlnm From it nnd 300 muchinm like it in 100 CnnndInn dnily newupnpcr 0mm comm new from mound Um worldfrom llonu Kong Knmngn Cape Town Cnpo Cnnnvoml New from 11ch Canada clatter over them nmchinm too 01 new from evvrywhom complemch the local and dlnLricL alorioa authored by each pnporl reporter corrvnpomlunln and special writers Together they provide most the now content of your newspaper Twentyfive yearnago you couldnt get so much news so last Published by llmle Bummer News Travels astThis Way The Board of Suwnrdl Trea surer George Pealsun lnvllad jhs stewards to bl mum at 21 The Steward were pleased to learn that an Explorer group has been started or WIllowdnle and that lhls you being sup ported by Wlllow ale Ave Unl ted Church Women The Stew aids treasumr was then inst nmed to send donation to the Explorers mm the Board at Stewards Dun Jackson secrclary fur the board repnru that or one Sunday In June the church wlll he devnled lo the Sunday Scth tor lls annual Pramnllnn Sun day and that all collection no In envelope wlll no to tha Sun day Schooll The Ngulnr meellnl at Willowdale Unlled Church Buard n1 Stewards was held the home of Robert Mc Colgun of Sleel Sh on April In the absence chairman Ev erard Harris he mealan was chaired by Mn McColan vlw chairman Willowdale United Board Stewards Hold April Session The Wlllowdal Ave congrega lnn are still holding Ihclr church services in Steel St School nudi laruun until financial conditions warrant the building or tho first unit oi their proposed church or Ihc corner or Willquulc and Cook Sis in Ban1 The Financo Commiilee under ch Ross Cook are conlinunlly work in or ways and man of air Mining this ilrsl unll Downsvhrw Ave meeting Carrying Ihmuzh lho spring Ehume bouquet dalfndlls and Sprlnm Garden bunchcan was held by members ho TmWeGwlll Womens lnslllulu at the April mecllnn held at the Hand Head Hall Appmxlmmuly 200 women Altended the gala even Convener of dccnrallng was Mm Allen Hamel Convener of food was Mrs Don Harvey TIE 3AM EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL 1563 TecWerill WI Entertain At Spring Garden Luncheon The dolly newspnpuru editors select edit and present the news in is simple understandable fashion You get tho good and the bad daily picture life on it is In Cunndo them in no censor ahlp or government control news Contrast thin with the attention in more than 70 the coun tries ol the world where governments impone controls on new to me their own ondn Fmdom of theorem in freedom of tlmimlivldunl your right to spook it in right whose protection in in the public Inme or the May Flnwer balancing is very Im portant salt the speakcr She suggested Ihnl bouquets should not be placed on table where here are other Items but sug The guest speaker Mrs Enrt by Mrs Jon Mttttgnnr Mrst Cox Cox Barrie was Introduced told her audience at tho posst btltty at hnvtng towers at all seasons ot the ycar at very uvcryanu has ccrtntn umuunt ttllte cast Mrs Cox satd that at artistic tnlunt and explained how attracttvn tlnwor arrange ments could he made by tolluw tnz rtmplc theme Mrs Elgln Armstrong of thu valnclnl Board was Inlmduccd by president Mrs Gordan Riley Mrs Armstrong spoke on Iho lm mrlancc of the Penniu For Friendshlp mm and brought greetings from Mrs Trevor who Is membcr of the Federation of Womens Inslllutus Ontario African vIaIcts decorated the luncheon ables TRY Exammm WANT mom 1m 32m Shc said It was not necessary lo usu lnrlc bouquet of low era In the winler slncu they an coslly then but explained Ihal cedar or other greens made ax ccllcnt bnckgmund Mn 06 was lhanked by Mu Irvln an Mrs Cox dcmnnstralcd many dillerent ways of plnclng low era In containers using daflw dils and tulips along with leave Sht had gathered in the alIJZ guled man an anangcmunl In 1mm 01 lurge mirror awbsfilfigé Joan arrick AhM Qfiulfid PERMANENTS SE99 BUDGET SALON PIJQNE PA 84661 JO Mlplo Ami Ask For Thu

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