Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1963, p. 5

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By LG With seeding and field wark in progress the need at spring rain is apparent Cullivainrs now working are leaving path at lumps In the eluy sails day at warm rain would add to the chances at quick growth and at the same time sotten thu floating lee on hay and lake 0n the Barrie side at the hay there is open water but the cold north winds that have prevailed or some days have pushed the floating lee along the Innlsril sham and change at wind is needed to send it out Into the T0 HE TABLED INNISIIL NOTES lake mccllng el lnnlslil Cauncll un Wednesday night wlll enable the members to hem the report or the auditors covcrlng lhe business ol lhe past year One at the pleasant multcrs that will came out ul the report ls to learn that the township camo thmunll the year with book surplus ol nearly 56000 This 01 ruurse is not money that sponduble us untll all he nr rear of tunes are callecled the lunds are tied up ln thls debt by ratepayers to lhe treusury ln lnuilallthescunpaldluxu were plneed In the hands or the treasurer ll could mean that Imnller rule nl levy mlght he made or the cemlng year In sctllng the budget allowances must be made lnr Ihc taxes that wlll remnlu unpnid and or whlch lunds will have to be her mwcrl The cost nl the Ian may he ullsct by lhe neuallles levled lur nnnnuymenl by the rule pnyern ll all lhe lunds levled were be pald ln ll would ellminnle the bunk loans and make lor uurplus llnnncing Prime Minister Dielenbakcr clLs rcparlm hr has nolhlng to say until he talks with CAFETERM DEFICIT Thc only mullcr uppenrlnu on ma llnanclnl budge lhn nar rlc nnd mum Callcnlule lnA Illlulu whlrh came for quw Honing by he vlsllnu council members was Hm reason or he runmin nhnwinu dullcil 11000 II was cxplnlnnl by hi finnntlnl chnlrmnn lhnl HIII delicil wm considerably lOWll now Ilnrc mare of he sludrnll wrrc uninl 1hr nervlccx The Imam m1 lhnl lhe meal nhuukl he mm at cosl In nnlrr lo do lhll nml nl Ihu lnmc llmo olhr mrnu nhlch will mul wllh lhu nptvrmnl he Mummu cnrh Iny Inblrm In In lore IN NH wlll he hrsl nppncln In Mnny he Mudrnln tarry lhrir own lunchu and numllv nch ll 14101 hika Dr km lrll whllu olhrrl pnvlnkc If he rruulnr dlnnm Slum nllurlcr lmun or lunch nmku nor mry lhnl pupil ml lhrlr mmll nl llm Irhrmlu llw tulrlrrlll wr lrrn Ml ulerl cumldrrnhly mam llny Thrlsur who rhmrlxmn bf llm Irnkrl hm hm Me In use lun knuwlwlm uurdmlnl lo lune hrurr and mum rmnumlcnl mull mmlu nvnllnhlc and Hill Inn Hum In holler use mndn mulrrlnn whlch Imm he rnyno wry Inlay nl hum Ichmln Nu mu brnl nr clam lIlIll nrn chnrurd In llm nprrnllmu lho only nun hrln Xu pnlrl hrlp ulllrh In lllrr1mvin lln and nqu In rnrry the MI null vvmlutllnn Inw hw Turhrnnu minx lhu Need Rain Quite Apparent Sec lhv munlry llml innrlml Darwlnn nmmplm Ihe lg Species Nu Chquo Th1 Burl And Dlllrlu Film Cguicll ipnlmh THE FINAL FILM TOUR MEXC0 GUATEMALA RIO DE JANIERO OTHER BRAZILIAN SCENES WEDNESDAY mm mh IDRARY HAll Thu Cmum Sovln 800 pm Illlp BRIEFS REPORTEBS prlcc ol plccn ple from the school cnlelcrln and when told It was on cam or onesixlh cut he said he would drcp In or place when passlng There were several Items in lhe bnd not that might have been ques tiuncd but when lhls dld nu hnppen they were passed war and he motlun Io adopt puss ed wllhoul question The rcsalullon that munlclpal lies have no control over school budgets which pnsscd he re cent meeting of the Onlnrlo Ed ucutionnl Committee in Toromo may mean that next year the Collaglnle Board will not bother Io lnvile members municipal lIIc lo send dclcgntlnns hear the budget previous to Ila being adoptcd GavcrnorGencral Vanlcr as he emerges from meeting with Liberal Lender buster Pcarsnn in Ottawa Mnnday HONOLULU AHHundreds Hawnllnns were homeless hr day and at lens two persons mlulnl as drlvlnx lroplcnl rain conUnucd lu drench lhe ls lnnd chain ceding rampaging mounlaln teams on Oahu nnd Kauai Islands The weather hurcnu forecast altered lllllu hope or letup In Ihe rnln that have hnm mercd the Island almost slend Hy or wack Civfl delinee official and po lice lllld Monday lhnldumngu mully Io homcswnuld lolnl more lhnn 350000 The liny kind Knual northernmost In the nrthlpe Inna wn hardest hll The wlnd ward xcclion ol Onhu nuilcrcd heavy damage to homes Knunl police said an csll mnlcd 400 pmon were Weed mm their homes In the pluma Inn cammunlly or Hunapcpu on Ihc mulhcm com 0n Onhu In Inch of rain was dumped Inlo Knhnluu an Ivy an the Inlnndl wlndwnrd Ildc In six hour Mnndny lhe wcnlhcr huran snld Thu nod Cross hnd ulablhhrd le evacu nlkm nation In the men Mn he Cunndlnn Inclllc Ilnllwny pollce pnlrnllnl the ln upmvlncinl Drldne connnrllnu Mum and Hull Qua Mmmd lho dark lhrouuh lho Ennlrr wrrkrml nllcr rmlvlnk porl lhnl he anI an Llhcrn Han Qurhccnll would Maw up the hymn Clll lnvulllnlinn 0Hcer mrlu lmulx mld Sumlny hl lnrn did Ml Ind any nplmlvrn In lhamuuh fifth lb mun Irul would runtluur lhrlr wnlrh lmlny lurlhcr um tnullnn Hawaiian Rains Damage Islands All unldrnlllled rnllrr llvld Hm nllnwn Cllhrn rnrly Flhlny lm hm lrnmul lhnl lhu FLQ IIMIIINI In dyunxnllo llle hrlvluo which rnrvlu hrnvy roml Ami lmln lrnch uvor lhu llnwn ler nrnr IMllnmtnl HIII Bomb Threat At Ottawa OTTAWA TINine mrm Sllvlr Cochllon STITISVILLE Oni CPIA 17nopuund Hereford cow went berserk oiler ils calf was siiil horn Monday oiiocked liueo member oi Mana imns family Mr Monahons sixyournid grandson Billy visiting ho mm with his parents from Tor onlo was losscd 30 led by ihu Fofii when he approached it in in Mr Mnnahan went lo the boys rescue but on and was ramplcd by the am Mr Mana lmna son Junk wrestled ha cuw away but when hls nlhcr was unable la move had so lurn pllchlqu The no on tumud ngnin on In grnndlulhnr whn held an horn and the cows Inngun he lny on he ground being struck by her hnoves Jack re turned wllh he pllchlork and dmve the cow away nfler slab blnx about the lace He said he would mbcl wllh GuvcrnorGencrnl Vnnler pus siny Iomorww 01 ere photo Hereford Cow Goes Berserk hi Mnnnhnn was cut and hrulsed on his lncc chest and mm leg but was not taken to lmspilnl The boy was not kindly hurl Siillsvllle ls 10 mlles Wu Ollnwa THOROLD Ont Cl An All Onlnrlo Juvenile finnl hockey game erupted lnln donnybmak hm Monday when Iighllng spread lhrough hu players of both cum and about or 20 ctn ngcd Inns sKrcnmnd onlo lhu Ice lo not lulu tho ncl Wnynn Parks 13 rlghl winger wilh Orillln Huskies wns tnkcn to hospital in nearby Sl Calh nrlncs wllh concusslnn suf urcd In the game wilh Thorold Cumrls Parks wns nporlcd In mornbln mndlllun In hospnnl llusklu wnn Izo to even lhe bcslormcn mles 11 wilh onu nm xnmo was held up about in mlnulu mmllcutook he re rcslure ordcr lho gm Inn hroku nu betwnn Dung Robertson Orlllln nnd Rudy Delloxo during lnccofl wilh mum Id In play The game was played lo linlsh when ordcr was natural Husklu wan my id bcslolMvcn mles 11 anne Hod VICTUHIA CW navy lullcuplcr nml lilc lrnnrt Incnl rrscuc ram Julnml tmcu Monthly In lulu Kcnnrm Mach II mm ID Ihtcr nltlc Mnunl IInlnynnnn mil Parks had Mn wcurhm hcl mcl Apparently kmtkcd all MI hmd durlnz lho ncufllc as re MI conruulnn curllnr 1n llm unmn Thu my luflflld lumllu In MI hiuk mhrn Ir lrll JO lrrl duwn Um Innunlnln while on hikn WI lwo mmplmlunp Orillia Player Hospitalized After Fight Combine Forces To Save Lad WASHINGTON AP The United sum has rebuked Cu ban exle lender Jose Miro Cnr dnna for his purported hlltnr denunciation 15 pulley lo ward Cuba In doing so the government mnda while or he first time Monday what has been rumored or days That MIN hm de manded volce in Us policy Inward Cubaor else 550300000 to mount an exllo expmllllon nxalns Prcmlcr Fidel Castro The US government not prepared to make any such agreements the stale degen mem said it ouk iii pasiion in rejoinder la eros re ported criticism of USCuhnn policy in his 10ane leilnr oi rexlxnniinn president oi the Cuban Revoiulionnry Council Tho Mro leller never has bum made public But enough Informed descripllons ol the let cr were In the air or the slum depnrlmcnl In turn loose It strong statement CLAXMS TOLD TRUTH InformedvoTlhc slnlli depan mcnl comments er0 suid ol hlsjullpyz ld he with do nul loll llo United States Rebukes Cuban Exile Leadefi have never usde second Invasion he added have TOTTENHAM Special The Toncnham Volunteer Fire Brigade nu been credited with snvlng over one hundred cm of standing pine in the provin clal mlamlnuon area about vne mile soul of the villa Approximately 25 acres the large slxmd were destroyed Sun day afternoon in wlndswcpl blaze that roared through the tops of he closcly plnnled recs Called shortly allnr the liro had started the Talleulmm Ilro dopartmcm qulckly had Valuable Timber Stand Saved Credit Tottenham Fire Dept NEW YORK AWDry for csls campuunded with drought have made or 1mm dau lire cundlunns In the east um Unllcd Slates whore thou sand of woudlund Acres have burned In Ellswcrlh Falls Min gun me got out wntrul Monday and dcslraycd two homes nmlly hnd movcd lnlo am at lhcm unly low hour Imam dny l05 lorcsl llru were rcporlcd to lhu Massachu rclls department ol natural sources Forestry olllclnl de scribed tho llre dnnxcr east nrn and central Mnmchusulln and Rhoda Island as cxlrumu ll not cxploslve 0pm llrcs warn banncd In Rhoda Iamd where on mun dlgq fighting nblm The weather bureau said he bulk of New England passed It 25m day Mnndny wllnaul nppm clnblo rnln Llltl rclle was In Alghl The only ran lumscrn was band Huh Ihowm ex pcdcd lulo thin week HEAVY RAIN NEEDED Two blnm norlh Panama Clly blackened 1560 acres For cslx wm llndcr dry Slnlu Fur cmr Coullm Inld nro lonztd period exccnllunnl llru danger may be expected pend Inx lho lull Kennd mnkinz ruins Dry Forests Along With Drought Make Conditions Hazardous onnccllcul whlcn husn had wnklng rnln am March 21 EVERY WEDNESDAY Jackpot $310 IN 32 NUMHEIIS ll REGULAR llOUNDH BIIMIH THE WEALTH 00 Ill lEGlON HALL 71 COlllER ST BINGO lEGlON milled account ern relation wllh the US unvem mumIncludlng Presldcm Ken ncdyslnce lhn Illnled Bay P15 Invgslqn Suurccs whu clnlm liar lime aludlcd Ihc lcllcr any ln eludes Charge he Unlcd Shite reA nugnd on promise In net nxnlnsl Castro promises In cluding second nvnslan Complaints that the United States hns embarked on course coexistence luwnrd the Snvlet satellllc In tho Cnrlb cnn In ucncrni loud prnlcsl luck US support or action ugnlnst Cuslro The cuuncil sHll hasnt nc ccplud Mhua reslgnntlon and has planned Inrmnl mcellng lo decldn ll courseand to dis cuss the stale depnrlmnl nul burst DOESNT WANT MI Thu 315 tbs slulc dcpnrl men declarallnn was that the Unllcd Slnlus doesnt want to be drawn lnlo an allvout war by unllCnskrn exiles Tho depan ment snld Whllc apprecinglng the ur gent desiro of the Cuban cxilcs two trucks at the scene and under the direction Fire Chch Jim Stone were able to slop Lhe blaze 20 loo Ire break alter battling the Ire for over two hours number of area residents assisted the firemen in bringing the lira under conlmi while UH cause we fire not known It Is suspcmd Ihnt It started he rnadslda from carelessly tossed cigar Duo going through In longest nc rlod of high turns lire danger xlnco natural resources ofllclals began kecpng record In 1943 Firemen ought Isncro wand Innd blaze or more lhnn five hours Monday Buckhom Stale Park on Grand Island near Uniiuiv NY was lhn scene oi iivc large iircs covering more than 150 urea in ihe inst iour dnyar The park was ordered closed nllcr lhc Ningnrn anlicr Slain Park Commission dcclnrcd Iialo iiru emergency Wed Thurs Fri IN COLOUR INliMAHCUIr A150 IIAYINU sum mm nowmw mmLmN UVE Home AGE ADVINIURE 0n landln lulu 3pm And Under no Sn Wmnmoxmroum mummmlam mmmum mummox ll COLOUR CAMOON Ml TIMER TONIGHT HURONIA DRIVEIN Mil All DlvBK Showlng lu return to free and Inde pendent Cuba at the unrllest passlblv daten dcslre whlch ls fully slurred by the people and the government the United SInIcsthu depnrtmcnt consld er ml slntement the ero letter In gross dlsturtlon of re cent hlstury and thla guvernA mcnt pulley with respect to tho ullmlnntlnn ul Castro commu The department nuld Mhop letter as It relates lu conver sallans with tho president and when 1n Iha government hghly inaccurate and dis lnrled TORONTO CF Dr Edllh MncGugor Read former prin clpul of Brnnksome Hull Tor nnlo resldcnnul and day school gar girls died at her hnmc Mon ny Dr Rum occcplcd position honorary lrlnclpal when she retired In 1958 otter more than 50 year as the schools head Under her guldnnce lhv school developed mm slmzlc house inlo an extensive lnslilullon She was born In Ilnllfnx and educated at Dnlhouslo Univcr slly and lhu womens divlslun at Harvard University Her survivors lndudc hm then Mr Justice John Rand of Ottawa rcllred Judge at the International Court or Jus tloe and Dr Walter Read at Grimsby Ont Dr Read Was School Principal MWN Duos Britaln still my Home In you Or ll grownup childs drum place hes never seen El let to Drilain lhis summer and explore lrolh worklqu holiday land ol gcnlln mnmorILs and llvely modern pleasures TCA can or you nunamp Uriraln mm Toronlo as link an hnurL 10 rninurcs Toronlolundon Chume Inunuumuuumuuuuuuuuuuuunnu Jot livnnmny llrlurn Fun llrmn Torrmm London $54301n$2188mry J4 mu Glnsguw $51 ZfldwnL $2501 nunmy 31 horn up la 30 flights per week with 10 mlth 10 and EOAC lets Including TCA day lllglrls or luwcrmsr lfllbnpr Ilrilannlu Easy connections 11 Landon all Europa Also TCA leis lrurn Turunrn Trance Germany Swllzerland Auslr Ireland CI for llriulnby TCA nr HUM see your lravcl men or TCA oliuc Fullfl hm nnl CHI WI lflVll 107 Dunlap lm QmII Oppullu Ouum Mm M51 mum an than an rmnw DUNLOP run inkmm All ulmnl TCAI Fly anlny hm Illn lnll umhl Inw Jump nnr lmrl nunl or conhrl TM Moor IL Tomlo IUCIIUUUI IIIIUUUIUI IUIII ltltttl IIIIIIU BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE For Intermflon nnd Rmrvullonl 70x10HNsouaco lIMITED Oh to be home and years old again THE BARBIEEXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL 16 1963 Princu 1p nnd hls 12year old dnughler Prlncess Anne urrlvcd here by air Ioduy or visit with Phllips relatives in West Germany For Your Rmrvuhm Cull New Philip Anne Visit Relatives FRANKFURT Renters The DOVERMEN World Wldo Tmil 3mm lnln lflnmlll Dunn Mall EMBASSY HALL 386 BLAKE ST BARRIE Admission $100 Per Petson Six small ons WED APRIL 17 AT THE llllnec Dally pIm Ali fin Week mlth 10 and EOAC lets Including new TCA day lllghls or lawnms lmbnpmp Drilannlu Easy connections 11 Landon lo all mane Also TCA us turn Tmunm to funny Germany Swllzcvland Aumla Inland El 01 Dviulnlw TCA HOAC see you lmvcl mom TCA oliuc horn up la 30 flights per week will IIOAC NOW SHOWING mum um um mum is he princcsss first vlsl lo Wes Gmnnny and her sec ond Nullnemnl hollday Sha spcnl 10 days In Frnnce lust Philip and Anne wlll stay with Prince Ludwig and Princess Margaret of Hesse FRY EXAMINER WANT All PA 474

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