Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1963, p. 2

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fix nu no proud lhrlr rrnn HIM mrm rm nunl mm 15 year rlm qunlilyinu nmmr nlnnhlow Tiny lmw Drun playing In nnrrie all mntrr nnll nLn play ul In lhr aurnmnrnl New nmrkd 111m Immnm In NH Vlncr The 15 lmyx Hwy in no hark nmrrulny Frid Saturday lo rnnhlluo in Imlrmuncnl The murln Klmmcn Alarm hockry cam of Imys nurd nine lo 10 Ken min uxnnnow lor Brnnlmrd My luu mum um unmlnumn on goal In tounl ALLISTON Spcclall World War velcrans znlhcrcd ln lhc Alllslcn Lnglan llnll April nl lhzir annual Vlmy banquet Whlrh was served to lhcm hy lhe ladius al the Logiun Auxlliary Allislon vncrans have commem orated annually since 1930 ha Hall of Vlmy llldgc which was nughl on April lDl7 This haulc was commemornlnd evnn prlnr la lormlng the Allislnn branch of mu Cnnndian Legion Al Ihnl llme lhcre were belwcen 200 nnd 300 veterans whih now only ll remain wilh only About hall lhar number allcndinz my way enlcrlainmcnl ll Falkner vcmn of Vlmy nldnn shuwcd hls color alidu ol World War balllo llcld luck as Vlmy llldnc Hill on Ypru nnd alhcrs uhlch he pholo graplurd lasl summor whllc laur lnx England and Eurape ulna caunlrlc ln all These wrre lul lowcd by slum ol lhe old saldlcrl churusun lrnm World War The remainder ol lho bulk IL lmh Kinsmen Atoms Play In Tourney MODERN mouan nflflANlMfloN The man has defrauded buy lness concerns in all parts DI the pmvince lhc report mics ll mentions that vlclims warn fraudulently sold Iclephunu dir cclary advcrllslng marker and business cards that were not delivered Complainls are said to he an lilo at police depart mrnls and Chambers of Com4 menu Woodsiock Wallace Aylmcr Part Rowan Part Cul burg lillsonburg St Thomas harnc Parry Sound Graven hursi Orlllia Trenton Renlrew and SlEeelsvnlIE PERSONALIZED INSURANCE SERVICE jPalice ChIc Ed Tschlrharl any that person who com milled lraud in at least 13 On tarlo communities may be head gd or Danlo filliston War Veterans Mark AnniversaryOf Vimy Ridge re ported to the unit during March Were measles 349 chicken pox 69 mumps 49 German measles 13 infuollous hnpalills whoop lng cough scarlet ever menngills arrive visits were made on be an of lntanls 590 preschool mm Bar He Nonh 1007 19 Barrie St Josephs B4 Allislon 123 Bradlord 305 Orfllla Park sea 14 Orillla 14 Midland 889 12 Midland Sl Hheresa 156 la Penelang 2m 7IElmvale 2H Cnllingwood any 36 Singer 159 BL Following 15 lhe lumber pupils tested with Ihc number akposlflvgs In brackets mbcrcuIin testing In socnnd my school has been complemd xRay posillve rcnclurs and famlly contacts has been com pleted as well except Inr ana school which Is scheduled or this month Those xrnyed hnva hown no nbnormllillc Chief Warns Of Salesman Poor mad condllluns unused unccllmlon nl some Simon Glunly Health Unlla lmmunlza llon in rural schools These will have he plckcd up altar Eas er and plans am bclng made 30 do lhls said Dr Scott director ll TUESDAY APRIL 1M SimcoeCounty Health Unit CompletesPhaseHOf Testing TUDY LONG TIME lulu OI SARJEANT INSURANCI AGENCY INMMNCK Conn1 mm III ha dn Hum Im nu ma Ilur Hum Denlmn nnllyk rkonbndn Hm Aime Amax mm Com 1qu HA 01Cdn Imp Album mum Alloma Mumlnlum Mme an Mm Stu nk Mom Hunt N1 lien rcL mumn ILA on Iavm Imp Com Cdn unwu In Cm Crmtnl Cnemlrll Following lha supper the Vlmy veterans were joined by many he younger veterans World War II and Korea evening was spent In reminisc In past war experiences mnomo not lchuan anu Indumllll up 1W 0qu uv Imu down ou up lmk mu an The speaker at Barrie on Thursday was Revr John Pear son Gordon of Newmarkett He told oi the symbolic terms which relate in the New Testa ment When the ancient Chris tiana were worshiping in hid ing sh drawn the sand it replied to by cross was means oi identification which al lowed brethren to know iriend from ice To be called Chris tian meant death The spirit at spring was the meaning oi the Pssover and this had been in progress when the Lord was cruciilcd Nature was sprout ing and after the winter it was time for joy Brethren who met those who were away irom home invited them to eat oi the lamb which must all be par taken oi at one meal or burned in the fire The new commandment leit by Josua Love one another even as have loved you in cluded any race or creed and the mus became the symbol oi acceptance it is symbol at lite and stands before us to guide our thoughts and deeds the chapitr members were told hy illustrious Brother Gordon By RGS Traditional Easter ceremonies 01 ha Scntlish Rite were ob served at the weekend In the Masonic Temples at Barrie Oriilin and Coilingwnod by Spry Chapter Rose Croix Bath he Ceremony oi Extinguishing the Lights on Mnunday Thurs day evening and th Easter Morning Ceremony oi Relight in were well attended by Sov areixn Prince in the Valley 01 Barrie This lamina visited thus lu ln 1961 2584 4125choal 318 prematal 93 adults 280 tuberculusls com munlcable diseases 23 mental health orthopedics social welfare mlsceflancoul Spry Chapter EasterRites Traditional Ill luvlco pruvld 01 lull Imlm llvml lho mpva mullll momma III Chm bcv Commm nu mu unlln lhulv IUIlDA IJWHIHHIMMH Cumpflrd by Flynn Dunlap sc unit TODAYS STOCK PRICES WANTED Ilnllt up or an loud rnnl plullc hum at xllvkflnl drum ml pin lmlhhvum mk Illhoul InI holder ml lull III In in um um Inmv II hll llvll lulu nvn Mon ACTIVE ImcKI dn Imp In Com Mnun urnMy mm nowwNn Nm to Av Mm hummm mm dawn ImmI up 11 Mn Cdl FOUND Shopping Service ummna lo pnl llllmn llnllh on onllldc cl Imuu mi iii PDI mv Mum rm LII Dullul Luull hull Am IAnrmnl Immn Ilmum Mumm Mum Minn1 NIIXM Gunnl Ilnlllnl Keel mnumuu Dlx 5m nnm Found Dom mm mm Like me mm mm mu Slddtlly am on uua my Mln Imn 1mm Imp on Ind mm mm him Mchl 11 Hull nhmrnv up mm Club hm mNINa Illsearch brought us all the way from the early prototype invented by Alexander Graham Bell to Ioduys princess phone the ultimac in mordernlwuon right now Mr Farster snld But we cant slap there In the future we may need phones with push buttons Instead ol dials Push bullon opehtion with lhu scvcndigit numbers now com ing Into general usage would FANTASTIC SAVING He was nlkinz nboul micro waves and the importance of research Th0 day will come when youll be able lo pick up phone and call star Slim Folsin Toronto old members of he Kiwanis Club oi Kempenielt Bay illr Forsler from the public relniluns de paluncut oi the Bell Telephone Company was guestfipcaker at He éluhs wiekly muting Mnndny His remark referred the astronomical vnrmy star nut the movie kind MICROWAVE characteris lie were demoyslraled lo he Klwanls Club ur Kempenfell Bay by guest speaker Forsler left from lhc public Phoning Star Feat Of Future xln JZH is 3b WENDY RICK Cuminhr Han Ntwnmlh NDIMII Nonlln Orrmhll lmmnquc lromlelan rm nu mm 5mm mm um mum on wmm wmny Normu Nor om NA Moon Cory 1m Nu Gu shall fihlwlnlun sml nl Cm Tm om MI TM nu Tuna Union Cu ham nnlxul Lam xiv Tm Immllminns on he runsAtlantic phnnn cable have booslcd ll dllcicnry from peak per cm lo 70 per cent Mr Faultr uld lion arms Canada mun lhu hmc med all mourch pra Jccls In that It camplcmcnu mme equlpmcnt ha pointed One of these ls the reslslance problem In transmitting the currznl nnd haw In keep up the ouncnla almmh belwccn sending and melvingv nlallolul Cangcsllon on Lvallnhla Irnnp mlsslan equipmcnl brought the challenge to devise wnyn to carry more nnd mnre phone calls slmullanenuslyvon avalIA Able circui B00515 EFFICIENCY lnvcnllan of equlpmcnl such as vacuum ubcs In mu axlnl cables Inter on and In 1956 Tnsilme assignment speech nsalmllaliom have met the need to cope wllh we prob lcms Mr Forslzr said table loaded with minimum phone equipmen and tape cording gave Mr Forster lot of scope in demonstruln lcchnl cal applicaxiuns of his talk Gadgets In this display when stowed away for lrnvelling fill our Auilcnscs Mr Forslcr nld Research leadin up to mic rowan system developed from congestion building up on cxlsl ing lrnnsmlssion systems as leleflioue usage expanded in the world There are now about 150 phones In service around the world he said bring sum snvlnz nn clrcult conneclion time com pared to he lime now involved in dlal yperaglon he snId made It pouible to transmit phone call Anywhere on earth Poll llccl strife emblemlzed by he Imn Curlaln consume dipxom all barriers he added Tho rule to nmemhfl About Savings this Week at DAL Mellon department 01 the Hull Telephone 00 Toronln Club president Charlle Tier my right holds Ihe um and flexibla wave guide ADORN HAIR SPRAY and Tease Comb 189 AGAROL 1001 97c BAN lOTlON DEODORANT 89c siie 78c BROMO SELTZER family size 87c DEE TEE ASA TABLETS 500$ 88c EVEREADY No 950 Flashlight Battery for 49c cannot LIQUID 2m or Tablets so 479 KODAK FILM VP 127 or VP 620 rolls 99c om smca After Shave lotion 3401 137 PEPSODENT Damn Cream super sim 89c THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE T0 APRIL 20 Augul Bu mnnrch cant lon hero elulcr Mr Forsm Add ed Whenever one lnnovnllon comes into um ll nulomnllcal 1y brlngs with new needs or Iunhcr ndvancna mu why let phone communications In outer spnco are Jusl bcxhnlnx As llmn Km one they wil ex lend progrcuivcly unhcr nway mull the day come Mien mne ona an tnNh um pick up HARPERS PHARMACY Formnu 51m Em Hold Teislnr an nrllw saiciliie by canlrnsi coninlncd receiv ing unil an nmpliilor and re broadcast inciliiics powrcd by solar batteries As an ex perimcnlnl model it proved lhni series at 1025 hcsu saltlilies In orhlt would open up whqu nnw field of inle phono nnd cicvision cammuni calloni Phone communlcaunru are now swim boost 1mm oulcr spam loo The Echo balloon launched few years ago was pioneer in his llcld It was passive satellite wIIh mol uHic reflective surface which bounced back signal from he eanh Uslng tropospheric staunr lnwcrs mlcrowuvcs can also be beamed over the horizon 111i makes phonu mmmunicalinn posslbla remote parts ul Cu nada Hudson any settlement are now served by lhcse lnw era whcrens previously only shortwave mdin communica tion was possible F119 OUTER SPACE lee light wavcs microwaves um be polarizcd They can also be ocusscd using glass grid device which varks the same way as magnifyinl glnss he sald microwaves that anyun dnclor oI electricity will bluck microwaves hecausc they Ira vel In straight llne To chm ncl hem aroundmrnurs mlcv rownve stations have to be supplemenled vllh wave guide These are flexible places mend gadget used In Mr Farsiera Ialk to show how micrownvns can be bent out their cus tomary strainhl line during transmission Examiner Pho Hold PA mm CALDWELL DRUGS LIMITED ALLANDALI DRUGS LIMITED ROSS DRUG STORE Mn Forster was Inlmductd by club prcsldcnl Charlie Tlcn my and lhnnkcd by Geoer Wilson Mum and call through lo slur ML Case lcnvu sons Ryersan and William To roma sister Mn WI Hum 01 Lo Angles and lhm rnndchlldrtn ML Case lhe lormcr Gwendulen Mature Slnlrord hld lpcn many mm mers AL their collage at Shanty Buy Mn Case dch In 1956 Mr Casu wm Irequcnl mn ribulor arllclu on patent law and prncllcu In vnrlou Swmnls and WA ho Iulhor book on palenl lnw in was life the Chartered Insmulc 01 Patent Agents London and lormcr member or me Pmnt Inslllule nl Canada the Pale mm Canada and the us Patent 0mm alsq Tonmla Board of Trade my Born In Barr Mr asa had been mldenl album Ave or many years and was mm in SL Mdn hallcnn Church Funeral larvch were held today or Egonon Case Ba rclircd patent allomey who practised In Toronm or more um 50 years died Salurdnyi Foxcull Tamperum Law tonight High Wed JVindsor 55 St Thomas 50 Londnn 50 Wingham so Mounl Fares 50 Hamilton 50 SL Catharine so Toronto 50 Pelerborou 60 henlon 45 Killnlne cs Muskokn 50 North Bay 50 Sudbury 50 Enrlton 45 Knpuskaslng 45 White River 45 Mnusonce 35 55 Marie 51 Timmius 45 zxgmgzgwaas¢uoummmom Niagara Lake Oniarin Gear slan Bay Hailburion regions Hamilton Toronto Increasing cinudincss his lilernoon Partly cioudy and mild lunighi with scniicrcd shower and hundarv siorms Shower early chnel dny allowed by clearing Winds Secomin wesi 15 in 20 Wednes ay Synoplil low pnuure system mavlnl eastward will likely brinl an end in the il of settled weather which prevailed over Onllrio Coolu air will men Ontario Wedner day Lnke Sin Clair Lake Erie ke Huron rezlons Windsor London Fully cloudy and mild wilil scallered shower and Ihundcrslorm lanizhl Wednes dny sunny will cloudy period Wind shilllnl to was Wednu day morning The School Nurslnz at the Royal Vlclarln Haspltal had good year In 1062 Lllllnn McKln non dlrcclor of School Nurs lug sold In hu annull report to the board The school had 31 Iludcnlm SChoOlOf Nursing Had Pine 62 Report Says EGERTON CASE OBITUARY WEATHER asaaaasasamsssssssgg PA 407 PA 903 959 Pollce report llul ha ele phono number don not exlst nor does he address The man commlulng lrnud already wnnlcd In Wellington County anld lho Chlcl The chief said one conlmcl that was drawn up allows Ind ll Service m5 Dundns SI Toronto Ontario The Scrvlcc switched out along with the ms Dundn 5L and In long hand me lallaw in subslllulcd Better calm Scrvlco no I90 Queen St lclcphonn M34673 Chief Tschirhart said has been crossing lhe province entering Imo cnnlracu with rur al rcsidcnls and failing lo mnke delvcry of the nroducls Barrie Pollce Chlcl Ed Tichlr hurt urges pcrsans In rural areas beware lrnud ulan €0ng wnn salesman The Burr branch of Rh Can adian Cancer Society mot Iasl nlxhl lo dkcuss progress or the cancer und campaign now In in second week Appointment planning board member to nerve out the balance the term lefl In Nels Malcolm was sel aslde ML Malcolm recently was ap palnlcd lawn messar Nn 3p Palnuncnl wlll be magic unlil Mulcalms lculler resign Regardless of whether lha Al klon Puhllc School Bond de clch lo hulld new school lhls year It wont Heal the deben lure rule in Ih 63 lown hudm Mayor Jnck Mitchell lald Coun clllor Herb Oliverl He ralsed he qucsllan It Monday nightl cnuncll meetlnx Rural Residents Warned Fraud The Henllh Nurse who In charge the student health mm mm andllo more limited ex lcnl the health program or lhe nurslnn mvlca yemnnel has nsslsled hr the cllnlcal In xlructlon on medlul mm the hag no lnslmclor The school bus stall ol ln motors in tho iollowing classif icalionx One director oi lha School ol Nurslnl one medical clinicni Instructor lwp lurxicnl clinical instructors one pnedln lric clinical Instructor one ob Iietrlcal clinical lnslruclor and III operatingroom instructor Ready T6 Pick Up Donations To Barrie Area Cancer Fund Mls McKlmmn said 26 senlnr students wrote the RNA exam llullona In August 1962 and the ruulu or the Battle llndenla were only 19 per cent llllum mamfoils INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK There ware In the Graduating Class or Class 01 1962 21 slud enls In the lnlcrmedlm Clan or Class of 1963 and al In the Junior Class or Class of 1m Alliston Rates Not Affected In 1963 If New School Built M15 McKlnmm laid would mauiml financing or war Imunm In nn amilabla rluuhrn Im mnmmble mm and mndiliom you run invited lo visit an ID oflico or write to mm for booklet Then perhaps you require flnAncing Iho lmluntrlnl Dovulopmont Bunk holpn flnnnco most types of small nnd mulium oizo Cnnnrlinn bunincma for variety of plupom mmmm Unlvflllly AVIII 1m Illm II NC 07 ACID CANADA Thcra urn our branches In Ihe area and lhclr presidan nrc Mrs Bull Breton Mrs Malcolm Camp Bordcn Drennan Allislnn And Vcnls Tollcnhnm Dlrcclors are lllrs Willard Kinzle Mrs Walls lulu Moore Mu Ros scr lllrs Isabelle Mchnagh lclcr Mills pasl pmldcnl lllrx Juan Blni unll scarc lnry Dan Klnloch ls extonsinn and mnlnltnunce thalrmnn Members In the Cancer 504 clcly are Phil Sauvc pros denl Gordan Larkin viceprcsi den and campaign thninnan Dr HN Smnh secretary Hary ODnnaL publicily chair man Mrs thnon wd men scrvlca chairman Dr Hastings education chairman Mm Mabel Marshall mcial chairman Member discussud direct mailing campaign Gordan Lar kln local campaign chairman said he had Ilircc lemagcrx his house who wnuld be glad la pick up contributions if people phoned His residence number is 58130 lie sum gcslndlh at people ham lha canvasscu have misstd call his home The Ennilnilm cummiilee has not completed lu rupon ya on In drainage problem south lawn described mnnih ago by Alllslun rcsideni Mac Braille Mr Emil asked council to consult with the Snladnsherrlib Horsey plnni management About Joint responsibiiiiy in clearing out clogged drainage dilch and culvert there lhlu contri butin in the flooding candl lions am on April 23 Daylight saving lime will mm dice lg leon II 120 Illnn mm he plannhm board ecclveq would like to express my thanks to Ihe leaching stall In the Nursu Alumnae and the bond of directors or Inlmxl In malntaininz he txcellen relu llonshlp between the bum and the School Nunlint would also like to express my monks lo I6 Simcoe County Health Unit and to the Victorian Order oi Nurses for thclr co operation and assistance in pro vidlng iicld and public health work or our students This is valuable contribution to our Itu deni Education program These lcclurc have been un dertaken at some consldcrahlo perwnal dludvnnlaga lo thl medlcal stall Ind we nppreclale fllelr allarls lo make our School Nunan successful unlt ol our hospllal Ilka to Ihunk lha doctors or their many hours devoted lo our slu dent nurse In their health pm gram and or the many hours lhey have glven In lectures dur lng lhe year Ax iii

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