Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1963, p. 10

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mumnow mlv H70 hnn Fraudw nulmlnlrd Fka lenll Monlury am llnlnnllrld AIIlJrllulnn Hula lm MalHo AIL nub maul Imh lmly Sirphlll Ansel W4 HMHIISIIUHG AW Hal rllmr HIHAIIH Srrmllnn lb lrrl rd Mmulny xlrrlxbun an IM Alnlux lmxlnu In lrnnlylvunlu IIHII hv Mnh Mrllr tumllllr Mun rqrnrlnl ml xlcnfll yuumz nnmlrur 1mm upro nruh lHrrIIIIy clnuhv unmplu lnlnl nrddrnl In In lure of may mum Infrly mrnI furs MIN ml Mnlhmlr llurlllll wlm Hurc rulnmlulnn mm MIN ml Mmlmllr llurlilll WIHI hr Hvrrc rulnmlullm mun hm slmhruunn lnr rnnlun mhl llw umrlmlr wnnlrd huh lmlhrr mks Ill Iho phy Ivlvlluu makluu up he tmmnlk nlunn mrtlltnl nlllltlfly lumd nm xpulumnn 11 no mn Inul hrru ml lnr Ilu mm IIIrIIuhm ll hml lmcn mmml Hull Hm umnnr might comm box In Imn nr nmrllullum luiluw In llwdmlh Aplll nl Mmy lulu Frlmrhm Witmun 20 all nmnlrur hnul iuvlmn lnlo dudnr mll In slnllmml nl llw cnrnrr nr nth lmxcr III III Mum Hr WIII ho ucnmpllnlrll by deputy cmnmlnlnncr and cm H0 lhr hum Mr an nmilnllnu huxcr Ivy lum Inu un 11 ml llulxl The IIKlIlI mil Irv mmmlml nn nIl mar rim pirle The Immmuml prolimlnnrlu nn he and ill he ought In hmminulu rnunds The schbd ch viuhlqnund main event mulrhim ulhIwrighu Jury Mnntzinpxmo and Lnu Andersnn will haw Mnndnrd lhrocmlnulo rnumls Thu heavier ulnvu Kl Hl he Alllllllflnl riglll nunrcrm HI he um In nll hnnu The Imlrlll me dcnlunrd In nnwnl anuriN 5nd lho nlnl nnc In world cthrwtIuhl clmmplnu Ilmcy Mom In In Anselm last Immlh The rules were ndoplcdon rial hnsisby lhe mmmlssinn on the rccnmmcndnuan legislnlhc mmmillce that made study at boxing The commll cc was nplmilllcd nllcr lhe dram year rlgn 01 world wel lcrwrinhl rhnmmon nanny Pu in New York NEW YORK AP Now 511 tly rulus adnplcd by the New York slnlc ulhlcllc commisslou Including shorter rounds In pm liminury lights Iourlh ring rune mouncc claws and doc lur ouch cnrntr who can slap he fight will he used fur the in llme luninhl at Sunnysidu Gnrdcn here Pillshfirfih Irancls 01 51 Louis Gibson 00 EIGHT RESULTS Probable Illchun Tody lluuslon Bruce at San Franciscn Pierce 00 Chicago Huhl 11H al Lo Angclcs Padres Philadelphia McLish 00 at Milwaukee Spahn lOl an Yark Hook at Cinv cinm Malmmy on Governor Defers Boxing Decision By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS San Francisco Philadelphia Pillsburgh lilwnukce St Louis Lox Angola Chicnnn Houston CincinnnH New Ymk Mondayl null New York Milwaukee Against the Braves the Met massed their heavlcst artillery and hunmcd om 12 hits they unmmiuad only nnc error Ihey going into hc ninKh hey wcre one slrikn nway ram vic lury when Tracy Stallard fired Io Mayo New York Adopts New Safety Rules bus Am sales Angels Houston Colts Vushlnglon Senators and Mel crvnled out of grab bag hr plnycrvdrulls only he Mei summed to have picked ha hag Bullhl year the brakes were going In be npplled on the back ward trend go he grizzled backward spcnking manager to lHyeBrv nld Ed Krnnepoo lhe muklu 9lllleldcr the loss Was mor alemnulcr bringing back the memory Inst years dismal slnrl that nevnr ended The Mols moved lorwnrd lot lnnlngs plus two strikes then bee Mayo shoved hem backward by shovlng hl but In trunk 01 at pltnh or mm run homer Ia gave Milwaukee Braves 43 vlclory In the only game played lulhn Innings New York Mets Ins aznln Magda By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS New YorkLoSeSquip Edged 43 By Braves Nnuonnl mqu BASEBALL RECORD Pct GBL lwlrolhu are lhe only rluh why In hm nu lul Cnnh dim unlnr Mil mmnlmu lul Ml mum Io lummnu fled Winn unnu punum 1hr ml Inn have lullnl In win mp In our Men How em Ilnnu wllh om 1m mlu Mm lurnnl llm llltk lulu lh lhe oply rluh 1M Klnu and Wiml KIM wll be mmlnt In lho vmlcm llnnl lnr Hm mum nmlrculho yrnr ml the lhlrd llrm In Iour mum lhlmmvim won In mm nu um In mam lb Anndlnn tlnal or urnnl mowcullva mum Hm gnmr Hum llemoalnn Ilrnmlon lulu will he In lid lnuMun lrlldny nlzhl Hob Fnlkrnhum and Um lilllng mm ha Edmonton pmll day nluhl Thu Oil KIM mm Hrnndon Whtnl Kllll Mnnllalm11lln drr llny rhnmnlom In bell uluvrn WHIP llnnl 11m uln ncr lrprrnrnu lhc NM ngnlnnl he ml In lho Munurlnl Cup Ml or the Innndlnn Junior uuwn Dn vlclnry lnr lhe vclmn larknd Hdmonlnn club In mu Ilm lmtnlmvrn qunrlcr llnnl junlor hockty lulu xlcvnn won he Hm lwn lama brlnre lllc UII KInK hll llmlr Alrldn nnd Iwrpl nu Ilmlghl vldmlu HSTHVAN Snsk CWEd Inunlon Oil Klrm unvelllnu mtkrlhb€d drum xhul Ml lislcwm min 10 Monday mm lu ndvuncu In lhe Mrmor In on mnHInnl for mu louth Tnslro lnld Cubnl delexnlinn In lhu Game In much Sundny think he Amcrlcnns are nlrnld at our pmcncc not cunvcninnl or mm to have us In lhnl linx whrre Cuba has all Ih Iympnlhkl and hey have Ml nnd my use lhclr lrlckn In an Illwnl wny Th umpnpcr nevnhldon mid Culmn marl omclnls hnvc scnl IHKNII rcqucsls lor clari lrnllon In San Inulu The anmm pm sold spon mm lhe Gamex hnd threat lnld lo withdraw Cubun permk slun In parch ale in evcnls suncllonod by Inlnrnnllonal Olympic Commmre or Al Plcdly lulllng In reply lo olli tlnl cnmmunlcallons HAVANA AP Premier Fidel Caslm say the Unilcd Sinks Is arrnld to have Cuban athletes at he PanAmerican Games In San Paulo Brazil Ind ls using Inga lrlck lu keen Cuba out oi the Games The Hnmnn men7115 may up the charge aptly No ubas pnr Htipflllun In lhn names whlch nm April 20 In May lx un ccrlnln and blamed encmlu al the revolution and lheir man cLuvn Oil Kings Unveil Hard Réck Defence Amtrlcn Lem Slandlngs unchanged No games scheduled Monday Probable Pllthtu Todly Dclroil Agulrle Nzw York Ferd Loi Angelcfiféhance at hllqnosola Real Kansas City Bowslicld II Chlcaga Fisher UH Baltimore Robert 00 ll Boson Monbouqucue 01 Washington Cheney at Cleveland McDowell Wednesdnyl Glmls Lo Angola Minnesota Washington at Cleveland Detroit at New ank Balllmnre ll Boston Unfortunately they had In play me nlnlh and Slallard working In relic of starter Al Jackson threw his fatal pitch In laye The victory went to Claude Raymond 01 SL Jean Que his Slcnzel went to bench Mnrv Throneherry came up and singled Clm Cook cums up and singled Each pinch Ml drovu In run In he eighth the Mets snapped the Me on single by Krnuepoal and Duke Snider walk Lo Jim Hickman and safrigice fly by Harkngss Castro Charges United States Shut out lor six Innings by Bob Shaw the Meta struck back In the seventhand everything wnrkcd Tim Harkncssr the first baseman from Lachlne QueI and Ted Schmtbcr started at with singles Theyre still lhrce delcals away from duplicating 1m years opening ninegums losing slrlng and theyre slIIl II de teau mm matching their rm rd 17gnme losing streak but hey wont come any closer to dlgesung victory without Ins ing It an record dropping them games hack of he Nalional Leggue lcadcqs Wedneniul Gmu New York at Cincinnnll Philadelphia at Milwaukee Pittsburgh at St hauls Chicago Los Angeles Nb Houston at San Francisco Thedeeal en lhe Met wllh first the Mason Raymond worked only the ninth Inninl Elvin up III Ind walk Ind striking nut on man MA cusmrmdnn VIAU MOIORS LIMITED now mm um The mm the New York Yankee ump also was dly muraglnz Ralph Honk uni both Mantle and Marl Along wlUI pllcher Blll Slallonl will mlss lwuame series with Dnmlrllxen start lnx lonjghl Mantle milled rib muscla Saturday Maria has becn out with yulled leg muscle and Stallord hu rained Inn Klllebrew who led the Amer ican League with 43 home runs last season was ordered in ha bench Monday by Mlnnesm Twln until his ailing right knee is man again He lwlated the knee In 5111191 fining way lhlnza have been popping in mljnr league bisean these dlys you nut only need ncnre card all whan glwlnl you hayq lg have the amt medl ml huiielln Tao poppan In been arm Ind legs and has such um Harmon Klllebrew Mickey Mlnlle Roger Marla Frank Lary JIm Grant Bob Purkay Vern Law and Mlury Wills 10 TH IARRIE EXAMINEB TUESDAY APRIL mm Medical Bulletins To ReplaCe Score Sheets Beiom Toolong NEW You up 11w Anything eise youve averwantedina car look overtheheaw tliul new Ramblers Havn talk with youritamhier Dealer Hell be happy to answer any other questions you have about cars make it leaflypasy to get in and out why dont they makeh car that gives top performance and eqqnqmy RAMBLER DQESwith onaoflha best make seats as pomfortahle as reclining lounge chafl We 3953 Emilyheight seats 1me make doors that close split straight and true makethe lowest priced Canadianbuilt car make mufflers that wont corrode or rust out make brakes that wont fail even with liroken 66h hydraulic HeRAMBLERDOESDoublevSafely brakes havqfrom and rear systems that operate make fears that fightyust lotrlonger The decision to rest Kille brew until the knee no longer adverser aflecl his play was made Monday by Mlnnesotu Twins bras alter My learned Harmon Ported Out By Twisted Knee MINNEAPOLIS AP Har man Kiilebrews twisted right knee which the sluggtr admit doesnt seem to be getting any better has med him in the bench or an indefinite period Lary the Tixm No problem The no rlzhlhandera arm Is free of pain but still wank from lack of work Lary pllched only 50 Innings Inst soa aon aller developing shoulder trouble Wills out since the opening am of flu Natlannl League season with wrencth ankle Is expected back at shortstop or the Dodson when Chlcngn Cubs Invada Lo Annelo to night uliflumnu nu mm MWnIsldo conzlruclion makes fiséilvzle tile widest and highestdooroponlngsTrygolllnglnandoutoh anblarsoqn atyourneawstDealars welghttohbisopower ratios In therlnafistry you the best periormanco In either six or V8 ongqu with exceptional economy collsprungadiustIndividuSIItheyamvo n5 antll Into nap couch Headrestsare also available ol SinglgUnit cohélructiori replaces Ecores of small parts with slngle plece stamped out of sheet of steelGivesy0u greaterstrengthmore perfectdoorfit BL Unlside fiAmaLgfi DOE its IheRambler American and It not only Is the lowest priéed but also the most economical to operate and maintain The American comeswithahighpertormanceSixcylinderenginetoo RAMBLEB 1055 the exclusive CeramicoArmoured muiflerand taiiplpe are guaranteed to lastas long as the original buyerowns his Rambler BAMVBLEKV DVOEitsiheRamblerAFnerican brakes have from and rear syst operate lndependgnfly If one set is damaged the other con inues to operate Selfvadjusting too 44m the exclusive DaepDlp process with times moregalvanized steel on critical areas makes Rambler the worlds mostcomplelely rustproeled car RAMHBLEB 9055 the exclusiva Ceraréic Killchmw wrenched he kneu March at Orlanda Fla dur lng spring lralnlng when he tried to make sharp turn and hi 50mg oqse dirt or at least week and most likely Ianger severe blow to Minnesota The Nlns have last four at heir first five games with Killebrew hitting meagre 105 fixqknce was again filled wllh RALPH HOUR the fiowest development New enlrlu or 1963 in the oldest minnr league an um Rock which will perform the Arkansas irlveien Ind he in dlannpoli White Sox winner oi the 1961 Ameflcnn Association championlhip IL expansion came about when IheIAmerlcan Association iolded and its mem bers were Ibsorind into the In ternational and the Pauli Cogs Leagum Flu games mun Synclm at Atlanta Toronto cum vllle Rochester um Rock Bumlo at Indianapolis and Co lugbqs Ilglchmopd Jacksunville Atlanta Little Rock Indianapolis and Colum bus form the leaguel southern Division with Toronto Syncuse Richmnnd Bulfllo and Roche ATLANTA GI AP Tho International League expanded to 10 learn or the ln lime slnco 1381 launches IL Nth baseball seam lonlght wllh db ending clumplon Jacksonvllla and the veteran Tomnla Maple Learn regardtd ILllvnrlm la the newly ornnlzad Southern and Northern Dlvlslom of the AM Lung JabksanilIe Sét To Meet Toronto HOLMNDSOARAGI ITAYNII Hze two teams Ire bnimd or the PanAmerIcnn Game In San Punk Brazil mining Apfll SAN JUAN CRABPuma lel Olympic haskeibaii team whirped he beihbrldae Mia Na onnis 5134 Sunday night or pick second straight viciary in iournme exhibition series ere Thu Puma Ricn1 won 5831 Saiurd night Bath lune were played on new floor whlch bothered that Canadians more than Ihc San Juan mm The Klmfl were flowed to walk because he lllgpery eopdlllon lha 1091 ler makinl up Ihe Northern in Division winners will play beadmen series or ha pennlnl with numersup com peting in simiinr mies or the Governara Cup Puerto Ricans Top Nationals

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