99th Year No 39 LONDON GP Scallund Yard made prbdnwn mid My day In Its campaign to crack the spies for pence ring or betraying some Brilnln nu clear survlvnl secrets Swinging lnlo ncllon ï¬ll wlld llsHhrawinx hanlhebomb rally agents the special branch dcallng with security of lcnccs swooped on house in search typewriter used to draw up pamphlets ï¬rst dlslrl bulcd durlng the weekend pcacu march on London am pm phlcu disclnstd secret plans or dispersal government 0mm In lhc evan mler nl lnrk Tï¬cre wu nu immcdlnlc WM nn whnl l1 nnylhlng the mldcrs found OTTAWA CF 11m Cunn Iinn Tnx Founduilon any lhc mnllnulng ircnd oi xnvcmmoni lxpcndiium rowin lnslcr Imn he ccunnmy mnkns ll pmbnhio lhni ln coming muniiu on will lntmlso rnlhcr Ihlm drmnso particularly nl lhu plmvincini nmi municipal Inv LIBERAL LEADER Pcah sun smile nfler meeling Prime Minislcr Dielcnbnkcr In lhn llrsl hrlcl lo lhc mynl commlulun on lnxnllnn ho prI vmo menrch ornnnlzanon mm today lhnl lhc hlxh Irvnl Inns at the mm In cun crrn about lnxnllon In m1 wun ryf Gnvcrnmml cxpcndllurcs In mlnllon to flu um nnnunnl prnducl have no pcnccllmo prcmltn Howewr we numbllrm mid llm Hm Cnmullnn lnx Almihxrt dupilu Ila Im llccllnnl rnukn wllh Um wa Um world Ami Mm he currrm lnvrsllxnnnn Canndn lmd nn npmnunlly lo duva Una lwsl Hope Raids Will Crack Spies For Peace Ring Hm II the In cl levrn In In pmmlml la lhn le mnn mmmlukm lhll wrckull nub llnllll nrnrrnl View on Cam dlnu nu pmhlemulwlnm lhu rnmmlnlnu lloulnn HRlonzl hrmlnul In Mnnlunl ncxlwvrk Tax Foundation Foresees Tax Rise OTTAWA 1II Innndll nwml Mp0 Nimmllnn cur lmnm you lmlny ambl lwprl ll WIN Ml nme CulimHnn In IanINI ml Irl MI IMHIUIIU rnmplu ml lhry unl mm poi an mink Tnulu Mlnlurr MKCHIHIMn In In In Inlrrvlnw Mnmlny in mm lhe luu wk nl mm lnrntr hrlwm lmlmumn mu Ml lvpnllrmIWI Imman mu mum lmlp mm nllulnuru llll Inwer lb bur Inumwn In lake hva wldrr pith Im Inlhflnl Um mm many nnmllnn quulmumrn Iullwlnl um rm lnlrr luley mmplu lepllnu lhry rmfl rompclo In pm In km All lhc Idme lw had In In month In Um me In mi many nm dlm mu which on We Hope 1011 Canadian Business Out Of Inferiority Complex Puhllcallon or the secret gov For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA mm The elvphnna number to can or the Business In Editoxlal Dept Ix PA 66531 0urTe1ephones eminent plans was described by Home Secretary Henry Dronku Iho work lrailo sp branch has been 10ch um tho myslurlou nnli war your has prlnled nnolhcr series of outlet rcvnulinz more ofllï¬nl Hell Young dnlcclivu many them in henlnik outfits minz led with he ban Hie bomb mnrchcrs Monday nn lhe wnich or the new ieallcls One marchcr who was disirlbuilng Innilels irom shopping bag was nrmlud nu ioailcis wen dixcsia oi lhu original pumphltl Somu 25000 came of lhu dlgcsi were rcpmicd dlslributcd HEARS MORE PRINTED umke rclumtd In London or talk Induy wllh scnlor Scollnnd Monday to discuss HI chnnga war of gavernmenL Mr Dielcnhuklr told reporters he brlcll are dzslgncd la rulso quï¬sllom no Pnswgr lhan headed by Tomnln chnrlmd neceunlnn Kenneth Carter wn lnld by lhu lnundnllon that many people cnnsldvr the lowcrlnz 01 mar gmnl person and corporate hr comu Inx rules In tho mnln lab ma wmmlulonm Time Nah mnrxlnnl mm whlch nflccl ralnlivcly low In dlvldunl and rurpornlinm nrv nu very lenlllcnnl mm HV tnuu nlnndpolnl lho hrlcl mid and any thnnm would not Io Ill In major lnnovoUon Thu wul mnlnmy or Income nx pmblrlm In Cmmdn wm mum by lhn mixing lhu vnrlmll lnx nyxlrlMHm cor purnlu lnx Mn Ulpllnlln romu plohlcmv and UN md Ilnlnl rnln ulmlulu lnr Imfl vldunll Annlhcr luulc luuo lwlnny ha mmmluinn Mill llw bundli Iiun II In ltdlln how lam can he Ide or punmu nlhnr lhnn ruluinl How 1th nhaulrl Im um In Inlluomu In mzllmnl devrlup mom wrullh xlhpnnllu or uwn cruhlp nl Cnmullm Indmlty Iy mun nl llul qunllky dwdgn mg mm um plndn Trmla nmmlulnnm mm was mmlnl mm um raunhhl wlll IVMIIIMI whnle hnjfm mum Hm min 10 mum mumlulunul will In In mlvlu munulnrlmm ml mum haw mm pnulud wlll I0 and wlml minimum Hwy um mm In nwl lu Implle lnnvh Tm rmnmlsdulull run Ill pul Cm Mdllm Hum In muhul wllll lnrplgn uch vrpvwnlnllm and mmlu The mnfrrmre II llu llmnx III Ink mmmllun IHnll mellm Wmld Mukrlm dut lnu whlrh wma 1M lmvlin mu hlnury Imm luuml Cnnldlnn Imam and Mmlhn rm lor elgn Imym ware Ilrmn In TM arm or lhmdny mnplu Ihul of Emldlnn mull mm mm martin Examiner Naming Pearson Just Formality Yard and government ofï¬cials on lhe spies or pence pnm phloxls Minister Macmillann government has been plagued by repeated rccurlty rcandnls Strong attack on it an consid cred inevltnhie Aprll 23 when Pnriinment reassembies The report at special tribunal let up to investigate security is ation the Macmillan radian L611 don from his home In Sussex to deal with developments ham to GovernorGem oral Gumgas VanIer to make luriher pmparallons or the changeover CP erephntn VIENTIANE Lao AWRe newcd llthunl has broken Laullun cenwllro agreement below It could tnko cum be cause nculrnllsl Gen Kenn IA In reluslnz give up lxnlalcd poltlans Informed nourm mid Konl Lo agreed Sunday to pull back trapped lane from lwo on posts lhcn chnnlcd Ml mind nvgrnilhl New shnollnx broke out thonly niler lhu coulellro was In become cflmlvn Sundny nlahl Kenn Lo uld tho pru Cammunlsl Pnlhn Lno attacked his troops and Ill 01 hll men were woundrd The nnllrmcd lhn lus rlclun Princo Sauvunnn lhnumn nculrnllst premlcr IM bnllllon ovcmmum whu oblnlncd cum Hm plcdm nncr mucunu with Haul Lu and mum 11mm Slnknm moun rumuny Sunday Ho lndlcnlrd lhcn dnubltd lno pledge would by kept nu clnsh Sunday nigh oc curred on wlndmn dlr mud lhnl LI Una only 1an hrlwctn lho provlnclll cnpllal of Xlenl Khuunnu um lhn llnlno ch Jnrm nlnml 27 mllu nwy CeaseFire Is Broken PM EACH Hui AP Imlxlenl mu Mu Kennedy MD rnwtllnl lhqlr lhln MM In lhn 1mm pmx Aumn Iho Yhllv lluum nmmuncrll Mun ny Mn Krnnuly wlll uan all nlllrlnl Innmnruh Ipcnd nmrll In Iummrr on Mu Mhuulll npc CO Hwn uh Iurn lo Wuhlnulvm ln mvu hvr lmhy Irpvuhu wnlo luld Alllwuxh uh You hlnlnry ol mluuulnlo and Vlmlll hrr MI xlrrn mp dvllvrnll ivy mur rIII mllnm Mu Krnnuly In mmml In ml 1mm Nlll un llrvgnlnu ununnl wtlunacy lmrnl Kpmmly rhllvlml no Calm and Im Jr I1 Kennedy Expect Their 3rd Child My WE Mu Kmntdy who wll In at July wlll lm mm llul pmhlmllnl In 70 you It him lmlvy wlulll Ilvlnn II II WMln Iltmu 5an vs mnml mm In Illllmy In do pm Thu nlhor In Mu Hmvu Clewlnnd va Mn Mr mam MM In Nu Mulls Hune Bopl 1M 11m lhr ymlllrm 45 Join Ito ymmgvr hrumcu In lh um um Mimnryvlkwul llnlmi Krlmwlyl mu uwdlnl 1er olxhlh MM In Juna Joan Sen1w Wuul 1TH Kennedy mm Maul ll Illlnl Hull mm In Imam TORONTO CPlA group avth trustees wlll all thun uelve loose from lha army ol teachers and trustees ln conven llnn here loday to go helnr lhu Ontario cnblnel and delcnd their right to canlml school hugzeu The delegation mm the On tarln School lrusleu Council ATLANTA Ga AWInter vcmlon hy President Kennedy mauled Mm Marlln Luther Km Jr Io tnik by telephone wIlh her minister husband jailed for leading an antisegre ggllnn march In Blrmlnghnm 315 The prcsldent called and wild he had been In much with Blrmlngham Mrs King re lmd Mopglay nlglxf Ho nrrnngcd for your husband to telephone you very shortly You probably know we sen FBI mm in last night to talk with hLm and hes all ï¬ght mu Mrs Klnz nd hcr husband called shortly afterward and mrcd her hn was all mm and in 2906 He didnt know why he was not able to call aha laid 51 had heard he was helnl had lncommuglcad am Mu Klng said she um mod to reach lhu president Sunday talked wilh Press Secretary Plerre Sullngcr and then celvcd two calls from the pm ldenll brother Allomeyflen ernl Ruben Kennedy JFK Arranges Telephone Call From Prison KEY WEST Fla AWPre mler Fldcl Cnslm Cuba wlll vlsll lho Savch Uféon lhll your an Wm er qued the lnvllnllon 1n per Ional Mint Castro um broad cnst mid Trustees Asking Right Control SchOol Budget um The broaden monlwrnd ln Key West said Khmshchav ex pruud dulre that Castro net to know tho Soviet Unlon and an tho rent lumms ob lnlged by ghg Sovlc pmlplc uuuw lhu Sovch Unlon wlll work nut he data and Itinerary 01 um vhll the rndlo added NEW YORK AP pm rm Iclccllvu rlcn lnmnm mum lnbo In In Ihupo lo dny In In Unllcd mm noel lmlulry but um um wnl no word from the Na producer 08 Site Corpornllnn Castro Slated Visit Russia Ilomlhllc Steel Corpornuon llm lhlrdrnnklnu llrm loll nlo llno wllh Hum Imnlltr commun ln Ivy poxllnu boom MHlluinl 3534 km on produtu that Cnunltd lnr almut onovlounh palm 1m mum 1m uncullvn cmnmillm U8 Sm whlch lnlllnlrd hm yml nhudlvo vrlcn rho wnl In mm In mulnr manlth lu Alnn In New You lmlny Pfllfllllld Ily llrvuhllc nml llllllmuh ï¬luol Company Mnrr day uml lwn nunr tulnnanlu Mrllw rwlnl nlunll up unlul UR ï¬lrrl virnl In Mwl an UJL Hm In lnnwn In llm tulle Icmunll lur nlml nnolourlh Amul up lmluxuyin lemma No Steel Producer Is Quiet Amid Pattern Oi Increases mhrn Krnnrdy III work mmlflllmally nppruved In mnm 4m lulu nlorl mod lull lml wuan mulan ml wk lnmmn um mild purl In munlryn rmmlnlc mummy Rhanly helm WMICI noununwnl omnmlonnl 1w qulvy Inln nlul prim pmflu and pnnluclkm pmhleml um nullrnl Ivy knnlor Innl ll mull mlmn Ianl who In rhnlvmnn of 1m Mnl mm mulamd 0mm mmmlllu mum MM mum I1 um um wni mum In armor volmnr of mmch mm mum Burris Onmlo CImdn Tuudny April 16 I963 in My mail mm will vlslt Queens Park to ap pose runesllonmade 1n the report of select cummltlee of the Oniarlo legislature lha municipal caunclla excr clse control over rchool hoard budgets They are likely to get mlxed recapllon Whlle Educallnn MlnA lsler Wllllnm Davls nalrl Monday he also upposes munl clpal control ol school budgets he lndlcalzd several cablnel nlllnlslcr take an opposing ew There have been oeveral do mend recently lncludlnx some from municipal councils that alderman and counciliars be able to trim school expenses At present school board hudzel are set by the board educa tion in each municipally and he munlclpal council must set um mill llll to provide the money quncsled Harold Kilan Windsor wesldemalec th Inmla Educational Assoclauan said In EL PASO TEX ADBillie Sol Estes culled by edml judge Lha perpelrmr one cl homushgllmtlo Handles 1n UnJledSlutes history was sentenced Monday to 15 yearn In prlsan for mall fraud and cansyhncy In senkendng Emu v5 D19 lrlcl Judzn IL Thomnwn cu tlgntcd hlm or hll part In If rnnzlnl wllh farmers or man gage an nunexlalent fertilizer Umkl involvan 571mm and then selling them to ï¬nance companies Thu record Ihows Thom son Inld that you won the au lhar nnd perpclrmor or one the must lennllc swindle In In history our country Your ndlonl In thla can have passed cioud upon ug manu of our buslnu world and upon the many victim the achemo you tumultu carried an or yqqr nonelnry gnln Estes heard the7mm without lhflW nl emotion WILL APPEAL The neck promolcr lay preacher In lho Church 01 Christ nlmndy II under an ulthycnr prlmn unlcnco on llnla charm and use three more mm He was nflawtd lo nrpubllc wnl lha llnl among IM 10 lumen producer div clqag 10an cc nu Oarmmllon erh nlnrled the bull mlllnl wrnk ngn unlu lllh In produc llun Luke Steel Umnpnny Mulch ollawrd Sunday mnkl 20th and Illulmmh SIM Um Knlm SIM mpornllnm whlch hold lmrk when other mmrlmlu ndvnnud prlm In And 1061 unly lo mclml lhu lncmuu qIclly under Idmln lplmllon prmuro nald ll lmd ruched mnclunlon nn whul lovdn lhll llmo LMI ll Knlur nlnth lumen producer cul Mn wlcu simply Billie Sol Estes Given 15 Years an lnlervlew Monday munlclpal councils could paralyze school sygleyn fhrgugl1nllslaken ghrlll And McCamey of P0 lerbornngh president the On lnrlo School Trustees and ta payer Assuclauml told do gates that trustees had received the legislative committees rec nmmendatlun with sense shock niawn hatch In Tomnln were crowded with meetings discussions panel and wander ing delegates in In estimated 10000 teacher and mime turned an or the annual meet ing of the Ontario Educational Association and dolen amniier orgqnizalinns the Hundmnateu Asso ciaticn that criticism oi the provinces new streaming an em inr sccandary education is lrrï¬spansihlc The program does not com promlsa academic content In some crmc have suggested Mr Dav snld go free Mnndny on $100000 bond pelldlng meal Belem he sentencing Estes who did no aka lhu stand duh Inz hln mm spoke up briefly He said he had mm been part any consplmcy and never In legdqd to delrnud any Delence cqun John Color made In drnmnuc pm sentencing nppcnl on bchnll his cllunl Outer anld Estes young man still in hl 30 who was worth $18000000 11 the ms the ï¬rst notes were signed and now does no hnvo dme Idg hothlnx hut ho federal jury on March 73 convicted Estes gullry on live count mud and com Iplrncy Thomson ruled hu musl servo ï¬ve years on each lhrco counts to he served mnscculively and live your on the other tum counts to bu served concurrently OWAWA CP The CAF nupcnonl CFIN law incl 11 bomber In Europe will carry nnumcgnlon bomb nulhorl In hm my anemcxnlon bomb rqulvn Inn to 1000000 on TNT llvn lhnts pawcdul the bomb whlrh dulmyed IIInr Ihlmn m5 The CA Mr DIvlslon In Eumm wllh mm nquudrnnl la CFIou each would lhul huvn lhu power In dummy cixlu at one blownuumlng clllu were Ihn lflrllll and all plum not through lo thclr uracil In on Ilrlko Aulhmlllu In wch an un nmvlo II hypo ellcnl beau CNN and wnuld be mlll Inry lmlnllnllnm Inrh mlr Illu hum Ind no million crnlm In my Ivcnt Ill HCAF CF10 bod at per ml nl lho NATO ladleknu RCAF CF104 Plane Carries Megaton Bomb UPMWA CHPrime Mlnly ler Dielenbnker said today he will sea Govemorfleneral VanA leg at floor ngnesday He made lheinnuhncemenl unnemeslng gablng muting Mr Dielenbnker told report er lodnya meeting will not he Ihe last More the government change hands urther sex slan will be held afler he see the GovernorGeneral Tflere never was any sug gestlon that this wuuld be the ins one Bald he prime mm sler Mr Melenbnker held 21 minuta meeting wuh leeral leader Pearson Monday Ha Inld afterward he wuuid say nolhlng about lhe future 01 his gavernmenl unlll afler his visit to the Govemomenml Mr Pearson sald alter the meeting in Mr chfenbakers olfch Ural they reviewed the Iclnl steps to be taken in hand in over he relns of govern menlr Earlier Mr Penman said he expecu his new government In be sworn in Friday The cablnel meeting was called at today when ll me In Thursday to revlzw the sin of the April general elec lonl min in ha new House Common then were 96 Can ICTVIUVES us leernls So clnl Cred and 11 New Demo cmllc Party members The armed hm vole announced Snlurdny Iwflched two neat to us Liberal from the Constrv alive cump oukcoma the election there were ported to be some weslcm mlnlsters who wanted the Dlelenbaker zovrm men In remnln in mice untll met the new nun Com men and south vote cum ï¬dencc This course technically In upon to any prime mlnlslcr aner an eltcuup at mnsm however prevailed In the argument that thezovcrnmem mould quit as qulckly and urderly por aiblc lenvlng mu Liberals lo arm ncwgovemngenl COURSE IS OPEN noon as he erv vole was nnnounqed Saturday Mr DIeIcnbnker lelemphad his congrululnllanl Ind has wishes to MrPenrmn nnd pmpand he Monday mccllnz clear force In Eumpe were meant to be primarily wnr ddmcnl Tho CFlN has radius of ac llon of mm 500 mlch mum lng that could mthll llunln mm Eumpenn bum nm pmbltm poud by um mnulvu Ilriko tnvablllly ha nlr dlvhkm ll llnrlnl uhml Eovtnumcnl In Hm Inca became NAm mlnmfllnl mullnl an conlrnl nl nuclrnr wcnpanl wlll bu hrlll hm May an PROBLEM IMMEDIATE nm uhmm nover dld Ilk lhn CF40 franum and lhvy say may ll m1 llnwcver Llhu II Lender Inarlun Inn nd Cnmdl should honor lII nuclonr mmmllmenll and Illmo Mlnlllur Dklm baker uld In lhq Common Jun 1h CNN ll nuclear commllmtnl Mr Dieienbaker To Visit GovemorGeneral Wednesday lnul Allyn MP hr Tomnlo No Mo Than For CopyM Plat claw PM my EHS mmomw Law tonight 50 mi Wednesdly 70 Far lull num mary pulse turn to page two Local Weather Under warm aprlnl sun In cloudles xky Mr Pearson walked he few hundred yards from his 010 In me Centre Black on Parliament Hill the East Bloch whore Mr DIeKenZ baker had arrived cw mln ule earlier warm reporter lulu lowed he prime ministerelect and the ï¬rst holiday cran tomIsl applauded Mr Parsons He was accompanied by Dick OHagan res secretary whn WBHEd wl reporters nut Alde he prim mlnigkcrs on Emerging mm the meeting Mr Peanon reamed awad by lha number of reporters and photographer and said Dont crow have néihlng In an exceptv that wa had pleasant talk on the mechanics that wnuld be In volved If am asked form gnvemmenl TAQK 0N MECHANICS When reporter noud Ihi In his slntement Mn Peab son was asked whether he was expccung call wouldnt be surprised he said with lauzh but there have to be certain tonsmullonal propriefle to be abserv Basic to them the Covar nor Gennralx prerogative to choosa the Qucnns ï¬rst min ter In Canada though It would create wnslllulionnl more he did not pick the lender ol the largest group In the Comment The process or chnxcover mm with the outgoing prime mlnlsm Iubmmlng ml nntlnn Without accepflnz Im mediately the Gavenmr Gen eral asks the retiring prlma mlnlsttr to remain in alike few days whllo he consider The Gnvemnr General then invites lira new man to Govem men ileum and ask him to consider forming government Some time later lhn new man returns in Government Hausa wilh wanted uhlntl ilrL When it in apprnved he and his mlnirlm are worn into emc and the realxnniionr ai lhe re tiring prime mlnisirr and hi ministry becama ivc Mr Pmrmn uld on ay he would nu be am In Innnunca he dnlo PnrlInmcnl wlll meet until know exactly when Im mini workl Im called Trinity and hem dclmcn cri llc said In ï¬le Gammon March 25 19 In CFlN This 11 rough englno belnz lmlnllrd In poor nlrzrnfl to carry out questionable ml In whlch wo Ihnuhl not have com mlued cum1m In the nut Mr Diclmlmkrr III In Jun unry lhnl Canada th May NATO mccllng would neck cgnriflcnllnn llm CFIMI The prcvlnus monlh Chnrlu Bud Umry Llhmll MP or Monlml 5L AnlolneWul mount who my bu lho nut do lrncn mlnlllnr ulhi III NATO ndomal llm vlcw lhnl nuv cltnr WUIDOM lar lho alllnnco were necuulry Cnnndn thank Mon with that vlnvn Wu mnmbu ol lhnl Il lllnu Ihauld In and mplry nuclear wuponl umlu NATO comm ho Id