Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Apr 1963, p. 8

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farlurll Imml Ill 1111 mm mtlml an ml 0n lllc HI goal by lllo Fly rrl Uurnlmclor Irmml mm ha wunlly lwndl Inlrnrplrvl clmlmt mu Iml rnlllrvl 10 mur pm mnilh HUI Hm MMva Knl mm hrlp 1mm lhn Flynn 1111M N0 McNellu anal rnnw uilll HM Vllilnrl Illurhllumlml llmmgll pumllln Wu The Flym 1ch me scar lng uhrn lulu Gary Dnrnhoelcr dmve pussout rum Run Shock lhrumzll Iho lull 01 NB Man nclmindnr Gnry Smllh Mike CnthN cvcncd he store for flu Mnronnx mIrlMy lhmugll he urcoml period us In ml mm UH shorl Ida nflrr Mug pus mm Hill Mnrmlllnn Ill lhl IMrd Irrier MM Wallan liml lmz koala lnrlml In the Ilnlnr Whinu Mme Andre Clmmpuunu scored lho olhrr Human mmkrr In lrlmxninn Um Ilyvr In he halalsown series In lhc Moons 5mm Huron nnswcmd unnls wllhln xix ulc In ml pcrlnd mm TORONTO CPLTho Noll Mchxl Mnronnx Sulurdny niKIIl snnpncd n1ncuamc wlnnimz MM he Niauam Fnlln Flycrs by winning the lhlrd gum n1 Ihu Euslcm Canada Momnrinl Tun lianl In Mir Gardrm unlnnVi aim NEW rm WOODS TENTS 10 OFF ON ALL TENTSI onummn mm carry errrylhlng or IM tmnprr nl THE MANH SHOP MRRIE govr sumus IS umlng xnlo lcrrific said managercoach Vrcn Blnir aller lhc game and It appear 15 the mic will go six or seven game SERIES TERRIFIC The vtclnry gave the Fron tenacs land in games in lhis hechfscvnn Eastern Pm lessinnrn Hockey League final nr the Tom Foley Mcmnrlnl Trnphy The nurlh game of this sc rins is in Sudbury tonight wilh hc mm hack in Kingslun Wod nnsday Clill Pennington nnnlhcr ex Bruins killed the Wolves lhrce secnnds later when he won the actor at centre and rifled It lnm he one not from the cen lrc accqfl circle KINGSTON CF Pal Whitey Slnplulnn diminu lhe rearguard who spent most at his season with the Boston Brulns heal Sudbury goal lender Geny Checvnrs with lDfool backhand drive with 25 umnds remaining in tho lhlrd period to break dcadlock and put the Kingston Promen ac an the mad to 51 victory over the Sudbury Wolves here Saturday night Third Game Won By Neil McNeil onqym 1cm Former NHL Player Breaks 33 Deadlock Rnn Tlxrcolles mount Quich Saturday In beat out Solid 1y left moved quickly enough Stan right with Hung Dili My land Ilw nmlrr MOVES QUICKLY ENOUGH mullrr hull Illuh Hm ll llmhul FIRM wlm mm llw Inn wmlvl Immplmuhlp rlzllt rnnl M1 mno hm Mill run NEW YOIIK IM Mar Um Ilnlvolll Clly NC Ilmtl tlmnlplnnnhlp Ilnrc Hr Sunday nu ho lvlmmrd llmIh llmr Iunnrr rhnmplnn Irvin nrm Hmhrlrr Awrry drrw nn nulnmnllc miscululurl two liullls mm In lhu Ural pfrlod Willi Yorhcll and mmlhrr Ian In Hm llnnl period will MIILMIIIM 11er war nmonu prnnlllu hnmlrd ut lanIulan Mill le If 11m MIIImmI Mn rmlld NI lumrn FMII xlring vinyl lclurlu nl nlne Tim he heal nmlnuln gnmc were plum ml min Nnil McNdl cnurh Jim irrnory Wu worn chvck uunng Maroon power plny Flycrs dclunrcmnn Ron llvrv ml wns sitting out penalty thn anlnn swept nmund dc llnccmun Dan Awrry nnd lillcd he puck pnslgonlle Gmrgo lnrdncr Champagne hanged In meI Cnnllnu Iclmund Ill 17 two minnlm lnltr wlllle llon Shock wns In lllc penalty bnx and Wallnn An llls Mom at l52l1 hm In CNN luw nth ma llle nr nldn of lhv nel Lassiter Takes Billiards Title Human power lm wnmu mm III III 0K med rnr mm mu ompluufl Bruce Gamble was alsn sharp in the Kingston not wilh 24 saves The final minutes or play saw halh clubs racing in end to and rushcs The anlnnnc poured an Hm power in he dying minules and Slnnlclon DANGERFIELD MOTORS Salurday lo beat out Slid SUI lrinhl wUL 99 the SPRING IM STAlLElON Power in and Slnplclon wa alsnfhatg xlcdnlévn HATE WILLIAMS PHILADELPHIA MN Ernlu Turell Mlnx WIN cm IIII rlxM eye llplll fumlh rank ml Imwywrlxm ilrrrlnud Wmlnmx Snlunlny mm In II lflrmmd lrlrvlml lwul nl he Menu Trmll nunan 10 wnn mm Iumlm Wlmlnar lmk eight minor hundrd out by Nunn Wurnrr In Ihn ml hllllnu antral IllY EXAMINER AN AN IHONH IA INN JcnnGIly Morlmlle In rulcsl Rama the min him only Ahqh whllc Hul lcdnu kicked oul 21 Iho ZJ dlrtclcd wny Waller inlyshyn Jucquc twin and captain Lou ncndo scored the other Windsor goals For Mancton which Iuyrd Ila but name ot the cs In nn attempt tn tlo thlnu up Jumucx Allard and AI Flan nnun did the acnrlmzt Allardl was pill tram thdsnr zontto Wayne Rutledge who wnvcd nl hlx hol wldc the mt nnd pulled ll Into the cane Jerry Scrvls ccnlmnnn convnrlcd Irom dctcnre the pace for he Bulldogs llfllnx mom um and ngaln with NI sparklan chncklnz Ind nearing lwo goah The vlclory gave the 01m champlons 31 slranglnhold In games In the bcswbscvcn xe rics or he Enslem Canada senior hockey llllc The fifth game will be played here hr nlghl l77WELLlNOTONVi1 WINDSOR CPD Windsor Bulldogs look giant Ilrldc hr wards their first Allan Cup llnal berth hy dclcallmz the hard lrying Mnnclun Hawk 52 are 3055 fans hora Saturday night Goaltender Checvcn who has not enjoyed much succesl against the Frontenac all sea sun was outstanding He stopped In shols In the final pe riod and 15 in the in twa pe nods Dan Blackburn fired two for Ihe Frontenac with Dick Cherry getting Ihe nmnr Chcnys gnnl was his ourlh ol the mica Gard Lnbosslm topped the Sudbury goalgcners with two while Dave Richardson neared the other Bulldogs Approach Allan Cup Finals For capped he allack with his win ning gnal BA HOME HEATING SERVICE INCLUDES AD sch up In the second at Fort Erie CF Wirephato Fm Hr Emugmcy 5ka Fm Summor Tunrup Fm MldWlnlcr lmpccllon Furllm lnlormulon Cull fRANK BEMROSE gy mch lho 15 Mn Sunday Amulrun luxuu llnlllmnn WUIOM I0 Nrw lmk II 00000 IZMrmln In ll Nnnlm lhmlxldn 1M NIII Mlllrr Inyulnlo Izu llmnrl 01 Kcnmlurr Her 77 McMahon 101 null Campbell 01on lIl llllmlrh Ilvmy and IZdwnnll lllln lflbMnmmkl Lmllub lnwn In Aurlr 001000000 l0 Hunon mel ll Cism mm ColumnI Burdcuo 1o mu Term Illls NYchkmnn Snldcr Mllanrlllson IIIHIA 000000000 SI Inuh 1209001 7101 Maury Kllppslcln Durun Gnu 1B and Oldls Simmons 1A0 and Sm wnlakl mu SlISnwnlskl 11 Juvlcr Guam Hull Fran MIWUIO Bl Chilean WOIDM Sanlonl 20 nml Muller llubhlo Tulh China mm chlcll mu 5F Covoy 21 Mnyn Zr IMllburlh lMMIWSflfll Clnrlnnnll DWIWMO New ooonoolol um mmoox 11 Sllgmun 2M Sullivan 77 Plot and Halley wlckcrs hum Ho Wyull and IL Sullivan Morehcnd Ml nnd Tillman Rudolph oz Duckworth anslnd Sb Hnnnan and Rctzcr Hlls llsnSluart Clinlon Mlnnuola 000002000 ll KunAInl Clly 000001001 70 Pizarro Wilhelm no Pam and Martin Mo Bride Osinski 12 Navarro 10 and Rodgers llllllmnre 000010000 New York 210020011 Barber 04 Hull Slack anti Brown Tuny 20 and Howard HRS DalSmith NYBoycr Trash Drlrnll 02l000100 11 Clubland 000000010 70 Ilcxnn 10 Fox and Tr andas Ramos Mk Ben to human 18 and Ilomnno lllls DelMCmlifln Bmlan Cash CleFrnnmna Boston 030000000 31 Wuhlnulon nonwoooma so Chicago Lon Angel Jncksnn sparkllng perform ance against he Glanls Sunday was in line with Ihe fine pitch hug the Cubs have had all scn son In liv games all against the Dodgers and Giants Cub pitchers have 120 earnedrun average Jackson who last lhe opener to Dan Drysdalu at he On Saturday the Giants edged the Cubs the Pirates bombed the Reds 124 Milwau kce whipped the Met 52 the Dodgers upped Houston 31 and the Cardinals blanked Philadel phia 74 Hauslnn Calls whipped Sandy Kauiux and Los Angeles Dndg an 54 and the hapless New York 11ch went down In 10 lnnlngs before Milwaukee Braves In the other Nationnl Leggug games By THE CANADMN PRESS 542 the relief workhnrsu of the Phils 132 games the last me years picked up Ihe decision In bath end double victory over Em Cards in 10 innings and cwnus Aivin Mcflean scaitcred 10 hits and pitched out oi two bases loaded masses in best Cincimmii Reds and Joey Jay 10 or the Pirates TWO F03 FALDSCIIUN Kennedy ookcd like pretty fair prophet lnday Jackson handed the mlghly San Fran ciscn Giants lhcir first defeat at lho season Sunday wllh ninth Innjlng help 1mm MchnIel The an drappcd the Gum Into firstplane lio wilhPius burgh Pirates and Philadelphia Phlgll all with ecoxjdsx We got our nu starter nur hesl relief pitcher in deal he said When Chicago Cubs pried Larry Jackson and Lindy Mc Dnniel louse rum Louis Car dlnals last winter Bub Ken nedy the Cubs head mach confidently described It as Ihe trade of the year By JIM BECKER Aisnclalcd Pres Synm erm Chicagosfleqdcoqch Lgpks Like Prophet mumg mm Snlunhyy Amarlcan League Mmmm PA 82307 BASEBALL SCORES and one 000 0000001 leg and Sherry llcnd Icy 11 and Torre lllhburfll MIWM Clnrlnnlll 000000000 0101 Mclnnn LI and urges Jny 21 Brosnnn and Ed wards San lnn MMNI Chlcnxo DID00MXl 7l Mnrlchul 0H Fisher 16 Min and Hnllcr Jucksun lll McDanlel and DcflnIL lhlll 000 0010201 12 Shhmll 0000000210112 Shari Haldschun 10 Hamilton and Dalrymplv Old 10 walla Hnuln 01m 51mm 0H ID and Oliver ll LJnlm IL Kl lauh momma PMIL 000000211 III 1mm Culp II llnmlflun Kllpmlnln 17 Ilnhhchun nl In and Avrrlll DMrymplu ta Sullcckl Olho ll ll Tnylnr on II and Ollvrr Hm lhn Taylor Drmclnr 1L 55 COLLIER STREET INSTALLATION IELD MOTOi Knulax Raw lloscbom Mnhon 1m Nut ank runmum Nullonll League Lo Angcltl 010102000 ll nu ton 000191001 Puscunl 02 Roland Fla Moore and Danny Sunni Penn 14 and Brynn HR MinnAllison Running Ml Lgnn Dus a1 and Triandos Frechnn Grant Walker 10 and Edwards anano HR Clenvnlilla Haslon 001400010 ID Washlnxloll 1M Wx ll Stephenson Kolslad 1M Furnlelcs Nichols la La rnabu Rndnlz and Till man Daniels Bouldln Ln Kline and Halter Schmidt 1m ElmTillman Mlnncsoll ZIOMIW HI Knnsal City 000500001 5121 l7 and Brawn William 14 and Howard Delmll 000000000 70 Clev JOZlWl 6120 Ray Sn dukl had lead for the Cards unlfl Tony Taylor hit tworun homer in the seventh and Don Demeter hit another In tho Iwo run eighth Taylor reached first on Dick Graats mm in the ninth was sacri ficed to second and scared the cgnly FALL mm my nm the sixth lnnmg at the opener to snap tho string Chnrley James tied the scare at with Cnrdinnl hnmer tn the ninth hut Earl Averills short sacrifice fly in the 10th pushed aver lhe winner The St Louis pilching staff which had 53 consecutive scare less Innings Included the Inst 21 innings of last season came dawn to em with lhud against the Phillles was Cov Ihgto dnubled home run in Lx Jay pltched five hitter for the Reds lm elght innings but three or he hits singles by Smoky Burgess Donn Clon dcnnn and Bill Virdnn name In lhe fourth lnnlng or the only run It was Cincinnatis fourth straight defeat after an opening victory McBean pllched the Pirates In Iheh fourth straight although he left the bases loaded twice and stranded two men in lhree other Innings run and then hombred lo lezfd of the funrlh Roi an smglcaul open the second inning and scored on Er nie Banks gublc fnrlhe inst in out WM numrs ncksan gollhe next lwa men but Wlllie McCovoy doubled llama Ihn only Glnn run McDaniel came an gave up an lnflcld single and hen Tum llallcr or the final SQNTOPACE guns Dodgers has allnwed lwn earned nun in 15 23 Innings The big rlghl hander had lhe Ginnls shut out until the ninth when nu Brock made two base err ChukHllIers ac uck Perrnnoskl And Nellean Ma and Smith 0000000000 Jllcklo Mclmd we Sax Iman on and learn 5wnr hrlck mldtd Io thin Vrlcrnn PM mm Mn roan wllh lhrcu when an Parke and Lloyd mil rarh mum lwlce and Mr Ahlmu and Chuck Lumi lmzlp goals Flashy Mnrwns wm Ilhflld nl the end or um lira graded and 03 nllcr he xtcond They scored Ihrro unnmwcrcd on Injhe lhlrd Maroon now he Mlnn Cup linnl against either Wind xnr Bulldog or Monclon Hawks Tablas wm lumtd from last year when Qunkm elimlnnlzd Maroon In lho wcst cm Inn SASKAKJON CPWinnlpng Maroon whisllcd lhmugh ha Saskatoon Quaker dclcncc Snt urdny nigh lo hand Quaker 94 dclcnl nml win lhu bum sevrn Western Cnnadn senior hock chumplonshlp lleflsmd in looks lor upenan day sellouls Jutksunville Al lnnla Richmond and Indianap nlis agar are Harry Walker at Atlanta Frank Luc chesl Little flack Rollin Ilcmslcy nl Indianapolis Pm lon Gomez at Richmond Dar roll Johnson at Rocheslcr Bob Swill at Syracuse and Hlll Adalr Toronto The boldover are Kelby Farrell at Buffalo Larry Shepard at Columbus and Ben Gcrnghly Jncksonville Lilllo fluek already reports advance sale or $70000 say Richardson Maroons Crush Saskatoon 93 Teams will play 18 games against club in their own divi sion and 15 against those In the other divlslon making up 15L game schndulc The expansion to 10 Innms came abqu when Ihe American Associalion folded nu ma sur viving team were absorbed part hy the lniemaiionai and part by the Pacific Canal League Jacksonville Atlanta Little Rock Indianapolis and Columbus will form the Souih em Division and Buflalo Tor onto Rochester Syracuse and illichmond he Northern Divi son Expanded Loop Opéns Season By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Bab Handley held them In laur hlls Roger Craig matched zeros with Hendley lhrnngh nine Inning but gave up run In the mm on walk sacrifice and 13 Clines single uawu mus The lets Slll winlnss sul lened the third shutout in five games They have scored only three runund have team but ting avefagg of 124 by Pcle Runnels Howie 6055 Carroll Hardy and Hal Smith pluslwo Dodger er rors led to our Houston runs The Melsmslill winlnss sul rmva 1L4 K0 never has beaten the Cult in five tries Ins his first against one victory at Hnuslnn The Inn hander was lhe victim of fourhit Innraga and some sloppy support In the am rmlng mum nu relic pitcher Run Tnyinr oi Lanside Ont Baidschun worked 13 InningsH of an inning in Ihu first gamein picking up ling iwn victories wlnncr on Demeters single an ranl niék 15 Minute San Francisco liflsbumh Ihllndclnhll SI Louis Milwaukee Sundayl Rlslllll Baltimore New York Delhi Clcvtland Boslvn Washlnmn Minnesota Kansas City Chicago at Los Anzclc ppd rnln BARRIE snurdny lusqu Chicago Lo Angelo lawman New York Detroit Cleveland Boston Washington Mlnnnsola Kansas City New York Baltimore Detroit Kansas City Chicago In Angelo 305th Cleveland Washington Minnesota Tueunyl Gamu 14 Angelo at Minnesota Kansas City at Chicago Washington at Cleveland Dntmlt at New York Bulllmum Boston Cnmplek flame Modernlllnl llrtnlllo noon uloll Mm Clblnm cum nmmnu lfluol Illln Angcles where Ihe only other AL game was uncut uled rain washed nut Chicago Whlle Sex and the Angels In Saturdays games he Yan Todayl Gnmu Na Kama meduch Williams turned back Balti more Orioles 51 with iivehit tar us he pitched New ank Yankees into first piace He had mediocre mo record with Los Angeles Dodgers last year and wore the gum horns atter walking in the winning run in the Giants tinni piayoit victory over the Dodgers Penn pitched five dazzling re lie innings in Kansas Citys 54 triumph over Minnesota The Cuban righthandcr bust with Cincinnati was rescued by the Athletiu mm the miners last summer By THE CANADIAN pangs AnnexInn Eegnle N0 mn 100 SMALL PA 001 27 CUMUERLAND 5T Klines sparkling tourinnlng mile stint helped Washington Sennlms defeat Boslnn Red Sox 76 Osborne drove in two runs with double and sacrifice and scored another Senator run Kline was 36 and psborne hailed 230 at Detroit last year HERMAN GOLDENDELD 45 Wn er hurled shuloul hull lot 23 innlngs alter comlng la the relief mound on Sun day and was credited with Cleveland lndlans 64 vlclory aver Detroit Tigersl Walker was $9 at Kansas Clly last yeur EzgITIQERS SHINE mamer It has done wonders or ex ample far Jerry Walker Run Kline Larry Osborne Sun Wil liams and Orlando Pena ho American 11¢qu Just get transfer In nunther major league club It doesnt matter which The important thing is than of scenery ll hm MM mm Are you tre going hltlcss day apex day Arc ynu zeuim ed up wlth the way hitters nro Ming of on your hes pitches as if they knew in advance what was coming By JOE REICIILER Annmled Press Sports erlnr Attention slump ridden bat Ijhogkeq pllgners Change In Scenery Can Work Wonders For Some Ballplayers THE BARR EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL 15 EBSEBALI RECORD 13 imam fiu om City Isiiimlaszn mu ORILIM 32 Walnut numeral EANAUA DA zr BENEFICIAL Call Beneficial ml Got cash doublorlasl lorSprins expenses Ioilrover bills or any good reason The lolks Beneficial say Yes Call 15ml Probable Pllchtrl New York Jackson 01 It Milwaukw Shaw mtsdayl Game New York at Cindnnnfl Philadelphia at Milwaukee Pittsburgh 11 SI LouLt Chicago In Andes Houston at San Francism Sundayl Resulll New York Mllwnuke Philadelphia St Louls San Francisco Chicago Pillsburgh Cincinnati Lo Angola Houston lonnx unto $3000 and man Vqu Iaan an be moImmed wnukec Philadelphia Lou San Francisco Chicago Pillsburgh 12 Cinclnnafl 14 Angelo Houslun Lo Angelo Chicago Houston Cinclnnnll New York Williams acquirn mm the Dodgers last winter in exchange lorBili Skowron fanned eight Orioles in recording his first Yankee triumph Walker look over with ane out In he filth when Grant was hit on the pilchlng hand by llna drive He not only hurled score less ball lhu rest the way bu 5i led home pal ul runs Tony Martinez and Max Alvis col lecled seven hlls nmong them in lhu Indians triumph over the Tigers Davnlillo drove in two runs with his first major 19hqu hnme run Martinez had lhree singles and Alvis Iwo sun starter Camila Pascual to lhe shower gave the Athletic lheir lhird sirnlght victory Slur day alter two losses Manny Jimenez pinch hitter dau bled hnmu ihree run and Joe lu nbull tripled hum lwo kce downed Bulllmarc 51 Angels shaded the Whlw Sax lO Dclroll dclnalcd Cleveland Daslan blanked Washlnglnn and Kansas City shaded Min nesota 30 PASQUAL ROUTED the ONE place to call for the minute you wantlt Sunrdyyg STAN WILLIAMS nRVlCE ENTRE 2487 Result 136 for gm

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