Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Apr 1963, p. 3

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298 $1 Tlvy hulknun Iho mm and In um mllu MM IN durinpr wllh Mhm vlur whkh nnr urn urden bwu klthd in IM In Dairy Producer lhc area met at lhc Nounwa Hall to dis cuss mllk production prohlcms sldelight the prngrnm was com Iilagc scoring contest where Iarmcrs hrouxhl In samp 123 ct lhcir cum nilngc and um sample or John Buckingham was Judged heal loliu the five wmdm palmlllnu lb Ikhrlll Ipnunln mum an In Severn lllvar near lhll wmmunlly It It lwu ul Lulu Cuuthlthlnfl In mile mum nl rllln when my saw In mm unusually lIan Ilhmly The Prlncnss Wulca Own Regimen has nskcd The Barrie Exnmlmr lo nssisl ll In locnh In all cxmcmbcrs the mil mcnl WASIMGO 0M UlTMI Mum mrll mo lllMEfll Mlh mnull rmulnx letly harm Illrr nu Irmlly gum wnnlrm Wtrr Allnrlwl win an mllnl Mun Ilw Scum Inr mle llm urrkrmL lmvhmlul lmllw we MIle wnllanl fur llm IHNl II II IMHI man nnl leullllul Chum urn Innhm vlnlllhlnfl null nnmry Wlxbdl 27 Thu rcqucsl was made no Hm rxmcmbm may he lnvllul Mltml and be lnfnrmul 01 he dcluila of lhe ctncnnlnl tcltbrnllnn of he roulxncnl In htld nl Kingston May ll In June lnrluslvc Many mcmhcrl lha refil mrnl mvcd Mm nlhrr Cnnml Inn nnrl Cnmmanuenllh unlls And me lmnun In hnvu tllxpm rd Icmu Cannxln and la mm mmlriu lulluwlnn drmoblllw llun In 1005 The rmltnnhll ulll he hlnh Iluhlrd by prrfirnlnllnn 01 new mlurn In lhc mzlmrnl IIy Inv lrmnr Genrrll Grorar Van rr lIlmtmllrll of flu Klmcnl are Mkrd In Wlllc In llm urn rm clmlrmnn cenlrnnlnl cum llllllct Thr lllncul ol Wnlrn nwn llrnlmrnl Thu Anmmrhl Klnxxlun ml Plan Reunion Regiment Charge Men With Attack Dairy Producers Conduct Contest Tho cxccullvc ol the Sculh Slmcoc llnwmcn have nnprnwd purllcipllnn ln Local Day II he lnlcmnllonnl Plowing Mulch In Pcrl Counly ncxl lull lrusl dcnl Sam French nml other prcscnlnllm nllnndcd mcellngs In selling up the pro urum and now lmvu lnrwnrdcd llulr thcquc which wlll nllow pluwmrn nl lhc Mon to plow on UN lirsl lay ol lhc mulch The Slmcuo Cuunly Shnnhorn Drltdlll held conslgnmenl 311 llnrric wllh lhu lnp prlcul bull helnx told by Polulo Grower of he Alllslon Area have rccchcd informalion from he mmmlllcc on market ing nnd nppllcallnns have been rcculvcd or membership in murkdinu wnpzrnllvc Appllcm llun or chumring company has been filed Tbl llnnl Llrp of lhu flnrrla nnd murch Fllm Councilo lnur urln will 1mm Mu lm Ind HmziL Inrludlnu erh clllu nl Zunlrmnln nnd nlu dI Jnnltm CDHMH prulllonl DImnwn um lhnl lnlcrnlrd prrwm Im nl lhu thmry Hull Wfllnrndny hrlulu pm Hm Inn mm llkhl In llmc pmllculnr Intnrryl Inyl Mr Thmnmn wlll In Mmlll ulo mlor lilm Ihnlulrllplml Iuy lluenrtll FanW levad Unlvrnily durluz an rnwllllun nmmnml by Ill mngnxlm Dr Neulmrll mnurd Mr and wlda mm In hm nml nnr qnnllrl mllllnn mum mllu Ilmll In lrnru lh Ilfpl ol hnvlrl hnrwln null mnxulum MIIW nl be firm Inml liln lhnl lnA lluruml Dunln In rlrnllnl hlu mnllrnIew 1th Origin III erln In llw Uunlrmnlu lilm lrmrllrl Hurer mm mm at lrw Ilnyl In lhr xplrmllll Nlm nxlmllll Spill In II nlmhm of nnclrnl Mann ml In Anlliun Hm OXII cupllnl gaulrnu mnw mmml llm mlnv In Illnul mulnn In In INn Inmlrm rlly In Iotlayl up Mm Illown II he MImhIl ud lvr Ipodnrle ul mullI day nl lhlthlrulrnnnln and Illlllllll Lake MIHMI MW lrrl AM In ltwl me an unly lwn Ilnu turn hvmr Illlvly lvl llw NIH wppnml unlmn nl Dim muth Tour Series Will Feature Mexico Brazil ITS FISHING TIME AGAIN IN BARBIE Crnwlnrd and New or up Nollawasaga HI Club mem bers look bus hip In Tnmntn Frlday The trip Included visit to UCO he CoOp seed clumlng planl Toronlo Slack Yards and tho Hop Producer 0mm CAB HITS HOUSE DAMAGE $1200 Rummom man escaped Injury ycsltrdny when his car emsth lnlo hnusc mlln south Lorena on County Rom 12 causing 000 dumnnu the housn and $200 dumaxu lo lhc cur Jasper Tum Ilrclt drhtr nnd lone urcupzlm In lhc car said from llro blow and he car went oul cum ml Alllslon Omurln Provincial Palm mld the car crosscd dim came back nnlo Um nhouldcr of he mnd4 hen crushed lhmugh lmcn mi in hum Most dnmnxzu In the home was lo he ver anda ppHCc Uninho lrbviiclnl Inllco Conalnblc Paul Manila he Mllllon dclndlmonl lnvmlnllna 44 DUNLOP WEST ll DUNLOP EAST FREE GUARANTEED MOTHPROOFINGm Cmnl your rm Hmlrm winI mnlh dam Ipl no ulu rml Well mnllupmnl lhrm unrmrillnmlly ml mum amylhing SauL lnm rlnm luuuiouIy uml mu hiding in Ha cvmyrlfl pvofmhml unirn lulu WRIGHT lEANERS lTD by SANITONE Tomorruw murnlng lhcre will be bus laur ol Gmalcr New York Cily and paint or lnlnml In the allcrnoon bout trip and tnur lhmugh lhu Empire sum Building scheduled along wilh III to Ihc llaydcn Planclnr lum and fimcs Sgunre Thirtylive students and char erones ell Barrie YALYWCA this mornan for tour or New York City The my sponsored by the Barrie and the HI nrganlznlions and will last unlil Frldnyl Chupemnzs are Mr am Dave Palmnlccr Mlss Spgnls Ben ioonstrnj The schedule us lrp has been arranged to Include an Intercsllng and educational pro lllm rnmlmlrd Hw youngsters ml hue nun mm In my llrcd only in lllo nwncrl hasn mtnL Ink lnn ho hum lho beam mull ham hunting llcrncc Wednesday will be nkcn up with visll In Rndln Cily Music Hall lnur lhmuxh the Unllnd Nauons Building and Rockefel Icr Centre fixfirsdn mmninx slu dcnls will go shoppan and mu MM Yuunnsurs wilh rm guns Ind wild Ideas are mcnnclnz Iho city ngpin Mnx Mchlrlck said IF day llml lhu dcpnrlmcnl has re cclrcd lw mnny culls rcxnnb In El damnuo Its lime or qrpckduwn hu mid This weekend lrunspoxt drlv vcr rcporlcd pdch mum on tho Wlmhhlcld of MI Cm Hnsidcnl cnmplnlnrd pollcln lmunclnx he Mndam HitIr mmcx mu Mchlritk mld mrlmrnl rccclv any Ilmlllll rumplnlnlx Tho drpnrlmtnl Jml wont nlqul lor nny laollnhnm In Crackdown 0n BB Guns WARM TEMPERATURES and bright sun brought many Baffle District urea youngsters out to wet flshlng lines In Kempcnlelt Bay yesterday Top lctt shows David Bon homme with his prize catch of Ihu day tourInch perch Barrie Students Leave By Bus For Tour Of NewYork City PA 8553 Mr and Mrs Mlss Helen LOCAL GENERAL Malcolm Gray Darrin was among prim winner at lhe gra duallon whlch took plnccr at tho Provincial lnslllule of Autumn live and Allied Trndu under the Department Labour Taran ln Thursday Mr Gray was en lcm ln llrc culvxory body and louder llonl ll Ll lawn lrcc Onlnrlo Mlnlslcr Lab orpnddrcsscd the students nnd Cccll Wm Gcncrnl Manager GOAO presented plaqucs Yw Ennnifictd cly new ncIIvluu Inr lls Inrinx prnumm Includml wlll he nusslnn language clan or mm nnd women The tour will arrlva back In Barrla on Friday GRASS FIRE Barrie Fire Dcparlmenl was called lo cxllnxuish grass the hchlnd Jack Taylor Motors 138 pm Salurduy TOC ALPHA Fuur collegiate students are attending the ToeAlpha conlcr once at Guelph Toe Mpha is youth group sponsored by the Ontario Temperance Federal Ion The students are John Pel lclllcr Bruce Reynolds and Connie and Carol James The annual IIIIc driver nwards banqutl of The Be Telephone Compnny ul Canada will be held at lhu Conllncnlnl Inn at pm Mn vcnlr hunting In the afternoon they will visit the American Museum at Nntural History and than stroll through Central Park night couple of fellow get together or brisk row on the lake and at he bollom our young ladle just sit back and enjoy the sun Left to right Danna Mcuan Lynne Barry Violet Fnhcy and Ann Ladouc er Examiner Photo fiTUllY RUSSIAN WINNHEO CPI Thu Canadian cverywlme mo Ningm Ionnp up Io 9300000 or more for many worthwhile lhlngn Why dont you The dependable source of Cash NIAGARA FINANCI COMPANY LIMWID nmlq ll COW IM an MHIIIIIWMMEPMIOW Ullllllnlll ll Mlmllrh In PRIZE WINNER READY GASH for house repalrs such the case One need only visit haspiial and talk in patients WWI cancer or In their loved ones to rcallze that cancer is terrible disease and that ii cast in terms oi lives and unhappiness can scarcely be imagined Sincn owrn Nash an 25 ulhnr lover Inurparl hill many first got together in sin some 1hr old Interim bar bershop style in 1933 lhe soc clya membershlp has reached nearly 30000 will 675 chapter In the Unhod Shale and Cam The proclamation of Harmony Week in Barrie has been signed by Mayor Les Cooke and will be rand Innlghls mealan of SPEBSQSA by president Ray Binlr Aid Hersey acting mayor in Ihe absence ol Mr Cooke said he rogrellcd he would not be nble to be lament to read the proclamation but he will bi at commlllco meet ing as will all ha alderman The Bnrrle chum to busy year wnh Increasing ncuvlly anticipated the but cw weeks Member are now Returns announced alter the first week at Ihn Canadian Can cel Fund campaignior lho Bar rie Unit are heartening Mm Joan Bird campaign secretary said By Slighuy morn than unequalt er the $12960 ubJecheflm has been raised to date Mrs Bird said $1500 at lhl amount came from Alllslon Harmony week colncidc with lhe clgth birthday the Bar rie Chapter and with lhu ZSlh annlvcrsary Ihe society which was fuundcd in Tulsa Okla homa by Owen Cash in me The celchrnllon par of an Inlcmnllonnl declaration of Har mony Wen1L Gordan Lnrkln local campaign chairman snld It dlfllcnlt to make the polnt year after year that the need great that thch an urgency In thlr appeal to ralsn lhe money to de lent cancer Mr Linkin said lileCan ndian Cancer Socieiy is doing all it can lo bring about the in nl deleni nl lhis human scourgcl ii is lighting cancer by means ul research which will one day solve the riddle ul cancer and show us how to pre vqni mj cure it Today is the beginning of Har mony Week for the Barrie Chap ter The Saciely for tho Pm servailon and Encouragement oi Barbershop Quartet Singing in America COST IN LIVES ng cancer by mean of education Impresslng upon all of us the Importance of regular heallh checkups and $1500 FROM ALLISTON Quartet Singers Mark Birthday For eldrly and convnlcs cnl pnllcnu Excellent lncillhc or privnto or IcmlAprlvan Hot and cold water In mom Reglstcr ed Num ln nucndance Cdncer Drive In ngh Gear STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT MARSHALL Rug PHONE 114 early treatment once cancer is diagnosed The snclety is tight lng cancer by menus of welfare services which give tha patient aid and comlort dudes men ram Stayncr Elm vuIe Caldwaler and Guam One member drlvcs over from Mldland ench wuek or Ms harmony and chnwshlp But to do all these lhings the Canadian Cancer Society needs money sincereiy hope that this communin will nnco again do its part in this vital cause and see that our nblective is at Iuined The cause is great and the need is great lets make our contribution great RESEARCH Ray Blnir president the Barrie Chapter said today We are always an Ihc loaknui for new members and men who like to sing will be made wcl came on any Monday night at St Georges Anglican Hall on Burton Ave where lhe Chaplet holds its wasklyflmcelings Mr La said that this year lully 86 per cent ol all lund used by the Natlnnal Cancur In rlllutc of Canada or Ila re search protects will be provided mm the campaign the Can adian Cancer Society almost half of whose budget is ur marked or research purposes practising tor the Ontario Dis lrict Chorus competition in be held in Belleviile on April 21 as well as new numbers for the Barrie show to he held May 18 in Barrie North Collegiaie Ray Atkinson chorus director said This promise to be the best show we have put on ycL it will feature the Rhythm Counts Quarter the Nova Chords The Barrie Chorus and the newly established York North Chorus The more we can make av allable or research the mar re search projects can be under lake hq said Durlng nlh nl Aprll the Soclety has been distributing and will cantlnue to dlstributz lltnralure dcslgncd tn tnlorm and educate people about cancer Mrs Blrd said We are just interesth In zettlng thls llt mature to the pccplc as we are In rnlslng money to carry on tha light agalnst cancer Rory ODnnalv publicity chalr man for the flame Unit the AS lOW AS $650 I40 nowu mm low mum mmij umfifimtmmmoWmimm ¥¥ comcv ASSEMBIE YOUR OWN Chum mm vary wld mg of mng dulgm mm mull nyc lo Mun dnlgm planmd ownonmmbly or and by In on your bl Cu or who or Wuumml Emma on Ilia thlmuum compo TOINUIW l0 oumr mm TI 1le MIN Wu pmvldl complfll omnn puk luu pllnl pvrbulll wall mllonl window unllu don hudwm nvuyihlnn you mod dullvmd In your ammo dll mdy to you In humble lo Wyn mamas ywt amnion Canadlan Cancer Soclely said lha drlve ls cumlng along lair ly well despite same unexpect ed set backs large green dragon brought in In adverllse the anllsmoklni part um campaign met an un timely and last week when the cleangra truck on which was riding passed under wiry that yanked the dragon of and smashed it to the ground But the yeilww dnflodlls p9 ple are wearing on their lapel la advertlsc the campalgn in helping la produce results and fewer and lewcr people now ask what the daffodil are for Mr ODonnl said SEEK CANVASSERS The society ls still looklng lnr canvassera In the following towns Thornton Churchill Le fray Llslc Glcnuim Palm wlck 0m sullen Edgar D519 ton Mldhurst Mineslng um pla Bell Ewart and Crown Hlll An abandoned halfIon truck In King Township is believed to he the vehicle that lhlevcs used to transport 68 carInns of cigar eltes stolen In Barrie and emu early Saturday morning Barrie Police mid the truck belonged to Slmtoe District Go up of Barrie Thieves are report ed to have stolen $5100 worth oi cigarettes 49 carious or illia and another 19 cam in Barrie Ailyone wlshlng la apply canvasser should conlacl Mrs lid 24 Dunlop Mr Larkln ask that canvu sers turn in their colléclinm as soon as possible so that results can be published ta let the pill 110 know how an campaign coming along The lnxck was recovered yu tcrday 318631711 no answé caHPA Steal Cigarettes Worth Over $5000 934an Jflggflfit SHAMPOO AND SET OPEN avades ruoNzm Hm ASK FOR THE auncu mos $119

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