nuI upukrr In Mr 701mm puer nlullnnl lm um lhu Ml Tillplwfl rollmvlnl mmhlp mvlu n1 Inn MI nyvyrd All In yuu Maud Mon Club And Ina duh In St lnu munch nkvlllq hvl bun lfllfl mm or April mrmhm mm mm Ollvllln Ma In luer mminl um lo wole lhl pm lmlrlm Mu GoodyAr vul Mygfl If null zxmumm mm In my la wolcomn ML Ind Mu hurl ionlnn mm Innlllx Huhkhtwnn who lnr lond mnklni lholr hom hm Mr Ind Mu JMk erulrr Calmold Lodll mnlnml In nmlvlll luklnl Mu Fm thllrr In vllll Mr and MIL Ted Wcmlur who luvlnl lnr Enllnml April 2n luklnl NIL Wflmer ISM In VII lhelr Illvu ln Slmud Chlurnhlm Ind Ntwpptl Mm Iprndlnn uhaul two and lull maul with her pmnu Ind relnllvu In llollnndJlrl J00 Krul rrlumtd hulm by pllna unuhnlurdgy TEAM IIMIIHS FINALS In llvo hm Imukty nrlu play Hum um um wrrc Ill 14mm Slmud Lents Drld luul Innmflrns com me Hruml Lrnll Hnullnrd inn mlir lhlrd name Slmud Xnullnrd Cnnndtrm 5me Lrnln lune ndvnnrc uw Ilnnh And will play nrnd 10m min In luo wuka Thrir coach 51mm Flshcr Connrnlulnllnns In John Mnyu Mhn vice Iklppcd In luv lnmu uwr he wrckcml In lnlhtr and inn honmirl In nnrrlm and on up who MI mm or 11 mm mu Mulhollund vita nr Nu unmu wnn both mm wilh tom 12 pnlnls John Sulhtrlnlld vice for his mhcr had loxnl 11 polnu IIHTUHNM es Mn lena Ftruusnn Tom Bowman Dale Neely and Gary Frallck Intermediates Smurlh wane Dunc Cnmphall Mur ny Amos WAyne Aym Ell Weatherlll Ind Clnylon Ayrcs Th complom the hockey or lhll non VISITORS Mr and Mrs Wilbur Dohsun of Battle vlsllcd Sunday wllh the lulleru mulhcr Mu IX and pen Aug flalph Mu Dnvls Alronn Beach has rclurncd hume ram llurrle hnspllal nller Injurlnz her Ihouldcr In all on mp In local flare Weekend vlsilnrs with Mr and Mrs Alfred Webb were Mr Ind Mn GnoruuHnylar Mn Vllnon Lnllmcr Mr and Mn llnrold Punsley Mn and Mn Wallace Lnllmcr and Mn Wll Hum Dnvlq Ill Tqrnnlu Mrs George Wealherill wlll he hoslm to tha Gne Club Ap Ill 22 Nola change nl dale Roll call wlll be memory of my chlldlmod day Gucst speaker wlll he Mn Crall llunler hlcm hm Ire remlnded In brlnx ln recipe or In Banle Examlncr cook book contexL over 10 tables of player at lnndcd the weekly cuchrc in Slroud Community Hall Mon day night Prlzu wnm In Annie Jonas Barrle Mu Hutchinson and Mary Ley men Hutch insonY Humphrey and Kennndy Banla GAE l9 CLUB nqcxu Amen Slroud Juvtnlles challenged Elruud Intermedlnm hockey ume In Monday night ID mugmodules wnn Mcellï¬ï¬ seven of the Slraud ch md 505 WM hold on New night null cnll Something have lauran nhnul mnklnn gap nlwlnl wns answered by 31x Next week he cnmplelcd mm menu will be judgud Work mn IInued on record book Ind saw lni projects qulllcd null ln nne dry 10mg ln the marnlnz Ind llanhlrm lhu followan day was rrmrlcd Mrs Glbhln we ln charge nl lhe devullnnal ball helm prepared lor overseas rollcf Mrs Wllllum Bmlun played last solo Llslcnl The Masler eseccheth UNIT UCW UNIT UCW Unit the Strand Unlled Church Vnmcn met at lhe humn nl Mrs George Mulhullund wllh an unendnnce ion An Easter worship service wns conducted by Gary Boer and Jpny Small Lunch was served by Helen Mulhulland and Beth Bowman Plan for the nprinl lea May were dlscusscd MI CLUH Discussion concerned Iypcs cl cmch or retard bunks HALL BOARD EUCIIRE Thu annual thank ollcrlnl meeuul ls Aprll ld wllh guests exrccted mm Lclroy and Chub chll Joe Brown lmm Toronlo will be gum speaker Ha wlll llsj all ï¬lm on Eralll The new spring tea beln held on May he church basement wlh salad plate and balm sale By MR8 BERT MULHOLLAND The rezulnr muting ol Uni human branch the United Church Woman me In the church huemenl wllh 17 numbers preamp Iwn qnlrlA had been qullled and given In burned out sally AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS OF STROUD Mu ern will lnvlltrl lo Inko flu rhlllr hr 19 MrrHIIn nl nl lirm Elaml Km hrmnmy rranl Mu Imnuvvl MW nNhY Pmldrnl Mu 11mm The nunqu mullnl lhu anml Innuqu was hrld n1 lhe ham Mn Orvnl MtClnln wnh mcnmm nllrmllnz Thu hullncsl wn wmluclrï¬ by my 1m Mu Iranlhy Mu Mllllnn branch ullrrclnr nu mum or IM dlmlnu metllnu Smllh Slmrm Wm mtnl Imulult held In ka flown Munhm flu ru mnklnl rim hull on dnpluy many run my llllllpldll xlurlnl 1M wlnlqr Womcnl Insllluln member nltcnded lhe Achlnvtmonl Day In nmrle akin Iplcndld dlx plny hll Mu Waller Hurlberl and Mn nlchlo Davin wrm lho lrnderl Mrfimd Mr mum um Gunman vlnllul ï¬umlny wllh Mr nnvl Mm Wnllvr llurlhrrl The Thumlun Vomms Insu lul will hold an election 01 oll 1cm Aprll nl 515 pm the home Mn Ivan Maw Tho Slmcne making recnrd bmk were Jud ed manly to nmrlnln lho wln net at the Mm Mixed anl Slmcoc Cnunly Vnmcns lnsll mic Schnlmhlp The winner nnmn can not he nnnouncnd un til allcr he Cnllcxlnlo nxnmln mlon twill are publlshud Mr and Mr Dnn Fleck and hmlly are now lulled In lhclr no harm pp ng nulh Mr and MnfM meuuhnvo moved lnm lho hnum vncaled by Un FltckL Mt nnrl Mrn rtlnhlnn erv Inntllml vlsllrd MI wrck wllh Mr chcl molhrr Mn chr Mr and Mrs Tommy ï¬cM lislcr Taranlo vlsllcd Mr and Mrs Fred Johnston Mr and Mn Angus Camp bell le lcnve by plane mm Malian or Winnipeg whcro they wlll vlsll their snnlnlnw and daughter Mu Brownlcy Thornton L01 held the ï¬rst at mic ol nuchru wilh Is lahlcs In play Prim wcnl lo Mn Elwood Bone Mrs Mur dock Mu nobm noush Cc cil Harris Burl Schlnhl and All Holiman Mrs Lorne 1mm Emmy on urcompnnlcd by Mu Jcnneu and Venn called an Mr and Mr Ed Luws Dr Iml Mrs nlwrl Mnln xm Friday In hnlldny In llgrldp Mrs Iwart Slulchhury Ed monlnn Inca Mnrgarcl Boakc of Thamlonl who has been visiting here with Mrs Carr and Mrs Black loll fur home Friday ML and Mn Barlow Oshawa and son Howard spent he weekend hare with Miss Irene Burlow Mr and Mr Wlllard Mooney Ind daughter Darlnno oI Baxter were sum of Mr and Mm Rigger Mponcy on Sunday and rso an and lnmlly and George Hill oi pree mnre vlslled menlly hero wh Mr and Mrs Alfred Allan Mrs Frank Hlndlu who has Dunn patient In hospital or some llmc is now mu Mrs Sheldon Bowman nursing home at Slroud In addfllnn nine younl peo le Inlned the church on pralnssen aim and were given mem bushlp cerllllcnex by Earl Shannan who acted or lhe ses alon The new communion were Knlhlncn an Leo VunDcr Koey Bruce Martin Kcllh Pratt Kenneth Shannan Robarl Swee xlc Sheila Thompson Dlnne Webb and Ross che Mrs John Vaughan Kulwood Manitoba and Lt and Mrs Hayden and umlly UnkVIHC spent last weekend wilh Mn and Mrsumnay Juml Company He had savers gad nlx on display Ind told mad ern accompflshmenla and new devtlnpmcnla that sclenusu were working on Bell have haen used Ilnce mm but In the 1mm ton lounrl may be uud he laid wucoma Maw MEMBERS Durinl Palm Sunday St Jlmeu United Church the ini lnwinl were received lnla mem bership by lrlnsiu Mrs Gord an Masnn irom St Andrnwn Prubyiarinu Bmie MP and Mn Tom Punian and son km from Fallinger Helahls Bap Ila Church Scarborough Mm Dunald Traman irom Bail Unl led and Mr and Mn Sweetie irnm landlord Park United In Tornnto These new members mod and were wel comed inin Iha icllowship 01 mo congruniion by Roy Goodleliow on hchnii oi the session CALL SMITH UDIO For IL Ry ETIIEL WICE TOTTENHAM fommorrlal 0r lmludnal llmlos lmporl Panqu Film Dcvulnplnu THORNTON By mu cum IA HI 11m Hlplnmn ml lhelr lud rr Mn Norman Tuck wrm hmln In his mother And Mend al Mr mmlnl on Mnmlny all iltnumn Unllcrl Church we Wllh Cam Vernon pmldlnl lho buslnru WM mmluclnl Thu vnrlrly pmnrmu hhlrh lnlluwul 1M rm In Hm Explorer nlm no lhn Ill yur ml Rump ley nmnml mil ho mlmlwu lhlmx llkflu In E4 Sullivan The nucllnn sale at lhn hnme Mr and Mn Len llerrlnnnn on Saturday we wnll nlltndul The ladlu Hum Church am very well nl Hm and Thu upran coll Iml demrl puly And male Iprnnl 01h vrnnd hy he nnior unll pl Unl lul Church anrn men NIH mu my wmniul deapno he xlnnny wrnlhcr and no clnclrio Ily Frltnd nllrmlrd from nur In cummumllllu and mum 111m wnl vrry npprllxlnl line dumu Ind uclpn ul Ultm mld wrll nnh Tudhope and oh Lanz man are home Irnm lhe flnlwio Anrlcullurnl Collene Guelph hnvlnx tumultrd lhe term Ithr course there Congmhllnlion lo LIndn nnd Donnn llnrnc Elaine and Km Mchnd and ulhm who were in lhe Kiwanis Music chllvnl Orlllln rec ly Congralulalions Mr and Mrs Thomas Idgcll who cola hrnlnd their 50th wedding nnnl versnry on Tucsng mm In Mr and Mrs William Anderson who are all Ind to hear lhnl Mrs Garden Home hnmu mm lhe Soldim Mrmnrlnl Hnspllal Orlllia Mn and Mrs Gmdan Clark nurrlo lsllld Mn and Mrs red Jnhnslon Thry culltd on Mr and Mn Frank Clmk Wu nhaxn Frnnk Clark hnl been III or inma Umr Mrs Mnnv lard Home wnx min vlmnr wuh htl hrulher EXPLORER fly MRS BERNAL ON The schunl chldrcn In Ihe senior mum In Rugby schml presented Glen and Lyle Hur ringlon with wnlcl well as larcwcll gin on lhï¬r departure lo Vnncnuver Island were 57 mgrxdny Mi andluu nay Cnldnr and children of Barrie spun Sunday lh ML and Mrs Ivan Dull Mr and Mrs James lonvly oi Turanlo are vlslllng Mr and My VillnmTolrrxpklns Mrs ï¬nnc Piaddlsun Barrie spout llw weekend at her home here Mrs Tudhme ls vlsib In her daunhlcr and sowin lnw Mr and Mrs Archie Lclzh and lnmlly Llnns Hem Motto on prayer was read by Mn Tompkins Mrs Day con ducted tho election oilicers ior 1965 1964 Mrs Glen Murray was appoinled secretary or the meeting Oilicsrs ara President Mrs Johnston Vicepresidents Mrs Murray Mrs Mac hom secreiary treasurer Mrs Rowe assistant Mrs Lighthem disiriri director Mrs Llahtheart Branch Directors Mrs tambou ne Mrs Casey and Mrs Pad dLson auditors Mrs Lloyd Pot ion and Miss Siscy pianists Mrs Murray and Mrs McQusy conveners Home Economics and iieolih Mrs Coo Historical Re search Miss Maithaws Canadian industries and Agricul iure Mrs Murray Citizenship and Education Mrs Day Re solutlons Mrs Camhournc Pub lic Relaiions Mrs Pad disnn Remembrance Mrs Cam baurno and Mrs Tompkins Lunch was served by the hostess Mrs lae Mrs Llohlhaarl to Mrs Murray The next meeting is Grandmoihers meeting at at Mrs Cocs um um vlcepmldenl Mrs Olivzr mm mond VIMmul denl Mrsunoy McMann seem ry Mn Feehely 35513 mi Mrs McKenIIa treasur er Mrs McClaln dlslrlcl dlredor Mrs Mllllon nllunale Mrs Ken Thomson bunch dlrccxors Mn Waller HIulben Mm Harry Potter Mrs Gerald Wallace Next meeting will Inï¬eld at Hm home of Mrs Wice Thu annual meeting of lho Womenl Institute was at the home Mn Paddlson Roll callpny your fee and Join Inan Buslncss Included planning gr lunch for the Hi Club April fly MILL CECIL DUNSMDRE By MRS PADDISON CROWN HILL NEW LOWELL TERRIFIC SELECTION OF TOP QUALITY USED CARS MUIOHI LIMIIEII IAuUnM Inna NI Ill Imam mm VIAU RUGBY years murrud on 111m III 1er Illendnnra nl Gulhrlo thylnrlnn Church lor mmmunlon nrvlcc an April 71 whlch clam yuunz rmplo htcamn membm mo lurch The mlnlnler NV unulrh dedirnlrd new communlnn lnbltclnlh nml cavern HI Mr nnd Mm Wlllinm Cmprr 0h llnwn In mrmnry ol Mm Conn un lnlhrr lhe lnlo Mu rnhnm Miuri nlhtrlm and Ann Mdfnnln Tnmnln lpcnl lhu wrrkrnd hrrc Mr and Mrs Finkboln er and inmin were in Exclcr fur Ihc weekend wilh Mr Fink bclncrs parcnla who cclobmlcd lhtl lilhwcddlnz nnnlvcrsa Scou Hunier ï¬rrvpallrnl In Wyn chlgrlln lllpspllul nqmo nmma Schnn an hm re umA ad from Ihu Hospllnl or Sick Chlldrcn Torunlu allvwlnz an opcrnllon Mrn mm mm has nmm homo Allrr ullrmllnl um Inn nl pm Ilmr In Cnlllornln Mn Iliumn Andrm In 15me mnvrry lmm In an oï¬rnllon Mr andME My Mills an wily otlrcnlnn sum the WELX end wilh lhcir Inmilics AllrcdHSpcnrtrwobsnrvcd hls Dll hirlhdny Mm James Crclnhlnn Mrs Cunnlnyhnm and sun Glen nnd Mrs Cunnlnrhnm wcr Runsl nl Mrs Gmhnml blllh day long Pnlngwlck Mr Md Mn In the parents on Friday at llospilnl Plr And His Mex Dommlcr Bnrric spent Wednesday even ln wIlh ML and Mrs Ken Bush Ccngralulnllvns are cxlcndrd lo Mr and Mrs Amrll Muir who cclcbmlnd Ihclr 25th add in nnnlvnrsnry wIlh an house Inr mud and neï¬lr hours Sulurdny evening In no Communin Ila Vlllard pres good wishes at the community and Franklin Hlfllnsnn spokl or St George Angllcan Church and WA Mr and Mrs Muir hnva hm daughters Vlrglnla Mrs Bill Orr Heath and Bonnie who lonkcd Her data 0thpr event Hy MRS KEN BUSH Mrs Vllllnm Gallop sptnl Sal urday In Toronto nnd attended lhe Hume Show lhe Coliseum Klbért Dawson Blame vlsllcd daughter Mrs Jack McCann 155 Monday ML and Mrs Bruce Miller and their family allcndcd he Skat ing Carnival In Harrie Samday mcninfl Terry and Gail mus visllcd their urandparcnu ML and Mrs Jnhn Ele ar Mle their malh cr was inh pun THORHTOII By MRS CUNNINGHAM By MRS ALLEN MILLER In Ulupla Communlly Hall Saturday avenlng Mr and Mn Arnall Muir ialned by over an neighbor and friends celebrated 251cm manled Ille Euchre nncrs Vcra Miller Isabel McCann Lou Horvarlh Norman Kcnwell Bonnlc Muir nnd Edgln Dong ly rimurge Ellis spent day wllh her sister Mrs Tiflcn In Barrie Mr nridnirs Willlam Excll Barrio vlsllcd Frank Excll Sal urdny evqnlyg Ihow wlth Dianna Tuck Mr Sullivan and manor ceremon legrwns well received Mn Tuék read 1i chaplcr tom the book Thu Tiger Tall Whigs 3911111 Qua adycnlure lhe Linn lamlly who were leaving communist Chlna to lo InHon1 Konzx lha program concluded with the following girls being award their Ilrsl red Liar Linda Summers Wanda Juneau Cam lyn Prom Carolyn Kennedy Sharon Gilchrist Myrna Clark Lois Smllh and Crawl Vernon The girl receiving thalr sec ond gold star were Susan Drury Paula Burnett Susan Gilchrist Karen Edgertan Cheryl Part ridge and Dianne ch Cathy Anne Pasle was awarded her ï¬rst and ageonï¬ qu istur Anerivard lhe glrlakerved come Ind mklu short worship period How edghe pmzram AUTOMATIC DELIVERIES ny MM CAMERON SIMCOE PETROLEUM PA 82563 GUTHRIE Su LT ANNE If UTOPIA hrm llama humIvy Hutchinson nl Iun born Royal Vlclorln lly MRS SYLVIA VAN Clmphcll Vnnwuvrr II upendlnl 1m exlnndcd vllll wllh hl Inn and daughter lnllw 511 um Mu Rohrrl Cnmphcll Mlkxlnn Vllh lhe cepllnn 110an In nml mmlnl hump mm Wnrld Vnrn nml II III II Mr Cunlpbrlll Hm vixll In Onlnrln Hominy mum at Um home Mn an Cairns Wrm hrr Fourteen lahlu curhm Inn men on hand Muudny ew ninu Churchill Hull lo mlsu money Io help Wilh lho anh camln 01d Boys nnd Glrls rc uninn H10 Film Line Schml Thu rcunlan duh ls yet In be decided on and will be announc td later The prim were do nulcd and he winners wm Mu Jack Conslublu and Miss Juan Burns or the Indian Mr Chapul and Orvlllo Mnrllng lor lhg mm Ktlp Mandayz May In mlnd lvr lhu comm of lho Turnnlu Chapter or nnrbmhnp Sinucrl whlrh will be In Churchlll ComA munily llull lponsoml by Chur rmll Vnmznl hulule Fur lher parllmlm Inlcr Missesr Elasnnr and Patsy Mnllnrnn spent the weekend with lhglr aunt at Oshawa John Mc formcrly ol Mcdnnlc Township who will chebrMc hls 90m blrlhday at me home at his daughler Mrs OHnlloran and lamily an NH 12 Congrnlu Mr nnd Mr Mali Schlllcr iormerly this area who are cultbrailng ihnir mh wedding anniversary on ma evening 01 April 13 with open huusc Mr and Mrs Krcmbcl Villowdalc vlsilcd Cnrsun rela liw here vlunhy OHnllomn is having he hydro Inslnllcd this week By HS PRUSSER Conzralulnliun In Mn and Mrs Zlarry Squibb on he hlrlh daughter on Mandny at tho Royal Vlclarll Hlnpllali Harrie mm mutual uumu Slx rinks participated in he linnl hnnspicl for lhe lndlcs curling club hue nn Snlnrdny Vinnlng were lhc rinks skipped by Verna fluid Incl Spence and lync anson Mirind Mrs Ronald Seal of mm Suund were Snlurdny vis iwu with Mn and Mrs Lem lhgbbcrt Holly United Church Women will met In Holly Sunday Ichool room Apdl 10 Mn Bell will In guest speaker Roll call in biography of missionary present or past IN Mchmslon mission ory convener will have charge I119 Easter lhnnk oflerlng Guests will be from Thornton Unued and Anglican Churches and mm Egbert Hostess Mrs Collum Assist ant Ira Mrs Dyer Mrs Srlzley Mrs AGraham and MI Murrow Holly Home and School oclallon iponsored eucllre la the school Saturday evenlng Proceeds are or lbs Grade elght gtaduallon party Prlte wlnnm were hlgh Mrsl BalmW Murrow cmnd llluh Mrs limley El Dyer law Mrs Gum and Lacklzx lucky draw Mrs Dyer Mr Gopp Tha convener was Mrs JLelghlon By MRS IRVING CARSON Sympalhy extended lo Mrs William McFadden and umlly In Um passing or McFadden on Monday They had farmed In this cammunily or same year before moving luBarriurin 195 Mr and Mrs Lon Ollulloran Turnnln vlslled Mr and Mrs llnlloggn at the weekend Communlon was observed It Holly Unlled Church on Sunday Durlng Illa xervlce Doug Bent ley Ralph Jnllnwn and Banla Downlnu were received lnlo the church as members Mu Jory rammed last weekend from Royal Victoria Hospital Bank 11 baby ll so was unable to be brought home Hoï¬yrihme Aid School As melallon will met In Holly School April 15 at pm Tiers was 100d turn an or vogng or MondayZ 31 MRS DOWNEY CHURCHILL ALLISTON HOLLY APTO Mn eynnhh Gurlnh Aprnl lhu wuk Al Ihe hnmc nl her pnrrnlw Mr nnd Mu Cecil Ileynnlllx rl Mn Mr Taylor vlsA llnd Mn Gcnrxo Tnylnr llmle rnllml In 0an VI lorln Ilo lnl Mr In Mn Duzdulu Ind lnmlly Cooknawn mvo mnv ed Inlu lawn tn the houu on Main lhtll formerly occunlcd by Mr nnd Mn Dun Palm Mr and Mn Jnrk Nodwrll sued Mlhrhlr nml Mu nm Mr and Mn Jnrk Nodwrll vmurl Mlh Mr nml Mu IIIII Nndwoll or Bolton Frldny eve nlmz Mu II Vnnhcrerer maulan rnuyulo or weak wllh lrlnllvn Alhurg ML and Mn cecu Ftrrler rclurncd home Thursday mm Sqqdrhlsq Inn and daughleMnhw Mr and Mrs Mervin Cairns and granddnuuhter Sand n1 05h awn Mlss Cénrdlnn flmlnn and Mrs Wlxulm vlsilcd Mind In flIN aurrhgy Murrindvhlrl mernan Mnm upon the weekend will rezlfllvu ï¬arml BLITZ Fiftyemu vnlunteer canvas rm Joined in on night hiitz ai Aiilsinn residents on be hnii of the Aiilsinn hranch oi lilo Canadian Cancer Sacirty an Monday night Thu bill was or ganized by Drcnnnn prel ideni and Macdonnid est president oi the Cancer Soc ely nnd Dr Pitcher chair nan ni iheRntqry camrnlilqer Mrs mplln rclumcd hnme on Frldny 1mm Anmlin Flnridn when they pg lhe pnsll our mnnlha mfnm Mnf m1 SmIrKand lumlly Rnxdnle men lha wquvmd MU Mrs Bullcr ll was conducted by all the members of the Rotary Clubl ilslod by volunteers lrom tho Hospllal Womens Auxlllu tha Llons Club and the Allaton branch ha Canadian chlaa $1475 was lha tolal callccled nl tho hopedtar obkova 0131500 Mom donatlons are yet to com rum the rural dlstrlct around Alllstau In responsa la pamph lets malled out tho day nl tho blllz and mm Alllston realdent who we not home when the canvasser called Further do nation may be lefl at Wraya Drug Store ln Alllaton By mm FEALICK Filmn members of the AYPA enjoyed hayride party Satur day ovcnlng lnlshlng all with Wigner lgqch If lla pnrlgh hall Mr nunwn as been patient In Royal Victorh Hospital or over two weeks re turned In hur home Sunday Mrs Martin Munnlk Tommn staying wllh her parnnu Mn and MES Slnglahï¬ or weak Mr and Mr Dnn Ritchie vlalb ed relnllve In Patelborough Salglfduy 1nd Sungy Visitors Miss Jcssie Fnyslon wilh her brother Harry Mrs Bum of Toronto with her daughter Mrs Victor Thaw Gary and Bill Franck n1 Slroud Mr and Mrs Graham of Slay ncr with Mrs Frallck and Frank Mrs Peck and baby daughler at Toronto with her parcnls Mr and Mrs Jlm Crawford and Corbett Adams at Potsdam NY at his home Mr and Mrs Cecil Farrier spent the past lwu weeks at Sugdrldge Mr uhd Mrs Jack Shepherd of Mllslcn visin Mrs WERnaMsdPL iiimid Flcck or Shelburne ced an lriend In lawn Thurs day fur and Mrs Llule sncnl lmsdny with relatives in Tomnla Mr and Mrs Irish and Mchrmnu vlsiled mlalircs In Barrie and Alcona Bench Frjd Mm Dick Corner nnd Stephen at Piclun are visiting at me homv of Mr and M15 Cccil Heynulds Mrs Lu Coburn Toronulo snout lhe wcrkcnd wllh her par ML Mrs Bill Cobum Mr and Mrs Fred Wright Udney visited Mr and Mrs Hnwnrd Galhrnllh Sunday Mrs Cnmplln span he as weeks wilh rulnllvc frown innd Oakvlllc Mrs Charles Giant spent thc weekend vlsllinz her cousin M13 Ale IfwlnLIn Sgflquwqoï¬ Sidney Thaw iiimflla tpenl lhcl youkenguwlll hls gamma By MS WRIGHT Mrs McKelvcy went Tlllgrsdny lnjarunjn MINESING BEETON Mu unvm mm mm gm msl week wlm lrlcmll In mnln Squadmn Loudn Ellxnlmlh Dallon CAP Ollnwn mm Donald Dallon Welllnglnn SL low In Camp flankn Im wk and WM gnu ancnktr II mm dmncr held In her hannr ll lhu Woman Mr Conn Mr and Mn mu Shawn Ind chlldrm Jrnuvlllc Ilpcnl Hm fluml will Mm lerlI mnpm Mu anku Lou Conn pulicnl or he past two Mnk al llm General and Marine Hospital CnIlInnwood rclurncd 1m home in tree moro MI weak Mr Ind Mn Mnuln and children Cnmp Harden wen wcckcnd xuesh Mr and Mn Bob Sommulon Graham Apln THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY APRIL ll 1m Mn and Mrs Gwrne Shepherd rdurncd home last um ullcr mendinl hm hm cw weeks In Hurldl Arlwna Mcxlw and Cnllfornln Bob Sammcrllm Camp Gage lown II hnme wlm hls will nnd dnuxhlnr Dlnnnu or lho Easter halldnyl Mr Ind Mrs Frank Adams St returned home mm Call nmln where they spent the past ltw week vlslllnz lhclr daught cr and Iany Mr and Mn Angus Pclllncr and Debbie who spent mu pas lhrcc munth home Mn Dolly Pnlmcr moved to 1rcnlonlhls wcck where Mr Ptlllncr Ilulluncd with lhu MCAF Mr and Mrs Thornton spcnl Mr and Mrs Rev and Mrs and family spent onto My MRS IHEATI Mr and Mrs Gnarxe leon rclurmd In their home on Caro lin Sl lhis week having spent um pnst our months vaullonlnl In Florida no Rose Mary isturgcss Hospital or Sick Children at Toronto Hzalher Cunnlmzhnm enlar lnlncd number her friend Nday evening Mr and Mrs George Davis Jr havemoved Into the house owned by George Davls Sr Jack Banllng and Arthur Cox wanh my patients In Royal Vb Iorln Ilasplml Baxrim DAILY CROSSWOBD Mrs Walter Smith and Mrs Mary Major are pallenls In Royal Vlclpfin lgospiknl qu leréully ll GhoIMlke 11 To be MRS WILMEE WILSON xx hamiaé éanluur lttuhment 17 Depth Help 3an 101mm lmldu out 23 my min Ayn mama 2B Mulls not BlGnmi lourht nutcum Milkmen Wm cup mom Communal mar 83 pd tithe 15 Journey 16 Cunen dun an eonmm Queen May for am an Interior In dum OJADM hldelmyl Hunk Toml AOBOSS DOWN Returnqu Empire Alumni Blue at th iuthdr need WY CREEMORE IVY Into pool Mokl Quick IEuly Hrltllh 54th LBurmn clty hnxulnhed 10 Gun Enpéuuly Sulllhh Ium cl ll Mount medznu Ime Lee Ennllng Sunday wflh Jennell Henry Harper day in Tor £3116 mm To 21 Steam 29 Khld 35 Gillzll 21mm mun 21 Set Saturday Apr 13 AT leuuca 30 shaded walk 51 Eskimo boat 32 Vaulting dovlcn ln AT EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Ma Imla Knnx Lmlin Aid mrl Elm vuln urdncslhny There was quilllng nl the home Mrl Rum Mail In am Easter mvlco will be hed in the United Church Sunday at 1130 Enslcr music will be prescnlcd The choir will render Hallcluluh Chorus lrom lhu Alcsusiah by Ilgpdcl My MRS ALLEN Mr and Mrs Elwood Cne Tnmnlo were rcscnl visilnn ullh Anderson VILAndvorsonv won Sunday In nnrrle wilh alslur Miss lunbcll Andcrsnn Mr nnd Mu Mun1y Lyon nnd lnmlly ham moved Into HHIHIIC Mn Ibrï¬e brscr and Alfred Sultan am canvnlesclng at their homes pleasant evenlng was enjoy ed Bl he home Mrs Percy Sullon when law nmlly lricnds presented Elnlna Schnn dlanrwllh mlsccllnnwus show or The ucnlng was npcï¬wln Ramcs Mrs Ken Wllton and Mn Tom Suunn were hostesses Tulip lca wlll be held In lhe Unllud Church School mom May from ln Bake lnbll and whllo elephgnl inle lrherlrarmcrs have aimed on he land In his community Mr and Mrs Clarence Fisher and Bonnie Ivy leilcd Mr and Mrs Hunlcr Russell Sunday BY M118 NASH Arthur Kuiingg Perry Glii Arthur Wait Mrs Altar lien xer Mrs Smith and Mn no Masan are patients in Royai Victoria iinspllai We wish them spccdchcgycry lira Dlnglc new hnmi lrom Germany to he with her mpghcrMr Smll Congratulations to Miss Elaine Schandlcn and Gerry Dunn who were married In the United Church last Saturday They will make their home In Barrie SHOWER um mu Illlawl mu mm mm To 83m K37 CROSSLAND MIDHURST 35 Glrll nick nuns 30 Fiann Ill lava Celebcl Minu Igglpu MM In