Mn Kcilh Sanderson vim prtxidcnl welcnmtd the Rucsls Ind Mn Howard Campbell sec rellry rtnd hunkyum mm mm Icvtrnl who had been re mcmbcnd The ntudy program wn presented by mm On the rlm lumorrow drplcl Ina the problem of proscnulay youlh In lhn counlrlc along Allal enstrrn rim The Rev PL Millhcll operand lho pm Jeclnr Mn Fulslmm nut Iololsl mnlllbulcd aclccl Ion Open Um units nl lhu cmplefl and low lhnl wilt not let me LUTHERAN CHURCH Gumma Spcclulï¬ Iem ban Guthrie Unimd Church Women wth teenage girls as Ihelr guuu mt In Ihu Sunday School room for um Enslcr thank offering and supper met In Scnltd small tables nt lncliva with floral decnrmions hey were Icrvcd mind nup per ITEEL In COOK ATHEETA Hm Gum um Ium Mn nanny khool 10 Im Mornlu Wonhlp 1100 um Kunullalla flrnlu lh Sislen Bethany turned to arming Ahurlly alter six them ar rlved Irani Holland eight years ago And the enlhusiasm nnd emle with which lhcy tackled their prolm are reliecled today in the Iarmx wellkeplI laur lahlnx appearance Thu nuns tuned with only 11 cow six which became slck and had to destroyed Now hay have 35 milking cows runny which have won ward at livestock shuwsl Iboul dozen calves close lo 600 chickens and 15 Yorkshire with numcrnu piglcis recently bull uadnlinn In In barn can accaqmadm 17 more milking cow and five calm Mn lvnn Clark mnvcnnr Ilcwnrdshlp nnd rccmlllnu ls utd pica or lndlvidunl duflc lllon She lrd In pray with Ipcclnl mmllun 01 um Gulhrlu USW mlulnnmlns or prnycr Cnrol and Lloyd Slrnchnn ln LAMBETH 0M CPD mute eneral arming opera Ilan has proved worlhwhile venture or small order of nuns trying la establish use In Nonh America Mn ll II or Jnlvpll Mnlllnlll hnnh Innnl Hon lnlMl flnlllmn IA COIN landy mm Al Ix lm UCW Easter Thank Offering Supper Held At Guthrie Dominican Sisters Run Farm Enthusiastic About Project ALLIANCE CHURCH SISTER MARY LEWIS sprinkle mlncral supplement into the regular feed of the 35 Cook Mlul In John II mm IIII lluly ummnnhm ll munMom lrnlu 7m v1 lull lnyrr OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD ST GILES CHURCH Iulhly II Yul An clrumn THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Gunn Sm Sundly Scrvlcn 945 mm Sunday School lor all loan mm Thl Lordl Supp pm Goxpol Wadnudnr pm Prnytr bl SOudy In 3rd Fvldly Monlhly Young Pooplol 130 pm 1nd 4th Frlday Monlhly Lndln MIulonry Group WE are graduaily culling ha raw so the we will have pure bred stock More long said Mather Elizabtlh ENLARGE HOME Fifteen nuns now run the arm and he twostorey whlle farm house has been enlarged lo provide seven more bed rooms and rccrenlInn room on the main Ham and lnrxc chapel upslalrs Each sister has but own dulles to do around he farm They dn the job which they like and which suit them best said Mother Elizabeth Slslcr Daniel and Sister Prnx cdcs are especially proud hut lhey 600 en day lrom their chlckcns when sisters ï¬rst arrived inCanndn they did domestic work at lhc College at Christ the King at in University Wcsicm Onlnrio London OnL But in more sisters Joined Brazil She also conduclcd lha worship Icrvico on the steward shlp lhcme with wunhlp cen re Illustrating Easter Mm Clark was asslslcd In the medl alion by several olhcr mflmlurl ha described the mnlrlhulian made by dcdicnlcd person in various levels at Anclcly RECEIVE OFF RING Mn Lovo thande the guest 501013 and all nlhcrl who hnd contributed to the program Th3 Rev Mitchnu pronounmi the benedicllnn Thu thank ollcrlng was malv cd by Mrs George Caldwell mu Mrs Hugh Blncksloch and was dedicated will prayer by Mn Gilchrist cows on mncre arm oper ated by the Damlnlcnn Sislm of Bethany at Lambelh om mmon Ann II null Ml WAN Dyrr loo um llnly nmmunlall ILW mm Mamlnl luver Kunlu rum ALL ARE WELCOME NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL EASTER SUNDAY 51 GEORGES ALLANXMLF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH llwflln llrrvl It Wowy lm TO BELIEVE IN EASTER pm BURNING HEART Spulnl Mull by Cholrl an Invllod lo lunar lhu good new lln Lives EASTER SERVICES IN The arm has also become retreat fur nuns working In other men the world whn no there or halldny and training school or slslm who will work In other Noth Amer lcan centre Ihe order ex pandsr The sisters hope the one In Miami will help lo suqve the Cuban relugces as well ml American people them lhe need for their own cnnvenl increased and wilh lhu ï¬nancial help of the Roman Catholic Diocese of London lhu am about 10 miles from the city was purchased ngmummnon AIM The urder ounded In 1867 by Ihe French Dnminicun Father John Joseph Lnlasle aims at rehabilitation or girls who have lust lheir good repula lion and lhc estabilshment at homes 101 children broken homes iuveniie delinquent and emalionaily disturbed children Mather Elizahclh explained The arm wllh hard healthy and lnleresllng work is excellent or rehabllllallon and ll our arder ever estalr llshe childrens lmmo mam ahly near we could feed them very well and cheaply mm the food we grow rlghl here on lho farm Nu homes have recently becnvopencd In Ihc Unimd Statesone in Chlcmzn Ind nne in Mlnml III un ELYNIMY HCIIOUL Loo Ian 11 In Cummunlan llnly ammunlwl Ilnly ommnnlnn Loo on ammunlol unlnnl Colllvr fltrrrl erl lo IDII 0er The Vm nul 00 Mn Flltccn nun nm started clgh year 12 cows CF Phnto MEETING IN HILLCHEST ECHODL AUDITOMUM Toronto Dillon YRINITY CHURCH EASTER SERVICES EARTH ACTIONII AND llKALHONH EVANGELISTIC MEETING pm CORIMUNIDN flEflVlCfl Ilnllnru Merllnl HM mm CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Army Citadel so Coulu sum muon AND Ms GILLESPIE Corpl onlcm The Salvation II Welan null IA 47H 709 wn nm the farm ago with St Vlncent 51ml inr Ram he Geuuhmek Phane PA Hfll 151 manly Ely Roll msmny School MB Enxlllh Senlu 800 Dutch Sanka ml SEnfll EvgrLMoglp Bola shit Eng Th chmh at nu 1m to we KW rldlo ummm DIII cm fllul ovary lundly no Nu FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL yun And over 330 mm Up In Jun 00 Parlraycd by ukclrd uuL Special mlumu Ind choir Iclccllonl Mlnhler Rev Gnrdhm Skelly BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH Anonu Innum luv Rlddull LLOYD TUFFORD 011mm Ind Chubmulcr EASTER SERVICES 930 In Short Ctlcbnllon 011 Communion 1100 llll MarniIx Wnnlllp and 11on Communlon Resurrectlon Experience THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD Inn DRAMATIC PRESENTATION OF THE GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER STORY CENTRAL UNITED COLLIER ST BARRIE CHURCH0F CHRIST Mmlng Tlmporarlly Codrlngion School MINISTER REV WALTER LEE MA YOUNG PEOPLES SUNRISE SERVICE WITH COMMUNION BREAKFAST EVERYONE WELCOME IN NEW TESTAMENT DAYS THE LORDS SUPPER Eludrnll lulled Tn Mnrnlnl ï¬rrvlul Inhnl Cnra 00 FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES yrl Ind um 00 mm ll Dlvld Rene ILL DJ UNITED CHURCH Orgum nouns Gunny SERMON CHRIST Is RISEN unomcm oven cxan EASTER SUNDAY yn and our 930 mm BE SURE TO ATYEND THIS EASIER SERVICE SUNDAY CHUHCH SCHOOL Muxlc By The Junior Chnlr EASTER VICTORY EASTER VICTORY Mull lly Ecnlnr Choir at 0h 1100 SERVICE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL Wu Sorvod Elch OF CANADA 1100 mm 800 Im CHURCH 50 Im 1100 Im THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH 100 Mn DIVINE WORSHIP To held In Jim Church WIllOWDAlE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 1100 MILSUNDAY SCHOOL MR ALLEN TOMLINSON ILAI Mlnlstnr Mn Don Chomeadu Ind pllnm 1100 mm Olher Depmmenh and Nnrury Mlnlim Phon PA 6402 Rev Comm Bunl II Frown Ell YOU ARE MOST WELCOhE Sltel Slreel Public School 104 mm Junior Ind lnlumedllll 1100 mm MORNING WORSHIP Free Methodin Church 200 nlvlleld El 1000 mm Family Blhlo School 1100 mm Mnrnlu Wnnhlp 119 pm Eyznlnl Servic FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 73041 mm 600 pm SUNDAY MASSES mm mm IOI5 mm 30 In Wldnudly 730 Our ll our Ihnl mum In Am wlll vqu tn Mm church Bum llunduy II dam III thunhel In mm mm II will VCMML Mothr ofPcrpIIu Hqu Novn EASTER SUNDAY 30 urnDIVINE WORSHIP HI ROSE AGAIN FROM THE DIAD Anthems fly Tho Church Cholr 1030 mm CHURCH SCHOOL Kindergarten 1b marmodlm Depll Roman Calholic EVENING navonous Svnday pm ll Goheen Pulor PRESBYTERIAN HURCH ST MARYS cnuncu is MULCASIER 51 PA was BETHEI PENTECOSTAL CHURCH $335533 51 PRESENTS THE KINGSMEN TRIO 950 um 1100 am SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES TRIOS SOLOS INSTRUMENTALS PREACHINO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rcv Tunkl Pnlor Margin 5L Angul Mlnhlcr flummrll ILA Hurlor IIIIII Mn Dunn Um EASTER SERVICES ZION OWEN ST AT WORSLEY REV ADAMS 8A MINISTER DIRECTOR OF PRAISE MR HAROLD DEMPSEY 700 pm EASTER AFTERGLOW COME AND BRING THE FAMILY ESSA ROAD CONSIDERATION AND RESPONSE SACRAMENT 0F BAPTISM HYMNS 0F DEVOTION HIDDEN VICTORY CHURCH SCHOOL yrs to adult at 930 am under yrs am PRESBYIERIAN CHURCH AT BURTON AVE CORNER 00 am 945 lm SENIOR SCHOOL l050 JUNIOR SCHOOL 700 pm EMMANUEL RESURRECTION Baby And Chlld Car pm 945 ImBIBLE SCHOOL All Ag BAPTIST ST VINCENT ST pmBAPTISMAL SERVICE SPECIAL EASTER MUSIC AT BOTH SERVICES you cannnllilcnd ho sure In lulu In 10 CKBB pm On Sunday ST ANDREWS Sublet CHRIST IS THE RESURRECTION PASTOR REV WILLIAMS BJH LAM 1100 am Eamrn Punlomlnl Blhlu Cullen SoIom Mu hrlunl 930 mm CHURCH ICMOOL Numry lo Icnlor anaflmmll our meow rim II audflovlum hlt Eager In Inn min 14 alum In EASTER SUNDAY 910 mm DIVINE WORSHIP HI R05 AGAIN FROM THE DEAD You An In me To 721mm tum may mam MInIIIIr ll nummcru ILA hind cl lnlu Mn IL MrKlnnn PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN Johnson Slruv School WESTMINSTER CHURCH BARRIE ¥£v