llexl Years nglivnlThe llllll lnlemqlionul leslivul Will he held lrom lluy l6 Sepl 1964 Ythudi Menuhin DRAMA iBSEN When We Dead Awaken The limit at 1962 Edinbuwh Military Tattoo MILITARY TATTOO Presented by searchlight on the Esplanade of Edinburgh Castle the Tattoo will feature pipers and drummers ot émous Scottish Regiments Massed Military Bands Ind IONESCO The Ceremony British premiere LAWLER The SHAW St Joan RODDY MacMILLAN All In Good Faith MARTIN WALSER The Rabbit Race Bmlsh premiere Pmmlnnm playwrights Actors direclors and others will come from many countries la dlscuss their approach the lhealrc and mu Imum DRAMA CONFERENCE LATENIGHT SHOWS Sol Them Reeling wllh Annlc Ross Robln Hall nnd Jimmy Mamrogor anti Jlmmy Sham And his Band SCOTTISH CONCERTS Gucllc contort and Ceilidh and Scnltlsh Canton MI Kenneth MrKcllar nnd Jimmy Shand Recital of Scomsh Pnelry and Music medrd In March 1901 Hm Edlnburizh Foxflvnl Guild an nsmclnllnn Mend of HM thnl Mouflmrshlp mlnlmum lubmlptluu $3 your open lo alL FESTIVAL GUILD Unshavcn Cheek World Premim INTERNATIONAL Presented by searchlight on the Esplanade of Edinburgh Castle the Tattoo will feature pipers and drummers oi famous Scottish Regiments Massed Military Bands and Highland Dancing There will also he display by the RAMC and Fire Brigade Breton pipers from the naval air base near Brest and the pipers and drummer of the ist Battalion Queen Elizabeths Own Gurkha Rifles More than 700 rewiccmcn on parade in the ï¬nale with Edinburgh Castle as floodlit backcioth TICKETS For further Lulurmallon Ibout the Festival ask British Travel Assoclallon 151 Eloor Street West Toronto or 661 Huwe Street Vancouver or any Mme of Thus Cook Son but or American Express Co 1112 or any other travel agent Edinburgh Feslival Society 11 Cambridge Street Edinburgh Order tickets through Thus Cook Son Ltd American Express Co In or other travel Igenls or wrllo lo ART EXHIBITIONS dnuhln cxmmllun works by MODIGHANI Ind SOUTINF Music and Dance In Indlln An Mrrndy the mum cvcnt 15 klml In the world the Edinburgh lntcrnnlionnl chtlvnl WI lhl year In bctlcr thnn evcr For Mr Illlrd IfcsIlvnl he 1an nl llnrcwnod ns Arlhflc Director In onuuxcd many the worlds hml nrtlsls and has produced the MM Ind mum vnrlcd progrmumo ol tmmrlr opcrm play and mllnlr be non nnywhcrc Each evening then will be II or mm dlflmnl cvcnl to home Irom wllh nrllm drawn mm mm cnnnny Frnncc III Unllcd Slum llnly Hungary and mnny other countries lntlud Inlo hm vmlu It Edlnhurgh will be pcrfnnnnnm by In many lamous mm could be seen only In six monlln or world travel August 18 September The Capital of Scofland the city of Edinburgh the greatest star of Its awn Festival The magnitlcence ol Princes sneer with the historic Castle high on rock towering over the scene remains in the memory for many years The Castle and the Palace offlolymodhouse which 1m Queens ntflclal residence in Edlnburgh are only two the magnets whim mm thousands of visitors gach your The math FloralClock heScon Monument Prince Street Gardens are other amacuons And while the visitor can ipend week exploring Edinburgh itscll the city is Ilsa firstclass touring centre with tho Scott Country Loch Mmond the Trassachs and the Central Highlands all within easy rqach EDINBURGH Th2 EM Harewaod Avtisï¬c Director at Edinbmnh Inlunalionul Femval EDINBURGH ROYAL OPERA HOUSE Covent Garden LONDON SYMPHONY BBC SYMPHONY CONCERTGEBOUW 3136 SCOTIISH SCOTTISH NATIONAL BOURNEMOUTH SYMPHONY SOLTI PRITCHARD DAVIS conduct music of BERLIOZ andwilh SZELL KERTESZ HAITINK MAAZEL and FERENCSIK music of BARTOK Stuttgart ORCHESTRAS There will be chamber concerts by STERNROSEISTOMIN TRIO THE EDINBURGH PLAYERS HURWITZ CHAMBER ENSEMBLE PHILOMUSICA 0E WNDON CHAMBER CONCERTS Conductor George Malcolm AMADEUS STRING QUARTET EDINBURGH STRINGQUARTET TATRA STRING QUARTET JULIAN BREAM CONSORTS Snlnlsu Include Larry Adler Benjamin Briiien Heinz Hoiiiger Eiia lee George Malcolm Yehudl and Hephzibah Menuhin Vuhn Ogden and Brenda Lucas Peter Pears Mihaiy Szckeiy David Ward MARTHA GRAHAM The first visit to Great Britain since 1954 oi Martha Graham and her Dance Company whose Invcmions have brought new sinndard of seriousness and beauly to the dance in lhls mnlury BUDAPEST OPERA AND BALLET in Bartok Triple Bill Prince niuchenrds Caslie Thu Waudcn Prince The Miraculous Mandarin STUTTGART STATE THEATRE BALLET For Iho past iwa years his leading German company has been under the Iilrccllon oi Jahn Cranko well known as choreographer for the Royal Baiich The Company of any member caniuins no tower than lwcnly diiicrcnt nationaliUcL BALLET 5m Thznm Ball SAN CARLO OPERA OPERA ENGLISH OPERA GROUP During the Festival the Assembly Rooms Ind Music Hall are transtormed into Festival Club with llccnscd restaurant snackbar lounges The building Itself worth seeing or it was here that Sir Walter Scott ilrat admitted authorship the Waverley Novels FILM FESTIVAL More than 150 ï¬lms from 40 countries will be screened The theme this year Th0 Fllm and Drama Conference What Is Television Film Them 13 no difï¬culty 1n obtaining necommodnllan In Edmhurgh during 1h Fullval All you have to do 15 write to Evcn whcn hnlbls are lully hooked excellent Ircommndnllon ll nvallablo hundreds of hospllnhle Irlvalc homes very modest can No one has EV had In my way lrom Edinburgh because of ark ol actummodulnn For Information and tickets wrlle Film Home Randolph Crescent Edinburgh FESTIVAL CLUB ThrceAweckly weekly and daily membership is available in all visitors ACCOMMODATION The Edlnhurgh Accommodalinn Bureau ll Cambridge Slrncl Edinburgh Verdl Cflea Bmlen Domzem Adriana ecouvreur Luisa Rape Lucretia Beggars Opera Don Pasquale Mller Naples