Building Committee Reports All Is Well The Royal Vlctarla Hospital Baard and hospital shall have reason to be pleased with their emuls in the llghl of the an nual report at Ramr chalrmnn of the building cam millee Mr Rosser snld All the members at lhe huspilnl stall nurses and doctors as well us other hospital punsonanv have added the beneï¬t ol their exper ience and their excellent co our belief that because at the ï¬ne teamwork that has been displayed the addition will allow the Royal Victoria to tune Hon on hash equal to or sup erlor lo slrnllm operating or you see large green drng capillary bed the mlcroscop an rldlng around town on up blood vessels leadlng lo the 11 Cotlys Clcancr truck dont vclns whlch may the blood buck reach or the nsplrin It ls to the hem Enough loc cap stun to ndvcrllse he nnlismok lllnrlcs rcmnln unblocked to per lnu part the Cnnndlnn Cancer mil normal clrculnllonl Fund campalgn Dr Mnchnnjs particularly thle here still are Iew Ddds and ends to be complet ed these are in the order of cleanup and have little or no thing to do wilh the functioning Im now complelcd hospi Qa FINANCE his annual report to the beam ML Rosscr snld On project as large as this is natural that many things In the nrlglnal planning had In In changed aver the period can llllNESING Special The lillneslng Ml Beef Call Club mnl the llincslng Public School It calured panel dis cussing Housing and Equip ment Panel members were Ruben Glllen Bob Geddes Jerry Quinn and Nelson Sage Harold Cook was moderator in he ï¬rst grnup in the lust group members included lJfll Arnold Allan Wilson and lluwnrd Sago with Tom Howard moderator IMAGINATIVE PROJECT The héxl mcclln Is pnnél discusslun loo It Will be held May Dr Ilnsï¬nzs cducntlon chairman at the Barrie Cancer UnM has arranged for the dls plny be used in Dnrriu dur hu this week ed in various parts of Ontario ll wlll 0an be In Barrie lhi week and hen no lo London An lmnginnllvn re search projocl by Dr Mnclcnn prolcssnr of surgery McGHl Unlvcrslly Monlrcnl ha been underwrlllcn In the ex Icnl $10000 by the Milan Cnncur Inslllulc of Canada must the money to come mm the April cnmpnlgn UN Canndlnn Cancer Socicly Am nlvrrlmlnl lnlm Hclnnldl Ilmltr Iuhlh Rhml HCM Camp Hank New Cm wr rrlnrlpnl Eh Ilny lnlnflc Sr an mo Tuwn nMp Mmlny Irumn unwr vlnlng whme ourhkhlnu Illlulu luhlic FclmuL MIMI Towmhlp John Irwin mum Nu Tarrllxlml and prmrlpzl nl Wul m1 luhllc mlml mu HT ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL Dr McLean ho was born In Calgary and tducalrd at unlvcnlllc Albcrln and Min msoln primarily lnlcrcslcd In curdlovnsculnr surgery and hyllolony Bul hl Inlnrcsl 1n load flow has led hlm Inln ho Held cancer and In lrcnlmnnl by chemlrnl or other lhcrnpcu tic nucnu lla Them nre suth ngcnls whlrh cnn knock out cnnccr The diI llcully 1ch In trying In Iocnlixu lhcm nl UN lilo llm cnnrrr lvccnusc whrn lhcy pass through thn lnrgtl mm my uxunlly hnvn hnrmlul died on tho pnlhnl FM mn mm wlI nucml lha Emlrr Aurmlrly Huh nlmln luhlk ï¬rhml Men Tcndwn Fnlrrnllnn In Town Aprll It ley uill rr anllnx 211 rmhnl nun II ï¬lmrno lmnly ml will ul Mluknkn llm llcml or dim Ilnn wlll be Irvhlm nl Hm lcnlgmllunn unlm pnliry Trylnn lo Imp much mzrnlu nl lhu me of flu tnnccr Dr Mn Mnn hll pun Hm Men ln rnrpornllnu mm In mlrrns pherrl llny tumult ptllcla nhoul unclrnlh lhe mu urnln xnll II Inlmnd Ink the Mood lupply II nmlruach Um nrcn Conlalnlnx Hm um crr Alumth vrry mm lhc mlc vnsmmu In MnclAnn Imp mnle In pnllmlnnry Immllu allon all In url hmukh II Beef Calf Club At Minesing Studies Housing Represent Teachers Rt Assembly Big Green Dragon Is NOt Illusion situation We believe however that the general and result re garding finance Is within the urea 27 reasnnahle variance rg ale was 51972 964 and actual cost tn date is $2198J84 ML Rosser said The originni estimate did not take into consideration extra iinancilig costs which ultimutciy occurred llm could it anticipate all the change orders that be camg ngcessqry The extensive laboratory and pharmacy were not anticipated in the early plans and umlr tn clusion naturally added to the orlkinnl esttmntes In Iii er revenue fur the payment of the project Had all the grants been paid in full the hospital ï¬nancing would have been In simple program indeed because lhc grains plus donations and bequests would have lctt tho hospital in tha position at having to secure anly $135760 in additional longterm tunds The grant position to dale Is as follows City Battle $1116W paid Govl Canada 4363 $301M Prov of Ontario 5w74o 434716 mu Simon 258490 ugjm The county gran ls pledged over period years there fore the hospital has secured inherim ï¬nancing nverthat per Iv Dunng Um course new construction the tonal me to whlch the aid south will could be adapled were greatly in creased To av In adiduonjo lha vls flax3 entrance and general al lice Ulé main Hour ha uId building cnnlalns improved ad milling laciliues Emergency operating and recovery and rayd Ianilifles have been modern IZO HEATING SYSTEM The building nmmlllee nnnunl rgpoil sun mepeginning the bundmg project your commilluc made he majnr de cisinn of scrapping the former Dr Mnchnn Is particularly Interested In trying nut he sys lcm In pnllcnir with lumor which are not ncccsxiblc sur gery The mlcmsphcm will be charged with Yllrlum 90 nul Ioaclivc Isoinpe which Is by product nI nuclear Iission and which gives rise lo typo oi radiullon which would be en llrcly absorbed In he Issues clnscsl In the mlcrosphercs Assxsunmn Um pm will be Dr Slnccy Day Englishborn research assistant and Dr Henry IL Shibnln who was born In Vancouver Both an prim arlly inlcrcslcd In canccr re search Mr Larldn any lhe mclcly ls Ionan or canvass ln ho lollowlnx towns nmrnlan Churthlll hlruy Llsle Glen rnlrn Pnlnswlrk 0m Slnllan Edgar DnIslon Mlxlhursl Mln tslllnx Ulopln llcll Ewart nnd Crown lllll Anyone wlslxlnz la npply cunvnmr should tonlncl Mu mm Dunlap SL IA RETURN CALLS Gordan Lnrkln tampalzn thnirmnn the nnrrlc Canter Fund Drlvu hns nypwlcd In cun vnssm to cnll buck nl hnum where lhcy have called and aund than was no nmwcr Mr Lnrkln nskl hnl rnnvnsA um um In lhnlr collccllnnn mm poulhlc lhnl ruulh rnn be puhllnlml In Irl the pub llc know 1an llw cnmpnlun ll cnmlnu Mann hospital heating system and placing It with lwoiuel pack aggboiley systgm the heal provlded by any comhlnatlan 01 three automallc boilers Only two of these units are requlrcd at any time to supply be full quota of steam and heat to the huslptal for all purposu This leave one holler always avail ble an emergency sland The boilers are capable of operallng on either natural gas or low grade bunker luel and the changu from one fuel In em other in emergency can be quickly accomplished The el gency in cost has been prov John Anderson Toronto man has been dated to ha Kinsmen olfice ot Depuly Gov cmor or District and M11 be In charge coordinatan the ncllvltlns or Zane which Include the Kinsmen Club Harm Because at increased space requirement by the laboratory and pharmacy space nrlglnally intended or the Womens Aux mary was not available or this purp anxlllary therefore agreed to acceptultemnlc quar tnrs In the 11055 St mldcnce and the building committee arr ranged to revise that properly In suit requirements or the the auxiliary Report ara that the new quarters are sntlslnc Les yen when the rate or the Barrie District colleglam were being cnmpulcd the equal lzcd assessment Essa Tow ship was taken before the Municipal Board which ruled that this should be adustcd This resulted Essa being levied $7360 termed more than its share under the proper assessment mceum of the board the Barrie Dlstrlc Colleg iate Institutes an Tuesday night motion was adopted instruct lng the secretary to send me nlormallon munlclpal coun cils and hope that all wfll agree to rchnla the Essa overpayment the auxiliary Report ara that the new quarters are sauslnc lnry The report concluded Anderson wlll lnke ofllce on Sept Local Klnsmen ma elecllon and Zone Spring Conlcrence hcld at Axincoun last week wenz Mendy Lamb Lorne Cnnur Gardon Condcr Peter Moon From Dan Cnldy loss nurwcll Sidney Kndish Mun Hyde John Glllcsplc Russ Applelon nnd H951 111cc Assocn on nsmcn Club was armed mm 43 years ago In Hamilton and has grown to nearly 00 clubs wllh 12000 member In the 10 Can ndlnn provinces One of the nhlccllvcl of the nssodnllon II to lmpmvc and tducnln Ila member In mod ern buslnul and prnltsxlonnl method and clhlu Mr Glflcn ll Imvlvcd hy lwo slxlm Mrl Wlll Gordan Culnnry mud Mrl Wlllinm Ma sMnlcr Sheetville and by lmxr hrnlhtn Norman John 51 Harrie Harvey anxn Hmch Wllllnm lzlhbrillzo and Andrew nl okolokl Alber II GIFFEN Funcrnl sorvim will bu held Arrll 13 or Chunk Howard Ginn 73 Vnnpauvcr who dlgd Aprl Kinsmen Elect Toronto Man Essa Township Seeks Rebate OBITUARY worthy of now that nearly 111 resent capacity already boasdhhlsnollobeunw peeled In growing commun ity It Lhould also be regard ed as warnlnl lo the board and to he oommunny ma now Ll tho time to look further longrango plan so that the an swer are available below glew problem comes on the horc Proms has IL rewards but It also create its own prob Mr Russet sald annual Installation oi oiiicers ior he Eimvnie Legion Auxil larynx1968 are as leiiows Presidenl Laura Campbell First Vice President Dolly Hider Second Vice President Sadie Manning hensurer Mae ken Colonbcarer Alma While side Executive Ardeii Burnes Agnesstone Bessie Sell and Isabel Fowler OWEN SOUND V15 Scenic City Klwanls Club at Owen Sound was paid an olflclal board directnrs visit on The day evenmg at the Selden Ha 59 by Walls 01 Barrie lcuA tmun governor of DQM dis trict Division of Kiwnnls InA temallanal READY FOR SERVICE The Black Bay 734 out bulk freighter ï¬nished at Coll Ingwood Shipyards Is ready to go lnlo tarvlca soon luv gauon opens ofliclnlly The nhlp was randy or her maiden rip last all but wealth conditions Ind sudden maze up forced taking winter bank at Calling wood harbor Banin Kiwanis Club dinner I111 week Jack Butler announc ed that 900 relumx had been celved from Ensker Seal lar to Ln amen This did not In clude 100 return on hand un opened It Urn renorflnl BRACEDRIDGE OPP Sergeant Rezlnaid Wilson ar merly ol Barrie has assumed command Bracebrldze detach men of Ontario Fmvhdal Pol lce ï¬g wag pmmnkg from car renal In charge of Slnyntr all as the past two ycnrul Corporal Donald om larmcrly wlth llnrrlc Waxnxn Bench and or ungevllle olllce ol the OFF has lalntd the Orlllln detachment DONATION OF 310 Jim Brady president oi Enr rie Cnnirnl Calicglalu Key Club pmcnud cheque ior this wenkl dinner mccilng lo Bunlo Kiwanis Clubl crippled childrenl mm This was not proceed irom dnnco sponsor ed by Ule Key Ciub at mu Col ieginlo in wed Colllnzwood Harbor was open cd or lhlpplnl ncllvlly Inst week whenlhe Department Transport Icebreaker Mound cr Henry lack an hour In clear chnnncl Flvo Inrzu trelzhlcrs were enabled to move lrccly lhruugh ho Inner harbor Thu Elmvale Women Named To Oiiice mnnon CLEARED THANK Y0 EASTER SEALS mmm 54mm Nomde Autumn LOCAL AND GENERAL And In by many loyal worlm who dnvnlfd lhclr llmu and won on my MI am linked unlo would in in Ink Uull apmvumhy Ia think vdm cl Hlmm Nom whu nummd It the poll on Monday Apvll lul SNELGROVE RALPH Terminals Elevawr stall ï¬nish ed unloading winter storage car goes on three ships Gary Arbuur of Barrie was winner of $50 scholarship do hated by George McLean Jr and George Fillpaulck at the Orillln Klwnnls Music Festival last week He placed ï¬rst In his class or piano 5010 open HARMONY WEEK Next week has been pmclaim ed iinrrnuny Week in Harrie in letter in City Council iluy Blnir president oi the name Chapter of SPEBSQSA the So ciety for the Preservation and Encouragement of Ember Shop Quuflclie Singing in America council was asked The ill Warship proclaim the week an April 15 be observed as ilnr many Week The cast oi udver Using is to he covered by this chapter Mlss Helen Shanahan ud mlnlslrntor of Rays Viclurln Hospllul submitted ha followan stallsï¬cs or R47an Vlclorlu Hos pitullor 1962 he boards annual meeting recently Number of Admlmons 5555 Number XRnya 5909 Number of 11mm and Silll Bin 11 Number 2317152 Number vcd 36953 95001 Nunbcr 52152 Number 4461 Mlss Slmnnhnn said Thu new nnlt wns Killed almost Immedi nlcly arm It was ready or use on Dec 5555 Admitted To RVH Id 62 Number JqDY COPELAND OFFICE OF THE DAVE PALK AT STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION GENERAL Commercial Students Put Lessons To Work WON sellougsmp at out Fallen Vlslls Lubernlnry Units of Pntlent Days Special Dials scr Meals Served Years ago someone mlerred lo smoal being the place where one learned he three Rs The school was always the little red 0M luhjncls are varied Modem day phildrcn even just through lhe secondary school ievel are taught everything from AJLC to threading needle and repair mg on automobile engine Todny nol nll schooling Is con fined lo the school In the case ol 23 commerclol sludcnls ol Barrio Nnrlh Collcglale school could also he the Ontario Hydro ollrcc Barrie Plumbing The Ex amlnor or any one of number other place pnncrrcnr USE These mibéysfland girl are completing our days putting cry and the nursing slat Ls very happy working under the Improved cundillons The Path ology Department is still very nctlrc Miss Shanahnn sald wlsh thank hc member ol the hospital slnfl or lhulr co op erallon during lhe ymr and he chnlrmnn mud member 01 Ihn board of director or their In torus nud support would also iika lo ihnnk lho Womens Auxiliary or its continqu hard work and donn llans They are always ready and willing lo help when called Incl our community is very undursinndlnu oi our hospital nmds and lho shaman oi bed that has cxislcd during lhu past yearn M3 ERA TINI 1le is diffqrent from any other wine TryTINI its terrific their classroom knowiedga to practical use in oiiices oi Barrio business ll gives the student an op purlunily to decide when he or she would be happy In ï¬culnr positjon he snld Mr Lemmon suld Hume buy Ines hns been most coopera Hm This he second year sludcnh have men placed or as long as our days Two years pruvinus was ouLLdny ex peflencg anllam Lemman head the schools commercial dcpnnmcnl snld this experiment serve many Qmmsqs It also glvcs amp Dyer an opportunity to determine wheth er ha Auden would be suitable fur the position The department head sald um the sludcnls know their tempor nry Employer will upon on their progress The mm from the employer lncludc grooming speed ellidency knowledge clc Sludcnts placed are Shirley Vlgley Cuunly Bulldlng Judy Copeland The Barrie Examiner Llndn llodgson Public Ulflillns Thrsludenta Ire expecled to tell us there was anylhlng on the job lhnt they werent taught in schoolsnld Mr Lommun This is an aid to our leaching prugrarp Mr Lemmon anld Ihn many graduates have moved lnlo posl llons us dim maul mm uainlyg pcssipns HAPPY TIMES In 1962 for he llrsl time In many years mu Royal Vldmln Hospital current nsscu exceed current liablllllcs In his report In tho annual meeting chairman ul Finance Hell said Our worklng capllnl posllln Impr 342501 Mr 196 i1 new esuinnm wn made on the bnsls lhc nuditorl port or 1061 and 1062 307Iuny Flammwmuummo FIGHT CANCER Commlssion Wanda lilulr and Margaret Kort Ontario Hydro CorneliusKoch Barrle Plumb ing linn Schuch Bank al Mant relfl Day Pcacock Taronlol Dominion Bank Dave Palk Slerllng Trusts Irene Slyperskl Hays Scagram and Rowe har rislers Virginia Jones Gender and SUEE barristers Dian leoriy Wilson Mmrby bar Clara llcrrygcrs Adair insur ance Mary Shelswell Harrie Mortgage Brokers Bonnie Bu ey Tampnx Sandra Leach Really Insurance Adjuster Madge and Rosemary Pearce Public School Board Joyce Ilum nay Kolmar of Canada Darlsnc Clement Canadlan General El rclric Carol Nay Imperial Lila anti Phyllis Fraser Simme Med Icnl Grbup with checkup and cheque ï¬lmVOW CANADIAN CANCH SOCIETV Barrie and Dislrlfl Unll 14 llnulop En PA 1032