Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1963, p. 13

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in 3m Mr and Mrs Lloyd Martin and family spent Sunday with M1 andVMrs plvid Somm Mls Jeanna Jami ipcnt the weekend in Midllnd NeIlCralg was patient In Barrie hpspilpl 195231 unuu number mm the villain It ended the skating mm In Barm am Mr and Mrs Harvey Prince Ind daughter Guy of Peter horongh spent pm last week with Mr Ind Mn Cnrrle Bald wln and Mr and Mn Don Pripce MEmand Mn borne Hmdy and family of Dalston vhlled Mr Ind Mm MIX cull By MRS PROSSER St Peterl WA will meet Mrs Cannun Hlndlel homl on ngnudgy veniqg nnzralnla ML Ind Mr Keith Slnclah of DEM on lhe birth of son on Saturday at East Generll Hosplul Toronto Now HESV Congratulations to Sloan whn celebrated his 92nd hlrthr dny April On Sunday hls Im lly and lrlends joined with hlm to culebrate the annlvemry at his blrthday talemm was ceivad from his son Ind daugh Ierlnlaw Mr and Mrs James Sloan who are vacatlonlng at Hallnndale Florldn Mr Sloanx many Honda and nelghbors the vlllage and community ex tended congratulatlan and hope or good health he began an other year AROUND SIM COB COUNTY Allen ng birthday dlnnex were Mr and Mrs lred Wicks and Donald ML and Mn Jlm chks and dauxhler Laurie all or erklmm Mr and lllrll led Sloan and boys Battle ll Alex Adams of Fort Willilm Mr and Mn Winien Dean and Wiicoxson most notorious 115 hank bandit since til John Dil linger dayr pleaded guilty Wed nesday to seven bank robheriel He npparenliy turned FBI infor mer on his own guns to rave his skin USi Aliorney Joscoh Bony sold the azyoumid Wit coxson in cooperating with the FBI concemlng levornl un solved crime and is expected to be government witneu at the ocndimr rill oi two conicd crates Albort Norahum and Peter Curry Jr HES CLEANUP MAN WINDSOR Ont lCPl Al ihouah he isnt required to do an by law llcrb Gray re elected Liberal member of Par liamcnl fnr Essex West hu be gun in take down eleciion posi eu irom poles and tree in his riding lie laid Them In no obligailon lor candldniu in re move the Iignu bui ihuughi ii would his mailer oi load prac Ice in remove them instead of leaving them on poch Ind tree In re like other pollen dai GETH FIVE YIAM MONTREAL lCPl Jeln Louil eriin Tl year old prlnler was unienced Wednes day in live year or muni lolllnx Police raided Martini prlnllnx shop last all and scilud prlnllnz nqulpmcni almosl 000 counlerirli hills Ind mm shoncy pas olilce many or 11mm momma NEW YORK my any NINE DIF IN CHAS VALLEJO MI US Mr Fom an turboprop urxo plnnu mud Into marsh ll nrnry Tan Mr Farce nun Wednudy and All nine crcw mcmbm wen killtd gm lh force reported PEARSON INVITED TEL AVIV AP Innnll lecrnl puny hul Invited Lulcr Innon lendtr of flu Cann dlln Llheul mm film won Ihe mml mu In dII un trnl alrcllun Mand lu vllil hm Tho lnvlullan wn unl In ltnnon In mmnll nl con mlulnllnn or he parlyl IUC cm In lhl Candun elation CRAIGHIJBST GEEK UNITY ADDIS AIIAYIA Elhlnpin AptEmperor Hall St um Ill Mrlrm Iummll to tncu mnlnl hm My will neck or the In llmu ln hlI or In In lhn loundluon or Atrium unny Eeluh lold pm mlermm Hm Mrlun Invnmmrnl head wlll nlm run aneedlnl up Indoprndwcn or Inn lull mm mm rult ch My rm nd New Wulmlnlcr become llln cllr nmnuy nllendcd Ivy we lonhllru In munlrlpnll llu lea new Ileucy rm pmlrd POLARIS YMU MH CANAVEIML Fll lAlt 11 US vyn ud vnnml lnlull mlulll MM Ill llnl lnl flllnl mm Ihlpl at Walnut whrn flu rugon wvnl ml mlrol and run dulmyrd by lhl lately It mm Al IUCCFM IDNIXW Huh 50ml Iudrmldnn luuloy IIIgonn vuv Inld Weanuy mm ml fluulnl lnnli IV moon 1M Id numulull mmpldnfl MI vrolglm MVM wl hwy eimvll mm DWI III told huln Im CHURCHILL HECORII TWINI froxm uguuml prim WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF RIchIrd Dean Bunhamthorpe Mr and Mrs Olnle and dumb ten and lrlend ol Dundaa Mr and Mn Joe McLaughlin and son or Barrie Ind Mr and Mu hwy 519m pm mu Sandy service It the United Church was well unendtd wflhv Mr PIKO in chars of ha vice The choir sum as an them GAlnIyynud 0n Good Friday evenlng ser vlce wlll be held In Churchill United Church at Fourteen yum pgoplawlllherecel edln tn church and Communion Services wlll be held with Rev Jackson Smud in chum On Sunday morning the Easter xer vlce win be taken by lhe minis lcr Mr Page at 1015 There will be special music by the choir Connnlulatlons to Mr and Mr Jack Campbell on the arrival at dauxhlcr an Frlday at the Royal Vlctorln Hospllal Bunla lirl Hawk Tomma was nun visitor with her aunts Mr Ind Mn flurry W1 gfld The many Mend nl Robert Campbell are lorry tn learn that he pallenl ln the Royal Vlc Inrll Hospital Barrie hop ed Mr Campbell wlll be hume noonl Twelve table 01 euchre 1am were on hand or the WM euchre party at the home 01 Mr and Mrs A1berl Burn Frlday evenhlg W1nn1nl the prIzes or the ladle were Luella Donnel 1v hlrsr Ferr1er June 111 109 lone hands Mrs 11111 and travelllng pr1za In Grace nonneny W1nner among the men were John Donncfly George Uncles Doug cheman Iona hands George Uncles and the lravellIng prlze to Jimmle De viu The next euchre w111 be Monday evenlng Apr 15 ha hume ofi Mr app Mrs guru Miss Mary Sloan enierla nnd her Sunday School class to lhu rkaiing carnival held in Harris in weekend Miss Lillian Slnan also attended he ca denl studying In Most pro cesslng of data rtceivcd from the moon Ihol launched In wcek war extremely compli caled Tau Id URGES CARE 011mm CF The Cana dian Highway Safety Council hn urged moiurisu and pedes iriann to assume their real re iponslbllily ior reducing road deaths during the Easier wack cnd The council did not orb mi latailly iizura ior lhi weeklnd hul uid hue has been an average oi 30 traiiic deaths and Easter weekend in Cmdn or line in lain you DONT SCRATCH LA JOLLA Cal AW Smokers with chmnlc bronchl t1 nllcn eel they have an llchln lhelr lungs and the only way In acrnlch it with anolhcr cigarette This scralchlnl Isnt the nnswrr Ind lhey should stop making Swedish physician Dr Darla Elmp said In describing 10 day clinic course dcslumd to help make break lhclr habit THIRTEEN CONDEMNED ABIDJAN Ivory Coast nuuv Thirteen persons have been condemned to death or plolunx lo nunsslnale Fresh dent Fellx lIouphouclDolgny ll wax announccd hm Wednes dny total 51 olhm were jailed for em rnnulnz mm In year In 111 Ncnlyvlwu were uqulllcd Ind he chnrltl ulna mother to we fly mlued Recen vlallorsralrEl Siam1 WILLARD KNlE am likan lhll opporlunlly lo publicly lhnnk the many people who workcd nllllucnlly on my hclul luran my pul elecllon cnmpnluu Alllmunh we were not vlclorlouu feel we oughl good llghl fnlr fight well rullxo lhll wllhoul lhm lupporlcn there would hnvn been no fight My llmnkl also go out to the rlllzena who barked me Iho polll Once Iglln Ilncmly Ippmb Ila your world were Mr and Mn Slam and Mr Ind Mrs Blll Sloan and boys 911 rimgum Services to be MM 11 St Pams Anxllcan Church on Tuesday eevnlnz and on Good Frlday morning Easter Sunday services will be held thu reg ulu Ilme In the Afternoon wllh Ruv Tun in charge There will be apeciyl muslg py Several from his community attended ll preparatory serv lcu held In Glllord United Church on Sundny evening By MRS HAYES Mm Partridge and Mrs Everefl Mrs Dwinnell and Clara lennell mended the music festlvnl held In St Jnme Church Oflllla Mr uni Mrs Shemdown Ban1 visited Mr und Mm Cecil Shenrdown Guam wlh Mr and Mrs William Sheardawn were Mr and MIL Weak Orillln Mr Ind Mrs Walter MD Learn and daughters LornaJean and Elizabeth of Willowdale vls Ited Mr and Mrs Par tridge and Mr and Mrs McLean Sunday Sympath ol the community extended to Walter Hulchim sun In the death of hls wile who passed away In Princess Man gmt Hospital Toronto Mrs lutdltnsan had Attended Edgar sdml as girt Mineral service was held at Doolittle Funeral Home Ortllia Mrs and Mrs Hayes vlslled and Mrs Jnhnslon Pnlny W1C Mr and Mn Earl Lauder and daughter Healhcr spent Sunday wih Mr Lauders mother Mrs Wpods ngerlnx baskets of Iowan placed In Edgar United Church Sun day were In memory 01 Mrs WIIIer HulchInson who dIud March and In memory at Mm Barton mother oI John and James Burton Mrs Burton was hurled March as In OrIIlla smart move He called Hill the Mover since 1390 the test sate dependable who move Eaétern Canadas largest mover provides doorMoor Mnulglllhfi vn um Hill the mm 3257 service Inywhere tn the world Mitl expert packers protect your most truite possessions pack heterounpack after FA 555 DhlIM pack helmunpuck after CI FA 555 II AIM WM 70 In to Hill movu you bun cum you Ion EDGAR AI Note of SUPPORTERS THANKS To My Many WILLARD KINZIE By MR8 mason Wlllllm Breednn of StrHUord spending new day wllh Mr and Mn Gordan Breedan Mr and Mn Lloyd Cabnm nllended shower 01 Miss Ruth Claimant In Toronto Tuesday ev en ng Albert Shcppard and Mlsl Em ma Sheppard Benton were gums of Mr and Mrs Gordon Breedon Mr andMn Waller Andrew span Friday avenlng with Mr and Mra George Hall of Thorn Mr and Mn Waller Andrews and daughters Debble and D1 anne spent Smurdny with Mr and Mrs Helmer Barrie Mr and Mrs and ion Jlmmie Tornnlo were guests of Mrs Russell flown on Ihgrweekep Mr and Mn Lloyd Cobom Paul and Peter visited Mr and Mrs Lorne wm and son in mm nrl 5mm Mr and Mra Allan Hauuhlon span the weekend with Toronto friends Mr and Mrs Ralph Hnugh an and lamlly or Markdnle vls led Mrs Hauzhlon Sn inday By MRS BAWYEIL THE MESSENGERS The Messengcr group met In the Sunday School room of tha church Gillnrd program was arranged by Anne Sawyer and Mary Neshlu trio Ronnie Russell Louisa Nellly and Mary Ncsbm sang Hong Kong son PMricla Vanderpol read story on the Parables the fingerr David Lee read story plclun glory was done by Ear hara Vanderpol and Helen Gar vln Thu two groups lhen heard Sum the Mover and NEWTON ROBINSON GILFOBD more of their continued flow on Hog The 0rd Wamnns lmlllule wlll hold its next mnellng mu home or Mm John fllchnrds Aprll 18 at 8mm Mlsa Mary Nesblll played lane solo at he Muslc Fullval Orlllla She wan am prlze Mr and Mrs Robert Ken war funeral at cousin 1n Clin lnn Sunday opler Unlnn mol at the home or Jean Spence Apr mm 18 present Francis Snwycr and Arvid Alla conven ora of cllkenshlp were In charge of the program Barbara Hughes read paper Code or Team Agura Arvld Alle led discus sion on Sunday muvles YOUNG PEOPLE By WORTLEY Euchre wns playcd Wednesday nlghl In he Cummunity llnll Winners were Gwen Peterson Anna Marlin Marx While Jack McGoncgal Wmlam Pallerson Ind Roy Patterson Thu annual mcellng wns held at the heme ol Mrs llcn son Mrs ll Brooks pasl prcsl dent thanked all ma ludlcs or their help In the past your Olflcer for tho coming your are president Mn Ruth Robins vlcepresldenl Mrs Gwen Peter son secretary Mrg Irma Levi son treasurer Mrs Manckard lower commltlce Mrs Hick llng linny Martin has rclumed to he vlllage nner spendlng the winter In Toronto Mr and Mrs George Draper Tornnto spent the weekend with their daughter and sonlnAlaw Mr and Mrs Harvey sullen The ladies zulld St Thomas Church will hold dullndil an in the Community Hall Aprll 17 from to p113 Only TCA flies daily Toronto to Europe No change of plane SHANTY BAY HY MNADMN This summon Only TCA DCfls lcl daily TDIOIIIO In Paris In as link as Iloun 45 minutes Only TCA Icls mm Tovonlo lo MICE vauny Swilmland and Ausul villmul lmmc ol plane Ln tonncmum hy nlhcv aillmu 1mm Paris Dusseldml Zurich and Vlcnni gateway lo Ill mama Europe IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIiIIIIIIUIIUIIIIIIUIIIII uIM limnumy llolurn Iurou lrnm Tum Mimi $6220 4m Via0 um 21 nu rmwm Auk Ilmul TtiAn Fly Nun111 LIIr llm ml mlI law Lnup hm Mu yum lnvel Ilrul vr out TCA Now Tum IIIIUUUIUIUUII II Ill IUIUUI UIII IIIIIIIII 101 DUNLOP 11 World WIdo Tuval luvleo 107 Dunlap SO Em Imlo my Ovnm Holol 1mm Im II Iflllfl luwu unduly Illfluol durll hlll Fan1720 Zurich $6220 $25of1 um BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE lam JOHNSON C0 lIMITED By Mrs MAW The April math or the Unit ed Church Women was held at in ham Mrs Demr an Wednesday wiih members Ereseni The presldent Mrs age was in charger Mrs Sage reported on the ol iclnl board meean held law weeks ago Mrs Gillan iuypiy secretary also reported on lire need or clothinz elm or mis sion It was decided to pack bale for the Fred Victor Mir rion about May 15 Na crib quills nro In be quilted at the next mgeung agile bylc Tim Dougia GHen Icciln the worship period Thu scrlphuo was muggy Mrs Mrs Glflen and Mn wmlnm McNahh had prepared the pro gram an the Euler theme Arll ale were read by Mrs Dick Insnn Mrs Maw Mrs mien and Mrs GIlfenr Has lesses were Mrs McNabh and Mrs McNgbb Mrnnd Mrs Aubrey Glflcw and lamlly Mrs Ncwman Gm en and Mr and Mn Garden Glflcn and lamly were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Don 611 an and lamlly 9mm Vespra Mrs Young olrlummo refilm ed home on Sunday an spend lngra wool xyllh mu For Inlomlllon Ind Ruurvfllom For Your KHNVIIIDHI Now Mr and Mrs An Ngfiy ol 43 Anne 50 EDENVBLE nglhullcixlgl Open Hausa BALL PLANING MILL TD WATCH IT GROW Or see nvluln on mule fly Ia london on TCA ov DOAC ICU ram nvlnxs nvallablo on IlOAC turboprop Brllannla lights See your luvel agonl or TCA Ask about TO5 cnlcluinlng new Planalvlp Nil pavks fmh Ivach Idus You wnnt wan lo miss Inullm dynl lump mm All mm mu 1m BARN EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL ll 65 Toronto vllked Sunday wkh Mr and Mm Rum Maw Ind boyl EUCHRE wayaxs Wilmer the weekly euchru were hlnh ladies Mu Don McDonald high men Russell Maw Gale Nelson Utopll hu been ensued by tho uth board of Area pflnclpal and lucher mm and 1n Mined Central School or next year Miss Gull Hadga thu present principal will be attending uni venily again next year Vlllloru nver thu weekend wlth Mr and Mn Willlam Alanbb were Ken Laudbealer Mr and Mrs Sam Moore and Mr and Mrs Doug Milne and wily all of Toronto See he Imperlal ICUhelp hnmu being construckcd un our lot II In mm in unnum lmmm miner rim In 150 so when Appnlnunlnl only PERMANENTS mu rm EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE WI 13571 550 Phnnl PA 32495 PA um PA Mn ll AllIll Wlll WONDER VALLEY By MRS HANDY Mrs Prophet pallem n1 Vlcjgrlg Howl vmufia with Mr and Mn Held were ML and Mrs Call n5 Mlmgco Mr and Mrs Handy wen dinner guests Sunday with Mn Smlrle Womey 5L Barrla FOR THE FIRST TIME PITTSBURGH WALLHIDE RUBBERIZED SATIN FINISH REGULARLYSJS PIITSBURGH PAINTS GREAT DANADA WIDE Wauunuwa 3am fifihah lnleliorlaloxpainl Easyloapply Completely washable Blushexand Iollm BARRII luvr Lumbar Cu LII COOK STOWN HROUD Handy Mndwm ER Pittsburghs Iirsl quaMy clean undulhuUp mlos quickly Hun HIM iiiinw NOW AT YOUR 35 GAllON nth regain 53

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