Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1963, p. 12

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DAILY CROSSWORD munsmv Ann 11 00 an 300 no no an 100 mo 10 1100 1L1 luu Scum mu Inny lmol New Wemu swm Chennnu mu mm 5mm Unumned Squid cnc 7v Nun Wnlhu Spam Nnvu mm Wooden norm nun Ami munsmv ApuLu mum Inanwy man mnmn mduwu Tm Lawmln Sp anr NI Bum mumn Gummuh Luclll mu 4m hn bhow crv Nm Mum rum Hem Berton Hnur bhow mm CTV New Mum rlml Hm Hem Berton Hnur nun AIIIIL DoJflddn nomlno Mormnl Mumm smII Shruud of Turin our House Noamy tran Klddn um um AHn ltopla In Cnnllld Cm he Thun Uu lln Nuhu Hm lnuhnl Yul Iruleuon Indnwy Kldrm lmlmun Induwa Punch um Jnhnny snow um Cull um spam Iar m1 Mrflun Nvy ClV Null iporu Mrlla rlml llun 1mm Hun EE lam Mrflflnu um ClV Ne mu Mum 1100 Hm lxulun llmu Iuvnmv Ar II lw Irull Uuluon Fm low Mal lrlunll luo Movh lAdvvmulu mum Illa Mn Amulch Tn Ilwc nw Anvrnlum ul Sn um lnn In or Chlmplnlll In 1hu Inn The Ian mumn Ulllll Ila erlnln llnu doth Eml Empflu by Dlmlnuflve mun 01Aan 11 Keep tha mum wk 16 Anything IUtky xhd meet 11 Hmuuon 18 Lind Jinn ID humid Whyy ACROSS 4050am 91mm Meaden 2w Tm mmm Emma1imsmvj Arum ma mnmun Afttun utdnpc Ram aogaun lwendu 8L gum upman new guns mum 35 Anger aa Like mm KEEN Tm mum Good Mnmlnl studio Purl Ntvu Romp Room Pony Pm Nnou Blvnn Mau Hal 0m 1m Allnnuc Mlflemltn Friendly Clint Mwl linen Pun Popey Pm nu nmlo many 1mm Tumultcnl Ttnllnn TELEVISION PROGRAMS Plllnnmntl my Iimu Nnu pm Tho Sarjunt Co th will endeavour to nupply lhuU Scull cuslonlcrn vllh the name courluy Ind mva they have been rccelvlng In In past Al or April 1003 nll nccnunls Scoll Cn MN been transform over In Thu Sarjunm Cu Llll CFTO CHANNEL To All Cmmmou And Friends Of CKVR CHANNEL NOTICE 36 puny mum Ram ILA mien lelUy flower lmflm 33th of cry lat 6Wdhu llmpodu xndu 259an E7 519w SCOTT C0 IIOWN The SARJEANT Co ltd de Prophn um 18 RM 1911 Gen 28 wr 28 Marlow Maddie IAIURDAY APR ll Tell Pluun HAD PM new hl Sloolel 100 anllnl Baublll Gun 01 Well mm Downll Chump flown Klnullher Con llull nun Tum mm Lucy Show DIVE IIlllbllllu Cmdld Cllnl Tn Tell Th Truth mu mu mm =s 500 530 500 ma 700 00 1000 1an iii THANK YOU Fur Fm Elllmlll Wllhmll Obllllflon Phone MITCHELLAIRE EDGAR ONT BARRIE TORONTO Nun Walther Snort Dr Klldln In Hll Sup rim or skun Chrlslendnm Tody All Acl of Wonhh llennem one Nu Ne Wellher 59am Sun 01 IN Clan to Sport Unllmlltd mac TV um Wellhu Riva anon Mov Now Vo um Anmrlni smm crv New Mammal 5mm PA 666 WHITE 10 mm Opening leadking at hearts Here Is an lnslrudlvo hand ltshnwa than much more In Ihi game of bridge than gen Elvmsw um Flrsl leu see how lhe hand was finally played West led the klng 01 hearts and com tinned wlth lho ace Declare tufted drew two rounds ol trumps and then played club owards dummy East look the queen wllh the ace and relumed adublothe Klnx Declare lhen led the Jack ofdlnmund and llnessed and West look ll wilhlhe klng and cashed his hlgh club defeat the contract trick Of course you could say that wllh the am at clubs nver the Sath was unlucky Io llnd Ens KvQ nd West with lhc king of dlamonds over lhe AQ However whlle this ls unques tionably true lhe Incl remuins that declare could have and West dealer Bath Slde vulnerable NORTH AKQSI 02 11 43 O3 AKJWS non um Thu kidding Wu North Duo 145 BRADFORD STREET CONTRACT BRIDGE 970 as JIAS SOUTH mu VQ 9A0 4100 It pays to enjoy low down payments easy convenient installments It pays to put your trust In an authorized General Motors dealer It pays to get Goodwill used car with plenty of unused mlles Em By JAY asqgn South should have made the hand wlhe the unlucky dlsmhullon lets look at the bidding and see what South should have known about the adverse hands Clearly West needednwre man iusi his hem an to open the bidding with heart He was bound to have either um klnz oi diamonds or ace of clubs or his opening bid Acting on this premise South should have led low diamond Inward the Jack alter nflflng lha heart and drawlnz we rounds of trumps West had the king and played It Ike contract wnuld he made since South would later be mm 141 discard two clubs from dummy on the AQ of dia monds West dld not take tha king the oniy losers would be heart and two clubs It West did not have the king East would win the jack all right but this In turn would mean hat West had tho ac of clubs In that case South would lose only one club trick by leading clubs twice towards the K43 and make the contract prominent Cnnndlan company with tremendous cxpnnslnn program has dlstributorshlp nvatlabte for Barrie and Simon County area company training 900 Investment requlred by Interested parties Write immediately name address phone number DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR BOX NO 15 BARRIE EXAMINER TO THE CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES wlfll Mass of mart dia mond and club little thnught rly applied can doa lat Jamalrow Thu uhld byIb wander cum And wnclunlons The March meeting 01 Palfis wlch Womens Institan was held infiPaingwlck Publjc fichpol Phasidenl Mrs Skiisz ocpn ed the meeting with um Ode aqqMpry Stcwar gelled Kimmie Vléfl and and proved and the trensurer re por recglvog Mrs Warnlca gave report on sewing course Focus on Finishes and reminded mem hgrg Ibgu Sumnap Pay Mm sun asked all cnnvnn er lo hand In thelr repnns at the Aprll meeting We then formed groups and llllcd out the census quesllona requested by Mrs Leonard Trlvers presl den Fw 10 pic was Historical Research and Current Events Mrs Good eliow presenied her program with an inlnrmnlivc paper on Canadas early history and pat tern oi immigration Mrs Boyd rend paper on the lean years Mrs Crashie read poem Mrs PAINSWICK No new rum lhls canaspen den because the mall Indyha Webb recalled story of her ancestors Mrs Carr demon strated Canadtan handicrafts by displaying hooked rugs she had made Mrs Lennox told story at her school days In Patnswlck School Mrs Handy read poem about sptnnlng and ehurnlng Mrs Oshomo read newspaper clipplnzs WI cur rent events Mrs Wernlca arranged Guesslng Contest to see how well we knew our own dlstrlct by showlng wane derlul collection of color slides all taken in Palnswlck area Prizes were won by Mrs Stark and Mrs Webb The mectlnz closed with the Queen and lunch was servd by the lunch com mltlce At the First Sign of Cold or Grinpe Before You Do Anything Else Take Two Aspirin Tablets When you lccl you In coming down wilh mld or Klippc and eel hendachy with musdn shat Icheva surc Ihmal and ram firs thing Iwuld do is lake an A9ka tables You mould do min before ynu do anything else because ASPIRIN gocs to work in nanllytorcduccyourfcvcrrzlicve um dull headachy lceling and use your muscular aches and By MRS BOWDEN It pays to deal with ah established community member HOLLOWS It pays to choose from the widest selection of makes and models It pays to be sure of dependable aftersale service Vnnt Been able In he unde bridge or over two weeks account loo muchmud Mr and Mrs James Smith xpen Saturday evening With Hands Weslun James Mills and friend Tar onto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Joseph Vernon Mra My Smith Visiting her ulster Mn Rnbcrl Gray while Mr Gray In hospital in Toron Mr and Mrs Fred Vernon and Kevin at Bracebrldgo visited the home Mr and Mrs Joseph Vernon recently Mr and Mrs Bowdcn visited Mr and Mrs Allen Bow den 12le and Ktm at Mldhurst regenlly Mr and Mrs James Miller Weston visited Mr and Mrs James Smith and fnlnlly Sunday HS 18 POPULAR fish is the most popular Ira zcn load In Sweden poultry second and vrgelnblc third pains to you eel beuer fast Und gargle Amnm aka bring quick Looming rclief mm more throat Jun dissolve thxce to five Asmm ablcu in antthird glass of wnm and gargl thor oughly Repeal gargle bvcry two hours if neceuary Buy Amkm téday ID youll be lure lo havc it rm hand when you 21 wld or Lh grippc coming the on For your children get Fll vuurcd Childrenl Size Asmm 11 1h IAgrain déaage ramm mandta for chil dumwilhaflavour childrcn like Be mrc ynu gcl genuine ASPIRIN Lock for the pack agc wixh lhc Buycr 4nunnu lllll Dunlap se sum Mon mu 4WIN DEPOSIIHIEM mmm Dtpnlin a1 wlihdmwuh Ginnyllmn CANAbA TRUST Multan lull PA 61885 Culmlulud on mlnlmum mm bulancu laxmm WANT ADI cw nu hf

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