Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1963, p. 7

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ZELLERS LTD 60 Dunlop Eu EASTER CANDY Leaders of the Hooked Rug project from the VI group were Mrs Hawlon Mrs Parsons Benton Mrs Run Allan Mrs Constable Churn chill Mrs Alnx Burns Mrs Helen Baxter Everen Mrs Curmom Mrs Ollaway Glllord Mrs Davis Mrs Slurgess Ivy its Beat ly Mrs Reid Lefroy Mr Dyer Mrs Moore Ulllel Mrs Frcd lnrkmn FREE EASTER BASKETS More than 160 rugs were on display 1hr summary day which was mm at the Odd Fullnws Temple Callier SL comma 16 STANDARD MODELS Lightweight dinmontiV Immu bicycles come equipped wiih standard gcnr ballbourlng conxlruclinn kick sinnd mul iooi case Buy Now and Churgelll No Down Payment The course was offered by lha Home Emnomlcs Service Ebb Ivnslon Service Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture BOYS GlRlS BICYClES The art at hooking rugs Is be Ing rcvivcd by members of Wo mens Insmulc groups through ou the counly Yesterday cli maxed the prnju cl Hooked Rugs which has been open to interested women WI bran Che in Souhnnd West Slmcoe throughan the winter months many Inleresting rug design displnycd at lhe summary day yesterday are mm the Inn Rug Summary Day Climaxes Program HOVS AND GIRLS 24 AND 16 INCH STANDARD 00 Solution OPEN THURSDAY T0 pm 19 lo L59 ADMIRING ONE one he CCM BlCYClES EASTER EGGS TO 199 PreEaster Spéciuls CURLING GAME wllh Duh bicycll purthlnd III wuk She stated that onun lhcre was not enuugh time In the training schools nr practice In hooking since is always the lust slap shown but assuer her audience lhnl Ihe nn Improves wig prnclice Miss 150th Leslie who instruc ted classes held throughout lhe county commented nn he rugs which were displayed and said thut participants were in he can gralulalcd or such an interest ing and varied display In Sxmcoe West Mrs Aiklns and Mrs Ilcnlherlnglnn represented Cloverlea Mrs Montgomm Mrs William Day Crcemnrc Mrs Wagner Mrs Robert Osburn Duntroon Mrs Dyer Mrs Grahnm Genrglan Mrs Carmichael Mrs Lush Jacks Lake Mrs Priddle Mrs Slew Maple Leah Mrs Alex Jul ham Mrs Mklnson Slay ner Mrs Jack McCarthy Mrs Davidson Sunnlwood Rny Goodfcllow Strand of Signch Soulh Mral Margaret Taylor Home Economist or bulletin and South Slmcoc Mrs Ron Allan Churchlll chnlrmnn and llllss Isobel Leslie spcclnllst CHOCOLATE BUNNIES 49 to 299 3995 Pkluro Puck FA 31m Eéeion lovcrlen W1 Crcemore WI Maple Valley Wl Sunnlwood WI and Strand WI During the anonnoon skits were presented by Churchill WI Everett WI Jutks Lake 3V1 chroy W1 and Tollcnham viI other groups parlicipaflng in thg pxjogra are OPEN THURSDAYTO RM Alisa Leslie told 1hr women that she has Immd through past cxperlence that all cool colors should not be loomed in one place nor all warm colors in un olher When hooking rugs will in flower pattern she recom mends Um various shading bu used or roses or other llownrs and not one solid color Sha suggested that very soft color scheme would produce very Interesting pattern Blend mg lwo or three shades of any nnc color ls nflen very elleclive and creates thy ecling sol ld background with very closely mlnlcd colors Miss Leslie cnm monted sign and mlor were the we main paints slrossed in the classes She pointed out the var ious rugs on display whlch show cd imagination and the proper use or colors CHARGE IT NO MONEY DOWN ONLY $l25 WEEKLY ON PURCHASES UP TO $6000 Slraud andC VI groups each displayed 16 ms The above entry was with he Slroud Vl display and was hooked by Mrs Mann Pope Dnnim is lop favorite in mud mild and learned with while Faded blue or brown and while stripes show up In only in Elan suits and sparis jackets bui also in casual coals with mulching caps For an ci nlly dashing look calico prini are paired with dcnlms Bleeding mndral and make smart young suns Fabrics loll he fashion story for boys wear this spring lrnm lhe very young man in his Etnn suit In the older boy ln sporls Jacket and slacks or sult lhe news Is no In styles whlch continue an the borrowed ram Dad Ihcme but in the novelty ol lahrlcs and lahrlc combinations Mr and Mrs William Potter oi Midhurst will mark the 50111 anniversary their wedding with opcn house at Midhursl iinii Saturday ailemoon and evening Mr and Mrs Potter will receive friends and rcinllve in he nflcmmn ram lo oclock and irom to ociock in the evening Mr aim Mrs wmlaniufic ur Onkvllla spent he weekend at We ham or their son and daugh lerInvlnw ML and Mrs Don Near RR Barrie GQPDENfivEDDING Bill Dumpster oi Newla Street nnd George Ellis ol lvy malner in West Virginia dur lug Ihe weekendl Highlight 01 Ihu holiday was nllendnnee the performnnce nl lhv GrandOle Opry nt Wheeling Saturday evening GUESTS FEOM VISIT wasr vmcmm Fabrics Are News In Boys Fashions 50mm MUIE Nntu are lnlenfled to Mr flu general mm Illa at In ell nnd Illslrlcl Wedding In nlvennrluu Izlrlhdhyn Mid pnrllu comlng nlIge pir lles vlsllon and lrlvellcn are all llama nl Inlzresl lo wamcn reader ol Ill 1115 Your help In supplylug Illll ncwl wlll greatly unpre clnlnd Please pllnnu The Burrle Exnmlner nl PA um and ask at Elleen Dlxan or Andrey Cannon all he Wom ens Deparlmenl uml lulu mu Ilnrn nhvlrn lmw Ale Slflmuvurn lefl ml blun nml UmrrunL Sin lo litgulnr 29W lAMINATED COATS bull while WARN IIITCHERS ST HYACINTIIE Que CF Police have warned residents hm lhe mo will Inflow Mont reals example in cracking down an hitch hiking wkhln city limits Thu practice or biddcn by Quehcc law but the law has not been enlnrced rigidly The rcdwhlwnndAthe nau lIcalloakls strong again osm clally In boys sportswear KnIls both dressy and ensu aI keep clImbIng In pnpulnrily liked or the way they comh no comfort and ncnlness In wools cottons mIrncle IIhm the anIs appear In everthlnz Irgyl sport gHK I9 suILII n1 are classic flnnncls jack and shorts suits for younger boys and midwelsh wo 01 and blends ln dressup uh ions or Ihe growingup set cord licking and sousucker arc seen In sum gpaflqweay at the sum bx clip Thu sort watery fut usually com off quickly and easily Alter you lose lhnl yuu get down to tha hard dry fat so to speak and your rate at loss will be coir sidcrnbly slower Butchwr up Hut hold on That sort of progress quilo normal First off It you lose rapidly at the beginning of diet you must nnlnexpecl to poplhrue lure Then nll of sudden they slop losing The lhlrd week of thq dld ll may be they 1051 no weight not even hall pound And the fourth week may seem almost as bleak they may lose barely one pound This slow golng Indeed alter such dramnllc start and un lurally the disgmnlled dleler Iemplcd In glw tho whole lhlnz up and back to her regular hnblls ul callus By IDA JEAN KAIN On low calorie diet mmw overweight lose wiih pleasing pmmplnesa perhaps iive pounds Ihe first week and our the second Their enthusiasm knows no bounds nnd they hapi pily start figuring the date at which they count on being down In bcnuuiul normal weight KEEP IN THE TRIM Sudden Stop In Weight Loss Normal 0n Low Calorie Diet No IFS ANDS mus Gnodl Sanlulu 0r Your Momy Chenfilly mmded 88 nuoccou LmUCE Arm Maw Cm Lu cmp Mn link McINTGSH APPIES ANIIONA IXGILLINT 70 IAYINO 0N JUICK N041 MIDI VALENCIA ORANGES ONTARIO OHOWN GONYIIOLLID ATEOVCPHIHI IVOHADK FAfiOV OHADI AaP CORN MNI PARKE CHERRY PIE AaP TOMATOES CHOMI CHOICI QUALITY CAB OF TINI HM IAVI last lulllal welghl loss Just the opposite ol what hap pen when there la water retenA tlon at tho outset Some over wclghh an In low cnlorld dict fall to lose slnglc pound the first week or so In fuel the these dieters at losl scale may show galnl Wllh these dieters tn ls last water ls stored In the tissues and not until the water balance readjust wlll the lost lnt raglan tel on tho scales However when the water finally rc leascd as It must be the lndl cater wtll plungu wlth seeming auddennoss rule the more over wnlght yuu are the more you my lose at he beginning or your dictlive or even seven pounds the first week not al all unusual What happens is this he an initial weight loss is pnrily due Io ihe release water lmm ills tissues along wiih sumo loss in ini To lose vno pound ui body let it is necessary in burn 5500 slarcd calories little quick ariihmctlc will reveal Ihnl you could not possibly burn up enough slum calories io nocounl ior so great las in weight at the beginning your dlelfihndiiernncu is In waier which has also been stored And since stored water weigh more lhan ini when ii loo In released rum urn body iin small wander Iho indicator on lire scales reporls such good new to lilo dialer TURKEYS CENTRE CUTS or STEAKS GRADE OVEN READY YOUNG Had SHANK HALF From then an lho loss Is all in solid at NP Handle My Mm Pmlmsul Im Mull lamma pm mm COOKED READY TO SERVE EIGHT OCLOCK COFFEE SALE SHANK PORTION SMOKED HAMS SAVE 6c CAI TINI JO MY mam N0 CENYRE SUCES REMOVED 549 BUTT HALF 59 MAY CANCEL MEET iNDiANIiPOLiS AP The American Legion said Monday it may cancel in national can vandan In New Orleans this year because 01 housing pmir icms or Negm delegates NnA liannl Commander James Fewer of Macon Gad said he had nskod or an investigaunn by the cnmmillee arranging the Sept HZ convention and re port by May THE BARRIEfiXMflNER WEDNESDAYv APRIL ID 44 DUNLOP ST EAST PA 84284 OPEN THURSDAY UNTIL 900 PM 12159 TRANSMAN IO TO 1413 AVERAGE SPRING COATS BUTT PORTION SAVE 18 OF BARRIE For Easter ahead choose from diversity at style and wonderful lnbrlu and wide range charm lng color When It Comes To lelnnhd Purl Wool Trench Com VA Longlh Com All Wanlhnr Com Jackn nlc In Prlu oBAVI It R91 Pr IIM lhIAVI STRANSMANS swam99 Nlozflm99 In HoIAVI lobe TANKER lb FIHSI TORONTO CPLThe tunknr imperial Coiiimlwond imm Sor nin docked in Taroniu harbor Monday first ship into the port ior the second straight spring The hat presented in the Hat skipper in port was givnn lb Capt Davis lbulla bag IRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Mill Come To mes1

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