ln llhlnl nl Mn Jrlll mwr Mlnu butlng nnw mum lmm 1hr 1rdarnl novnrnmcnl um ollwr lhlrd mm llm prnvlnclll nvrrnmrnl nml he nmllndlf mm mlxnlcinnl mum Ind prlvnlu clllmu Tho huulnm nprrnkd an mayoralch lmsn Mrs Joli luppllrl he drrr nklm wllh which Hm 0mm unrk They elm hill the ull pllu lhc llmu The thy qulblmken lndhm unmnn nnl only unernllnl Ihrlvlnn Mnccrn hul help nnrllwm Mnniluha lndlnnl mm krl lhrlr Imndlcrnlln and MI lhcm Inctnllvu In Imp llmlr Inmlrnl am alive TIIII PAS Man CPIA l1 Inmlmrnl yrnr nun uu umwn Inln name buIIneu run by Mrs Joseph Jlh of In Minn Frlrndshlp Cfnlrchpm mmrémiï¬v Magm SALLYS SALLIES any Inuuyr mu To make brown sugar glaze for halt ham com bine cup brown sugar teaspoons dry mustard tablespoons flour and moisten with tablespoons vinegar Spread over meaL Bake in very hot oven 425 deg 12 15 minutes basting once or twice Instead at glaze the meal ma bu baslcd with maple syrup honey apple jelly or rull julce duran cooking Whole ham Ham boneless Half ham shank or butt Half ham boneless Picnic shoulder Picnic shoulder boneless Collage roll pickled smoked The glaze ls made on the cooked ham after the rind ur caslng is removed and the at cul dlagonally lo arm diamonds Boneless hams incidentally are very often cut into weights of two or three pounds These pieces are sold transparent casings and are ldeal for the very small amily They may be baked and glazed of course or ut into half to oneinch steaks for hrolllng When considering the price of ham it is best to compare the cost per serving of the various styles rather than cost per pound as they vary in yields Allow onequarter to onethird gound of meat for an average serving from boneless am onethird to one half pound per serving from bonein hams The label on the ham may be marked fully cook ed readyteserve readytoeal or sun on Al though this means the ham has been processed to make it palatable tender and sale to eat it is con siderably improved in flavor and texture when heat ed before serving in 325 deg oven for 10 to 15 minutes per pound Uncooked hams should be baked to the welldone stage 170 deg on meat ther mometer This baking timetable in 325 deg oven as suggested by the Consumer Section Canada Department of Agriculture Ottawa ls basedon the temperature of the meat 40 deg lJ when taken from the refrigerator The halfhams butt or shank makes oodslzed ham for an average family as it usually we ghs from ï¬ve to eight pounds boneln or our to 511 pounds boned Half hams too are more and more being sold as skinless defatted hams ln caslngs or trans parent wrapglngs The hull has somewhat larger proportion lean meal than the shank so it is the more economical out if both are priced the same iBoth butt and shank take well to the scoring and glaz ï¬ing that gives ham speclal flair Ancestral Indian Handicrafts Stress Authenticity In Design EASTER HAM As you choose your Easter bonnet from several dltferent styles so you can choose your Easter ham However ln the case the ham it is bettento declde Ion the style you want before you sally forth to buy as your cholce is determined by your Intended menu the number of people to he served as well as the Imoney you can spend The picnic shoulder and the cottage roll are two styles of socalledhams that are usually more econ omical than some of the other cuts but they are no loss delicious when given long slow cooking and an attractive glaze Picnic shoulders range from five to seven pounds boneln and three to five pounds for boneless Cottage rolls average four to six pounds The whole ham that is cured and smoked leg of pork is the largest haml It is often sold in casing as skinless deiatted harn with some of the bone re moved The whole ham averages 12 to 15 pounds honein or or nine to 12 pounds boneless It is ideal for festive buffet party or for large family as it can yield 30 or more average servings if whole ham is required it should be ordered ahead of time as very often stores cater to the more popular demand for half hams that is the whole ham divided into butt and shank nutan EXAMINER wannamyhmu to my 13 JD 55 to 12 mnk or butt to oncless to to ier boneless to pickled smoked to KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON WEIGHT Obs 13 to 15 to 12 nuv prlcd Ihnï¬ldnnl he ho only lnctnllvc llldo In rrnlls hln Ilno wry Impor ll Cnmplnn cummunfly durlopmenl ulllctr litm mm nnrlllwul Wlnnlmz nyl dlscflmlnlllnl huym wlll Mf prtmlum uhu or orlnL gm pnllyu tit5an Inml Innl Prlmlrlly lhe producll lun dlrd Ire mmnlm ml min lulu hul nulhcnllc lndlun do mm ll ï¬rmed in nvcry Ham Many ol Ihl woman walk rluhl In lhn Conln when nuntry mm or lhrlr chlldrtn wlla 5hcyunrk milling lho lrzcmll mud on lhg Inqlnnuptopllf ï¬lm In ll MM Dtmlop ll Wed to Mn Henlhcr McGrnlh wns West at the mslon Members pnunl lncludrd Mn Doug lhlck Mn ann himhlc Mm Smnn Neal Mn Doug Moorhvust Mn Terry Com MH Mu Ken Pram wnl lmslcsa mu April mcclinz of Ike nunla Jnycctlcs nl her Annex 51 residence Chairman of lho mccllng WM Mu Danny Mum Donald Guest maker was Mr Dor rlnuwn social dircdnr Out lrlo lluspilnl PomInna who nulllncd he work nl lhc Inslllulc Arrnnxrmrnls were mnde Inr membbrn he Jncynllns In vhll Hm hospilnl on Aprll to tnffrlain paflcnlg neu Ann under came hnr rcccnlly mm lrclnnd and um faced will problem am xlnying in HM home rlcnds and am cncounlcflnu for the ï¬rst the lea bag What pcrwn supposed In do wllh lhe Icu bag allur II has been um It seems uncamh In pInca OI course grandmas show favoritism ls lhuughllcss and menu but it will have no lash in effect an the alder bay uccpl that Ihcy nra likely to despigo hcrl If It will make you 1ch hel lcr have some gm wrapped and ready in the closet When urnnny arrives with present or hand the older boys 1m mm yau and dad TEA BAGS My husband refuses lo talk to his mother about this do perately need some advice Can you helmHOUSTON Dnr Mansion Children do nnt attach as much Importance to gift as adults think To them it is momentary joy munlor xolten ltl how you treat thll drenday In and day outthat gives them sense at security and cllbelngr She showers with nuan tlon and gin and completely Ignores the olher chlldren can understand her Ieelings Ilnce IL her only grunrl child but shE goes out or her way to remind my two older boys that he ls special They just stand nmund and stare when grandma help un wrap the lovely gllls she has hrgught qr hlml Dear Ann Landau My hus band died law years ago and was on with two little boy married line man and we now have son whom we call The problem is my hus bands molher Barrie Iaycettes Visit Patients Mrs Willilam Sutherland ox DunmbIn Farm Slmud and Mn Cecil Webb Princess ANN LANDERS Beat Grannies Tirpe Be Ready With Gift Gfljranteed HOLIDAYING IN NASSAU gflPROOFING FREE divulgeII no um coll Well molhpvonf them unmmll anally Ind mum cvcrylhinn Slnilone dam luxuviumly lull am new looking CM Iluiq tamplclt prohulnnnl sumo Iodlyl GET CANCER GRANTS WINNIPEG CF The NI llmml Cancer lnslilule Can adu has prnvldcd grant and clluwsllips mulling 02877 to he Unlvmily of Mnnllobn They wlll he splll much 10 manual and munch doctors Slncc your bed the direct line nmlly tunic you should have Ihe liulo hook on your door In insure privacy nymer girl no baby hack on he In uso only when need pr vacy would he xralctul My lather aayl lhls foolish Ha claim am still baby and am making blg us aver nothing Mom xnld Io write to you and get your oplnion Plenu say yu OIEN HOUSE Dear Open Hour mat Icr courlcsy nu an shyuld open bedroom door and walk in wllhuut Hm knackhgg ugh at all hours he day or nighl Nobody ever knocks My brolhnrs and my hum Ilwayl manage to break In when am dressing or undxcssing and it Inuvgry ernbarrasslylg Dear Ann Limit um years old dont smoke swear rat my hair wear whllu lip nlck or eyeshadow sass my Ieacherx or slay out late All want ï¬lm privacy In my own hnmc Vflxe family bathroom Is on gm nthelr Adena my mm 39 The tea bag should he used In ha kitchen and then re moved No guest should be bur dcned with his doilyounel project have searched for the answer in books on etiquette but can ind nothing Can you help 15137 or ERIN Dnur Erin Tea bags are great mnvenlence but guesu should no hnva to ï¬gure out what in do with them PRIVACY lhe saggy disreputable Ihlng on the saucer One cannot leave En tfmgup as tho In become loo brisk Margaret Blvd Islinzton are enjoying winter vacation at Sapphire Waters Nissan Bahamas Joan arrlck STHWS Cum your ï¬ne wnolrm Igllnu molh SHAMPOO AND SET $119 PIIONH IA Il ASK FOR THE BUDGEI SALON 0qu Izvmmcs Spring Calls For Flattering Hairdo Why dont you try to do some thing ailment wllh your hair this spflnx Spring the um or anew look new line new ml Changing your Imp style Shape lo fresh 5min man do is so easy than days with Iellslyllng ah xprnys and handful of rollers and deI Member 01 the Bmle Chess Club travelled to Oak Rldges OntHo Hospital Pene tanz to putlclpm in an awning 01 than WM the pullout Retmhmenu weir med dur an the waxing Banla chess players visillnl Ihe mun included Bob Ga Iomage Montgomery Stewart SlesllnzlL Camp bell Morris Hoop and undyan You can bnuh it into xwiri nd cap oi cuual curls or brush in rounded pout bang or flip up Ihe sides into winged hair do These and countless more spring styling tricks are pos nihia with Adam now 11 uzed with Ilylinz trick Apï¬rgclhllÃ©ï¬ was expressed or thn mlutalnment and future Menu In planned Chess Club ViSit Penetang AALKEIas honkch wllh new halrslyln pho lagraphs and lnslmcdnns on haw to do each of them For the casual can coll brush all hair back from the forehead Wllh your comb turn up the end of cut allover your head Pull down mdrll hangs over one emple This Is an sully kept hairdo for daytime activi ties during spring and summer For more at change ln line with Upped up curls spray ybur hair first Ihen wlnd few roller where you want nipped up ends or helghl or fullness Use cllps or plucurllnu cheek curls or swlrled hangs Fully bangs are set on large when wound under The new selllng wlll dry In about Ilfleen min utes then youre ready to brush ln rash spring NIL Thue are endless such variations for yaulolry for fun and fashion 50 DUNLOP 5T EASY STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For Elderly and convalw cut pudeuu Excellent faclllncs tar privan nr semiprime not and cold water in rooms Register ed Nursa attendance MARSHALL Rag PHONE 114 0N IIOUIUI DAILY LII mm II II No TIIlyx Ml mm without respraylng simply dampen the comb with water and run it through your hair This reneuvalca the spray you womb In place What will you do wflh your huh lhla spring Give yourself headslnrt toward rash new sprlng hairdo Arid hero moth mm xlyuu trick You can refre sh 59115th or musseqhnquo And See AWide Spring Selection Of Beautifully Styled Chesterfield Suites Elegant French Provincial Sets Lovely Lamps New Style Coffee Tables Luxurious Bedroom Suites Attractive Kitchen Chrome Sets And Numerous Other Items FURNITURE FURNITl BARGAINS BARGAINS COME ONE COME All l1 BAYFIELD STBARRE WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST FOR LESS ED BAlFE FURNITURE Duh1p Ilbhlnr palm Ihool dawn yourlhlghs pla unklfl May nulogmhuuflllyoulm gram warlgnmg um 76 Mu Only 65 Ind 3165 I1 mvywhm umumlmvummmhl Mmmucuubwg SCIATICA FURNITURE GE 11