fssrrrri niinnri exanrman wonnaaohv it GAL NOTE 3i LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF APPLICATION THE LiQililR LICENCE ACI Licensing District Number ii TAKE NOTICE thu Itrya Canadian Legion Branch No HI oi the Village or Evciult in the Township oi Tossorontio will make applicatloi at Special Iliwting oi the hlquor Licence Boari oi Ontario to be held at the Municipal Building County Council Itoom in the City at Barrie in tin County oi Simone on Friday the 3rd day oi ltlny 1953 at the hour oi 1000 am oclock DST In the iorenoon tor the issuance or CLUB LICENCE RISFTRICTEDI ior the sale and consumption at beer and wine with meals and beer without meals in an establishment classified as club or the iollowlng premise Royal Canadian Legion Branch Hull loca ted In the Village at Evereti port east it Lot 11 4th Concession Tossorontin Township Any person resident In the licensing district may phich tothe application and the grounds at oblection in writing shall be iiicd wrh III II BROWNE the deputy registrar oi the licensing dis trict whose address Is 55 LAKESHORE BLVD EAST TORONTO ONTARIO at least ten oays beioro the meeting at which the application Is to be ncaid DATED at Barrie lint this 3rd day oi April 1963 Victor James itlurphy Bar 72 Everett Oritario Secretary Roval Canadian Legion Branch 500 Everett Ontario NOTICE OF APPLICATION THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT Licensing District Number TAKE NOTICE that LOOKSTOWN CURLING CLUB oi the illage oI Cookstmvn in the County oi Slmcoa will make applica itlon at ccial Meeting or ihe quiior Licence Board oi Ontario to be held the Municipal Building County Council Room in the in oi Barrie in the County oi Simon on Friday the 3rd day at Why was at the hour iii to til am oclock DST In the torenoon Inr the issuance oi CLUB LICENCE tor the san and consump tion at liquor with or without meals In an establishment elassiilcd as club tor the iollowlni premises Cookstowii iirllng Ctiii Cookstoivn being par oi Lot No Concession One In the Village oi Conkslown iormerly In the Township oi lnnlsill and being the limit Westerly it drains no links at themost Soulherly in chains 59 links at Lot No accordirg to registered Pliin No 76 tor Ina nisiil Any person incident In the licensing district mayvobiect to Illia application and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filled with MR ii ilitOlVNE the deputy registrar oi the licensing district whose address is 55 LAKESIIORE BLVD EAST TOR nnro Ontario at least ten days bctore the meeting at which line application is to be heard DATED at Santa Ont this 5th day oi April 1961i Lambert Villson Cookstuwn Ciiri Club per Lambert Willson Pres ltit No Coolrstown Ontario Nor cc OF APPLICATION we nioiiuo LICENCE acr ji =3 Licensing District NUIHCe it TAKE NOTICE in Rut LEM LIMITED oi the City or Barrie in Tonal ot slmcoe will make application at Special Meet In the quuo Licence Hoard oi Ontario to be held at too Municipal Building Countyjouncll Room in the City oi Barrie Ir the County oi Slmcn on Friday the 3rd day oi May 1063 at It tour ot limit pm oclock DST in the iorenoon tor the inn ance oi DINING LOUNGL LICENCE tor the sale and consume lion oi liquor with meals DI the iollowixigpremises Boy Lem Limited ti Dunlop Street Barrie 0nt located on parts oi Lots Nos as to and ti on the West side oi Maple Avenue tiormi crly John Streetl in the City oi Barrie County at Slmcoe as shown on Registered Plan 115 tor Ina County at Slmcoc Any person resident In the licensing district may oblect to the application and the grounds oi ibiectlon In writing shall be illcd In MR BROIVNE the deputy registrar oi the licensing district whosu addres is 55 LAKESHORE BLVD EAST TOR Agricultural Grounds Village oi NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims ungainst the ESTATE OI LUEL ILA KNEESHAW late oi the Village at Cookstown in the County at Simcoe Spinster in died on the its day at February tom must torward bnmli to the undersigned on or lieiore the 10th day oi April 1963 ailcr which date the as sets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and the executors will not be liable to any person oi whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario itilis lst day oi April AD 19m BOYS SEAGRAIII AND ROWE lit Owen Street Barrie Ontario 12 TENDERS TENDER FOR ELECTRICAL REWI RI NG Tenders are hereby called tor the rewiring oi Electrical Dis tribution In the old section at Central Collegiate Plans and speciï¬cations may he obtained irom Iho undersigned on de posit at $1000 Ior each set Sealed tenders will tiercceircd by the undersigned up to 100 PM APRIL MND 1963 Lowest or any tender not me cssarily accepted RURTON Business Administrator Barrie District Collegiate lloard l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday April 13 pm sharp FOR hilt OIITON Lot is Concession 12 Mcdonte Township on ilighway I1 two miles notitli oi olilwnlcr SALE ol llegislcrctl cattle sheep Iiirni implements tiny illtiA and many other articles Terms cnxli CHARLES TIIUIINION Auctioneer litlttlt trtiitil FOR PLEASIN SPRING SEASON Got The Lot niii tltllt illttilallitl It ilp in your till vi will put iiitlrl iii tun in in hiring ltir this ltltUl timiiri tn iiutiiy Itntumm illitin lllllttiEltIIELII MOTORS LTD Soivlce Centre rA um II on Inï¬nite eIIIH ll I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING April It pm sharp AT THE IIARHIE FAIR GROUNDS Sale of household iurniture in cluding electric burner range reirigerators electrical air piianccs and lull Iina oi household turniture Terms cash No reserve as the owner is giving up housekeep ing and leaving town JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer NIG SIZE ONTO Ontario at Icasr ten days before the meeting at which the application Is to be heard DATED at Barrie Ont this Boy Lem Limited ist Anne Street 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Monday April 15 pm sharp NEHON THOMPSON Proprietor 0n av Highway miles west oi Harriston Sate oi as real good cattle team at good young marcs and years old Lyear old mare iull line oi iarm Im piements milking machine hay grain No reserve as the 150 acre arm is sold and Is or resale now GEORGE DUNCAN Auctioneer Suggests Buyers More Demanding IORONTOVICPI II CBRB dians would become tougher and more demanding as cus tomers this countrys ability to produce and sell in competitive world markets would be en tranced Ford at Canadas vice president oi marketing said Tuesday John King oi Oakville nt told suburban industrial association that intense mmpc tition In the automotive Indus try has helped to limit price increases and Improve durabils iIY Complacent customers who are unwilling to demand maxi mum standards oi value qual ity and service create an at mosphere which can only hin dcr sound economic growth Mr King said Such proctlees as Indiscriml note price cutting shoddy mer chandise deceptive advertising and less competition ilourish without customer criticism tio 4th day oiApriI 1961 per James Dem Barrie out AucrioN5Aics AUCTION SALE OI Farm Stock and Implements iiay Grain and some House hold Eilects including Antiques The undersigned has received lnstruetlonsirom MAC STEWART To sell by Public Auction at the premises LOT Iii CON INNISFIL TOWNSHIP Right on ilighway it one mile north oi Churchill SATURDAY APRIL id AT Phi SHARP The ioliowlng CAIILEA Red Shottholn Cow it years due by time oil sale White Shorthorn Cow years old due May to lied Cow part llcreiord years due May Red Cow Short horn ti years old call at toot Red Cow Shorthorn years old cali at loot Red Cow years dual purpose cal at iooi Roan Cow years Short horn cali at loot Grey Cow Shorihorn years call at toot Red Cow years Shorthorn call at loot Grey Shorthorn Cow years call at loot Red Cow years dual purpose milking bred Hereiord Bull years choice stock bull llcrciord Dnby Bceis around 650 lbs each HAV AND GRAIN Ions oi Mixed Grain 600 Bates oi ltilxed ltay wcll saved 600 Bates oi Straw well saved IMPLEMENTS AND IIS CELLANEOUS IBSI Ford Tinetor new rear tires motor recently overhauled Set Sloop Sieims tpoint hitch Grader Blade Dearborn 1952 Ferguson Tractor complete motor fob FordFerguson Murrow Trac Are you King Size Cigarette smoker Then try MAURI ER CANADAS NEWEST CIGARETTE Now smokers who prefer King Size cigarette can make the change to the Cigarette of Good Taste titl MAUIIIEII Is now available in King Size us well as regular liiijoy tlic SIIIIIC Iiigligrtitlc aged Virginia tobaccothat gives sucli satisfying flavour to regular size dii MAUIIIIEIt Canadas most popular Hiitl cigarettemid the exclusive Miltccclsupcr ï¬lter the tongue tior Plow Cutter 7K Pickup Cultivator ior Ferguson Trac tor Seduce lttanure Loader snow bucket Ford and Fer giuon Iraetor Fla Hay Rhea no her Tractor Frnndet ni rubberu nearly ri ChaIham Fanning Mill wli screwsLGrowscxiergusoo Iiller disc 1point hitch Eleury BisselTractor Disc 2t piste Ai McCormick Deer In GrainFertilizer Drill with grass seedbox real good re pair Sulky Rake McCormick Deerlng iStlIltooth Cultivator with short tongues Wagon Box Set Steel Narrows Ssectlon with bar Barn Cable Steel Land Roller aseotlori short tongue Saws litii GratnBin der alt cut short tongue Ai Wide 2wheel Farm Trailer with ilat bottom Stock Racks tor Irnller Hay Tedder short Rubbeotlred Wagon longand abort tongues McCon mlck llorse Mower tiny Knives Pulleys Single Walk Plows Funoo Plow Set mib Tiuck Scales with welghu complete Hen man Mllker Machine units piping ior ten cows with motor good as new Sling Ropes In ternattonal Electrlc Cream Separator nearly new Woods Hot Water Heater 36 Extension Ladder Bell Electric Hammer Mill good condi tion Set Double Harness Set Single Harness Quantity and Lumber Quantity Scrap iron Electric Fences and Wire Forks Chains etc etc HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS and ANTIQUES Bedroom Suite complete Druser Tables Pine Chest antique Daven port Fern Stand Kitchen Ta ble chairs Set oi Good Dishes Extension Table chairs Chest oi Drawers Kit chen Pine cupboard Childs Table Chairs Hanging Lamp antiquei Toilet Sets antique Dining Room Table chairs Quart and Plnt Sealers Wood en Butter Bowl Ladle Print antique Wicker Rocking Chair Lawn Mower Pots Pans Rocking Chair Other Dishes etc Terms Cash Deilnitely no reserveas iarrn is rented Noth lng to be removed until settled Ior Buyers Irom distance must prove their Identiï¬cation with the clerk Owner will niit be responsible Ior any accids enis day of sales Frank Webb Clerk JERRY COUGHLIN Auctloneer Phone Barrie PA estia TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA tztii iiiust clleclivc litter yet developed ior triin iiiildcr smoking pleasure plus iiill King Sirent just penny more pack Make the change to the Ciguielte of Good Taste now In King Size du MAUIIIEIII JU lthllli THAN IIVICR Tllll IllliNl TODAY lb TO du MAURIER IODULT 0P MCKSUN TUIACCO liHITID Mutm Iiiiil Liiaiiim westem Ontario Gang RESCUE LOCOMUTWE ATIKOKAN Out tCPiVui unteera have agreed to retrieve an ancient logging locomotive irom thebush near this north town Thcli wlll renovate It as best they can and placa it at thevslte oi proposed logging muscum owbelng considered tor Atiko DH iut Courteous Senlcn CENTRAL ran PA 85555 Rliilo Equipped Cubs anions in 20 OFF SCAM STILL SHOW VANCOUVER ICPI This city still shows the acarroi Iy pboen Freida which wreaked havoc enthe lober mainland Al British Columbia last tall The All Canada Insuranceted eratlon estimated the Jtorm Oct1zll caused close to tit moon damage to private homes on the mainland Barrie Examiner Oilfield Street PA HS one complete mean wedding announcement styled in the discrim inatng PLAY IN BRAZIL TORONTO ICP Don Fon tana and Harry Fauquler both oi Toronto will representCan ads at the Pan American games tennis tournament in Brazil starting April 20 Both were on Canadas Davis Cup team lastyear which lost to the United states BARRIE DELICATESSEN no Collier at PA cater voun HEADQUARTERS FOR IMPORTED FOODS so Kinds oi Cold ttleatr klm ova Variety oi ny Breads Kinds imported Cheese 10 Kinds Imported Jams Fancy chocolates fBgaIrrie offer GARDEN TILLERS During EATONS ProSeason CLEARANCE CLEARANCE ENDS SATURDAY APRIL TECOMASTER REVERSIBLE TILLER Features poweriul ton englne EatyASpi EATON Special Price TECOMASTER GARDEN TILLER Same excellent Icoiuru listed abore 9995 ten reverse gear anon Spcelal crico Regular Price in Briggs and Strat rewlnd starter Has new deluxe heavy tubular steel handle Willi control panel pushbutton throttle belt operated clutch Big 10 175 semipneu matic tires 16 lllllng width 14 diameter tIrcs it onbreakabla tines reverse gear Reg Price 13495 1075 SUBURBAN mica lip icycle Briggs and Stralton motor Easy Spin Rewind Starter combination clutch and reverse lever to steel wheels with rubber lir cs position wheel adjustment tilting depth to 15 tilting width can be increased to to with extra lines Reg Price 11955 Price 1195 TECO STANDARD TILLER Good quality economy priced nll purpose Gar den Tiller hp Hyele Briggs and Stratton motor Single over centre nnicty clutch control ior forward and neutral Tilling depth to lilllng width adjustable down to Shait rota llon speed 32 rpm Regular Price 10995 875 Special EATONS Special Price SPRING GARDENNEEDS Aalllbrlk Fcathcrcd Spires In as married loilctlcs roots In plastic pocliaac Special package annu Aimiteit coloured lillrr itimilnl ilearte Adds dash oi colour to your Spring Garden mole In plaatlc piirli age Special packgo no IM popular perennial In Imricit varieties route In plastlc pack lite Special pncknrtc We are Special parkgo ilrlrinln Firt rlu hulhs Auort cd mlml colours huibs lo plastic portraits special portage Ramboosukea 50 Green plant alolrrn bundle of and bum rile oi Special to ior 0rd rum niiir nunir minim Combination nI nu ll nram om H1 Instill all in llull tnnimi um In mu mm mi in inlldow on It 11 route an in amtI not root to plastic pack lirronlu Etononiy lite bulbs Ase iopplra tlrlintnl variety erA In ii plaiilc partisan Iiiwclol pnciuitc no Anruh Wide selection oi most popular veilcilcl Sim rial oath entail Attill itororiitive lunch to tielllm ltlitiltl ctr root In pintic parti ur ttprrlal picliun Mo iniim iJilro Itsmini Vlltfttll surh on Thin ituiirum iiin etc etc Speclli hr no Irnt Pets Not oi it ciiiaro pool pots In Milt portray iiprrlal park ago to him Reed aiiaiis Nn lawn Iiwl illtlttlil Makes rich IINH lrnuth tiptwtnl AT EATON cog sorter cnloiirl III bulbs in plastic package SimInt ruckus Iartml it tiliu In Iowa nut oiuiiiy mr rint Ily lth broad llli riniiinm rims II in mi ila no It so Inuinl urn llnlo iluot iliut Inil onneeirr lirip rontinl Illltttl Riatk amt Mill mildew Iltl ilnl oath rrIIll ini in mun rpmu not burn mntsliiil mumi In all tooth on in Hull 65983 will Illillnl Irulll when