Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Apr 1963, p. 8

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i153 11 1555 IIMTIIMI nl lKlLnmn mrmlwrl 04 Ilnrwkh Twan Ihtp lnrm lam wm Inlwl Mundny uhrn llrlr ur wnu Ilnuk by Thar Nll mum lrnln levrl nmlnl In mllol mu Mm DWI Mt 0mm Sdlfmppv III III Mndollm I30 and II lerInInv Mn Auml khmmpo 11m mm null mllo lnynnlhe WP udan riénév an luv Imam cu led lmln pulled rnnlnl the flu line TORONTO lJA Janr um vanlu mun mu rhnmrvl mlh llHrluphd murder Mnmlny mm mm wile WM nuxul thlml mul lxnlrn th ham lnvr Um nulplnl lmmu Ml Hullmrn IhltL WM In Nlluu rummlnn In lwwl 1le WIN knlfn wnundn In her lmhl lvz un Ifimuuuu mum hm Tumnln lumber my In In Iluuvllul wllll hull ummdl In MI Ahmmrh HII mu dIHuu wnn durrllwd III mu Inmny ul Idllmlllnll ll KiIIKS INlvml llnllxu Furl William nxuulmm Hrnndun Whunl Mum Three Iho Killéd um mkmm Quakers Vlnnipcx Mnmuus BullNone VrsIlofl William III run lluu Vllrunlllm Itmh but 0L taun mnlllnnl 20 EndMuan Full Flym luumlo Mil Mchll Malmms IZuulu Nuxlh llny 1nlmulh Tumulm Train Hits Car Mbmnrlil Cup Edmunlnn Eslcvnn HmlNulu anSnskullxm 15 um lauds inul 1H EHUMIHIVIHI Ilzmks Wind mr Hulldum lBusLuLsmun causmm Uld 11 Eslnvnn Imuls wmlcrn muillnnl mun Cup Mundun Vindsur Wile Is Found Stabbed Beaten Player won inp prize or $750 in he pro division plus $450 for his teams secondplum lie in the pronm Fullnwing him with 685 were Sum Leonard of Vnnmuvnr Jay llcbgrt nnd Daye Rug The oAm honurs umlur Lnmpllcugod hundicup symm went 10 pm Julius Burns and lhm ammurs Charlie Hanl son John Shun and William ranch with team score at firuco Cramnlonrul VAurslrnlla anfl Dal VichoI scorcdygm Jnrk Nicklnus the new Mn lnrs champion wnund up wllh kwnundcrnar 7n and Arnuld lalmur 51m 71 ATLANTA Ga MWGary Plavnr Smllh Africa fired an landfill 1m indiyidugl mn nrs In the Ryder Cup FmrAm gull lnurnnmcnl The 66 was the lawns 5mm on lhe 6Hzyard Ensl Lake course since was recon slrudcd three years an By THE CANADIAN PRESS lle retu stitched to the hllt and still managed to hold the score down to minlmum Down at the other end of the pond Terry Snwchuk looked very unlmprcssive whlle handlly mere 24 sllols Especially weak on long shots Sawchuk was fortunate lndecd that the Hawks vere so lhelfectlve Woody Dumort onetime member 1e omed Kraut Line overlooked Huil in pickingthe games three stars instead turning to Norm Ullman While the Detroit forward was tower of strength with two Turn to page nine please HOCKEY RECORD TORONTO llull the Mickey Mantle of Hockey worked his heart out in an attempt to keep Chicago in the run ning only to have the lacklustre Hawks turn in disappointing and shameful effort Strong and hand some Hull his features somewhat disfigured by broken nose and blackened eyes struck for three goals and an assist to pace the Hawks Nclmlnder Hail no playing one of his best games turned back 45 shots and saved the Chlcngoiles from complete embarrassment Nearing the end of the first period Hall took puck in the lace and had to retire to the hospjlnlfor repahs The sovcalled pride of the Windy City were con tent to let Hull and goalie Glen Hal perform all the dirty work whilst they watched from the sidelines Such was the fact of the matter in Detroit Sunday night where the Red Wings ramped to 74 victory end berth in the Stanley Cup finals cchco aLAéKHlwxs brass were hoping the heroics of one Robert Marvin Hull would shame the rest of the team into playing hockoy but as it turned out it was all for naught Player Fires Hot 63 HUILHAMES HAWKS SPORTS CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN TIIE BARBIE EXARHMZIL TUESDAY APRIL 106 Ill Winnipeg ml01scwu lmlulwun 10 Ixfial vmu M0tois llMIIED kwI mu 11 Button The coveted MotorTrend maga zlneCaroftheYearawardwas wonthlsyeerbythoentirellnoof 1963 Ramblers The popular Classic 6tho powerful Am bassador V8 and the compact Amorlcan The award was given to Rambler for outstand lngdeslgn achlevemontand err glnoeringleadershiplhopanel of automollve experts took 26 pages In the February Issue of MotorTrendmagazlnetooutlino the rcasonslor thelrcholce olRamblorJholellewo lng are excerpts from thelr remarks to show you why Rambler is Our ol the Year or 1963 Untelde Conllrucllon lhls latest deslgn represents real advancement and the blggost single reason we chose Rambler Car of the Your Not only does thls new constructlon method save npproxlmatoly 150 pounds over the older deslgn but lt results In unlt so strong ltll take punlsh ment longer and naturally hold Its resale value Here are the reasons why Motor Trend Magazine chose the 1965 Rambler as the car of the Year Mr Polllfl native Vch dun Que and graduate of Nb Gill Unlverslly and Ollnwn St Patricks Cullen in soclal wurk ram against velcrnn 0t tnwn pollllclan Mr Tani llrsl elected for Russell consllluency in 1959 byelcctlnn was an Olluwn ally ndnrmnn and cammller or 20 years before going lnlo Iedcrnl politics OTIAWA CEJoe Polllot 25yeaMld Ollnwa Rough Rider delenslve halfback making his first sally lnla mammal pollllc as Progressive Cunservallva candidate was defeated Mon day by Liberal incumbent Pnul Tardfl in Russell consllluency By um nmsngm TORONTO CHA In has been laid Iboul the valuo of Mg Gardle Howe Delmll Rcd Wings and rlahlly so When the mighty 1mm Mr plo Leais skate out against Dew uoil tonight In Ii opening xnmc oi Ihe Stanley Cup iinais theyll be min huppcdup Club with hungry hockey players Tha rm that Lea are 13 la vinyl to wanha opening Bu donf mini160k mmclhlng also the Wing have going lur lhpmlhat xlull called splnt Ill and PA IITII PoirietLoses First Election IGS Spifit Besides Gordie Howe Chicago nck linwk had lhem down 24 ihcir bushfi tavcn semifinal but still lhe Wings didnt quit ihvy ramped in our successive win in lake the series net that hasnt hurt ihelr spirit ni ail wgu NEED conch Punch Imlnch lhe Leafs Is prophet however the Wings will need all the splrh hey can muslcr Imlnch ox Howc indeed was big inn lor as lho Wings held an and toasted lo inurlhpiaco iinish only live poinls behind he champion Lenin ills play was an Inspiration in his males cspecinily the younger ones and he ciub developed In kind spirit which makes any loam long to hepL Instead living up tu prLL seam predictions tho Wlngs opened with flourish nnd were early leaders In lha Na Halal Hockey League mce The uperls covemj up by anylng ll wouldnt lnslhaDu when warn playing over lhclr hand and would soon scflls In ma filling lame ho beslofsaven mm and 11 m5 lo aka the Stanley Cup for lhe mend your In luc Cesslon ducsn bother the Wlngs This Is the same Detroit club that wasnt picked by anyone make the playoffs lhls xen son The team lhnt lnlshed mgh last year was snld In bu in need rubnlldlnn Job LED LEAGUE EARLY Economy Thorn wont be many cars this slzo delivering moro tuol economy than no bask onglncd Clnmlc lnlortornoom and comtortrfhalengthened wheelbase has given more roomlnstdoendthts moans Increased driverpassenger comfort The Interiorotters plontyot leg room Rocltnlng bucket seats With headrests are options well worth the extraoxpendtturo styling Progress in design Is the theme Motor Trends Car of the Your award American Motors Ramblers are lhlsyoars bestoxémploso outstanding design achievement Now styling based on lean clean linosmatuoappammom nlmostanynnglo Handling and nrlngpIeaslnglylightand responsiveunderallcornerlngcondltlonsagood boulevard and highway tide Therp Isntany pitch or chopplness noticeable even on rough roads Loo Monuhnn he Boslon Record American suyn Gout rlan and the Montreal manage mcnl nro mukunlly dls enchnnlnd and lhal other club Including Chicago and Toranla also are after Boom Boom Th9 negotiation for he 324 yearold National Hockey League star were In pmmu Monday between Bruin 1an ml mnnnaer Lynn Pnlrlck and Sam Pollock chlel scout mo MonlrLul club BOSTON AmTho anlon nrulna are lrylng 10 land Bernie Boom Boom Gcnllrlnn ram Montreal Thémg had only one as slsl in ma Mnnlreal series and Wu widely acclnlmcd lhu blg husk Thuu has been In spot ulnllon nbom lmlachs plan or checkingHowe Tho Len boss says he hnsnt any plans Ihnt holl Just loll wlngm look after the named Dclml rlgm winger He has three of themMu hnvllch Edward Shack and chk Dull peels Frank Mafiovlich slumberinz ulunl to have 510 Says The Bguins Seeking Geoffridn Speculallon that dcloncb mun vmuld be the key Bmlna playerDoug Mohns or Loo Balvln Mnnlml has perma nenlly lost lheservlccs nl Luu Fonllnalo becausu head In Juries or course we want Geo rion Patrick said Eu lilo Bruin cant Iflord to give up veterans like Johnny Bucyk Murray Oliver or Dean Pmn lice in trade Nor can we live up lap rookies like Bob boiler qr Ed Wesliaii Mnnlhnn further repoer lhnlBostnn Ind Montreal came mum whlsknr cl making legal or Geoflrlon Inst Juno If the spéculnlur are rlxhl could he the two bl men Mnhovllch and HoweIn duel pounds has bun wrlllen all toa small in handle Ml Gordiu Shack espcclalLv New York Runner spent many of hl helkrakellar hounAn Howe shadow wauver Shacks unpredlcl Ible munwuvm on the Ice are said to be among mason why Imlnch would uthar have someone Elsa on the Detroit nut Dun llvufoolnlno and 163 Thats what the oxports say They am echoing what Rambler owan have boon proudlyclalmlng loryearsJo prove toyoursolfRamblcrs exception alvaluo 500 your Romblurdcalor soon Tnkoatcst drivo In lhoCnrof lhoYcarlho 1963 Rambler Askyour anblordcalorforyourfrcu roprlntof thoZGpagoMolorTrondartlclov Value and Foalurosmafiwhasalwaysbeen one olAmedcan Molors largest selling polnls and continues to be on the new models In addillon to he longmoognlzcd owner appreciation features Inherent In all Ramblers the factory has doubled themulrwarmnlyl024monthsot24000mllos In summingup allwo can addlsumtitlooks nko themflmmrwmboanovonbcmbuyttmit has boonlnprovlousycars IBunddgs Thump lMonctOn 62 MUM MOW WWW LINHLD Marisscllc who kicked out 56 Windsor shall as Hawk won the Ira game in overtime was lrylng to do the sum hem Monday nlght before 1721 cus WINDSOR Onl lClVlnd sor Bulldogs lhwnrlcd by Jenn Guy lllurlssclln In the openlng name Sunday found the lllllu Munclun hawk goalie was hu man after all hen Monday nlxhl an lhey posled 62 vim dry and led the bestalscvcn Eastern Canada Allan Cup lln £1 at and apleccl Veteran Joe Klukny skullng like younufler despite his 40 years lumnd In an oulslundlnz 0mm lo 5mm lwo Vlndso goals Bob Bmwn also scarcgi lece whllo Illll Mllchnll and Irwin Gmss no the others Dona llnwalt and Jacques Allard 9ij for union The lhlrd game will bu played here Wednesday and lho onrth is scheduled or VJnd 501 on Snlurdny nlghL Olllcu ll Dunlap St RENTACAR TRUCK SERVICE PA 61412 CIII IHII Mundlry STAYNER HOLLANDa mm Now DIwDyna clued In nint ment Ind nu maizery arm and Pmplntinn Askforlntllldrux Itoreavmnney buck Ilan new henlin substnhm RbDig which uic ly help hell Ill allmuhtc growth new In my 1th whllo gently Julavnz nln Inullnductlon shllnklzu loaf plum Most mportnnt of Illmun won so thoroth hat thislmpmvo mom Wu mnlnulned over period mlny monthx fiessic 276 um huhnuuhlmn Inna lulvmk hulauh Ind pair dumpdfinm Nnownud munch Institute hu lound unhlun heallns lubsunu with tho lb lty to ah nk hemoh vholda ninlmly ltnllevmmhh Indvdsmmlorl In mhmtc In Ipmds up hnnllnz of the Inlnnd nfllmed lluua This was Imbampllshed with Bulldogs clinched llm vcrdlc with three goais In lhu mlddla period and added another pair in tho lhlrd null mlnur pennllle vuo hrndod nu by referee Norm Vnrncr nlne slde 1mm came In wild llrsl pe lumurs Muchcl or In hm purind All told Morisscue sLoppcd ll nulhug shuts while Vuyne Rul lulne kicked out 29 Monclcn lrlcs Announce New Healing Substance Shrinks Piles

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