Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Apr 1963, p. 3

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Record Vote Returns Smith rd re member lot Both lricnds and pollucnl Inc shared In Mr hladills compli rnums Besldc lhanklng his nup porlm Mr Madlll said wauld also like to commend my mpponcnlslnrlhe clcnn way In which this campaign was tanduc ed AMIMHN IMNAOII rxm Cranium Ml Md lllwood Mldllll um Alan In Ier Willa Mr Mndill who rl Entry of New DcmocrnH Imly candidate Derrick Man mn Harm mndc Inur wny lam In Dumrin Slmcoe with Lloyd Cumming Stroud anMnHlll Iho Soclnl 1mm Inrty ngnln lhll year Mr Mnnsnn Iiku Mr Mndlll wnsmmnlnx or lhn nm llme but nnlnod ml 717 lhe 20551 vam cm In in polllnz Ila Ilnnsl Mr Cummhuzl 1360 ml Innl Monday wnl dawn lrom MI law Mr Mndfll reiiznrd return lnx olllrcr or lha riding lo mk the PC nnmlnnllon Inu Mr Like hls predecessor he llonl Earl Rowe Mr Mndill piled up um 10000 volts among the 28 500 eligible vnlcn leml cun dldnlo Harvey slewnfl Muler lnwmhlp armor gmncd am voles compared lo Mr Mndllll 101 Referring to the large crowd he nddbd The Sbclbunle Vo mens Institute has prepared 10001unrhcs hope than will be enough In pmvido hr each you SUCCEE ROWE SIlELBURNE Stall Dul lerlnsimcoca new Progressive Conservalive member ul parlia monl Ellwood Mndill 47 Orangeville and his lamily an tcrcd the arena hall here last night in lrlumph to the strains of hagplpo music With Iho piper clearing the way thrnugh the packed hnll hey maunlcd lhe plalionn to receive chczrs lrum hundred of suppurlcra who by 11pm already filled the hull record number of vaknrs 21626 moped to the polls in ldnal weather yesterday In re turn the Incumbent Progressive Conservative Haber Smllh with 10064 votcspa clear plurallly of 2067 over his closest op ponenthLiberal candldale Ralph Snelgmve LMWL WINNING CANDIDATE He ber Smllh right congratulates Social Credit candidate Will ard Kinlic aller Mr Kinzle conceded the election the PC headquarters shortly after the polls closed Mn Kinda was still wllh Mr SIpikh when PC Stronghold Won By Madill hirSlcwii1 mnnngcd ll kcnp Imiling through hls dlsappnlnl mtnl Thll ll polllkl You have In be prrparcd to 1036 ha Inld 0m 01 hlx lupfiurlm wnl no quiln so phllusop Ital Wu dld everylhlng we could In hm um Tories everything that cm rcpt moat than the uld Iu mulloInnI an out lxcr In Ilrumenla or IM dance nno merrymnkcr uhmvcd We could have hnd man to uln brute lulnfilmm Joined mum on hm at pmy held nl Hun fihelhurno re In Shawn ullh Mm Inuzht lu Illllcll mu Ind Ill Libtrnl pnny wmkers and my pomn gathered at lhc arcnn hall in Allisnn for what lhry hoped wuuld be vlclnry purl mums conunuud pour in Invnrlmz Mn Mndill bystanders look some tnmlnn In Llhcrnl gala on Du lcdcml level huva been lenz In ccnlml Ontario ongspefiglnloganid runlqlly About 00 extra voters were on lhe revised lisl Ihis llmc com Earcd In last year There was enviur umoul 00 On Monday 20532 persons voted lag June 18712 ballots warn cast Support or Mr Madlll was general lhraughou the riding except tnr Camp nnrdcn where the civilian vote once again luv ored Mr Stewart Liberal gnlnl in the riding amounted to 1316 olcs across the rldlng since Mr Stewart scored 6913 votes last June The scrvirc vole believed lo nppmrcll 500 1ch will not be avallvflc lrr nlmul three days rclrrnlng olllm Glen llrynn Aahl Rnwawns uppolnled lfculcnanl gavcrnor of Onlarlo His victory continue Conservuflve Irend In the riding mainlnlnnd by Mr Rowe who represented the rlding continuously far 37 years He was first ducted in 1925 The iecorded vote was 78 per cent the dlgibla vole at 25645 COMPARISON Lasl years figures with lhrce candldmea In lhe field were Progressive Conservative 11728 Liberal 6210 New Democratic Fury 22 Fiéure Vin yesterdays elec fllchmond luldr mlnile Mka wnl lnunchcd Snlurdny the New ank Shp bulldan Carpornllon Yard The Vcssel mcnxum 51 by 51 ed and dlaplacu nbvul 7500 tam liesch umth IurlncnIunir Tmlcr Mlstllu llunchm um um an nrmcd wlm an nnllnuhmnxlm mm km and lwa lrlple lorpcdo lulm run In Ion Ulllll tnuhlnl join In the Mole hr name he In plan the plum In the dam bflml vldlu mmlc nrflw talc 1w 11y 1115 111 campnlun hand qumlm were in darkness and Imlh victor nnd vanqulahcd hnd departed mu egress ve vauve Haber Smllh 10064 Liberal Ralph Snelgrove 7997 Sncial Crcdlh Willard Klnzle 1950 New Democratic Party mussell Pogue 931 and Jack lBrownc Independent Conserva Live 631 But things went smoother this your despite four per cell In crease In the number of voters The last poll was ln by 948 pm yesterday almost 12 hours earlier lhnn last despite the lac there was one more poll HE m1 year Last ycnr Ed Crows rclum Ing nmm hnd Io phone around lo an reveral the deputy re turning ofllcm nut bed lulu nlghl and In the early huurs lhe morning In an their ol ficlnl tallles And he was unable to get one or them unlll ha morning following the election er monlhcr 32nd no EffieEn handling elccllnn mum than last year Progressive or vallve hendquarlcn was the centre of most clccuon adivily alter l0 This cansth mostly or con grmuIanm people kept droppln in In chat and look lha final ially on lhc mm boant and watch he mull na lionnlly an emblem Mnny lull Progressive Con lervnlivn hcndqunrlcrl n1 man as lhcy were mum at vlc lury lnr lhulr cnndldnle and dldnl hulhcr la wnil nr lha innl taunt lecral and nrbgmsiv Con servative campaign headquar Icrs wag also rfmrlmd by gm qimrtcra U0 wilh Ive candidate In the Mlnutcs alter the Inst p01 was In at 9248 it was all wrapped nu In all campnlgn head Liberal candidate Ralph Snel grove made his announcement to television viewers that he was conceding to Mr Smith Examiner Photo LAUNCH rumn pguuo Am The MBARRIEJXAMINER MSDAY APRIL Candldllu In Not mm In yulmlly demon adult It ul ol um rmdldull ml hull um wlnmrl laul vi vnln or I91 ma dcpolll 01 1mm alw uni mlpn In leull undldnll Minulnl 109 Grnnlcl nu lidcnvllu Aner Mill Fundnlu page ya 11h Dalian Hall 12111 Penmnu St 111 Mustang Oakley Park School 15 Oakley Park Schwl 15 Oakley Park School 17 Lezlan Hall 13111an Parish Hall 101me Palm Hall 20 St Josephs Auditorium ll ll Peel Sim 22 101 Peel Street 13 Oakley Park School 21 48 Rose Street Win In 25 Jon Garage 26 Emma School 21 HlIlcrgs School Crccmm com 90 Crccmore Harald Du Slaynu Com Hall Stnynor Com nail in Slayncr Com llnll 51mm Com llnll lunnldnlu luwmhlp 95 Brenle in New 0ch New Lowell Cllnl Comm 911 Crowl Cannery 00 any llill WI Sunnldnla 101 Onkvimv Bar 101 Onkvkw math 101 Wang Belch TownM 23 True Blue Hall iucgmjchool 33 90 John in Barrie Plaza Barrie Plaza M1 Shkley SI la ShlrIay Wm IV 33 Orange Hlll 39 59 lilfin St anhwunu Tnlmhlp 74 Avenan 75 Currie School 78 Cashlown Tl Fourth Llne Comm 741 Symwlll 7913mckl Be 3011am Bl Dunedin 51 Glen Humn 53 Singhlmplon Dunlmn 85 NMluwn Nanw nc School 40 50 Carollne 5L Orme Hall mn Bumn Ave 4150 Caroline SI Georgel Hall 45 St Georges Hall Town Colllnlwood 46 23 Elm El 47 50 Oak St 148 Pine St 52 223 Sixth St 53 Full 316 Slxlll St 55 we Hunmkarln St 56 30 Campbell SI 57 43 512 Marlo 91 Rodney 8L 59 127 Minnesota 60113 Fourth St Ila 273 Ontario St 91b 276 Ontarln 61 sullumnlarla 63 200 nnhlnson SL 64 139 mbimml 65 415 Minnesota Flu Townlhlp Phelpslm Sen no 69 Village of Elmule 70 Vlllnu of Elmvule 71 Visa ua Mum SIMCOE NORTH 45 Booth 49 225 Oak Sl Candidates Lose Deposits pmmlnml Cmullnn mmpmy wlm hmmlmu npnnllon prumm lu flllltlbmorlhl bl lnr Inn And 81m Counly um many in but no lnmlmanl qtInd gmhlnnlgr erll MIIIOUI mm mm 1066 Mklhuri Clly Burns Wm wuan muffiul Relroleunl Embassy Club Embasy Club Codrlnmn School 44 Blake St Hundy Coder School Codrlnzton School Barnard 95 anler Steel School Advnu Advnnru Advm EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUIOR BOX N04 IARRII IXAMINIR Dunk Colllngwood Sinner T0 THI CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIID INDUSTRIII hgslmcm NDIHI undidnln whn loll lhclt de nlu wm Roch lell camll nlu Wlllnnl lek Indeprndml Caumvp llva Jul Browne Ind New Damnlie llrly tflMldlll lluurll laluu Mohllav lull Ari bum Imd In Im lo lo chlkhzn to at man llph Um only nnu no lo omll NIdIDSIIIL Moll Ill Mohllu Ill mm 25 51 14 ll l7 112 lio 116 HG 115 101 ll 115 151 116 Ill 101 l08 1H 103 101 Ill 71 SARJEANT INSURANCI AOINCY uth nub nyn Mira lltbnr Smllh PNKrcxslvl Con unmlhn lncumhml suld all lho ruulla hm nlghtn elec llon were In Well you know horn lhnll whnl upnrnlel llm II 51 mm lhou The propla In North 51mm innw hat Imvn Hurlr lnltr nu lwnrt and lhlnk My 1hrqu It In Ihll clccllun They hmw um when Hwy have pruhlnn lhcy un mmo In llrhcr Smllh they hnvn dune In um vml mu Ilrbtr wlll llxlcn In mm and he will brlnl ll up In pmllnmonl II the Mr lltfl oppgrhuully Ill ha mcrjl AMI 1mm imué iri um um llml mm clcdlam Further nm pleased that he lndclinllcncss and vngub mm and hidden rcadionlsm of the Social Crcdllm was lhor ouxhly rejected In mm fldingu Hnnlly helluva lhnl pm vlvllnu Mr chlcnbnknr mlgm as ha should and Mr Pcnrson bcmmc Prime Mlnlslcr wilhnu Elncllnn were ln lnstcnd of gloom the Liberals just shouted walt till next Ilme and braced themselves or the put Ilghl pleased however that Mr Dlehnbnkcr and his policies or mlhcr luck of policy nnd his Mellon have been rcpudlalcd am also pleased that lhe leorals timer or majority government and lhclr waslcd volo argument successlul it was In swinging such propor tion of undecided and wnvcrinl vote 511 wnyunsucccssml in Influencing the Imelligcnl elec oralc Tho vole or Social Credit In Slrncou Norlh was more ol lrihmo la the rcprcscnlnllvo than any cndanutlnn Social Cmm weary There were cw tears at Dy menls last night the Liberals gathered alter the result of the decllnn were In Llherni candidake Ralph Snel mvo said It was disap palnlmenl but pdded Aja long as the party wln nallonnlly will be happy lle added that the unznnlznuun formed was an excellent one and would conlln uc stronger than ever Russdl Fugue delenlcd New Democratic Party candldalo In ycsmxdnyn demon was phllo sophlcal loday about his date mud about lhn results at the el Jmlon nullonnlly Said Mr Fugue Naturally am disappointed lhal more New Demo cnndIdnlc were not elected dlnppolnlnd lbecauso believe Canada the user candldater tori Silica North Ralph Snelxrove left appear Hebe Smith Philosophizes Ralphs Crowd Happy Lack ToNext Election Defeated Pogue Is Philosophical From MODERN INSURANCE SERVICE UNSUCCEBSFUL rs Magnum ngunlullm FIRE AUTO CASUALTY INSURANCI tun cicar majority wa mith wcll imvo lhe best ovcmmenl ui our hisinry bccuusu oi the prodding oi ihc New Democratic Party and oi their insistenco that Mr Pearson and chmi carry out ihcir pronrillsu IIllnd that in xplio oi opposton car Inin element in ihe Liberal mm the lender and more pm xrwivo clonian will discover ha Mcmily oi rcvhing their policy io main pasbio an enr ilcr implemcninlion oi heir clni scmriiy proposal Much the conversation of thevseveral hundred people was taken up in dismissing lhe strat egy the campaign and the change that might be made next time It leo vcry Drlumlo lhul lho vmo lho nlhcr 01m pnr llu ls xufllcltnl to In Mn Iennon xrnunds nzaln chnnuu hll mind on the nuclear Inna in lhnnkinx who win inr mo and lnlncl everyone else would rtmind them oi linbrri Louis slnvcnsonl iincs To on lam and inll and no on nznin Wiih the hall oi hmkcn hnpo iur pillow IL night 11ml mmcimw ihu vizhl In I0 rixh Campaign manager De Cole said that he felt It was Very clean light In tth riding It wasnt for lack of llghttng that we didnt win We had the full cwperatton of all our workers he stated No one down hearted 1n act through Ihh experience we are dual much better equipped 11 be In deep discussion wllh Charles Wilson shortly after Mr Sndzrovo concedcd la DUNLOP Ir lm um onm mung mu mo For The Brldu Ffir Tho Drldesmnld For This Mother of he nrldo Fashions For Your Beautiful RUSSELL PDGUE JUNE WEDDING Ifl 910910 From Our wm Selecllon TRANSMANJ of Burrla Crowd sang For hel Jolly good Igllow as Ralph Snelgmva came through the door group dlswssed the good llghl in Ugh llllle corner as glasses clInked and the remnln der the workers munched cracker Vnnd cheese Mrs Sne1grove anpany ing her husband Solned In the group discussions She thande all the women who had worked so tirelesst during the entire campaign with special won thank to those who had 157 sLsted her manually on her first ventnralnln mung comment an enihuinslic worker seemed consisien with the kinking oi ali Tomorrow is nnnlher day and im going right back out and start all over again he said The form on by enumerate wllh alch clcclan In urbnn area only In glvo the voter nollce hnl hl name will be on the prcllmlnnry voltn llsl asked to main ll unlil elec llon day In lhu cvcnl Ml mm In Inndvcncnuy omlllnd mm the Ilsl next elucllun roll gld Mr Cole Mr Cole intimated that ho next objective might be the on Ihflxghlnn the pgyzlncllil xeaL However the deputy mum in utflcer or scrullnom or the candidates have the nu thorltylo ask him to takn Ill om oath or complete In atlh dntvit that he qualified to vo But once lhu Elmer ls handcd lhe hnllnl paper no one can furlhcr exercise web challenge In constltuenciu where water In provincial elcc llons are required In product ha pulls nrm Inn by Gunmen mm as condition town mum ramming nmcen rt celve xpcclnl Instruction that this doc nal lpply or crnl elccllnn YITAWA CWAn elector II no required to produce any documents at um polling on Io prove his right to vale In thy April edcrgl decllon No Papers Needed In Order To Vote Full Cameo Suvch CENTRAL TAXI PA 85555 Rldln Equlpprd Clbl

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